e70152e44cc66cc599ff6b699eb8adc07f3e656a kent Sat May 24 21:09:34 2014 -0700 Adding Copyright NNNN Regents of the University of California to all files I believe with reasonable certainty were developed under UCSC employ or as part of Genome Browser copyright assignment. diff --git src/hg/liftAcross/liftAcross.c src/hg/liftAcross/liftAcross.c index 8fc6e72..6715011 100644 --- src/hg/liftAcross/liftAcross.c +++ src/hg/liftAcross/liftAcross.c @@ -1,561 +1,564 @@ /* liftAcross - convert one coordinate system to another, no overlapping items. */ + +/* Copyright (C) 2011 The Regents of the University of California + * See README in this or parent directory for licensing information. */ #include "common.h" #include "linefile.h" #include "hash.h" #include "options.h" #include "sqlNum.h" #include "genePred.h" #include "sqlList.h" void usage() /* Explain usage and exit. */ { errAbort( "liftAcross - convert one coordinate system to another, no overlapping items\n" "usage:\n" " liftAcross [options] liftAcross.lft srcFile.gp dstOut.gp\n" "required arguments:\n" " liftAcross.lft - six column file relating src to destination\n" " srcFile.gp - genePred input file to be lifted\n" " dstOut.gp - genePred output file result\n" "options:\n" " -bedOut= - mappings from liftAcross.lft in bed format\n" " - this is a type bed 6+ file, where thickStart and thickEnd\n" " - are the GeneScaffold coordinates, unrelated to the\n" " - scaffold target coordinates." " -warn - warnings only on broken items, not the default error exit\n" "The six columns in the liftAcross.lft file are:\n" "srcName srcStart srcEnd dstName dstStart dstStrand\n" " the destination regions are the same size as the source regions.\n" "This only works with items that are fully contained in a\n" " single source region. First incarnation only lifts genePred files.\n" "Items not found in the liftAcross.lft file are merely passed along\n" " unchanged." ); } char *bedOut = NULL; /* default NULL == not happening */ static struct optionSpec options[] = { {"bedOut", OPTION_STRING}, {"warn", OPTION_BOOLEAN}, {NULL, 0}, }; struct liftSpec /* define one region lift */ { struct liftSpec *next; int start; int end; char *dstName; int dstStart; char strand; }; struct liftedItem /* the result of lifting a single item */ { struct liftedItem *next; char *name; int start; int end; char strand; int frame; boolean outOfOrder; }; static void freeLiftedItem(struct liftedItem **pLi) /* free up the space for a single item */ { struct liftedItem *li = *pLi; if (NULL == li) return; freeMem(li->name); freez(pLi); } static void freeLiftedItemList(struct liftedItem **pLi) /* free up the space for all items on the list */ { struct liftedItem *liList = *pLi; if (NULL == liList) return; struct liftedItem *li; struct liftedItem *next; for (li = liList; li; li = next) { next = li->next; freeLiftedItem(&li); } } static int lsStartCmp(const void *va, const void *vb) /* Compare a sort based on start for a liftSpec item. */ { const struct liftSpec *a = *((struct liftSpec **)va); const struct liftSpec *b = *((struct liftSpec **)vb); int dif; dif = a->start - b->start; return dif; } static int liStartCmp(const void *va, const void *vb) /* Compare a sort based on start for a liftedItem. */ { const struct liftedItem *a = *((struct liftedItem **)va); const struct liftedItem *b = *((struct liftedItem **)vb); int dif; dif = a->start - b->start; return dif; } static struct hash *readLift(char *liftAcross) /* read in liftAcross file, create hash of srcName as hash key, * hash elements are simple lists of coordinate relationships * return them all sorted by start position */ { char *row[6]; struct hash *result = newHash(8); struct hashEl *hel = NULL; struct lineFile *lf = lineFileOpen(liftAcross, TRUE); while (lineFileNextRow(lf, row, ArraySize(row))) { struct liftSpec *liftSpec; hel = hashStore(result, row[0]); /* srcName hash */ AllocVar(liftSpec); liftSpec->start = sqlUnsigned(row[1]); /* src start */ liftSpec->end = sqlUnsigned(row[2]); /* src end */ liftSpec->dstName = cloneString(row[3]); /* dstName */ liftSpec->dstStart = sqlUnsigned(row[4]); /* dst start */ liftSpec->strand = '+'; /* dst strand */ if ('-' == *row[5]) liftSpec->strand = '-'; /* accumulate list of lift specs under the