e70152e44cc66cc599ff6b699eb8adc07f3e656a kent Sat May 24 21:09:34 2014 -0700 Adding Copyright NNNN Regents of the University of California to all files I believe with reasonable certainty were developed under UCSC employ or as part of Genome Browser copyright assignment. diff --git src/kehayden/tokenizerLib/tokenizerLib.c src/kehayden/tokenizerLib/tokenizerLib.c index cc64817..30de775 100644 --- src/kehayden/tokenizerLib/tokenizerLib.c +++ src/kehayden/tokenizerLib/tokenizerLib.c @@ -1,125 +1,128 @@ /* learningLibs - A program to help learn the kent libraries. * A basic script that reads in a text file and breaks * into word frequencies. */ +/* Copyright (C) 2012 The Regents of the University of California + * See README in this or parent directory for licensing information. */ + #include "common.h" /* includes basic utilities for script */ #include "linefile.h" /* lib to help read text files */ #include "hash.h" /* creating a hash table */ #include "options.h" /* useful to parse commandline options */ #include "tokenizer.h" /* useful to break string including punctuation */ boolean allCaps = FALSE; void usage() /* Explain usage and exit. */ { errAbort( "tokenizerLib - A modification of learningLibs to incorporate the tokenizerLib.\n" "usage: reads in text file, breaks each line into collection of word frequencies **NEW: breaking on punctuation**\n" " tokenizerLib textFile\n" " example textFile path: /cluster/home/kehayden/rpNH.txt\n" "options:\n" " -verbose=N print out extra diagnostic information. 0 for silent, 1 default, 2 extra\n" " -allCaps if set then will convert all words to upper case\n" ); } static struct optionSpec options[] = { /* Not sure what this is doing, but see something similar in lib/options.c */ {"allCaps", OPTION_BOOLEAN}, {NULL, 0}, }; struct wordTracker /* Information to track a word. */ { struct wordTracker *next; /* next in list */ char *word; /* The string value of the word - not allocated here. */ int count; /* Number of times a word is used. */ }; int wordTrackerCmpCount(const void *va, const void *vb) /* Compare two word trackers by count, useful with sorting. */ { const struct wordTracker *a = *((struct wordTracker **)va); const struct wordTracker *b = *((struct wordTracker **)vb); return a->count - b->count; } int wordTrackerCmpWord(const void *va, const void *vb) /* Compare two word trackers by word , useful with sorting. */ { const struct wordTracker *a = *((struct wordTracker **)va); const struct wordTracker *b = *((struct wordTracker **)vb); return strcmp(a->word, b->word); } void learningLibs(char *textFile) /* learningLibs - A program to help learn the kent libraries.*/ { /*Open and Assign file to pointer: similar to twoBit.c line 962 */ /*struct lineFile *lf = lineFileOpen(textFile, TRUE); */ /* tokenizer.h L29; and similar to lib/rqlParse.c*/ struct tokenizer *tkz=tokenizerNew(textFile); /* Create a new tokenizer on open lineFile. */ /* initialize hash: similar to hash.h line 3 */ struct hash *hash = hashNew(0); int totalWords; struct wordTracker *wordList = NULL; totalWords=0; char *word; /*while (lineFileNextReal(lf, &line)) */ while ((word=tokenizerNext(tkz))!=NULL) /* provides a string */ { if (allCaps) strUpper(word); totalWords++; /* process each element of array words[] */ verbose(2,"%4d\t%20s\n",totalWords,word); struct wordTracker *tracker = hashFindVal(hash, word); if (!tracker) { AllocVar(tracker); hashAddSaveName(hash, word, tracker, &tracker->word); slAddHead(&wordList, tracker); } tracker->count += 1; /* store each word into a hash counter */ /* if exists in hash: increment counter */ /* else inialize hash with count = 1 */ /*hashAdd(hash, words[i], INIT) ; */ } // Sort, loop through list and iterate. slSort(&wordList, wordTrackerCmpCount); struct wordTracker *tracker; for (tracker = wordList; tracker != NULL; tracker = tracker->next) printf("%s %d\n", tracker->word, tracker->count); tokenizerFree(&tkz); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) /* Process command line. */ { optionInit(&argc, argv, options); allCaps = optionExists("allCaps"); uglyf("allCaps=%d\n", allCaps); if (argc != 2) usage(); learningLibs(argv[1]); return 0; }