  Sat May 24 21:09:34 2014 -0700
Adding Copyright NNNN Regents of the University of California to all files I believe with reasonable certainty were developed under UCSC employ or as part of Genome Browser copyright assignment.
diff --git src/lib/chainBlock.c src/lib/chainBlock.c
index 9d28b92..5c5ed8b 100644
--- src/lib/chainBlock.c
+++ src/lib/chainBlock.c
@@ -1,450 +1,453 @@
 /* chainBlock - Chain together scored blocks from an alignment
  * into scored chains.  Internally this uses a kd-tree and a
  * varient of an algorithm suggested by Webb Miller and further
  * developed by Jim Kent. */
+/* Copyright (C) 2011 The Regents of the University of California 
+ * See README in this or parent directory for licensing information. */
 #include "common.h"
 #include "localmem.h"
 #include "linefile.h"
 #include "dlist.h"
 #include "chainBlock.h"
 struct kdBranch
 /* A kd-tree. That is a binary tree which partitions the children
  * into higher and lower one dimension at a time.  We're just doing
  * one in two dimensions, so it alternates between q and t dimensions. */
     struct kdBranch *lo;      /* Pointer to children with lower coordinates. */
     struct kdBranch *hi;      /* Pointer to children with higher coordinates. */
     struct kdLeaf *leaf;      /* Extra info for leaves on tree. */
     int cutCoord;	      /* Coordinate (in some dimension) to cut on */
     double maxScore;	      /* Max score of any leaf below us. */
     int maxQ;		      /* Maximum qEnd of any leaf below us. */
     int maxT;		      /* Maximum tEnd of any leaf below us. */
 struct kdLeaf
 /* A leaf in our kdTree. */
     struct kdLeaf *next;	/* Next in list. */
     struct cBlock *cb;	        /* Start position and score from user. */
     struct kdBranch *bestPred;	/* Best predecessor. */
     double totalScore;		/* Total score of chain up to here. */
     bool hit;			/* This hit? Used by system internally. */
 struct kdTree
 /* The whole tree.  */
     struct kdBranch *root;	/* Pointer to root of kd-tree. */
 static int kdLeafCmpQ(const void *va, const void *vb)
 /* Compare to sort based on query start. */
 const struct kdLeaf *a = *((struct kdLeaf **)va);
 const struct kdLeaf *b = *((struct kdLeaf **)vb);
 return a->cb->qStart - b->cb->qStart;
 static int kdLeafCmpT(const void *va, const void *vb)
 /* Compare to sort based on target start. */
 const struct kdLeaf *a = *((struct kdLeaf **)va);
 const struct kdLeaf *b = *((struct kdLeaf **)vb);
 return a->cb->tStart - b->cb->tStart;
 static int kdLeafCmpTotal(const void *va, const void *vb)
 /* Compare to sort based on total score. */
 const struct kdLeaf *a = *((struct kdLeaf **)va);
 const struct kdLeaf *b = *((struct kdLeaf **)vb);
 double diff = b->totalScore - a->totalScore;
 if (diff < 0) return -1;
 else if (diff > 0) return 1;
 else return 0;
 static int medianVal(struct dlList *list, int medianIx, int dim)
 /* Return value of median block in list on given dimension 
  * Mark blocks up to median as hit. */
 struct dlNode *node = list->head;
 struct kdLeaf *leaf = NULL;
 int i;
 for (i=0; i<medianIx; ++i)
     leaf = node->val;
     leaf->hit = TRUE;  
     node = node->next;
 return (dim == 0 ? leaf->cb->qStart : leaf->cb->tStart);
 static int splitList(struct dlList *oldList, struct dlList *newList)
 /* Peel off members of oldList that are not hit onto new list. */
 struct dlNode *node, *next;
