e70152e44cc66cc599ff6b699eb8adc07f3e656a kent Sat May 24 21:09:34 2014 -0700 Adding Copyright NNNN Regents of the University of California to all files I believe with reasonable certainty were developed under UCSC employ or as part of Genome Browser copyright assignment. diff --git src/hg/splignToPsl/splignToPsl.c src/hg/splignToPsl/splignToPsl.c index 39329e8..1115ec9 100644 --- src/hg/splignToPsl/splignToPsl.c +++ src/hg/splignToPsl/splignToPsl.c @@ -1,447 +1,450 @@ /* ncbiTabToPsl - Convert NCBI tab-file alignments to PSL format. */ + +/* Copyright (C) 2011 The Regents of the University of California + * See README in this or parent directory for licensing information. */ #include "common.h" #include "linefile.h" #include "hash.h" #include "options.h" #include "dystring.h" #include "errabort.h" #include "psl.h" #include "sqlNum.h" #include "dnautil.h" #include "obscure.h" #include "alignSeqSizes.h" #include "splignAlign.h" void usage() /* Explain usage and exit. */ { errAbort( "splignToPsl - Convert splign tab-file pair alignments to PSL format\n" "\n" "usage:\n" " splignToPsl [options] in out.psl\n" "\n" "Options:\n" " -qSizesFile=szfile - read query sizes from tab file of <seqName> <size>\n" " -qSizes='id1 size1 ..' - set query sizes, value is white-space separated pairs of sequence and size\n" " -tSizesFile=szfile - read target sizes from tab file of <seqName> <size>\n" " -tSizes='id1 size1 ..' - set target sizes, value is white-space separated pairs of sequence and size\n" "\n" "alignment format is:\n" " 1 query name\n" " 2 target name\n" " 3 ids\n" " 4 aligned block overall size. Including indel and misMatch\n" " 5 query start\n" " 6 query end\n" " 7 target start\n" " 8 target end\n" " 9 block type. exon, gap \n" " 10 alignment anontation. M-match, R-misMatch, I-insert, D-delete\n" ); } /* command line */ static struct optionSpec optionSpec[] = { {"qSizesFile", OPTION_STRING}, {"qSizes", OPTION_STRING}, {"tSizesFile", OPTION_STRING}, {"tSizes", OPTION_STRING}, {NULL, 0} }; struct parser /* data used during parsing */ { struct lineFile* lf; /* alignment file */ struct alignSeqSizes* ass; /* sequence sizes */ struct psl* psl; /* PSL being constructed */ struct splignAlign *recCache; /* record catch */ unsigned pslMaxBlks; /* memory allocated for PSL blocks */ char* curQName; /* current alignment id */ int curQEnd; /* query end of the current alignment */ }; void parseErr(struct parser *pr, char* format, ...) /* prototype to get gnu attribute check */ #if defined(__GNUC__) __attribute__((format(printf, 2, 3))) #endif ; void parseErr(struct parser *pr, char* format, ...) /* abort on parse error */ { va_list args; va_start(args, format); fprintf(stderr, "parse error: %s:%d: ", pr->lf->fileName, pr->lf->lineIx); vaErrAbort(format, args); va_end(args); } struct splignAlign *loadNextRec(struct parser *pr) /* read the next record, if one is cached, return it instead. NULL on EOF */ { struct splignAlign *rec = NULL; if (pr->recCache != NULL) { rec = pr->recCache; pr->recCache = NULL; } else { char *row[SPLIGNALIGN_NUM_COLS]; if (lineFileChopNextTab(pr->lf, row, ArraySize(row))) rec = splignAlignLoad(row); } return rec; } void growPslBlocks(struct parser *pr, unsigned newBlks) /* grow memory allocated to PSL to be able to hold newBLks */ { int oldSize = pr->pslMaxBlks * sizeof(unsigned); int newSize = newBlks * sizeof(unsigned); pr->psl->blockSizes = needMoreMem(pr->psl->blockSizes, oldSize, newSize); pr->psl->qStarts = needMoreMem(pr->psl->qStarts, oldSize, newSize); pr->psl->tStarts = needMoreMem(pr->psl->tStarts, oldSize, newSize); pr->pslMaxBlks = newBlks; } boolean nextAlign(struct parser *pr) /* start a new