  Sat May 24 21:09:34 2014 -0700
Adding Copyright NNNN Regents of the University of California to all files I believe with reasonable certainty were developed under UCSC employ or as part of Genome Browser copyright assignment.
diff --git src/hg/pslPartition/pslPartition.c src/hg/pslPartition/pslPartition.c
index 966f620..32a936a 100644
--- src/hg/pslPartition/pslPartition.c
+++ src/hg/pslPartition/pslPartition.c
@@ -1,294 +1,297 @@
 /* pslPartition - split PSL files into non-overlapping sets */
+/* Copyright (C) 2011 The Regents of the University of California 
+ * See README in this or parent directory for licensing information. */
 #include "common.h"
 #include "options.h"
 #include "pipeline.h"
 #include "psl.h"
 #include "dystring.h"
 #include "portable.h"
 /* command line options and values */
 static struct optionSpec optionSpecs[] =
     {"outLevels", OPTION_INT},
     {"partSize", OPTION_INT},
     {"dropContained", OPTION_BOOLEAN},
     {NULL, 0}
 static int gOutLevels = 0;
 static int gPartSize = 20000;
 static boolean gDropContained = FALSE;
 static void usage(char *msg)
 /* Explain usage and exit. */
 errAbort("Error: %s\n"
   "pslPartition - split PSL files into non-overlapping sets\n"
   "   pslPartition [options] pslFile outDir\n"
   "Split psl files into non-overlapping sets for use in cluster jobs,\n"
   "limiting memory usage, etc. Multiple levels of directories can be are\n"
   "created under outDir to prevent slow access to huge directories.\n"
   "The pslFile maybe compressed and no ordering is assumed.\n"
   "  -outLevels=0 - number of output subdirectory levels.  0 puts all files\n"
   "   directly in outDir, 2, will create files in the form outDir/0/0/00.psl\n"
   "  -partSize=20000 - will combine non-overlapping partitions, while attempting\n"
   "   to keep them under this number of PSLs.  This reduces the number of\n"
   "   files that are created while ensuring that there are no overlaps\n"
   "   between any two PSL files.  A value of 0 creates a PSL file per set of\n"
   "   overlapping PSLs.\n"
   "  -dropContained - drop PSLs that are completely contained in a block of\n"
   "   another PSL.\n"
   "\n", msg);
 struct pslInput
 /* object to read a psl */
     struct pipeline *pl;     /* sorting pipeline */
     struct lineFile *lf;     /* lineFile to pipeline */
     struct psl *pending;     /* next psl to read, if not NULL */
 static struct pipeline *openPslSortPipe(char *pslFile)
 /* open pipeline that sorts psl */
 static char *zcatCmd[] = {"zcat", NULL};
 static char *bzcatCmd[] = {"zcat", NULL};
 static char *sortCmd[] = {"sort", "-k", "14,14", "-k", "16,16n", "-k", "17,17nr", NULL};
 int iCmd = 0;
 char **cmds[3];
 if (endsWith(pslFile, ".gz") || endsWith(pslFile, ".Z"))
     cmds[iCmd++] = zcatCmd;
 else if (endsWith(pslFile, ".bz2"))
     cmds[iCmd++] = bzcatCmd;
 cmds[iCmd++] = sortCmd;
 cmds[iCmd++] = NULL;
 return pipelineOpen(cmds, pipelineRead, pslFile, NULL);
 static struct pslInput *pslInputNew(char *pslFile)
 /* create object to read PSLs */
 struct pslInput *pi;
 pi->pl = openPslSortPipe(pslFile);
 pi->lf = pipelineLineFile(pi->pl);
 return pi;
 static void pslInputFree(struct pslInput **piPtr)
 /* free pslInput object */
 struct pslInput *pi = *piPtr;
 if (pi != NULL)
     assert(pi->pending == NULL);
 static struct psl *pslInputNext(struct pslInput *pi)
 /* read next psl */
 struct psl *psl = pi->pending;
 if (psl != NULL)
     pi->pending = NULL;
     psl = pslNext(pi->lf);
 return psl;
 static void pslInputPutBack(struct pslInput *pi, struct psl *psl)
 /* save psl pending slot. */
 if (pi->pending)
     errAbort("only one psl maybe pending");
 pi->pending = psl;
 static boolean isOverlapped(struct psl *psl, struct psl *pslPart,
                             int minStart, int maxEnd)
 /* determine if a psl is in the partation */
 return (psl->tStart < maxEnd) && (psl->tEnd > minStart)
     && sameString(psl->tName, pslPart->tName);
 static struct psl *readPartition(struct pslInput *pi)
 /* read next set of overlapping psls */
 int minStart, maxEnd;
 struct psl *pslPart = pslInputNext(pi);
 struct psl *psl;
 if (pslPart == NULL)