 struct kdLeaf *leaf;
 int newCount = 0;
 for (node = oldList->head; !dlEnd(node); node = next)
     next = node->next;
     leaf = node->val;
     if (!leaf->hit)
 	dlAddTail(newList, node);
 return newCount;
 static void clearHits(struct dlList *list)
 /* Clear hit flags of all blocks on list. */
 struct dlNode *node;
 for (node = list->head; !dlEnd(node); node = node->next)
     struct kdLeaf *leaf = node->val;
     leaf->hit = FALSE;
 static struct kdBranch *kdBuild(int nodeCount, struct dlList *lists[2], int dim,
 	struct lm *lm)
 /* Build up kd-tree recursively. */
 struct kdBranch *branch;
 lmAllocVar(lm, branch);
 if (nodeCount == 1)
     struct kdLeaf *leaf = lists[0]->head->val;
     branch->leaf = leaf;
     branch->maxQ = leaf->cb->qEnd;
     branch->maxT = leaf->cb->tEnd;
     int newCount;
     struct dlList *newLists[2];
     struct dlList newQ, newT;
     int nextDim = 1-dim;
     /* Subdivide lists along median.  */
     newLists[0] = &newQ;
     newLists[1] = &newT;
     branch->cutCoord = medianVal(lists[dim], nodeCount/2, dim);
     newCount = splitList(lists[0], newLists[0]);
     splitList(lists[1], newLists[1]);
     /* Recurse on each side. */
     branch->lo = kdBuild(nodeCount - newCount, lists, nextDim, lm);
     branch->hi = kdBuild(newCount, newLists, nextDim, lm);
     branch->maxQ = max(branch->lo->maxQ, branch->hi->maxQ);
     branch->maxT = max(branch->lo->maxT, branch->hi->maxT);
 return branch;
 static struct kdTree *kdTreeMake(struct kdLeaf *leafList, struct lm *lm)
 /* Make a kd-tree containing leafList. */
 struct kdLeaf *leaf;
 int nodeCount = slCount(leafList);
 struct kdTree *tree;
 struct dlList qList, tList,*lists[2];
 struct dlNode *qNodes, *tNodes;
 int i;
 /* Build lists sorted in each dimension. This
  * will let us quickly find medians while constructing
  * the kd-tree. */
 AllocArray(qNodes, nodeCount);
 AllocArray(tNodes, nodeCount);
 for (i=0 , leaf=leafList; leaf != NULL; leaf = leaf->next, ++i)
     qNodes[i].val = tNodes[i].val = leaf;
     dlAddTail(&qList, &qNodes[i]);
     dlAddTail(&tList, &tNodes[i]);
 /* Just sort qList since tList is sorted because it was
  * constructed from sorted leafList. */
 dlSort(&qList, kdLeafCmpQ); 
 lists[0] = &qList;
 lists[1] = &tList;
 /* Allocate master data structure and call recursive builder. */
 lmAllocVar(lm, tree);
 tree->root = kdBuild(nodeCount, lists, 0, lm);
 /* Clean up and go home. */
 return tree;
 struct predScore
 /* Predecessor and score we get merging with it. */
     struct kdBranch *pred;	/* Predecessor. */
     double score;		/* Score of us plus predecessor. */
 static struct predScore bestPredecessor(
 	struct kdLeaf *lonely,	    /* We're finding this leaf's predecessor */
 	ConnectCost connectCost,    /* Cost to connect two leafs. */
 	GapCost gapCost,	    /* Lower bound on gap cost. */
 	void *gapData,		    /* Data to pass to Gap/Connect cost */
 	int dim,		    /* Dimension level of tree splits on. */
 	struct kdBranch *branch,    /* Subtree to explore */
 	struct predScore bestSoFar) /* Best predecessor so far. */
 /* Find the highest scoring predecessor to this leaf, and
  * thus iteratively the highest scoring subchain that ends
  * in this leaf. */
 struct kdLeaf *leaf;
 double maxScore = branch->maxScore + lonely->cb->score;
 /* If best score in this branch of tree wouldn't be enough
