e70152e44cc66cc599ff6b699eb8adc07f3e656a kent Sat May 24 21:09:34 2014 -0700 Adding Copyright NNNN Regents of the University of California to all files I believe with reasonable certainty were developed under UCSC employ or as part of Genome Browser copyright assignment. diff --git src/hg/pslAnal/pslAnal.c src/hg/pslAnal/pslAnal.c index ace71df..d046afa 100644 --- src/hg/pslAnal/pslAnal.c +++ src/hg/pslAnal/pslAnal.c @@ -1,2127 +1,2130 @@ /* File: pslAnal.c Author: Terry Furey Date: 5/2/2003 Description: Calculates characteristics of a file of psl alignments */ +/* Copyright (C) 2013 The Regents of the University of California + * See README in this or parent directory for licensing information. */ + #include "common.h" #include "linefile.h" #include "memalloc.h" #include "hash.h" #include "jksql.h" #include "hdb.h" #include "fuzzyFind.h" #include "genePred.h" #include "portable.h" #include "dnautil.h" #include "dnaseq.h" #include "psl.h" #include "snp125.h" #include "fa.h" #include "psl.h" #include "options.h" #include "hgConfig.h" #include "genbank.h" /* command line option specifications */ static struct optionSpec optionSpecs[] = { {"db", OPTION_STRING}, {"der", OPTION_STRING}, {"versions", OPTION_STRING}, {"xeno", OPTION_BOOLEAN}, {"indels", OPTION_BOOLEAN}, {"unaligned", OPTION_BOOLEAN}, {"mismatches", OPTION_BOOLEAN}, {"codonsub", OPTION_BOOLEAN}, {"noVersions", OPTION_BOOLEAN}, {"genbankCds", OPTION_BOOLEAN}, {NULL, 0} }; boolean indelReport = FALSE; boolean unaliReport = FALSE; boolean mismatchReport = FALSE; boolean codonSubReport = FALSE; boolean genbankCdsFmt = FALSE; boolean xeno = FALSE; boolean noVersions = FALSE; struct acc { struct acc *next; char *name; char *version; char *organism; }; struct clone { struct clone *next; int id; int imageId; }; struct refseq { struct refseq *next; struct acc *accList; }; /* indel object is now used for tracking several, these constants * defined the type */ #define INDEL 1 #define MISMATCH 2 #define CODONSUB 3 #define UNALIGNED 4 struct evid { struct evid *next; int genMrna; struct acc *genMrnaAcc; int genEst; struct acc *genEstAcc; int mrnaMrna; struct acc *mrnaMrnaAcc; int mrnaEst; struct acc *mrnaEstAcc; int noMrna; struct acc *noMrnaAcc; int noEst; struct acc *noEstAcc; int unMrna; struct acc *unMrnaAcc; int unEst; struct acc *unEstAcc; }; struct indel { struct indel *next; int size; char *chrom; int chromStart; /* note: [1..n] coordinates */ int chromEnd; struct acc *mrna; int mrnaStart; int mrnaEnd; struct clone *clones; struct clone *libraries; struct acc *accs; struct evid *hs; struct evid *xe; char* mrnaSeq; char* genSeq; boolean insertion; boolean inCds; /* fields used if this is tracking codon substitutions*/ int codonGenPos[3]; /* position of the codon bases */ char genCodon[4]; char mrnaCodon[4]; boolean knownSnp; boolean validatedSnp; }; struct pslInfo { struct pslInfo *next; struct psl *psl; short splice[512]; struct acc *mrna; float pctId; float coverage; int cdsStart; int cdsEnd; int cdsSize; float cdsPctId; float cdsCoverage; int introns; int stdSplice; int cdsMatch; int cdsMismatch; struct indel *mmList; int cdsGap; int unalignedCds; int singleIndel; int tripleIndel; int totalIndel; int indelCount; int indels[256]; struct indel *indelList; struct indel *unaliList; int snp; int thirdPos; int synSub; int nonSynSub; int synSubSnp; int nonSynSubSnp; int loci; struct indel *codonSubList; struct clone *mrnaCloneId; struct refseq *refseq; } *piList = NULL; struct hash *cdsStarts = NULL; struct hash *cdsEnds = NULL; struct hash *loci = NULL; int nextFakeLoci = 1; struct hash *rnaSeqs = NULL; struct hash *version = NULL; struct hash *derived = NULL; int indels[128]; void cloneFree(struct clone **clone) /* Free a dynamically allocated acc */ { struct clone *c; if ((c = *clone) == NULL) return; freez(clone); } void cloneFreeList(struct clone **cList) /* Free a dynamically allocated list of acc's */ { struct clone *c = NULL, *next = NULL; for (c = *cList; c != NULL; c = next) { next = c->next; cloneFree(&c); } *cList = NULL; } char* accFmt(struct acc* acc) /* format acc with optional version */ { static char accVer[64]; if (acc->version == NULL) return acc->name; else { safef(accVer, sizeof(accVer), "%s.%s", acc->name, acc->version); return accVer; } } void accFree(struct acc **acc) /* Free a dynamically allocated acc */ { struct acc *a; if ((a = *acc) == NULL) return; freez(&(a->organism)); freez(&(a->name)); freez(&(a->version)); freez(acc); } void accFreeList(struct acc **aList) /* Free a dynamically allocated list of acc's */ { struct acc *a = NULL, *next = NULL; for (a = *aList; a != NULL; a = next) { next = a->next; accFree(&a); } *aList = NULL; } void evidFree(struct evid **ev) /* Free a dynamically allocated evid */ { struct evid *e; if ((e = *ev) == NULL) return; accFreeList(&(e->genMrnaAcc)); accFreeList(&(e->genEstAcc)); accFreeList(&(e->mrnaMrnaAcc)); accFreeList(&(e->mrnaEstAcc)); accFreeList(&(e->noMrnaAcc)); accFreeList(&(e->noEstAcc)); accFreeList(&(e->unMrnaAcc)); accFreeList(&(e->unEstAcc)); freez(ev); } void evidListFree(struct evid **iList) /* Free a dynamically allocated list of evid's */ { struct evid *i, *next; for (i = *iList; i != NULL; i = next) { next = i->next; evidFree(&i); } *iList = NULL; } void indelFree(struct indel **in) /* Free a dynamically allocated indel */ { struct indel *i; if ((i = *in) == NULL) return; /*accFree(&(i->mrna));*/ evidListFree(&(i->hs)); evidListFree(&(i->xe)); cloneFreeList(&(i->clones)); cloneFreeList(&(i->libraries)); /* accFreeList(&(i->accs)); - freed by evidFreeList */ free(i->mrnaSeq); free(i->genSeq); freez(in); } void indelListFree(struct indel **iList) /* Free a dynamically allocated list of indel's */ { struct indel *i, *next; for (i = *iList; i != NULL; i = next) { next = i->next; indelFree(&i); } *iList = NULL; } void pslInfoFree(struct pslInfo **pi) /* Free a single dynamically allocated pslInfo element */ { struct pslInfo *el; if ((el = *pi) == NULL) return; pslFree(&(el->psl)); accFree(&(el->mrna)); indelListFree(&(el->indelList)); indelListFree(&(el->mmList)); indelListFree(&(el->codonSubList)); cloneFree(&(el->mrnaCloneId)); freez(pi); } void parseCdsCols(struct lineFile *cf, char **words, int wordCnt) /* parse CDS row in a column format */ { if (wordCnt < 3) lineFileExpectWords(cf, 3, wordCnt); else { char *name = words[0]; int start = sqlUnsigned(words[1]) - 1; int end = sqlUnsigned(words[2]); hashAddInt(cdsStarts, name, start); hashAddInt(cdsEnds, name, end); } } void parseCdsGenbank(struct lineFile *cf, char **words, int wordCnt) /* parse CDS row in genbank format */ { if (wordCnt < 2) lineFileExpectWords(cf, 2, wordCnt); else { char *name = words[0]; struct genbankCds cds; if (!genbankCdsParse(words[1], &cds)) errAbort("invalid cds for %s: %s", words[0], words[1]); hashAddInt(cdsStarts, name, cds.start); hashAddInt(cdsEnds, name, cds.end); } } void readCds(struct lineFile *cf) /* Read in file of coding region starts and stops Convert start to 0-based to make copmarison with psl easier */ { int wordCnt; char *words[4]; cdsStarts = newHash(16); cdsEnds = newHash(16); while ((wordCnt = lineFileChopNextTab(cf, words, ArraySize(words))) > 0) { if (genbankCdsFmt) parseCdsGenbank(cf, words, wordCnt); else parseCdsCols(cf, words, wordCnt); } } void readRnaSeq(char *filename) /* Read in file of mRNA fa sequences */ { struct dnaSeq *seqList, *oneSeq; rnaSeqs = newHash(16); seqList = faReadAllDna(filename); for (oneSeq = seqList; oneSeq != NULL; oneSeq = oneSeq->next) hashAdd(rnaSeqs, oneSeq->name, oneSeq); } void readLoci(struct lineFile *lf) /* Read in file of loci id's, primarily from LocusLink */ { char *words[4]; char *name; int thisLoci; int numLoci = 0; loci = newHash(16); while (lineFileChopNext(lf, words, 2)) { name = cloneString(words[0]); thisLoci = sqlUnsigned(words[1]); hashAddInt(loci, name, thisLoci); numLoci++; } /* if loci files was empty, no loci will be used */ if (numLoci == 0) hashFree(&loci); } void readVersion(struct lineFile *lf) /* Read in file of version numbers for mrnas */ { char *words[4]; char *name; char *v; version = newHash(16); while (lineFileChopNext(lf, words, 2)) { name = cloneString(words[0]); v = cloneString(words[1]); hashAdd(version, name, v); } } char *findVersion(char *name) /* Determine the version for an mrna/est accession */ { struct sqlConnection *conn = hAllocConn(); char *ret = NULL; char query[256]; struct sqlResult *sr; char **row; sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), "select version from gbCdnaInfo where acc = '%s'", name); sr = sqlGetResult(conn, query); if ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL) ret = cloneString(row[0]); sqlFreeResult(&sr); hFreeConn(&conn); return(ret); } struct acc *createAcc(char *name) { struct acc *ret; char *accs[4]; int wordCount; AllocVar(ret); if (noVersions) { ret->name = name; } else { wordCount = chopByChar(name, '.', accs, ArraySize(accs)); if (wordCount > 2) errAbort("Accession not standard, %s\n", name); ret->name = accs[0]; if (wordCount == 1) { if ((!version) || (!hashLookup(version, name))) ret->version = findVersion(name); else ret->version = cloneString(hashFindVal(version, name)); } else ret->version = accs[1]; } /* fprintf(stderr, "accession %s created\n", accFmt(ret));*/ return(ret); } void readRsDerived(struct lineFile *lf) /* Read in file of derived accessions for refseq mrnas */ { char *words[4]; char *rs, *acc; struct refseq *r; struct acc *a; derived = newHash(16); while (lineFileChopNext(lf, words, 2)) { rs = cloneString(words[0]); acc = cloneString(words[1]); a = createAcc(acc); if (!hashLookup(derived, rs)) { AllocVar(r); r->next = NULL; r->accList = NULL; hashAdd(derived, rs, r); } r = hashFindVal(derived, rs); slAddHead(&r->accList, a); } } int countIntrons(unsigned count, unsigned *sizes, unsigned *starts) /* Count the number of introns in an alignment where an intron is defined as a gap greater than 30 bases */ { int ret = 0, i; for (i = 1; i < count; i++) if (starts[i] - (starts[i-1] + sizes[i-1]) > 30) ret++; return(ret); } int countStdSplice(struct psl *psl, DNA *seq, struct pslInfo *pi) /* For each intron, determine whether it has a canonical splice site Return the number of introns that do */ { int count=0, i; int tStart = (psl->strand[1] == '-') ? (psl->tSize - psl->tEnd): psl->tStart; for (i=1; i<psl->blockCount; ++i) { pi->splice[i] = 0; int iStart = psl->tStarts[i-1] + psl->blockSizes[i-1] - tStart; int iEnd = psl->tStarts[i] - tStart; if (abs(iEnd - iStart) > 15) { if ((seq[iStart] == 'g' && seq[iStart+1] == 't' && seq[iEnd-2] == 'a' && seq[iEnd-1] == 'g') || (seq[iStart] == 'g' && seq[iStart+1] == 'c' && seq[iEnd-2] == 'a' && seq[iEnd-1] == 'g')) { count++; pi->splice[i] = 1; if (abs(iEnd - iStart) <= 30) pi->introns++; } } } return(count); } int snpBase(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *chr, int position) /* Determine whether a given position is known to be a SNP */ { struct sqlResult *sr; char **row; int rowOff; int ret = 0, i; static boolean checked = FALSE; static boolean haveSnp = FALSE; static char *snpTable = NULL; static char *snpTables[] = {"snp126", "snp125", NULL}; verbose(4, "\tchecking for snp\n"); if (!checked) { for (i = 0; (snpTables[i] != NULL) && !haveSnp; i++) { snpTable = snpTables[i]; haveSnp = sqlTableExists(conn, snpTable); } checked = TRUE; if (!haveSnp) fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: no snp table in this databsae\n"); } /* the new table is snp, replacing snpTsc and snpNih+hgFixed.dsSnpRS */ if (haveSnp) { verbose(4, "\tquerying snp table\n"); sr = hRangeQuery(conn, snpTable, chr, position, position+1, NULL, &rowOff); while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL) { struct snp125 snp; verbose(4, "\tloading snp info\n"); snp125StaticLoad(row+rowOff, &snp); /* Check if this is a snp, not a indel */ if (sameString(snp.class, "snp")) { /* Check if the snp has been validated*/ if (differentString(snp.valid, "no-information")) ret = 2; else if (ret < 2) ret = 1; } } sqlFreeResult(&sr); } return(ret); } void findOrganism(struct sqlConnection *conn, struct acc *acc) /* Determine organism for each non-human mrna/est in the list */ { char query[256]; struct sqlResult *sr; char **row; int id = -1; /*a = cloneString(acc->name); wordCount = chopByChar(a, '.', accs, ArraySize(accs)); if (wordCount > 2) errAbort("Accession not standard, %s\n", acc->name);*/ sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), "select organism from gbCdnaInfo where acc = '%s'", acc->name); sr = sqlGetResult(conn, query); if ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL) id = sqlUnsigned(row[0]); sqlFreeResult(&sr); if (id != -1) { sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), "select name from organism where id = %d", id); sr = sqlGetResult(conn, query); if ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL) acc->organism = cloneString(row[0]); else printf("Could not find organism for id %d\n", id); sqlFreeResult(&sr); } else printf("Could not find mrna record for %s\n", acc->name); } struct clone *getMrnaCloneId(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *acc) /* Find the clone id for an mrna accession */ { char query[256]; struct sqlResult *sr; char **row; struct clone *ret = NULL; AllocVar(ret); ret->next = NULL; sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), "select mrnaClone from gbCdnaInfo where acc = '%s'", acc); sr = sqlGetResult(conn, query); if ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL) { ret->id = sqlUnsigned(row[0]); ret->imageId = 0; } sqlFreeResult(&sr); sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), "select imageId from imageClone where acc = '%s'", acc); sr = sqlGetResult(conn, query); if ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL) ret->imageId = sqlUnsigned(row[0]); sqlFreeResult(&sr); return(ret); } struct clone *getMrnaLibId(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *acc) /* Find the library id for an mrna accession */ { char query[256]; struct sqlResult *sr; char **row; struct clone *ret = NULL; AllocVar(ret); ret->next = NULL; sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), "select library from gbCdnaInfo where acc = '%s'", acc); sr = sqlGetResult(conn, query); if ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL) { ret->id = sqlUnsigned(row[0]); ret->imageId = 0; } sqlFreeResult(&sr); return(ret); } boolean refseqAcc(struct refseq *r, char *name, char* rs) /* Check if accession was used to create refseq sequence */ { /*struct refseq *r;*/ struct acc *a; boolean ret = FALSE; /*if (hashLookup(derived, rs)) { r = hashFindVal(derived, rs);*/ for (a = r->accList; a != NULL; a = a->next) if (sameString(a->name, name)) ret = TRUE; /*}*/ return(ret); } boolean sameAcc(struct acc *a1, struct acc *a2) /* Determine if two accessions are the same */ { if ((a1 == NULL) || (a2 == NULL)) return(0); if (sameString(a1->name,a2->name)) return(1); return(0); } boolean usedAcc(struct acc *a, struct acc *alist) /* Determine if acc is in list */ { struct acc *el; if ((a == NULL) || (alist == NULL)) return(0); for (el = alist; el != NULL; el = el->next) if (sameAcc(a, el)) return(1); return(0); } boolean sameClone(struct clone *c1, struct clone *c2) /* Determine if two clones are the same */ { if ((c1 == NULL) || (c2 == NULL)) return(0); if (((c1->id) && (c2->id) && (c1->id == c2->id)) || ((c1->imageId) && (c2->imageId) && (c1->imageId == c2->imageId))) return(1); return(0); } boolean usedClone(struct clone *c, struct clone *clist) /* Determine if clone/library is in list */ { struct clone *el; if ((c == NULL) || (clist == NULL)) return(0); for (el = clist; el != NULL; el = el->next) if (sameClone(c, el)) return(1); return(0); } int shiftIndel(char *indel, int size, int dir, int start, int end, struct dnaSeq *seq) { /* Determine how far insertion in seq can be shifted with changing an alignment */ int ret = 0, offset = 0, i = 0; char *test; test = needMem(size+1); offset = start + (size*dir); if ((offset >= 0) && (offset < seq->size)) { strncpy(test, seq->dna + offset, size); test[size] = '\0'; } else test[0] = '\0'; /* printf("Testing %s vs %s\n", test, indel); */ while (sameString(indel, test)) { ret += size; offset = start + (ret*dir) + (size*dir); if ((offset >= 0) && (offset < seq->size)) strncpy(test, seq->dna + offset, size); else test[0] = '\0'; /* printf("Testing %s vs %s\n", test, indel); */ } /* Check for pathological cases */ for (i = 0; i < size; i++) if (test[i] == indel[i]) ret++; else i = size; freez(&test); /* printf("Shifting %d in direction %d\n", ret, dir); */ return(ret); } void getCoords(struct psl *psl, int gstart, int gend, int *start, int *end, char *strand, boolean *nogap) /* Get the genomic DNA that corresponds to an indel, and determine the corresponding \ start and end positions for this sequence in the query sequence */ { int i, bStart = -1, bEnd = -1; /* Check that alignment covers the range */ if ((psl->tStart < gstart) && (psl->tEnd > gend)) { /* Reverse complement xeno alignments if done on target - strand */ if (psl->strand[1] == '-') pslRc(psl); /* Look in all blocks for the indel */ for (i = 0; i < psl->blockCount; i++) { /* If the block contains the indel */ if (((psl->tStarts[i] + psl->blockSizes[i]) >= gstart) && (psl->tStarts[i] < gend)) { /* Determine the start position offset */ if (gstart >= psl->tStarts[i]) { *start = psl->qStarts[i] + (gstart - psl->tStarts[i]); /*gs = gstart;*/ bStart = i; } /* Determine the end position offset */ if (gend <= (psl->tStarts[i]+psl->blockSizes[i])) { *end = psl->qStarts[i] + gend - psl->tStarts[i]; /*ge = gend;*/ bEnd = i; } } if ((gstart < psl->tStarts[i]) && (bStart < 0)) { *start = psl->qStarts[i]; bStart = i; } if ((gend > (psl->tStarts[i] + psl->blockSizes[i])) && (!*end)) bEnd = i; } if ((bEnd >= 0) && (!*end)) *end = psl->qStarts[bEnd] + psl->blockSizes[bEnd]; /* If opposite strand alignment, reverse the start and end positions in the mRNA */ if (((psl->strand[0] == '-') && (psl->strand[1] != '-')) || ((psl->strand[0] == '+') && (psl->strand[1] == '-'))) { int tmp = *start; *start = psl->qSize - *end; *end = psl->qSize - tmp; /* reverseComplement(ret->dna, ret->size); */ sprintf(strand, "-"); } else sprintf(strand, "+"); /* Check if mrna aligns completely in this region */ if (((*end - *start) == (gend - gstart)) && (bStart > 0)) *nogap = TRUE; else if ((bStart < bEnd) && (bStart > 0)) { /*nogap = TRUE; for (i = bStart; i < bEnd; i++) if ((psl->qStarts[i] + psl->blockSizes[i]) < psl->qStarts[i+1]) */ *nogap = FALSE; } } else { *start = 0; *end = 0; } } void searchTransPsl(char *table, DNA *mdna, struct indel *ni, char *strand, unsigned type, struct psl* psl, struct dnaSeq *gseq, struct acc *acc, int left, int right) /* process one mRNA or EST for searchTrans */ { int start = 0, end = 0; boolean nogap = FALSE; char *dna = NULL, *dnaStart = NULL, *dnaEnd = NULL; char thisStrand[2]; struct sqlConnection *conn2 = hAllocConn(); int mrnaSize = ni->mrnaEnd - ni->mrnaStart + left + right; char accBuf[64]; char *p; /* Get the start and end coordinates for the mRNA or EST sequence */ if ((type == INDEL) || (type == UNALIGNED)) if (ni->chromStart == ni->chromEnd) getCoords(psl, ni->chromStart-left, ni->chromEnd+right, &start, &end, thisStrand, &nogap); else getCoords(psl, ni->chromStart-left, ni->chromEnd+right, &start, &end, thisStrand, &nogap); /*if (ni->chromStart == ni->chromEnd) getCoords(psl, ni->chromStart-3, ni->chromEnd+2, &start, &end, thisStrand, &nogap); else getCoords(psl, ni->chromStart-2, ni->chromEnd+2, &start, &end, thisStrand, &nogap);*/ else getCoords(psl, ni->chromStart-1, ni->chromEnd, &start, &end, thisStrand, &nogap); /* Get the corresponding mRNA or EST sequence; db doesn't have versions, * so strip them. */ safef(accBuf, sizeof(accBuf),"%s", psl->qName); p = strrchr(accBuf, '.'); if (p != NULL) *p = '\0'; struct dnaSeq *seq = hRnaSeq(accBuf); if (thisStrand[0] != strand[0]) { int temp = start; start = seq->size - end; end = seq->size - temp; reverseComplement(seq->dna, seq->size); } if ((end-start) > 0) { dna = needMem((end-start)+1); strncpy(dna,seq->dna + start, end-start); dna[end-start] = '\0'; } else dna = cloneString(""); if ((type == INDEL) || (type == UNALIGNED)) { if ((seq->size > (start + left + right)) && (start >= 0)) { dnaStart = needMem(mrnaSize+1); strncpy(dnaStart, seq->dna + start, mrnaSize); dnaStart[mrnaSize] = '\0'; } if ((end - mrnaSize) > 0) { dnaEnd = needMem(mrnaSize+1); strncpy(dnaEnd, seq->dna + end - mrnaSize, mrnaSize); dnaEnd[mrnaSize] = '\0'; } /*if ((seq->size > (start + 4)) && (start >= 0)) { dnaStart = needMem(mrnaSize+5); strncpy(dnaStart, seq->dna + start, mrnaSize + 4); dnaStart[mrnaSize+4] = '\0'; } if ((end - mrnaSize - 4) > 0) { dnaEnd = needMem(mrnaSize+5); strncpy(dnaEnd, seq->dna + end - mrnaSize - 4, mrnaSize + 4); dnaEnd[mrnaSize+4] = '\0'; }*/ } if (!dnaStart) dnaStart = cloneString(""); if (!dnaEnd) dnaEnd = cloneString(""); /* fprintf(stderr, "Comparing genomic %s at %d vs. %s %s vs. %s %s (%d-%d, %s vs. %s)\n", gseq->dna, ni->chromStart, ni->mrna->name, mdna, psl->qName, dna, start, end, thisStrand, strand);*/ /*fprintf(stderr, "Comparing