     return NULL;  /* no more */
 minStart = pslPart->tStart;
 maxEnd = pslPart->tEnd;
 /* add more psls while they overlap, easy since input is sorted */
 while ((psl = pslInputNext(pi)) != NULL)
     if (isOverlapped(psl, pslPart, minStart, maxEnd))
         minStart = min(minStart, psl->tStart);
         maxEnd = max(maxEnd, psl->tEnd);
         slAddHead(&pslPart, psl);
         pslInputPutBack(pi, psl);
 return pslPart;
 static boolean isContained(struct psl *psl, struct psl *otherPsl)
 /* check if psl is completely contained in an exon of otherPsl */
 // first check if it could be contained, then look at exons
 if ((psl->tStart >= otherPsl->tStart) && (psl->tEnd <= otherPsl->tEnd))
     int tStart = psl->tStart;
     int tEnd = psl->tEnd;
     if (psl->strand[1] != otherPsl->strand[1])
         reverseIntRange(&tStart, &tEnd, psl->tSize);
     int iBlk;
     for (iBlk = 0; iBlk < otherPsl->blockCount; iBlk++)
         if ((tStart >= otherPsl->tStarts[iBlk]) && (tEnd <= (otherPsl->tStarts[iBlk]+otherPsl->blockSizes[iBlk])))
             return TRUE;
 return FALSE;
 static boolean haveContaining(struct psl *psl, struct psl *otherPsls)
 /* check if psl is completely contained in an exon of any of otherPsls */
 struct psl *otherPsl;
 for (otherPsl = otherPsls; otherPsl != NULL; otherPsl = otherPsl->next)
     if (isContained(psl, otherPsl))
         return TRUE;
 return FALSE;
 static void dropContained(struct psl **partList)
 /* remove PSLs from the partation that are completely contained
  * in the block of another PSL. */
 struct psl *newPart = NULL, *psl;
 while ((psl = slPopHead(partList)) != NULL)
     if (haveContaining(psl, *partList) || haveContaining(psl, newPart))
         slAddHead(&newPart, psl);
 *partList = newPart;
 static char *getPartPslFile(char *outDir, int partNum)
 /* compute the name for the partition psl file, creating directories.
  * freeMem result */
 struct dyString *partPath = dyStringNew(128);
 char partStr[64];
 int i, partStrLen;
 /* part number, with leading zeros */
 safef(partStr, sizeof(partStr), "%0*d", gOutLevels, partNum);
 partStrLen = strlen(partStr);
 dyStringAppend(partPath, outDir);
 /* create with multiple levels of directories, with least-signficant part of
  * number being lowest directory */
 for (i = 0; i < gOutLevels; i++)
     dyStringAppendC(partPath, '/');
     dyStringAppendC(partPath, partStr[(partStrLen-gOutLevels)+i]);
 dyStringAppendC(partPath, '/');
 dyStringAppend(partPath, partStr);
 dyStringAppend(partPath, ".psl");
 return dyStringCannibalize(&partPath);
 struct pslParts
 /* object for accumulating and combining partitions */
     struct psl *psls;   /* list of psls */
     int size;           /* number of psls */
     int partNum;        /* next partition number */
 static void pslPartsWrite(struct pslParts *parts, char *outDir)
 /* write out a set of partitions and reset stated to empty. */
 char *partPath = getPartPslFile(outDir, parts->partNum++);
 pslWriteAll(parts->psls, partPath, FALSE);
 parts->size = 0;
 static void pslPartsAdd(struct pslParts *parts, struct psl* newPart, char *outDir)
 /* add a new partition, writing out pending parts if max size reached,
  * and adding new ones. */
 int newSize = slCount(newPart);
 if (((parts->size + newSize) > gPartSize) && (parts->psls != NULL))
     pslPartsWrite(parts, outDir);
 parts->psls = slCat(parts->psls, newPart);
 parts->size += newSize;
 static void pslPartition(char *pslFile, char *outDir)
 /* split PSL files into non-overlapping sets */
 struct pslInput *pi = pslInputNew(pslFile);
 struct pslParts parts;
 struct psl *newPart;
 while ((newPart = readPartition(pi)) != NULL)
     if (gDropContained)
     pslPartsAdd(&parts, newPart, outDir);
 if (parts.psls != NULL)
     pslPartsWrite(&parts, outDir);
 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
 /* Process command line. */
 optionInit(&argc, argv, optionSpecs);
 if (argc != 3)
     usage("wrong # args");
 gOutLevels = optionInt("outLevels", gOutLevels);
 gPartSize = optionInt("partSize", gPartSize);
 gDropContained = optionExists("dropContained");
 pslPartition(argv[1], argv[2]);
 return 0;