alignment, allocating psl, etc. */ { struct splignAlign *rec = loadNextRec(pr); if (rec == NULL) return FALSE; AllocVar(pr->psl); growPslBlocks(pr, 8); pr->psl->qName = cloneString(rec->query); pr->psl->qSize = alignSeqSizesMustGetQuery(pr->ass, rec->query); pr->psl->tName = cloneString(rec->target); pr->psl->tSize = alignSeqSizesMustGetTarget(pr->ass, rec->target); /* strand is negative if addressed are reversed */ pr->psl->strand[0] = (rec->qStart > rec->qEnd) ? '-' : '+'; pr->psl->strand[1] = (rec->tStart > rec->tEnd) ? '-' : '+'; pr->curQName = cloneString(rec->query); //* need end to be saved pr->curQEnd = 0; /* save record for block parsing */ pr->recCache = rec; return TRUE; } int convertCoords(struct parser *pr, char strand, int alnStart, int alnStop, int seqSize, int *startRet) /* convert a start/end pair to start and return block size */ { if (((alnStart > alnStop) ? '-' : '+') != strand) parseErr(pr, "strand implied by addresses doesn't match expected: %d-%d vs %c", alnStart, alnStop, strand); if (strand == '-') { int hold = alnStart; alnStart = alnStop; alnStop = hold; } alnStart--; if (strand == '-') reverseIntRange(&alnStart, &alnStop, seqSize); *startRet = alnStart; return (alnStop - alnStart); } void addBlock(struct parser *pr,int *qStart, int *tStart, int size, int match) { int iBlk = pr->psl->blockCount; if (iBlk >= pr->pslMaxBlks) growPslBlocks(pr, 2*pr->pslMaxBlks); pr->psl->blockSizes[iBlk] = size; pr->psl->blockCount++; /* get new coords */ convertCoords(pr, pr->psl->strand[0], *qStart, *qStart + size, pr->psl->qSize, &(pr->psl->qStarts[iBlk])); if(pr->psl->strand[1] == '-') convertCoords(pr, pr->psl->strand[1], *tStart, *tStart - size, pr->psl->tSize, &(pr->psl->tStarts[iBlk])); else convertCoords(pr, pr->psl->strand[1], *tStart, *tStart + size, pr->psl->tSize, &(pr->psl->tStarts[iBlk])); /* update stats */ pr->psl->match += match; pr->psl->misMatch += (size - match); if(pr->psl->strand[1] == '-') { pr->psl->tStarts[iBlk] = *tStart - size; *tStart -= size; } else { pr->psl->tStarts[iBlk] = *tStart; *tStart += size ; } pr->psl->qStarts[iBlk] = *qStart; *qStart += size ; } void addRec(struct parser *pr, struct splignAlign* rec) /* add a record to the psl. It probably multi blocks for psl */ { int size=0, match=0, insert=0, delete=0; int qStart= rec->qStart -1, tStart=pr->psl->strand[1]== '+'? rec->tStart - 1:rec->tStart; int anonSize = strlen(rec->anotation); int i =0; int anoStage = 0; /*anotation stage, 1-M, 2-R, 3-I, 4-D, 5-already get number for M,R stage */ int shift = 1, shiftBack = -1; if(pr->psl->strand[1] == '-') {/* get shift amount */ shift = -1; shiftBack = 1; } for(i=0; i < anonSize; i++) { if(rec->anotation[i] == 'M') {/*is in a new match blocks */ /* check previous stage and shift start*/ if(anoStage == 3) { tStart += insert; insert = 0; } if(anoStage == 4) { qStart += delete; delete = 0; } size++; match++; anoStage = 1; continue; } else if(rec->anotation[i] == 'R') {/*is in a new misMatch Block */ /* check previous stage and shift start*/ if(anoStage == 3) { tStart += insert; insert = 0; } if(anoStage == 4) { qStart += delete; delete = 0; } size++; anoStage = 2; continue; } else if(rec->anotation[i] == 'I' ) {/* Is it insert? Add a new block to psl if it is. */ if (anoStage != 0) addBlock(pr, &qStart, &tStart, size, match); anoStage = 3; size = 0; match = 0; insert += shift; continue; } else if( rec->anotation[i] == 'D') {/* Is it delete? Add a new block to psl if it is. */ if (anoStage != 0) addBlock(pr, &qStart, &tStart, size, match); anoStage = 4; size = 0; match = 0; delete += shift; continue; } if(insert > 1|| delete > 1|| anoStage == 5) /* check whether get fragment size */ continue; else { int tempSize = atoi(&(rec->anotation[i])); switch(anoStage) { case 1: //match block size += (tempSize - 1); match += (tempSize - 1); anoStage = 5; break; case 2: // misMatch block size += (tempSize - 1); anoStage = 5; break; case 3: // insert in target insert = insert + shiftBack + tempSize; break; case 4: // delete in target delete = delete + shiftBack + tempSize; break; case 5: continue; } } } // add the last block if(anoStage == 5 || anoStage == 1 || anoStage == 2) addBlock(pr, &qStart, &tStart, size, match); } void pslRcForSplign(struct psl *psl) { int i; /* swap strand, forcing target to have an explict strand */ psl->strand[0] = (psl->strand[0] != '-') ? '-' : '+'; psl->strand[1] = (psl->strand[1] != '-') ? '-' : '+'; for (i = 0; i < psl->blockCount; i++) { psl->qStarts[i] = psl->qSize - (psl->qStarts[i] + psl->blockSizes[i]); } reverseUnsigned(psl->qStarts, psl->blockCount); reverseUnsigned(psl->blockSizes, psl->blockCount); } void convertAlign(struct parser *pr, FILE* out) /* read and comvert an alignment to psl. */ { struct splignAlign* rec; int iBlk, i; boolean hasExon = FALSE; /* parser rows for this alignment */ while ((rec = loadNextRec(pr)) != NULL) { if (!sameString(rec->query, pr->curQName) || pr->curQEnd > rec->qStart ) {/* check whether this is same alignment. Next alignment, save it */ pr->curQName = rec->query; pr->curQEnd = rec->qEnd; pr->recCache = rec; break; } pr->curQEnd = rec->qEnd; /* record current query end for future check*/ if (stringIn("exon", rec->type)) /* check whether is an exon */ { addRec(pr, rec); hasExon=TRUE; } splignAlignFree(&rec); } if(hasExon) {/* finish psl */ iBlk = pr->psl->blockCount-1; pr->psl->qStart = pr->psl->qStarts[0]; pr->psl->qEnd = pr->psl->qStarts[iBlk] + pr->psl->blockSizes[iBlk]; if (pr->psl->strand[0] == '-') reverseIntRange(&pr->psl->qStart, &pr->psl->qEnd, pr->psl->qSize); pr->psl->tStart = pr->psl->tStarts[0]; pr->psl->tEnd = pr->psl->tStarts[iBlk] + pr->psl->blockSizes[iBlk]; if (pr->psl->strand[1] == '-') { pr->psl->tEnd = pr->psl->tStarts[0] + pr->psl->blockSizes[0]; pr->psl->tStart = pr->psl->tStarts[iBlk]; reverseInts(pr->psl->tStarts, pr->psl->blockCount); } /* turn in BLAT style untranslated alignment */ if (pr->psl->strand[1] == '-') { if (pr->psl->strand[0] == '-') parseErr(pr, "can't handle neg to neg alignments"); pslRcForSplign(pr->psl); } /* count gap info */ for(i = 1; i < pr->psl->blockCount; i++) { if(pr->psl->qStarts[i] > pr->psl->qStarts[i-1] + pr->psl->blockSizes[i-1]) { pr->psl->qNumInsert++; pr->psl->qBaseInsert += (pr->psl->qStarts[i] - pr->psl->qStarts[i-1] - pr->psl->blockSizes[i-1]); } if(pr->psl->tStarts[i] > pr->psl->tStarts[i-1] + pr->psl->blockSizes[i-1]) { pr->psl->tNumInsert++; pr->psl->tBaseInsert += (pr->psl->tStarts[i] - pr->psl->tStarts[i-1] - pr->psl->blockSizes[i-1]); } } pr->psl->strand[1] = '\0'; pslTabOut(pr->psl, out); } pslFree(&pr->psl); } void splignToPsl(struct alignSeqSizes *ass, char *inName, char *outName) /* splignToPsl - Convert NCBI tab splign alignments to psl format. */ { struct parser parser; FILE *outFh; ZeroVar(&parser); parser.lf = lineFileOpen(inName, TRUE); parser.ass = ass; outFh = mustOpen(outName, "w"); while (nextAlign(&parser)) convertAlign(&parser, outFh); lineFileClose(&parser.lf); carefulClose(&outFh); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) /* Process command line. */ { struct alignSeqSizes* ass; optionInit(&argc, argv, optionSpec); if (argc != 3) usage(); ass = alignSeqSizesNew(optionVal("qSizesFile", NULL), optionVal("qSizes", NULL), optionVal("tSizesFile", NULL), optionVal("tSizes", NULL)); splignToPsl(ass, argv[1], argv[2]); alignSeqSizesFree(&ass); return 0; }