genomic at %d-%d\n%s\n vs. %s\n%s\n vs. %s\n%s\n (%d-%d, %s vs. %s)\n", ni->chromStart, ni->chromEnd, gseq->dna, ni->mrna->name, mdna, psl->qName, dna, start, end, thisStrand, strand);*/ /*fprintf(stderr, "\tfrom start - %s\n\tfrom end - %s\n", dnaStart, dnaEnd);*/ /* If it doesn't align to this region */ if (start == end) { if (sameString(table, "mrna")) { ni->hs->unMrna++; slAddHead(&ni->hs->unMrnaAcc, acc); } else if (sameString(table, "xenoMrna")) { ni->xe->unMrna++; findOrganism(conn2, acc); slAddHead(&ni->xe->unMrnaAcc, acc); } else if (sameString(table, "est")) { ni->hs->unEst++; slAddHead(&ni->hs->unEstAcc, acc); } else if (sameString(table, "xenoEst")) { ni->xe->unEst++; findOrganism(conn2, acc); slAddHead(&ni->xe->unEstAcc, acc); } } /* If it agrees with the genomic sequence */ else if ((sameString(gseq->dna, dna)) || (((type == INDEL) || (type == UNALIGNED)) && (nogap))) { if (sameString(table, "mrna")) { ni->hs->genMrna++; slAddHead(&ni->hs->genMrnaAcc, acc); } else if (sameString(table, "xenoMrna")) { ni->xe->genMrna++; findOrganism(conn2, acc); slAddHead(&ni->xe->genMrnaAcc, acc); } else if (sameString(table, "est")) { ni->hs->genEst++; slAddHead(&ni->hs->genEstAcc, acc); } else if (sameString(table, "xenoEst")) { ni->xe->genEst++; findOrganism(conn2, acc); slAddHead(&ni->xe->genEstAcc, acc); } } /* If it agrees with the mrna sequence */ else if ((sameString(mdna, dna)) || (((type == INDEL) || (type == UNALIGNED)) && ((strlen(dna) == strlen(mdna)) || (sameString(mdna, dnaStart)) || (sameString(mdna, dnaEnd))))) { if (sameString(table, "mrna")) { ni->hs->mrnaMrna++; slAddHead(&ni->hs->mrnaMrnaAcc, acc); } else if (sameString(table, "xenoMrna")) { ni->xe->mrnaMrna++; findOrganism(conn2, acc); slAddHead(&ni->xe->mrnaMrnaAcc, acc); } else if (sameString(table, "est")) { ni->hs->mrnaEst++; slAddHead(&ni->hs->mrnaEstAcc, acc); } else if (sameString(table, "xenoEst")) { ni->xe->mrnaEst++; findOrganism(conn2, acc); slAddHead(&ni->xe->mrnaEstAcc, acc); } } /* if it agrees with neither */ else { if (sameString(table, "mrna")) { ni->hs->noMrna++; slAddHead(&ni->hs->noMrnaAcc, acc); } else if (sameString(table, "xenoMrna")) { ni->xe->noMrna++; findOrganism(conn2, acc); slAddHead(&ni->xe->noMrnaAcc, acc); } else if (sameString(table, "est")) { ni->hs->noEst++; slAddHead(&ni->hs->noEstAcc, acc); } else if (sameString(table, "xenoEst")) { ni->xe->noEst++; findOrganism(conn2, acc); slAddHead(&ni->xe->noEstAcc, acc); } } if (dnaStart) { freez(&dnaStart); freez(&dnaEnd); } freez(&dna); dnaSeqFree(&seq); hFreeConn(&conn2); } void searchTrans(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *table, struct dnaSeq *rna, struct indel *ni, char *strand, unsigned type, struct clone *mrnaCloneId, int left, int right) /* Find all mRNA's or EST's that align in the region of an indel, mismatch, or codon */ { struct sqlResult *sr; char **row; int offset; struct clone *cloneId, *libId; struct psl *psl; DNA mdna[10000]; struct sqlConnection *conn2 = hAllocConn(); struct dnaSeq *gseq; struct acc *acc; char *name; struct refseq *rs = NULL; if (type == CODONSUB) assert(((ni->mrnaEnd-ni->mrnaStart)+1) == 3); if ((derived) && (hashLookup(derived, ni->mrna->name))) rs = hashFindVal(derived, ni->mrna->name); /* Determine the sequence, If indel, add one base on each side */ /* if ((type == INDEL) || (type == UNALIGNED)) { assert((ni->mrnaEnd-ni->mrnaStart+left+right+1) < sizeof(mdna)); strncpy(mdna,rna->dna + ni->mrnaStart - left,ni->mrnaEnd-ni->mrnaStart+left+right); mdna[ni->mrnaEnd-ni->mrnaStart+left+right] = '\0'; if (ni->mrnaStart == ni->mrnaEnd) { assert((ni->mrnaEnd-ni->mrnaStart+5) < sizeof(mdna)); strncpy(mdna,rna->dna + ni->mrnaStart - 2,ni->mrnaEnd-ni->mrnaStart+4); mdna[ni->mrnaEnd-ni->mrnaStart+4] = '\0'; } else { assert((ni->mrnaEnd-ni->mrnaStart+5) < sizeof(mdna)); strncpy(mdna,rna->dna + ni->mrnaStart - 2,ni->mrnaEnd-ni->mrnaStart+4); mdna[ni->mrnaEnd-ni->mrnaStart+4] = '\0'; } } else {*/ int len = ni->mrnaEnd-ni->mrnaStart+left+right; assert((len+1) < sizeof(mdna)); strncpy(mdna,rna->dna + ni->mrnaStart - left,len); mdna[len] = '\0'; /* printf("Mismatch/Indel at %d-%d (%d) in %s:%d-%d bases %s, left=%d, right=%d\n", ni->mrnaStart, ni->mrnaEnd, rna->size, ni->chrom, ni->chromStart, ni->chromEnd, mdna, left, right); */ /*printf("Mismatch/indel in %s at %d in %s:%d bases %s\n", ni->mrna->name, ni->mrnaStart, ni->chrom, ni->chromStart, mdna);*/ /* }*/ /* Get dna sequence */ if ((type == INDEL) || (type == UNALIGNED)) if (ni->chromStart == ni->chromEnd) gseq = hDnaFromSeq(ni->chrom, ni->chromStart-left, ni->chromEnd+right, dnaLower); else gseq = hDnaFromSeq(ni->chrom, ni->chromStart-left, ni->chromEnd+right, dnaLower); /*if (ni->chromStart == ni->chromEnd) gseq = hDnaFromSeq(ni->chrom, ni->chromStart-3, ni->chromEnd+2, dnaLower); else gseq = hDnaFromSeq(ni->chrom, ni->chromStart-2, ni->chromEnd+2, dnaLower);*/ else gseq = hDnaFromSeq(ni->chrom, ni->chromStart-1, ni->chromEnd, dnaLower); if (strand[0] == '-') reverseComplement(gseq->dna, gseq->size); /* Find all sequences that span this region */ if ((type == INDEL) || (type == UNALIGNED)) if (ni->chromStart == ni->chromEnd) sr = hRangeQuery(conn, table, ni->chrom, ni->chromStart-left, ni->chromEnd+right, NULL, &offset); else sr = hRangeQuery(conn, table, ni->chrom, ni->chromStart-left, ni->chromEnd+right, NULL, &offset); /*if (ni->chromStart == ni->chromEnd) sr = hRangeQuery(conn, table, ni->chrom, ni->chromStart-3, ni->chromEnd+2, NULL, &offset); else sr = hRangeQuery(conn, table, ni->chrom, ni->chromStart-2, ni->chromEnd+2, NULL, &offset);*/ else sr = hRangeQuery(conn, table, ni->chrom, ni->chromStart-1, ni->chromEnd, NULL, &offset); while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL) { psl = pslLoad(row+offset); name = cloneString(psl->qName); acc = createAcc(name); cloneId = getMrnaCloneId(conn2, acc->name); libId = getMrnaLibId(conn2, acc->name); if ((!sameAcc(acc,ni->mrna)) && (!sameClone(cloneId,mrnaCloneId)) && ((!rs) || (!refseqAcc(rs, acc->name, ni->mrna->name))) && (!usedClone(cloneId, ni->clones)) && (!usedAcc(acc, ni->accs)) && (!usedClone(libId, ni->libraries))) { slAddHead(&(ni->clones), cloneId); slAddHead(&(ni->libraries), libId); slAddHead(&(ni->accs), acc); searchTransPsl(table, mdna, ni, strand, type, psl, gseq, acc, left, right); } else { accFree(&acc); cloneFree(&cloneId); } pslFree(&psl); } dnaSeqFree(&gseq); sqlFreeResult(&sr); hFreeConn(&conn2); } struct evid *createEvid() /* Create an instance of an evid struct */ { struct evid *ev; AllocVar(ev); ev->next = NULL; ev->genMrna = 0; ev->genMrnaAcc = NULL; ev->genEst = 0; ev->genEstAcc = NULL; ev->mrnaMrna = 0; ev->mrnaMrnaAcc = NULL; ev->mrnaEst = 0; ev->mrnaEstAcc = NULL; ev->noMrna = 0; ev->noMrnaAcc = NULL; ev->noEst = 0; ev->noEstAcc = NULL; ev->unMrna = 0; ev->unMrnaAcc = NULL; ev->unEst = 0; ev->unEstAcc = NULL; return(ev); } struct indel *createMismatch(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *mrna, int mbase, char* chr, int gbase, struct dnaSeq *rna, char *strand, struct clone *cloneId, struct