e70152e44cc66cc599ff6b699eb8adc07f3e656a kent Sat May 24 21:09:34 2014 -0700 Adding Copyright NNNN Regents of the University of California to all files I believe with reasonable certainty were developed under UCSC employ or as part of Genome Browser copyright assignment. diff --git src/lib/dnaLoad.c src/lib/dnaLoad.c index f3a24d8..f498e23 100644 --- src/lib/dnaLoad.c +++ src/lib/dnaLoad.c @@ -1,300 +1,303 @@ /* dnaLoad - Load dna from a variaty of file formats. */ +/* Copyright (C) 2011 The Regents of the University of California + * See README in this or parent directory for licensing information. */ + #include "common.h" #include "dnaseq.h" #include "fa.h" #include "twoBit.h" #include "nib.h" #include "dnaLoad.h" struct dnaLoadStack /* Keep track of a single DNA containing file. */ { struct dnaLoadStack *next; /* Next in list. */ struct twoBitFile *twoBit; /* Two bit file if any. */ struct twoBitIndex *tbi; /* Next twoBit sequence. */ struct lineFile *textFile; /* Text file if any. */ boolean textIsFa; /* True if text is in fasta format. */ }; struct dnaLoad /* A structure to help us load DNA from files - mixed case * from either .fa, .nib, or .2bit files */ { struct dnaLoad *next; /* Next loader in list. */ char *topFileName; /* Highest level file name. */ boolean finished; /* Set to TRUE at end. */ struct dnaLoadStack *stack; /* Stack of files we're working on. */ int curStart; /* Start offset within current parent sequence. */ int curEnd; /* End offset within current parent sequence. */ int curSize; /* Size of current parent sequence. */ }; struct dnaLoadStack *dnaLoadStackNew(char *fileName) /* Create new dnaLoadStack on composite file. */ { struct dnaLoadStack *dls; AllocVar(dls); if (twoBitIsFile(fileName)) { dls->twoBit = twoBitOpen(fileName); dls->tbi = dls->twoBit->indexList; } else { char *line; dls->textFile = lineFileOpen(fileName, TRUE); if (lineFileNextReal(dls->textFile, &line)) { line = trimSpaces(line); if (line[0] == '>') dls->textIsFa = TRUE; lineFileReuse(dls->textFile); } } return dls; } void dnaLoadStackFree(struct dnaLoadStack **pDls) /* free up resources associated with dnaLoadStack. */ { struct dnaLoadStack *dls = *pDls; if (dls != NULL) { lineFileClose(&dls->textFile); twoBitClose(&dls->twoBit); freez(pDls); } } void dnaLoadStackFreeList(struct dnaLoadStack **pList) /* Free a list of dynamically allocated dnaLoadStack's */ { struct dnaLoadStack *el, *next; for (el = *pList; el != NULL; el = next) { next = el->next; dnaLoadStackFree(&el); } *pList = NULL; } void dnaLoadClose(struct dnaLoad **pDl) /* Free up resources associated with dnaLoad. */ { struct dnaLoad *dl = *pDl; if (dl != NULL) { dnaLoadStackFreeList(&dl->stack); freeMem(dl->topFileName); freez(pDl); } } struct dnaLoad *dnaLoadOpen(char *fileName) /* Return new DNA loader. Call dnaLoadNext() on this until * you get a NULL return, then dnaLoadClose(). */ { struct dnaLoad *dl; AllocVar(dl); dl->topFileName = cloneString(fileName); return dl; } struct dnaSeq *dnaLoadSingle(char *fileName, int *retStart, int *retEnd, int *retParentSize) /* Return sequence if it's a nib file or 2bit part, NULL otherwise. */ { struct dnaSeq *seq = NULL; unsigned start = 0, end = 0; int parentSize = 0; if (nibIsFile(fileName)) { /* Save