  * don't bother exploring it. First try without calculating
  * gap score in case gap score is a little expensive to calculate. */
 if (maxScore < bestSoFar.score)
     return bestSoFar;
 maxScore -= gapCost(lonely->cb->qStart - branch->maxQ, 
 	lonely->cb->tStart - branch->maxT, gapData);
 if (maxScore < bestSoFar.score)
     return bestSoFar;
 /* If it's a terminal branch, then calculate score to connect
  * with it. */
 else if ((leaf = branch->leaf) != NULL)
     if (leaf->cb->qStart < lonely->cb->qStart 
      && leaf->cb->tStart < lonely->cb->tStart)
 	double score = leaf->totalScore + lonely->cb->score - 
 		connectCost(leaf->cb, lonely->cb, gapData);
 	if (score > bestSoFar.score)
 	   bestSoFar.score = score;
 	   bestSoFar.pred = branch;
     return bestSoFar;
 /* Otherwise explore sub-trees that could harbor predecessors. */
     int newDim = 1-dim;
     int dimCoord = (dim == 0 ? lonely->cb->qStart : lonely->cb->tStart);
     /* Explore hi branch first as it is more likely to have high
      * scores.  However only explore it if it can have things starting
      * before us. */
     if (dimCoord > branch->cutCoord)
          bestSoFar = bestPredecessor(lonely, connectCost, gapCost, gapData,
 	 	newDim, branch->hi, bestSoFar);
     bestSoFar = bestPredecessor(lonely, connectCost, gapCost, gapData,
     	newDim, branch->lo, bestSoFar);
     return bestSoFar;
 static void updateScoresOnWay(struct kdBranch *branch, 
 	int dim, struct kdLeaf *leaf)
 /* Traverse kd-tree to find leaf.  Update all maxScores on the way
  * to reflect leaf->totalScore. */
 int newDim = 1-dim;
 int dimCoord = (dim == 0 ? leaf->cb->qStart : leaf->cb->tStart);
 if (branch->maxScore < leaf->totalScore) branch->maxScore = leaf->totalScore;
 if (branch->leaf == NULL)
     if (dimCoord <= branch->cutCoord)
 	updateScoresOnWay(branch->lo, newDim, leaf);
     if (dimCoord >= branch->cutCoord)
 	updateScoresOnWay(branch->hi, newDim, leaf);
 static void findBestPredecessors(struct kdTree *tree, struct kdLeaf *leafList, 
 	ConnectCost connectCost, GapCost gapCost, void *gapData)
 /* Find best predecessor for each leaf. */
 static struct predScore noBest;
 struct kdLeaf *leaf;
 double bestScore = 0;
 for (leaf = leafList; leaf != NULL; leaf = leaf->next)
     struct predScore best;
     best = bestPredecessor(leaf, connectCost, gapCost, gapData, 0, tree->root, noBest);
     if (best.score > leaf->totalScore)
 	leaf->totalScore = best.score;
 	leaf->bestPred = best.pred;
     updateScoresOnWay(tree->root, 0, leaf);
     if (bestScore < leaf->totalScore)
 	bestScore = leaf->totalScore;
 static double scoreBlocks(struct cBlock *blockList, ConnectCost connectCost,
 	void *gapData)
 /* Score list of blocks including gaps between blocks. */
 struct cBlock *block, *lastBlock = NULL;
 double score = 0;
 for (block = blockList; block != NULL; block = block->next)
     score += block->score;
     if (lastBlock != NULL)
 	score -= connectCost(lastBlock, block, gapData);
     lastBlock = block;
 return score;
 static struct chain *peelChains(char *qName, int qSize, char qStrand,
 	char *tName, int tSize, struct kdLeaf *leafList, FILE *details)
 /* Peel off all chains from tree implied by
  * best predecessors. */
 struct kdLeaf *leaf;
 struct chain *chainList = NULL, *chain;
 for (leaf = leafList; leaf != NULL; leaf = leaf->next)
     leaf->hit = FALSE;
 for (leaf = leafList; leaf != NULL; leaf = leaf->next)