srcName hash */ slAddHead(&(hel->val), liftSpec); } /* Go through each srcName in the hash, and sort the list there by * the start coordinate of each item. The searching will expect * them to be in order. */ struct hashCookie cookie = hashFirst(result); while ((hel = hashNext(&cookie)) != NULL) { slSort(&(hel->val), lsStartCmp); if (verboseLevel() > 2) { struct liftSpec *ls; for (ls = hel->val; ls != NULL; ls = ls->next) verbose(3, "# %s\t%d\t%d\t%s\t%d\t%c\n", hel->name, ls->start, ls->end, ls->dstName, ls->dstStart, ls->strand); } } return result; } static int verifyCoordinates(int start1, int end1, int start2, int end2, char *name1, char *name2) /* verify start1-end1 is completely contained in start2-end2 * return (when 'warn'): * -1 == no overlap at all, completely disjoint * 1 == partially overlap * 0 == perfectly OK * name1 and name2 are along for the ride only for printout */ { if ((end1 <= start2) || (start1 >= end2)) { if (optionExists("warn")) warn("item %s:%d-%d can not be found in %s:%d-%d", name1, start1, end1, name2, start2, end2); else errAbort("item %s:%d-%d can not be found in %s:%d-%d", name1, start1, end1, name2, start2, end2); return -1; } if ((start1 < start2) || (end1 > end2)) { if (optionExists("warn")) warn("item %s:%d-%d not fully contained in %s:%d-%d", name1, start1, end1, name2, start2, end2); else errAbort("item %s:%d-%d not fully contained in %s:%d-%d", name1, start1, end1, name2, start2, end2); return 1; } return 0; } static struct liftSpec *findLiftSpec(struct liftSpec *lsList, char *srcName, int start, int end) /* see if the given item: start-end can be found in the liftSpec lsList * if it can, return the liftSpec for that item * if not found, return NULL * Verify sanity of lifting this item. It needs to fall fully within * the liftSpec found. If not, it will not lift. * The srcName is used here merely for debug and error output * information. The given liftSpec is the liftSpec that belongs * to this srcName as already found by the caller to findLiftSpec. */ { struct liftSpec *ret = NULL; struct liftSpec *ls = NULL; for (ls = lsList; ls != NULL; ls = ls->next) { if (start < ls->end) /* lift found when start < end */ { if (verifyCoordinates(start, end, ls->start, ls->end, srcName, ls->dstName)) break; /* skip any illegal ones */ ret = ls; /* this one is it, remember it and */ break; /* get out of here */ } } return (ret); } struct liftedItem *liftOne(struct liftSpec *lift, char *srcName, int start, int end) /* Given an item: start-end * lift it via the given liftSpec to a liftedItem * return NULL if not found in the liftSpec * The srcName is used here merely for debug and error output * information. The given liftSpec is the liftSpec that belongs * to this srcName as already found by the caller to liftOne. */ { struct liftedItem *result = NULL; struct liftSpec *ls = findLiftSpec(lift, srcName, start, end); if (ls) { AllocVar(result); result->name = cloneString(ls->dstName); result->strand = ls->strand; result->outOfOrder = FALSE; /* can only be determined later */ if ('+' == ls->strand) { result->start = start - ls->start + ls->dstStart; result->end = end - ls->start + ls->dstStart; } else { result->start = ls->end - end + ls->dstStart; result->end = ls->end - start + ls->dstStart; } verbose(3,"#\t%s:%d-%d -> %s:%d-%d %c\n", srcName, start, end, result->name, result->start, result->end, result->strand); } return result; } static struct genePred *liftGenePred(struct genePred *gp, struct liftSpec *ls) /* lift the specified genePred gp via the given liftSpec ls * result is a list of genePred items on various other scaffolds */ { struct genePred *result = NULL; struct hash *items = newHash(8); struct hash *prevLift = newHash(8); struct hashEl *hel = NULL; int exonCount = gp->exonCount; struct liftedItem *cdsStart = liftOne(ls, gp->chrom, gp->cdsStart, gp->cdsStart+1); struct liftedItem *cdsEnd = liftOne(ls, gp->chrom, gp->cdsEnd-1, gp->cdsEnd); int i; boolean frames = FALSE; boolean noCds = FALSE; if (((0 == gp->cdsStart) && (0 == gp->cdsEnd)) || (gp->cdsStart == gp->cdsEnd)) noCds = TRUE; else if (NULL == cdsStart) warn("#\tWARNING: missing cdsStart for %s:%d\n", gp->chrom, gp->cdsStart); if (((0 == gp->cdsStart) && (0 == gp->cdsEnd)) || (gp->cdsStart == gp->cdsEnd)) noCds = TRUE; else if (NULL == cdsEnd) warn("#\tWARNING: missing cdsEnd for %s:%d\n", gp->chrom, gp->cdsEnd); if (gp->optFields & genePredExonFramesFld) frames = TRUE; /* lift each exon. Some do not lift, their lift specification may be * missing, ignore them. For each lifted exon, keep it on a hash list by the * lifted scaffold name */ for (i = 0; i < exonCount; ++i) { struct liftedItem *itemLift = liftOne(ls, gp->chrom, gp->exonStarts[i], gp->exonEnds[i]); if (itemLift) { if (frames) itemLift->frame = gp->exonFrames[i]; hel = hashStore(items, itemLift->name); slAddHead(&(hel->val), itemLift); /* see if exons are getting mixed up, compare result with previous lift * on this scaffold */ struct hashEl *prev = hashStore(prevLift, itemLift->name); if (prev->val) { struct liftedItem *prevLift = prev->val; /* things are out of order if the strands are different, or * the items are not marching along in order. - strand * results reverse the sense of "marching along" */ if ( (prevLift->strand != itemLift->strand) || (('-' == itemLift->strand) ? (itemLift->end > prevLift->start) : (prevLift->end > itemLift->start) ) ) { prevLift->outOfOrder = itemLift->outOfOrder = TRUE; } } prev->val = itemLift; } } freeHash(&prevLift); /* Each scaffold name in the hash becomes a new genePred item all by itself */ struct hashCookie cookie = hashFirst(items); while ((hel = hashNext(&cookie)) != NULL) { struct liftedItem *li = NULL; struct liftedItem *itemList = (struct liftedItem *)hel->val; struct genePred *gpItem = NULL; unsigned *exonStarts = NULL; unsigned *exonEnds = NULL; int itemExonCount = slCount(itemList); slSort(&itemList, liStartCmp); /* sort the exons by start coord */ AllocArray(exonStarts, itemExonCount); AllocArray(exonEnds, itemExonCount); AllocVar(gpItem); /* start this new genePred item */ if (frames) AllocArray(gpItem->exonFrames, itemExonCount); gpItem->name = cloneString(gp->name); /* gene name stays the same */ gpItem->chrom = cloneString(hel->name); /* new scaffold name */ gpItem->exonCount = itemExonCount; /* this many exons in this gp */ gpItem->exonStarts = exonStarts; /* an array of unsigned ints */ gpItem->exonEnds = exonEnds; /* an array of unsigned ints */ gpItem->strand[0] = gp->strand[0]; /* assume lifted to + result */ /* set result strand properly, lifted to - may reverse it */ if ('-' == itemList->strand) /* assume all on same strand */ gpItem->strand[0] = ('+' == gp->strand[0]) ? '-' : '+'; /* no need to set gpItem->strand[1]=0, is already zero from the AllocVar */ int i = 0; boolean exonsOutOfOrder = FALSE; /* copy each new exon start and end to the new gpItem */ for (li = itemList; li != NULL; li = li->next) { if (frames) gpItem->exonFrames[i] = li->frame; exonStarts[i] = li->start; exonEnds[i++] = li->end; if (li->outOfOrder) exonsOutOfOrder = TRUE; } /* assign cdsStart,End appropriately. txStart/End are always first * and last exon extents no matter what. * First, assume this scaffold is not the one with the cds bits, thus * the first and last exon define these cds starts and ends. * If this scaffold has one of those, then apply the actual cds bit. * A negative strand lift result turns everything on its head. */ gpItem->txStart = exonStarts[0]; /* assume first exon */ gpItem->txEnd = exonEnds[itemExonCount-1]; /* assume last exon */ if ('-' == itemList->strand) /* assume all on same strand */ { if (noCds) { gpItem->cdsStart = gpItem->txEnd; gpItem->cdsEnd = gpItem->txEnd; } else { gpItem->cdsStart = exonStarts[0];/* assume first exon */ gpItem->cdsEnd = exonEnds[itemExonCount-1];/* assume last exon */ if (cdsStart && sameWord(cdsStart->name, hel->name)) gpItem->cdsEnd = cdsStart->start+1; /* this has the cdsEnd */ if (cdsEnd && sameWord(cdsEnd->name, hel->name)) gpItem->cdsStart = cdsEnd->start; /* this has the cdsStart */ /* fix unusual (mixed up) mappings onto a scaffold */ if (exonsOutOfOrder) { gpItem->cdsStart = min(gpItem->cdsStart, exonStarts[0]); gpItem->cdsEnd = max(gpItem->cdsEnd,exonEnds[itemExonCount-1]); } } } else { if (noCds) { gpItem->cdsEnd = gpItem->txEnd; gpItem->cdsStart = gpItem->txEnd; } else { gpItem->cdsStart = exonStarts[0]; /* assume first exon */ gpItem->cdsEnd = exonEnds[itemExonCount-1];/* assume last exon */ if (cdsStart && sameWord(cdsStart->name, hel->name)) gpItem->cdsStart = cdsStart->start; /* this has the cdsStart */ if (cdsEnd && sameWord(cdsEnd->name, hel->name)) gpItem->cdsEnd = cdsEnd->end; /* this has the cdsEnd */ /* fix unusual (mixed up) mappings onto a scaffold */ if (exonsOutOfOrder) { gpItem->cdsStart = min(gpItem->cdsStart, exonStarts[0]); gpItem->cdsEnd = max(gpItem->cdsEnd, exonEnds[itemExonCount-1]); } } } /* if optional fields present, carry them along to the new item */ gpItem->optFields = gp->optFields; if (gpItem->optFields & genePredScoreFld) gpItem->score = gp->score; if (gpItem->optFields & genePredName2Fld) { if (gp->name2) gpItem->name2 = cloneString(gp->name2); else gpItem->name2 = cloneString(""); } if (gpItem->optFields & genePredCdsStatFld) { gpItem->cdsStartStat = gp->cdsStartStat; gpItem->cdsEndStat = gp->cdsEndStat; } /* accumulating a list of genePred items for the final result */ slAddHead(&result, gpItem); freeLiftedItemList((struct liftedItem **)(&hel->val)); } /* while ((hel = hashNext(&cookie)) != NULL) */ freeHash(&items); return (result); } /* static struct genePred *liftGenePred() */ static void bedRegionOutput(struct hash *lftHash) /* write the lift spec out as a bed file to map the regions lifted * scores of the items are set at 1000 when they are in order, * or 200 when they are out of order. */ { FILE *bedFile = mustOpen(bedOut, "w"); struct hashEl *hel = NULL; struct hashCookie cookie = hashFirst(lftHash); while ((hel = hashNext(&cookie)) != NULL) { struct liftSpec *lsList = hel->val; struct liftSpec *ls = NULL; int itemCount = 0; struct liftSpec *prevLs = lsList; struct liftSpec *nextLs = prevLs->next; int size = prevLs->end - prevLs->start; int prevStart = prevLs->dstStart; int prevEnd = prevStart + size; char prevStrand = prevLs->strand; char *prevDstName = NULL; int nextStart = prevStart; int nextEnd = prevEnd; char nextStrand = prevStrand; char *nextDstName = NULL; for (ls = lsList; ls != NULL; ls = ls->next) { size = ls->end - ls->start; int dstEnd = ls->dstStart+size; int score = 1000; /* assume everything is in order */ nextLs = ls->next; if (nextLs) /* if there is a next item */ { size = nextLs->end - nextLs->start; nextStart = nextLs->dstStart; nextEnd = nextStart + size; nextStrand = nextLs->strand; nextDstName = nextLs->dstName; } /* verify we are properly in order from previous item * strands must be the same, and start/end in order * negative strand reverses meaning of "in order" */ if ( ! differentStringNullOk(prevDstName,ls->dstName) && ( (prevStrand != ls->strand) || (('-' == ls->strand) ? (dstEnd > prevStart) : (prevEnd > ls->dstStart) ) ) ) { score = 200; } /* when possible, verify next item properly follows this item */ if (nextLs) { if ( ! differentStringNullOk(nextDstName,ls->dstName) && ( (nextStrand != ls->strand) || (('-' == ls->strand) ? (nextEnd > ls->dstStart) : (dstEnd > nextStart) ) ) ) { score = 200; } } fprintf(bedFile, "%s\t%d\t%d\t%s.%d\t%d\t%c\t%d\t%d\n", ls->dstName, ls->dstStart, dstEnd, hel->name, ++itemCount, score, ls->strand, ls->start, ls->end); prevStart = ls->dstStart; prevEnd = dstEnd; prevStrand = ls->strand; prevDstName = ls->dstName; } } } void liftAcross(char *liftAcross, char *srcFile, char *dstOut) /* liftAcross - convert one coordinate system to another, no overlapping items. */ { struct hash *lftHash = readLift(liftAcross); struct genePred *gpList = genePredExtLoadAll(srcFile); struct genePred *gp = NULL; FILE *out = mustOpen(dstOut, "w"); if (bedOut) bedRegionOutput(lftHash); int genePredItemCount = 0; for (gp = gpList; gp != NULL; gp = gp->next) { struct liftSpec *lsFound = hashFindVal(lftHash, gp->chrom); if (lsFound) { struct genePred *gpLifted = liftGenePred(gp, lsFound); struct genePred *gpl; for (gpl = gpLifted; gpl != NULL; gpl = gpl->next) genePredTabOut(gpl, out); genePredFreeList(&gpLifted); } else { genePredTabOut(gp, out); } ++genePredItemCount; } /* lftHash and gpList are left allocated to disappear at exit */ verbose(2,"#\tgene pred item count: %d\n", genePredItemCount); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) /* Process command line. */ { optionInit(&argc, argv, options); if (argc != 4) usage(); bedOut = optionVal("bedOut", bedOut); liftAcross(argv[1], argv[2], argv[3]); return 0; }