e70152e44cc66cc599ff6b699eb8adc07f3e656a kent Sat May 24 21:09:34 2014 -0700 Adding Copyright NNNN Regents of the University of California to all files I believe with reasonable certainty were developed under UCSC employ or as part of Genome Browser copyright assignment. diff --git src/hg/mrnaToGene/mrnaToGene.c src/hg/mrnaToGene/mrnaToGene.c index 1c4756c..ae59d14 100644 --- src/hg/mrnaToGene/mrnaToGene.c +++ src/hg/mrnaToGene/mrnaToGene.c @@ -1,396 +1,399 @@ /* mrnaToGene - convert PSL alignments of mRNAs to gene annotation. */ + +/* Copyright (C) 2013 The Regents of the University of California + * See README in this or parent directory for licensing information. */ #include "common.h" #include "options.h" #include "jksql.h" #include "genbank.h" #include "genePred.h" #include "psl.h" #include "hash.h" #include "linefile.h" /* command line option specifications */ static struct optionSpec optionSpecs[] = { {"db", OPTION_STRING}, {"cdsDb", OPTION_STRING}, {"cdsFile", OPTION_STRING}, {"requireUtr", OPTION_BOOLEAN}, {"smallInsertSize", OPTION_INT}, {"insertMergeSize", OPTION_INT}, {"smallInsertSize", OPTION_INT}, {"cdsMergeSize", OPTION_INT}, {"cdsMergeMod3", OPTION_BOOLEAN}, {"utrMergeSize", OPTION_INT}, {"genePredExt", OPTION_BOOLEAN}, {"allCds", OPTION_BOOLEAN}, {"noCds", OPTION_BOOLEAN}, {"keepInvalid", OPTION_BOOLEAN}, {"ignoreUniqSuffix", OPTION_BOOLEAN}, {"quiet", OPTION_BOOLEAN}, {NULL, 0} }; /* command line options */ static int gCdsMergeSize = -1; static int gUtrMergeSize = -1; static unsigned gPslOptions = genePredPslDefaults; static boolean gRequireUtr = FALSE; static boolean gKeepInvalid = FALSE; static boolean gAllCds = FALSE; static boolean gNoCds = FALSE; static boolean gGenePredExt = FALSE; static boolean gQuiet = FALSE; static boolean gIgnoreUniqSuffix = FALSE; /* hash table of accession to CDS */ static struct hash *gCdsTable = NULL; void usage() /* Explain usage and exit. */ { errAbort( "mrnaToGene - convert PSL alignments of mRNAs to gene annotations\n" "usage:\n" " mrnaToGene [options] psl genePredFile\n" "\n" "Convert PSL alignments with CDS annotation from genbank to gene\n" "annotations in genePred format. Accessions without valids CDS are\n" "optionally dropped. A best attempt is made to convert incomplete CDS\n" "annotations.\n" "\n" "The psl argument may either be a PSL file or a table in a databases,\n" "depending on options. CDS maybe obtained from the database or file.\n" "Accession in PSL files are tried with and with out genbank versions.\n" "\n" "Options:\n" " -db=db - get PSLs and CDS from this database, psl specifies the table.\n" " -cdsDb=db - get CDS from this database, psl is a file.\n" " -cdsFile=file - get CDS from this database, psl is a file.\n" " File is table seperate with accession as the first column and\n" " CDS the second\n" " -insertMergeSize=%d - Merge inserts (gaps) no larger than this many bases.\n" " A negative size disables merging of blocks. This differs from specifying zero\n" " in that adjacent blocks will not be merged, allowing tracking of frame for\n" " each block. Defaults to %d unless -cdsMergeSize or -utrMergeSize are specified,\n" " if either of these are specified, this option is ignored.\n" " -smallInsertSize=n - alias for -insertMergetSize\n" " -cdsMergeSize=-1 - merge gaps in CDS no larger than this size.\n" " A negative values disables.\n" " -cdsMergeMod3 - only merge CDS gaps if they mod 3\n" " -utrMergeSize=-1 - merge gaps in UTR no larger than this size.\n" " A negative values disables.\n" " -requireUtr - Drop sequences that don't have both 5' and 3' UTR annotated.\n" " -genePredExt - create a extended genePred, including frame information.\n" " -allCds - consider PSL to be all CDS.\n" " -noCds - consider PSL to not contain any CDS.\n" " -keepInvalid - Keep sequences with invalid CDS.\n" " -quiet - Don't print print info about dropped sequences.\n" " -ignoreUniqSuffix - ignore all characters after last `-' in qName\n" " when looking up CDS. Used when a suffix has been added to make qName\n" " unique. It is not removed from the name in the genePred.