     if (!leaf->hit)
 	struct kdLeaf *lf;
 	chain->qName = cloneString(qName);
 	chain->qSize = qSize;
 	chain->qStrand = qStrand;
 	chain->tName = cloneString(tName);
 	chain->tSize = tSize;
 	chain->qEnd = leaf->cb->qEnd;
 	chain->tEnd = leaf->cb->tEnd;
 	if (details)
 	    chain->score = leaf->totalScore;
 	    chain->id = -1;
 	    chainWriteHead(chain, details);
 	    chain->score = 0;
 	    chain->id = 0;
 	slAddHead(&chainList, chain);
 	for (lf = leaf; ; )
 	    lf->hit = TRUE;
 	    slAddHead(&chain->blockList, lf->cb);
 	    chain->qStart = lf->cb->qStart;
 	    chain->tStart = lf->cb->tStart;
 	    if (details)
 		struct cBlock *b = lf->cb;
 		fprintf(details, "%d\t%f\t%d\t%d\t%d\n", b->score, lf->totalScore,
 			b->tStart, b->qStart, b->qEnd - b->qStart);
 	    if (lf->bestPred == NULL)
 		if (details)
 		    struct cBlock *b = lf->cb;
 		    struct cBlock *a = lf->bestPred->leaf->cb;
 		    fprintf(details, " gap %d\t%d\n", 
 			b->tStart - a->tEnd, b->qStart - a->qEnd);
 	    lf = lf->bestPred->leaf;
 	    if (lf->hit)
 return chainList;
 struct chain *chainBlocks(
 	char *qName, int qSize, char qStrand,	/* Info on query sequence */
 	char *tName, int tSize, 		/* Info on target. */
 	struct cBlock **pBlockList, 		/* Unordered ungapped alignments. */
 	ConnectCost connectCost, 		/* Calculate cost to connect nodes. */
 	GapCost gapCost, 			/* Cost for non-overlapping nodes. */
 	void *gapData, 				/* Passed through to connect/gapCosts */
 	FILE *details)				/* NULL except for debugging */
 /* Create list of chains from list of blocks.  The blockList will get
  * eaten up as the blocks are moved from the list to the chain. 
  * The list of chains returned is sorted by score. 
  * The details FILE may be NULL, and is where additional information
  * about the chaining is put.
  * Note that the connectCost needs to adjust for possibly partially 
  * overlapping blocks, and that these need to be taken out of the
  * resulting chains in general.  This can get fairly complex.  Also
  * the chains will need some cleanup at the end.  Use the chainConnect
  * module to help with this.  See hg/mouseStuff/axtChain for example usage. */
 struct kdTree *tree;
 struct kdLeaf *leafList = NULL, *leaf;
 struct cBlock *block;
 struct chain *chainList = NULL, *chain;
 struct lm *lm;
 /* Empty lists will be problematic later, so deal with them here. */
 if (*pBlockList == NULL)
    return NULL;
 /* Make a leaf for each block. */
 lm = lmInit(0);  /* Memory for tree, branches and leaves. */
 for (block = *pBlockList; block != NULL; block = block->next)
     /* Watch out for 0-length blocks in input: */
     if (block->tStart == block->tEnd)
     lmAllocVar(lm, leaf);
     leaf->cb = block;
     leaf->totalScore = block->score;
     slAddHead(&leafList, leaf);
 /* Figure out chains. */
 slSort(&leafList, kdLeafCmpT);
 tree = kdTreeMake(leafList, lm);
 findBestPredecessors(tree, leafList, connectCost, gapCost, gapData);
 slSort(&leafList, kdLeafCmpTotal);
 chainList = peelChains(qName, qSize, qStrand, tName, tSize, leafList, details);
 /* Rescore chains (since some truncated) */
 for (chain = chainList; chain != NULL; chain = chain->next)
     chain->score = scoreBlocks(chain->blockList, connectCost, gapData);
 slSort(&chainList,  chainCmpScore);
 /* Clean up and go home. */
 *pBlockList = NULL;
 return chainList;