acc *acc, boolean snp, boolean valid, boolean inCds, char r, char g) /* Create a record of a mismatch */ { struct indel *mi; AllocVar(mi); mi->next = NULL; mi->size = 1; mi->chrom = chr; mi->chromStart = mi->chromEnd = gbase; mi->mrna = acc; mi->mrnaStart = mi->mrnaEnd = mbase; mi->hs = createEvid(); mi->xe = createEvid(); mi->inCds = inCds; mi->knownSnp = snp; mi->validatedSnp = valid; mi->insertion = FALSE; mi->mrnaSeq = needMem(2); mi->mrnaSeq[0] = r; mi->mrnaSeq[1] = '\0'; mi->genSeq = needMem(2); mi->genSeq[0] = g; mi->genSeq[1] = '\0'; /* Determine whether mRNAs and ESTs support genomic or mRNA sequence in mismatch */ searchTrans(conn, "mrna", rna, mi, strand, MISMATCH, cloneId, 0, 1); searchTrans(conn, "est", rna, mi, strand, MISMATCH, cloneId, 0, 1); if (xeno) { searchTrans(conn, "xenoMrna", rna, mi, strand, MISMATCH, cloneId, 0, 1); searchTrans(conn, "xenoEst", rna, mi, strand, MISMATCH, cloneId, 0, 1); } return(mi); } struct indel *createCodonSub(struct sqlConnection *conn, int mrnaStart, char *mCodon, char* chr, int genPos[3], char* gCodon, struct dnaSeq *rna, char *strand, struct clone *cloneId, boolean knownSnp, boolean knownValid, struct acc *acc) /* Create a record of a mismatch */ { struct indel *mi; #if 0 printf("codonSub: mrna=%s mrnaStart=%d genPos=%d,%d,%d mCodon=%s,gCodon=%s, aa=%c %c\n", acc->name, mrnaStart, genPos[0], genPos[1], genPos[2], mCodon, gCodon, lookupCodon(mCodon), lookupCodon(gCodon)); #endif AllocVar(mi); mi->next = NULL; mi->size = 1; mi->chrom = chr; mi->chromStart = genPos[0]; mi->chromEnd = genPos[2]; mi->mrna = acc; mi->mrnaStart = mrnaStart-2; mi->mrnaEnd = mrnaStart; memcpy(mi->codonGenPos, genPos, sizeof(mi->codonGenPos)); strcpy(mi->genCodon, gCodon); strcpy(mi->mrnaCodon, mCodon); mi->hs = createEvid(); mi->xe = createEvid(); mi->knownSnp = knownSnp; mi->validatedSnp = knownValid; /* Determine whether mRNAs and ESTs support genomic or mRNA sequence in mismatch */ searchTrans(conn, "mrna", rna, mi, strand, CODONSUB, cloneId, 0, 1); searchTrans(conn, "est", rna, mi, strand, CODONSUB, cloneId, 0, 1); if (xeno) { searchTrans(conn, "xenoMrna", rna, mi, strand, CODONSUB, cloneId, 0, 1); searchTrans(conn, "xenoEst", rna, mi, strand, CODONSUB, cloneId, 0, 1); } return(mi); } void cdsCompare(struct sqlConnection *conn, struct pslInfo *pi, struct dnaSeq *rna, struct dnaSeq *dna) /* Compare the alignment of the coding and UTR regions of an mRNA to the genomic sequence */ { int i,j; DNA *r, *d; DNA rCodon[4], dCodon[4]; int codonSnps = 0, codonMismatches = 0, codonValid = 0, valid = 0; int codonGenPos[3]; int codonMrnaStart = 0, tPosition = 0;; int nCodonBases = 0, iCodon = -1; /* to deal with partial codons */ struct indel *mi, *miList=NULL; struct indel *codonSub, *codonSubList=NULL; ZeroVar(codonGenPos); boolean knownSnp = FALSE, knownValid = FALSE, inCds = FALSE; strcpy(rCodon, "---"); strcpy(dCodon, "---"); r = rna->dna; d = dna->dna; pi->cdsMatch = pi->cdsMismatch = 0; /* Look at all alignment blocks */ for (i = 0; i < pi->psl->blockCount; i++) { int qstart = pi->psl->qStarts[i]; int tstart = pi->psl->tStarts[i] - pi->psl->tStarts[0]; /* Compare each base */ verbose(4, "\tcomparing block %d\n", i); for (j = 0; j < pi->psl->blockSizes[i]; j++) { /* Determine genome base */ tPosition = tstart + j + pi->psl->tStarts[0]; if (pi->psl->strand[0] == '-') tPosition = pi->psl->tSize - tPosition - 1; /* Check if it is in the coding region */ if (((qstart+j) >= pi->cdsStart) && ((qstart+j) < pi->cdsEnd)) { inCds = TRUE; /* Determine codon position */ iCodon = ((qstart+j-pi->cdsStart)%3); if (iCodon == 0) { codonSnps = 0; codonValid = 0; codonMismatches = 0; codonMrnaStart = qstart+j; } if (pi->psl->strand[0] == '-') codonGenPos[2-iCodon] = tPosition + 1; else codonGenPos[iCodon] = tPosition + 1; rCodon[iCodon] = r[qstart+j]; dCodon[iCodon] = d[tstart+j]; nCodonBases++; } else { inCds = FALSE; iCodon = 0; } /* Bases match */ if ((char)r[qstart+j] == (char)d[tstart+j]) { if (inCds) pi->cdsMatch++; } /* Check if mismatch is due to a SNP */ else if ((valid = snpBase(conn,pi->psl->tName,tPosition)) > 0) { if (inCds) { pi->cdsMatch++; codonSnps++; } pi->snp++; valid--; codonValid += valid; if ((mismatchReport) && (inCds)) { verbose(4, "\tcreating mismatch - 1\n"); mi = createMismatch(conn, pi->mrna->name, qstart+j, pi->psl->tName, tPosition+1, rna, pi->psl->strand, pi->mrnaCloneId, pi->mrna, TRUE, valid, inCds, r[qstart+j], d[tstart+j]); slAddHead(&miList,mi); } } else { if (inCds) pi->cdsMismatch++; if ((mismatchReport) && (inCds)) { verbose(4, "\tcreating mismatch - 2\n"); mi = createMismatch(conn, pi->mrna->name, qstart+j, pi->psl->tName, tPosition+1, rna, pi->psl->strand, pi->mrnaCloneId, pi->mrna, FALSE, FALSE, inCds, r[qstart+j], d[tstart+j]); slAddHead(&miList,mi); } if (inCds) { codonMismatches++; /* Check if mismatch is in a codon wobble position.*/ if (iCodon==2) pi->thirdPos++; } } /* If third base, check codon for mismatch */ if ((iCodon==2) && (nCodonBases == 3) && !sameString(rCodon, dCodon) && (inCds)) { if ((codonSnps) && (codonMismatches == 0)) { knownSnp = TRUE; if (codonSnps == codonValid) knownValid = TRUE; else knownValid = FALSE; } else { knownSnp = FALSE; knownValid = FALSE; } if (lookupCodon(rCodon) == lookupCodon(dCodon)) { pi->synSub++; if ((codonSnps > 0) && (codonMismatches == 0)) pi->synSubSnp++; } else { pi->nonSynSub++; if ((codonSnps > 0) && (codonMismatches == 0)) pi->nonSynSubSnp++; } if (codonSubReport) { verbose(4, "\tcreating codon sub\n"); codonSub = createCodonSub(conn, qstart+j, rCodon, pi->psl->tName, codonGenPos, dCodon, rna, pi->psl->strand, pi->mrnaCloneId, knownSnp, knownValid, pi->mrna); slAddHead(&codonSubList, codonSub); } } if (iCodon == 2) nCodonBases = 0; } } if (mismatchReport) { slReverse(&miList); pi->mmList = miList; } if (codonSubReport) { slReverse(&codonSubList); pi->codonSubList = codonSubList; } } struct indel *createUnali(struct sqlConnection *conn, int mstart, int mend, char* chr, int gstart, int gend, struct dnaSeq *rna, char *strand, struct clone *cloneId, struct acc *acc, int left, int right, char* insert, boolean inCds) /* Create a record of an unaligned region of cds */ { struct indel *ni; AllocVar(ni); ni->next = NULL; ni->size = mend - mstart; ni->chrom = chr; ni->chromStart = gstart; ni->chromEnd = gend; ni->mrna = acc; ni->mrnaStart = mstart; ni->mrnaEnd = mend; ni->hs = createEvid(); ni->xe = createEvid(); ni->insertion = FALSE; ni->mrnaSeq = insert; ni->genSeq = NULL; ni->inCds = inCds; /* Determine whether mRNAs and ESTs support genomic or mRNA sequence in indel region */ searchTrans(conn, "mrna", rna, ni, strand, UNALIGNED, cloneId, left, right); searchTrans(conn, "est", rna, ni, strand, UNALIGNED, cloneId, right, left); if (xeno) { searchTrans(conn, "xenoMrna", rna, ni, strand, UNALIGNED, cloneId, left, right); searchTrans(conn, "xenoEst", rna, ni, strand, UNALIGNED, cloneId, right, left); } return(ni); } struct indel *createIndel(struct sqlConnection *conn, int mstart, int mend, char* chr, int gstart, int gend, struct dnaSeq *rna, char *strand, struct clone *cloneId, struct acc *acc, int left, int right, char* seq, boolean insert, boolean inCds) /* Create a record of an indel */ { struct indel *ni; AllocVar(ni); ni->next = NULL; if ((mend - mstart) > 0) ni->size = mend - mstart; else ni->size = gend - gstart; ni->chrom = chr; ni->chromStart = gstart; ni->chromEnd = gend; ni->mrna = acc; ni->mrnaStart = mstart; ni->mrnaEnd = mend; ni->hs = createEvid(); ni->xe = createEvid(); ni->insertion = insert; ni->genSeq = NULL; ni->mrnaSeq = NULL; if (insert) ni->mrnaSeq = seq; else ni->genSeq = seq; ni->knownSnp = FALSE; ni->validatedSnp = FALSE; ni->inCds = inCds; /* Determine whether mRNAs and ESTs support genomic or mRNA sequence in indel region */ searchTrans(conn, "mrna", rna, ni, strand, INDEL, cloneId, left, right); searchTrans(conn, "est", rna, ni, strand, INDEL, cloneId, left, right); if (xeno) { searchTrans(conn, "xenoMrna", rna, ni, strand, INDEL, cloneId, left, right); searchTrans(conn, "xenoEst", rna, ni, strand, INDEL, cloneId, left, right); } return(ni); } void cdsIndels(struct sqlConnection *conn, struct pslInfo *pi, struct dnaSeq *rna) /* Find indels in coding regions and UTRs of mRNA alignment */ { int i; int unaligned=0, unalignedCds=0, prevqend=0, prevtend=0, qstart=0, tstart=0; int leftShift = 0, rightShift = 0, tLeft = 0, tRight = 0, startIndel = 0; struct indel *ni=NULL, *niList=NULL, *uiList=NULL; DNA *insert; int cdsS = pi->cdsStart, cdsE = pi->cdsEnd; boolean unali = FALSE, inCds = FALSE; struct dnaSeq *gseq; /* Check all blocks for indels */ for (i = 1; i < pi->psl->blockCount; i++) { /* Find insertions in the mRNA sequence */ unaligned = 0; prevqend = 0; prevtend = 0; qstart = pi->psl->qStarts[i]; tstart = pi->psl->tStarts[i]; /* If block is in the cds region */ if ((qstart >= cdsS) && (qstart <= cdsE)) inCds = TRUE; else inCds = FALSE; /* Determine where previous block left off in the alignment */ prevqend = pi->psl->qStarts[i-1] + pi->psl->blockSizes[i-1]; prevtend = pi->psl->tStarts[i-1] + pi->psl->blockSizes[i-1]; /* Adjust if previous end is not in coding region */ /* if (prevqend < pi->cdsStart) { prevqend = cdsS; prevtend = tstart; } */ unaligned = qstart - prevqend; if (inCds) unalignedCds = qstart - cdsS; else unalignedCds = 0; /*if (((tstart - prevtend) != 0) && (!pi->splice[i]) && ((tstart - prevtend) < 30))*/ if (((tstart - prevtend) != 0) && (!pi->splice[i])) unali = TRUE; else unali = FALSE; /* Check if there is an indel */ if (unaligned > 0) { /* Check if unaligned part is a gap in the mRNA alignment, not an insertion */ if (unaligned > 30) if (inCds) pi->cdsGap += unalignedCds; if ((!unali) && (inCds)) { if (unalignedCds == 1) pi->singleIndel++; if ((unalignedCds%3) == 0) pi->tripleIndel += unalignedCds/3; pi->totalIndel += unalignedCds; pi->indels[pi->indelCount] = unalignedCds; pi->indelCount++; } if (inCds) pi->unalignedCds += unaligned; /*if ((pi->cdsPctId >= 0.98) && (pi->cdsCoverage >= 0.80)) indels[unaligned]++;*/ if (pi->indelCount > 256) errAbort("Indel count too high"); /* Determine boundaries of the indel */ if (pi->psl->strand[0] == '-') { int temp = tstart; tstart = pi->psl->tSize - prevtend; prevtend = pi->psl->tSize - temp; tLeft = pi->psl->tSize - pi->psl->tStarts[i] - pi->psl->blockSizes[i]; tRight = pi->psl->tSize - pi->psl->tStarts[i-1]; gseq = hDnaFromSeq(pi->psl->tName, tLeft, tRight, dnaLower); reverseComplement(gseq->dna, gseq->size); startIndel = tRight - tstart; } else { tLeft = pi->psl->tStarts[i-1]; tRight = pi->psl->tStarts[i] + pi->psl->blockSizes[i]; gseq = hDnaFromSeq(pi->psl->tName, tLeft, tRight, dnaLower); startIndel = prevtend-tLeft; } insert = needMem(unaligned+1); strncpy(insert, rna->dna + prevqend, unaligned); insert[unaligned] = '\0'; leftShift = shiftIndel(insert, unaligned, -1, startIndel, tRight-tLeft, gseq); rightShift = shiftIndel(insert, unaligned, 1, startIndel-1, tRight-tLeft, gseq); /*free(insert);*/ if (pi->psl->strand[0] == '-') { int temp = leftShift; prevqend += rightShift; qstart += rightShift; prevtend += rightShift; tstart += rightShift; leftShift = rightShift; rightShift = temp; } prevqend -= leftShift; qstart -= leftShift; prevtend -= leftShift; tstart -= leftShift; /* Create an unali record for this */ if ((unaliReport) && (unali)) { ni = createUnali(conn, prevqend, qstart, pi->psl->tName, prevtend, tstart, rna, pi->psl->strand, pi->mrnaCloneId, pi->mrna, 1, leftShift + rightShift + 1, insert, inCds); slAddHead(&uiList, ni); } /* Create an indel record for this */ if ((indelReport) && (!unali)) { ni = createIndel(conn, prevqend, qstart, pi->psl->tName, prevtend, prevtend, rna, pi->psl->strand, pi->mrnaCloneId, pi->mrna, 1, leftShift + rightShift + 1, insert, TRUE, inCds); slAddHead(&niList,ni); } } /* Find deletions in the mRNA sequence */ unaligned = 0; qstart = pi->psl->qStarts[i]; tstart = pi->psl->tStarts[i]; prevqend = 0; prevtend = 0; /* Check if in the coding region */ if ((qstart >= cdsS) && (qstart <= cdsE)) inCds = TRUE; else inCds = FALSE; /* Determine where previous block left off in the alignment */ prevqend = pi->psl->qStarts[i-1] + pi->psl->blockSizes[i-1]; prevtend = pi->psl->tStarts[i-1] + pi->psl->blockSizes[i-1]; /* Adjust if previous end is not in coding region */ /*if (prevqend < pi->cdsStart) { prevqend = qstart; prevtend = tstart; } */ unaligned = tstart - prevtend; if (inCds) unalignedCds = tstart - qstart; else unalignedCds = 0; if ((qstart - prevqend) > 0) unali = TRUE; else unali = FALSE; /* Check if unaligned part is an intron */ if ((unaligned > 30) || (pi->splice[i])) { /*pi->cdsGap += unaligned;*/ if (inCds) pi->cdsGap += 0; } /* Check if there is an indel */ else if ((unaligned != 0) && (!unali)) { if (inCds) { if (unaligned == 1) pi->singleIndel++; if ((unaligned%3) == 0) pi->tripleIndel++; pi->totalIndel -= unaligned; pi->indels[pi->indelCount] = unaligned; pi->indelCount++; if (pi->indelCount > 256) errAbort("Indel count too high"); } /*if ((pi->cdsPctId >= 0.98) && (pi->cdsCoverage >= 0.80)) indels[unaligned]++;*/ /* Create an indel record for this */ if (pi->psl->strand[0] == '-') { int temp = tstart; tstart = pi->psl->tSize - prevtend; prevtend = pi->psl->tSize - temp; tLeft = pi->psl->tSize - pi->psl->tStarts[i] - pi->psl->blockSizes[i]; tRight = pi->psl->tSize - pi->psl->tStarts[i-1]; gseq = hDnaFromSeq(pi->psl->tName, tLeft, tRight, dnaLower); reverseComplement(gseq->dna, gseq->size); startIndel = tRight - tstart; } else { tLeft = pi->psl->tStarts[i-1]; tRight = pi->psl->tStarts[i] + pi->psl->blockSizes[i]; gseq = hDnaFromSeq(pi->psl->tName, tLeft, tRight, dnaLower); startIndel = prevtend - tLeft; } insert = needMem(unaligned+1); strncpy(insert, gseq->dna + startIndel, unaligned); insert[unaligned] = '\0'; leftShift = shiftIndel(insert, unaligned, -1, startIndel, tLeft+tRight, gseq); rightShift = shiftIndel(insert, unaligned, 1, startIndel, tLeft+tRight, gseq); /* free(insert); */ if (pi->psl->strand[0] == '-') { int temp = leftShift; prevqend += rightShift; qstart += rightShift; prevtend += rightShift; tstart += rightShift; leftShift = rightShift; rightShift = temp; } prevqend -= leftShift; qstart -= leftShift; prevtend -= leftShift; tstart -= leftShift; if (indelReport) { ni = createIndel(conn, prevqend, qstart, pi->psl->tName, prevtend, tstart, rna, pi->psl->strand, pi->mrnaCloneId, pi->mrna, 1, rightShift + leftShift + 1, insert, FALSE, inCds); slAddHead(&niList,ni); } } } if (indelReport) { slReverse(&niList); pi->indelList = niList; } if (unaliReport) { slReverse(&uiList); pi->unaliList = uiList; } } void processCds(struct sqlConnection *conn, struct pslInfo *pi, struct dnaSeq *rna, struct dnaSeq *dna) /* Examine closely the alignment of the coding region */ { struct acc *acc; char *name = cloneString(pi->psl->qName); verbose(2, "Processing %s\n", name); /* Create the accession for the query */ acc = createAcc(name); /* Compare the actual aligned parts */ verbose(3, "\tcomparing cds alignment\n"); cdsCompare(conn, pi, rna, dna); pi->cdsPctId = (float)(pi->cdsMatch)/(pi->cdsMatch + pi->cdsMismatch); pi->cdsCoverage = (float)(pi->cdsMatch + pi->cdsMismatch)/(pi->cdsSize); /* Determine indels in the alignment */ verbose(3, "\tanalyzing indels\n"); cdsIndels(conn, pi, rna); } struct pslInfo *processPsl(struct sqlConnection *conn, struct psl *psl) /* Analyze an alignment of a mRNA to the genomic sequence */ { struct pslInfo *pi; struct dnaSeq *rnaSeq; struct dnaSeq *dnaSeq; char *name = cloneString(psl->qName); verbose(3, "\tprocessing psl record\n"); AllocVar(pi); pi->psl = psl; pi->mrna = createAcc(name); pi->pctId = (float)(psl->match + psl->repMatch)/(psl->match + psl->repMatch + psl->misMatch); pi->coverage = (float)(psl->match + psl->misMatch + psl->repMatch)/(psl->qSize); if (!hashLookup(cdsStarts, pi->mrna->name)) pi->cdsStart = 0; else pi->cdsStart = hashIntVal(cdsStarts, pi->mrna->name); if (!hashLookup(cdsEnds, pi->mrna->name)) pi->cdsEnd = psl->qSize; else pi->cdsEnd = hashIntVal(cdsEnds, pi->mrna->name); pi->cdsSize = pi->cdsEnd - pi->cdsStart; pi->introns = countIntrons(psl->blockCount, psl->blockSizes, psl->tStarts); if (loci != NULL) pi->loci = hashIntVal(loci, pi->mrna->name); else pi->loci = nextFakeLoci++; pi->indelCount = 0; pi->totalIndel = 0; pi->mrnaCloneId = getMrnaCloneId(conn, pi->mrna->name); if (derived && hashLookup(derived, pi->mrna->name)) pi->refseq = hashFindVal(derived, pi->mrna->name); else pi->refseq = NULL; /* Get the corresponding sequences */ verbose(3, "\tretrieving rna and dna sequences\n"); rnaSeq = hashMustFindVal(rnaSeqs, pi->mrna->name); dnaSeq = hDnaFromSeq(psl->tName, psl->tStart, psl->tEnd, dnaLower); /* Reverse compliment genomic and psl record if aligned on opposite strand */ if (psl->strand[0] == '-') { verbose(3, "\treverse complementing\n"); reverseComplement(dnaSeq->dna, dnaSeq->size); pslRc(pi->psl); } /* Analyze the coding region */ verbose(3, "\tcounting splice sites\n"); pi->stdSplice = countStdSplice(psl, dnaSeq->dna, pi); verbose(3, "\tanalyzing cds region\n"); processCds(conn, pi, rnaSeq, dnaSeq); /* Revert back to original psl record for printing */ if (psl->strand[0] == '-') { verbose(3, "\treverse complementing back\n"); pslRc(pi->psl); } verbose(3, "\tdone with psl record\n"); freeDnaSeq(&dnaSeq); return(pi); } void writeList(FILE *of, struct indel *iList, int type, struct psl *psl, struct acc *a) /* Write out an list of indel/mismatches/codon subs*/ { struct indel *indel; struct acc *acc; for (indel = iList; indel != NULL; indel=indel->next) { /*printf("Indel of size %d in %s:%d-%d vs. %s:%d-%d\n", indel->size, indel->mrna, indel->mrnaStart, indel->mrnaEnd, indel->chrom, indel->chromStart, indel->chromEnd);*/ if (type == INDEL) { fprintf(of, "Indel of size %d in %s:%d-%d vs. %s:%d-%d, %s vs. %s", indel->size, accFmt(indel->mrna), indel->mrnaStart, indel->mrnaEnd, indel->chrom, indel->chromStart, indel->chromEnd, indel->mrnaSeq, indel->genSeq); if (indel->inCds) fprintf(of, ", CDS"); if (indel->insertion) fprintf(of, ", INSERTION\n"); else fprintf(of, ", DELETION\n"); } else if (type == UNALIGNED) { fprintf(of, "Unaligned bases of size %d in %s:%d-%d vs. %s:%d-%d, %s vs. %s", indel->size, accFmt(indel->mrna), indel->mrnaStart, indel->mrnaEnd, indel->chrom, indel->chromStart, indel->chromEnd, indel->mrnaSeq, indel->genSeq); if (indel->inCds) fprintf(of, ", CDS"); fprintf(of, "\n"); } else if (type == MISMATCH) { fprintf(of, "Mismatch at %s:%d vs. %s:%d, %s vs. %s", accFmt(indel->mrna), indel->mrnaStart, indel->chrom, indel->chromStart, indel->mrnaSeq, indel->genSeq); if (indel->inCds) fprintf(of, ", CDS"); if (indel->knownSnp) if (indel->validatedSnp) fprintf(of, ", SNP-validated\n"); else fprintf(of, ", SNP\n"); else fprintf(of, "\n"); } else if (type == CODONSUB) { char mrnaAA = lookupCodon(indel->mrnaCodon); char genAA = lookupCodon(indel->genCodon); bool isSyn = (mrnaAA == genAA); fprintf(of, "%s codon substitution at %s:%d vs. %s:%d,%d,%d, %s vs. %s, ", (isSyn ? "synonymous" : "non-synonymous"), accFmt(indel->mrna), indel->mrnaStart, indel->chrom, indel->codonGenPos[0], indel->codonGenPos[1], indel->codonGenPos[2], indel->mrnaCodon, indel->genCodon); if (mrnaAA == 0) fprintf(of, "STOP vs. "); else fprintf(of, "%c vs. ", mrnaAA); if (genAA == 0) fprintf(of, "STOP"); else fprintf(of, "%c", genAA); if (indel->knownSnp) if (indel->validatedSnp) fprintf(of, ", SNP-validated\n"); else fprintf(of, ", SNP\n"); else fprintf(of, "\n"); fprintf(of, "\tpsl %s %d %d\t%s %d %d\n", a->name, psl->qStart, psl->qEnd, psl->tName, psl->tStart, psl->tEnd); } fprintf(of, "\t%d human mRNAs support genomic: ", indel->hs->genMrna); slReverse(&(indel->hs->genMrnaAcc)); for (acc = indel->hs->genMrnaAcc; acc != NULL; acc = acc->next) fprintf(of, "%s ", accFmt(acc)); fprintf(of, "\n\t%d human ESTs support genomic: ",indel->hs->genEst); slReverse(&(indel->hs->genEstAcc)); for (acc = indel->hs->genEstAcc; acc != NULL; acc = acc->next) fprintf(of, "%s ", accFmt(acc)); fprintf(of, "\n\t%d human mRNAs support %s: ", indel->hs->mrnaMrna, accFmt(indel->mrna)); slReverse(&(indel->hs->mrnaMrnaAcc)); for (acc = indel->hs->mrnaMrnaAcc; acc != NULL; acc = acc->next) fprintf(of, "%s ", accFmt(acc)); fprintf(of, "\n\t%d human ESTs support %s: ",indel->hs->mrnaEst, accFmt(indel->mrna)); slReverse(&(indel->hs->mrnaEstAcc)); for (acc = indel->hs->mrnaEstAcc; acc != NULL; acc = acc->next) fprintf(of, "%s ", accFmt(acc)); fprintf(of, "\n\t%d human mRNAs support neither: ", indel->hs->noMrna); slReverse(&(indel->hs->noMrnaAcc)); for (acc = indel->hs->noMrnaAcc; acc != NULL; acc = acc->next) fprintf(of, "%s ", accFmt(acc)); fprintf(of, "\n\t%d human ESTs support neither: ",indel->hs->noEst); slReverse(&(indel->hs->noEstAcc)); for (acc = indel->hs->noEstAcc; acc != NULL; acc = acc->next) fprintf(of, "%s ", accFmt(acc)); fprintf(of, "\n\t%d human mRNAs do not align: ", indel->hs->unMrna); slReverse(&(indel->hs->unMrnaAcc)); for (acc = indel->hs->unMrnaAcc; acc != NULL; acc = acc->next) fprintf(of, "%s ", accFmt(acc)); fprintf(of, "\n\t%d human ESTs do not align: ",indel->hs->unEst); slReverse(&(indel->hs->unEstAcc)); for (acc = indel->hs->unEstAcc; acc != NULL; acc = acc->next) fprintf(of, "%s ", accFmt(acc)); if (xeno) { fprintf(of, "\n\n\t%d xeno mRNAs support genomic: ", indel->xe->genMrna); slReverse(&(indel->xe->genMrnaAcc)); for (acc = indel->xe->genMrnaAcc; acc != NULL; acc = acc->next) fprintf(of, "%s(%s) ", accFmt(acc), acc->organism); fprintf(of, "\n\t%d xeno ESTs support genomic: ",indel->xe->genEst); slReverse(&(indel->xe->genEstAcc)); for (acc = indel->xe->genEstAcc; acc != NULL; acc = acc->next) fprintf(of, "%s(%s) ", acc->name, accFmt(acc)); fprintf(of, "\n\t%d xeno mRNAs support %s: ", indel->xe->mrnaMrna, accFmt(indel->mrna)); slReverse(&(indel->xe->mrnaMrnaAcc)); for (acc = indel->xe->mrnaMrnaAcc; acc != NULL; acc = acc->next) fprintf(of, "%s(%s) ", accFmt(acc), acc->organism); fprintf(of, "\n\t%d xeno ESTs support %s: ",indel->xe->mrnaEst, accFmt(indel->mrna)); slReverse(&(indel->xe->mrnaEstAcc)); for (acc = indel->xe->mrnaEstAcc; acc != NULL; acc = acc->next) fprintf(of, "%s(%s) ", accFmt(acc), acc->organism); fprintf(of, "\n\t%d xeno mRNAs support neither: ", indel->xe->noMrna); slReverse(&(indel->xe->noMrnaAcc)); for (acc = indel->xe->noMrnaAcc; acc != NULL; acc = acc->next) fprintf(of, "%s(%s) ", accFmt(acc), acc->organism); fprintf(of, "\n\t%d xeno ESTs support neither: ",indel->xe->noEst); slReverse(&(indel->xe->noEstAcc)); for (acc = indel->xe->noEstAcc; acc != NULL; acc = acc->next) fprintf(of, "%s(%s) ", accFmt(acc), acc->organism); fprintf(of, "\n\t%d xeno mRNAs do not align: ", indel->xe->unMrna); slReverse(&(indel->xe->unMrnaAcc)); for (acc = indel->xe->unMrnaAcc; acc != NULL; acc = acc->next) fprintf(of, "%s(%s) ", accFmt(acc), acc->organism); fprintf(of, "\n\t%d xeno ESTs do not align: ",indel->xe->unEst); slReverse(&(indel->xe->unEstAcc)); for (acc = indel->xe->unEstAcc; acc != NULL; acc = acc->next) fprintf(of, "%s(%s) ", accFmt(acc), acc->organism); } fprintf(of, "\n\n"); } } void writeOut(FILE *of, FILE *in, FILE *mm, FILE* cs, FILE* un, struct pslInfo *pi) /* Output results of the mRNA alignment analysis */ { int i; fprintf(of, "%s\t%s\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\t", accFmt(pi->mrna), pi->psl->tName, pi->psl->tStart, pi->psl->tEnd,pi->psl->qStart,pi->psl->qEnd,pi->psl->qSize,pi->loci); fprintf(of, "%.4f\t%.4f\t%d\t%d\t%.4f\t%.4f\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\t", pi->coverage, pi->pctId, pi->cdsStart+1, pi->cdsEnd, pi->cdsCoverage, pi->cdsPctId, pi->cdsMatch, pi->cdsMismatch, pi->snp, pi->thirdPos, pi->synSub, pi->nonSynSub, pi->synSubSnp, pi->nonSynSubSnp, pi->introns, pi->stdSplice); fprintf(of, "%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\t", pi->unalignedCds, pi->singleIndel, pi->tripleIndel, pi->totalIndel); for (i = 0; i < pi->indelCount; i++) fprintf(of, "%d,", pi->indels[i]); fprintf(of, "\t%d", pi->cdsGap); fprintf(of, "\n"); /* Write out detailed records of indels, if requested */ if (indelReport) { verbose(2, "Writing out indels\n"); writeList(in, pi->indelList, INDEL, NULL, NULL); } /* Write out detailed records of indels, if requested */ if (unaliReport) { verbose(2, "Writing out unaligned regions\n"); writeList(un, pi->unaliList, UNALIGNED, NULL, NULL); } /* Write out detailed records of mismatches, if requested */ if (mismatchReport) { verbose(2, "Writing out mismatches\n"); writeList(mm, pi->mmList, MISMATCH, NULL, NULL); } /* Write out detailed records of codon substitutions, if requested */ if (codonSubReport) { verbose(2, "Writing out codon substitutions\n"); writeList(cs, pi->codonSubList, CODONSUB, pi->psl, pi->mrna); } } void doFile(struct lineFile *pf, FILE *of, FILE *in, FILE *mm, FILE* cs, FILE* un) /* Process all records in a psl file of mRNA alignments */ { int lineSize; char *line; char *words[32]; int wordCount; struct psl *psl; struct pslInfo *pi; struct sqlConnection *conn = hAllocConn(); while (lineFileNext(pf, &line, &lineSize)) { wordCount = chopTabs(line, words); if (wordCount != 21) errAbort("Bad line %d of %s\n", pf->lineIx, pf->fileName); psl = pslLoad(words); pi = processPsl(conn, psl); slAddHead(&piList, pi); writeOut(of, in, mm, cs, un, pi); pslInfoFree(&pi); } hFreeConn(&conn); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { struct lineFile *pf, *cf, *lf, *vf=NULL, *df=NULL; FILE *of, *in=NULL, *mm=NULL, *cs=NULL, *un=NULL; char *faFile, *db, filename[PATH_LEN], *vfName = NULL, *dfName = NULL; optionInit(&argc, argv, optionSpecs); if (argc != 6) { fprintf(stderr, "USAGE: pslAnal <psl file> <cds file> <loci file> <fa file> <out file prefix>\n"); fprintf(stderr, "Options:\n"); fprintf(stderr, "\t-db=db\n"); fprintf(stderr, "\t-versions=<mrna versions>\n"); fprintf(stderr, "\t-noVersions\n"); fprintf(stderr, "\t-der=<refseq derived accs>\n"); fprintf(stderr, "\t-verbose=<level>\n"); fprintf(stderr, "\t-xeno\n"); fprintf(stderr, "\t-indels\n"); fprintf(stderr, "\t-unaligned\n"); fprintf(stderr, "\t-mismatches\n"); fprintf(stderr, "\t-codonsub\n"); fprintf(stderr, "\t-genbankCds\n"); return 1; } db = optionVal("db", NULL); if (db == NULL) errAbort("must specify -db"); vfName = optionVal("versions", NULL); dfName = optionVal("der", NULL); indelReport = optionExists("indels"); unaliReport = optionExists("unaligned"); mismatchReport = optionExists("mismatches"); codonSubReport = optionExists("codonsub"); genbankCdsFmt = optionExists("genbankCds"); xeno = optionExists("xeno"); noVersions = optionExists("noVersions"); pf = pslFileOpen(argv[1]); cf = lineFileOpen(argv[2], TRUE); lf = lineFileOpen(argv[3], TRUE); faFile = argv[4]; safef(filename, sizeof(filename), "%s.anal", argv[5]); of = mustOpen(filename, "w"); fprintf(of, "Acc\tChr\tStart\tEnd\tmStart\tmEnd\tSize\tLoci\tCov\tID\tCdsStart\tCdsEnd\tCdsCov\tCdsID\tCdsMatch\tCdsMismatch\tSnp\tThirdPos\tSyn\tNonSyn\tSynSnp\tNonSynSnp\tIntrons\tStdSplice\tUnCds\tSingle\tTriple\tTotal\tIndels\tGaps\n"); fprintf(of, "10\t10\t10N\t10N\t10N\t10N\t10N\t10N\t10N\t10N\t10N\t10N\t10N\t10N\t10N\t10N\t10N\t10N\t10N\t10N\t10N\t10N\t10N\t10N\t10N\t10N\t10N\t10N\t10\t10N\n"); if (vfName) vf = lineFileOpen(vfName, TRUE); if (dfName) df = lineFileOpen(dfName, TRUE); if (indelReport) { safef(filename, sizeof(filename), "%s.indel", argv[5]); in = mustOpen(filename, "w"); } if (unaliReport) { safef(filename, sizeof(filename), "%s.unali", argv[5]); un = mustOpen(filename, "w"); } if (mismatchReport) { safef(filename, sizeof(filename), "%s.mismatch", argv[5]); mm = mustOpen(filename, "w"); } if (codonSubReport) { safef(filename, sizeof(filename), "%s.codonsub", argv[5]); cs = mustOpen(filename, "w"); } verbose(2, "Reading CDS file\n"); readCds(cf); verbose(2, "Reading FA file\n"); readRnaSeq(faFile); verbose(2, "Reading loci file\n"); readLoci(lf); if (vf) { verbose(2, "Reading version file\n"); readVersion(vf); } if (df) { verbose(2, "Reading refseq derived accessions file\n"); readRsDerived(df); } verbose(2, "Processing psl file\n"); doFile(pf, of, in, mm, cs, un); if (indelReport) fclose(in); if (unaliReport) fclose(un); if (mismatchReport) fclose(mm); if (codonSubReport) fclose(cs); fclose(of); lineFileClose(&pf); return 0; }