\n" "\n", genePredStdInsertMergeSize, genePredStdInsertMergeSize); } void loadCdsFile(char *cdsFile) /* read a CDS file into the global hash */ { struct lineFile *lf = lineFileOpen(cdsFile, TRUE); char *row[2]; gCdsTable = hashNew(20); while (lineFileNextRowTab(lf, row, 2)) hashAdd(gCdsTable, row[0], lmCloneString(gCdsTable->lm, row[1])); lineFileClose(&lf); } int getGbVersionIdx(char *acc) /* determine if a accession appears to have a genbank version extension. If * so, return index of the dot, otherwise -1 */ { char *verPtr = strrchr(acc, '.'); int dotIdx; if (verPtr == NULL) return -1; dotIdx = verPtr - acc; verPtr++; while (*verPtr != '\0') { if (!isdigit(*verPtr)) return -1; verPtr++; } return dotIdx; } char *cdsQuery(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *acc, char *cdsBuf, int cdsBufSize) /* query for a CDS, either in the hash table or database */ { if (gCdsTable != NULL) return hashFindVal(gCdsTable, acc); else { char query[512]; sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), "SELECT cds.name FROM cds,gbCdnaInfo WHERE (gbCdnaInfo.acc = '%s') AND (gbCdnaInfo.cds !=0) AND (gbCdnaInfo.cds = cds.id)", acc); return sqlQuickQuery(conn, query, cdsBuf, cdsBufSize); } } char *getCdsForAcc(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *acc, char *cdsBuf, int cdsBufSize) /* look up a cds, trying with and without version, and optionally dropping unique suffix */ { char *dash = NULL; if (gIgnoreUniqSuffix) { dash = strrchr(acc, '-'); if (dash != NULL) *dash = '\0'; } char *cdsStr = cdsQuery(conn, acc, cdsBuf, cdsBufSize); if (cdsStr == NULL) { int dotIdx = getGbVersionIdx(acc); if (dotIdx >= 0) { acc[dotIdx] = '\0'; cdsStr = cdsQuery(conn, acc, cdsBuf, cdsBufSize); acc[dotIdx] = '.'; } } if (dash != NULL) *dash = '-'; return cdsStr; } struct genbankCds getCds(struct sqlConnection *conn, struct psl *psl) /* Lookup the CDS, either in the database or hash, or generate for query. If * not found and looks like a it has a genbank version, try without the * version. If allCds is true, generate a cds that covers the query. Conn * maybe null if gCdsTable exists or gAllCds or gNoCds are true. If CDS can't be * obtained, start and end are both set to -1. If there is an error parsing * it, start and end are both set to 0. */ { struct genbankCds cds; ZeroVar(&cds); if (gNoCds) { cds.start = -1; cds.end = -1; cds.startComplete = FALSE; cds.endComplete = FALSE; } else if (gAllCds) { cds.start = psl->qStart; cds.end = psl->qEnd; if (psl->strand[0] == '-') reverseIntRange(&cds.start, &cds.end, psl->qSize); cds.startComplete = TRUE; cds.endComplete = TRUE; } else { char cdsBuf[4096]; char *cdsStr = getCdsForAcc(conn, psl->qName, cdsBuf, sizeof(cdsBuf)); if (cdsStr == NULL) { if (!gQuiet) fprintf(stderr, "Warning: no CDS for %s\n", psl->qName); cds.start = cds.end = -1; } else { if (!genbankCdsParse(cdsStr, &cds)) { if (!gQuiet) fprintf(stderr, "Warning: invalid CDS for %s: %s\n", psl->qName, cdsStr); } else if ((cds.end-cds.start) > psl->qSize) { if (!gQuiet) fprintf(stderr, "Warning: CDS for %s (%u..%u) longer than qSize (%u)\n", psl->qName, cds.start, cds.end, psl->qSize); cds.start = cds.end = -1; } } } return cds; } struct genePred* pslToGenePred(struct psl *psl, struct genbankCds *cds) /* Convert a psl to genePred with specified CDS string; return NULL * if should be skipped. cdsStr maybe NULL if not available. */ { unsigned optFields = gGenePredExt ? (genePredAllFlds) : 0; if ((cds->start == cds->end) && !(gKeepInvalid || gNoCds)) return NULL; if (gRequireUtr && ((cds->start == 0) || (cds->end == psl->qSize))) { if (!gQuiet) fprintf(stderr, "Warning: no 5' or 3' UTR for %s\n", psl->qName); return NULL; } return genePredFromPsl3(psl, cds, optFields, gPslOptions, gCdsMergeSize, gUtrMergeSize); } void convertPsl(struct psl *psl, struct genbankCds *cds, FILE *genePredFh) /* convert a cds and psl and output */ { struct genePred *genePred = pslToGenePred(psl, cds); if (genePred != NULL) { genePredTabOut(genePred, genePredFh); genePredFree(&genePred); } } void convertPslTableRow(char **row, FILE *genePredFh) /* A row from the PSL query that includes CDS */ { struct psl *psl = pslLoad(row+1); struct genbankCds cds; genbankCdsParse(row[0], &cds); convertPsl(psl, &cds, genePredFh); pslFree(&psl); } void convertPslTable(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *pslTable, FILE *genePredFh) /* convert mrnas in a psl table to genePred objects */ { char query[512], **row; struct sqlResult *sr; /* generate join of cds with psls */ sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), "SELECT cds.name,matches,misMatches,repMatches,nCount,qNumInsert,qBaseInsert,tNumInsert,tBaseInsert,strand,qName,qSize,qStart,qEnd,tName,tSize,tStart,tEnd,blockCount,blockSizes,qStarts,tStarts " "FROM cds,%s,gbCdnaInfo WHERE (%s.qName = gbCdnaInfo.acc) AND (gbCdnaInfo.cds !=0) AND (gbCdnaInfo.cds = cds.id)", pslTable, pslTable); sr = sqlGetResult(conn, query); while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL) convertPslTableRow(row, genePredFh); sqlFreeResult(&sr); } void convertPslFileRow(struct sqlConnection *conn, char **row, FILE *genePredFh) /* A row from the PSL file, getting CDS */ { struct psl *psl = pslLoad(row); struct genbankCds cds = getCds(conn, psl); convertPsl(psl, &cds, genePredFh); pslFree(&psl); } void convertPslFile(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *pslFile, FILE *genePredFh) /* convert mrnas in a psl file to genePred objects */ { struct lineFile *lf = pslFileOpen(pslFile); char *row[PSL_NUM_COLS]; while (lineFileNextRowTab(lf, row, PSL_NUM_COLS)) convertPslFileRow(conn, row, genePredFh); lineFileClose(&lf); } void mrnaToGene(char *db, char *cdsDb, char *cdsFile, char *pslSpec, char *genePredFile) /* convert an PSL mRNA table to a genePred file */ { struct sqlConnection *conn = NULL; FILE* genePredFh; if (db != NULL) conn = sqlConnect(db); else if (cdsDb != NULL) conn = sqlConnect(cdsDb); genePredFh = mustOpen(genePredFile, "w"); if (cdsFile != NULL) loadCdsFile(cdsFile); if (db == NULL) convertPslFile(conn, pslSpec, genePredFh); else convertPslTable(conn, pslSpec, genePredFh); if (ferror(genePredFh)) errAbort("error writing %s", genePredFile); carefulClose(&genePredFh); sqlDisconnect(&conn); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) /* Process command line. */ { char *db, *cdsDb, *cdsFile, *pslSpec, *genePredFile; int optCnt; optionInit(&argc, argv, optionSpecs); if (argc != 3) usage(); pslSpec = argv[1]; genePredFile = argv[2]; db = optionVal("db", NULL); cdsDb = optionVal("cdsDb", NULL); cdsFile = optionVal("cdsFile", NULL); gRequireUtr = optionExists("requireUtr"); if (optionExists("cdsMergeMod3") && !optionExists("cdsMergeSize")) errAbort("must specify -cdsMergeSize with -cdsMergeMod3"); if (optionExists("cdsMergeSize") || optionExists("utrMergeSize")) { gCdsMergeSize = optionInt("cdsMergeSize", -1); gUtrMergeSize = optionInt("utrMergeSize", -1); if (optionExists("cdsMergeMod3")) gPslOptions |= genePredPslCdsMod3; if (optionExists("smallInsertSize") || optionExists("insertMergeSize")) errAbort("can't specify -smallInsertSize or -insertMergeSize with -cdsMergeSize or -utrMergeSize"); } else { int insertMergeSize = genePredStdInsertMergeSize; if (optionExists("smallInsertSize")) insertMergeSize = optionInt("smallInsertSize", genePredStdInsertMergeSize); insertMergeSize = optionInt("insertMergeSize", genePredStdInsertMergeSize); gCdsMergeSize = gUtrMergeSize = insertMergeSize; } gGenePredExt = optionExists("genePredExt"); gKeepInvalid = optionExists("keepInvalid"); gAllCds = optionExists("allCds"); gNoCds = optionExists("noCds"); gQuiet = optionExists("quiet"); gIgnoreUniqSuffix = optionExists("ignoreUniqSuffix"); if ((gAllCds || gNoCds) && ((cdsDb != NULL) || (cdsFile != NULL))) errAbort("can't specify -allCds or -noCds with -cdsDb or -cdsFile"); if (gAllCds && gRequireUtr) errAbort("can't specify -allCds with -requireUtr"); /* this is a bit of work to implement */ if ((gAllCds || gNoCds) && (db != NULL)) errAbort("can't specify -allCds or -noCds with -db"); optCnt = 0; if (db != NULL) optCnt++; if (cdsDb == NULL) optCnt++; if (cdsFile != NULL) optCnt++; if (gAllCds) optCnt++; if (gNoCds) optCnt++; if (optCnt == 1) errAbort("must specify one and only one of -db, -cdsDb, -cdsFile, -allCds, or -noCds"); mrnaToGene(db, cdsDb, cdsFile, pslSpec, genePredFile); return 0; }