offset out of fileName for auto-lifting */ char filePath[PATH_LEN]; char name[PATH_LEN]; nibParseName(0, fileName, filePath, name, &start, &end); if (end != 0) /* It's just a range. */ { FILE *f; int size; nibOpenVerify(filePath, &f, &size); parentSize = size; } seq = nibLoadAllMasked(NIB_MASK_MIXED, fileName); if (end == 0) parentSize = end = seq->size; freez(&seq->name); seq->name = cloneString(name); } else if (twoBitIsRange(fileName)) { /* Save offset out of fileName for auto-lifting */ char *rangeSpec = cloneString(fileName); int start, end; char *file, *seqName; twoBitParseRange(rangeSpec, &file, &seqName, &start, &end); /* Load sequence. */ { struct twoBitFile *tbf = twoBitOpen(file); parentSize = twoBitSeqSize(tbf, seqName); seq = twoBitReadSeqFrag(tbf, seqName, start, end); twoBitClose(&tbf); } if (end == 0) end = seq->size; freez(&rangeSpec); } if (retStart != NULL) *retStart = start; if (retEnd != NULL) *retEnd = end; if (retParentSize != NULL) *retParentSize = parentSize; return seq; } static struct dnaSeq *dnaLoadNextFromStack(struct dnaLoad *dl) /* Load next piece of DNA from stack of files. Return NULL * when stack is empty. */ { struct dnaLoadStack *dls; struct dnaSeq *seq = NULL; while ((dls = dl->stack) != NULL) { if (dls->twoBit) { if (dls->tbi != NULL) { seq = twoBitReadSeqFrag(dls->twoBit, dls->tbi->name, 0, 0); dls->tbi = dls->tbi->next; return seq; } else { dl->stack = dls->next; dnaLoadStackFree(&dls); } } else if (dls->textIsFa) { DNA *dna; char *name; int size; if (faMixedSpeedReadNext(dls->textFile, &dna, &size, &name)) { AllocVar(seq); seq->dna = needLargeMem(size+1); memcpy((void *)seq->dna, (void *)dna, size); seq->dna[size] = 0; seq->size = size; seq->name = cloneString(name); dl->curStart = 0; dl->curEnd = size; dl->curSize = size; return seq; } else { dl->stack = dls->next; dnaLoadStackFree(&dls); } } else /* It's a file full of file names. */ { char *line; if (lineFileNextReal(dls->textFile, &line)) { line = trimSpaces(line); if ((seq = dnaLoadSingle(line, &dl->curStart, &dl->curEnd, &dl->curSize)) != NULL) return seq; else { struct dnaLoadStack *newDls; newDls = dnaLoadStackNew(line); slAddHead(&dl->stack, newDls); } } else { dl->stack = dls->next; dnaLoadStackFree(&dls); } } } dl->finished = TRUE; return NULL; } static struct dnaSeq *dnaLoadStackOrSingle(struct dnaLoad *dl) /* Return next dna sequence. */ { struct dnaSeq *seq = NULL; if (dl->finished) return NULL; if (dl->stack == NULL) { if ((seq = dnaLoadSingle(dl->topFileName, &dl->curStart, &dl->curEnd, &dl->curSize)) != NULL) { dl->finished = TRUE; return seq; } dl->stack = dnaLoadStackNew(dl->topFileName); } return dnaLoadNextFromStack(dl); } struct dnaSeq *dnaLoadNext(struct dnaLoad *dl) /* Return next dna sequence. */ { struct dnaSeq *seq; dl->curSize = dl->curStart = dl->curEnd = 0; seq = dnaLoadStackOrSingle(dl); return seq; } struct dnaSeq *dnaLoadAll(char *fileName) /* Return list of all DNA referenced in file. File * can be either a single fasta file, a single .2bit * file, a .nib file, or a text file containing * a list of the above files. DNA is mixed case. */ { struct dnaLoad *dl = dnaLoadOpen(fileName); struct dnaSeq *seqList = NULL, *seq; while ((seq = dnaLoadNext(dl)) != NULL) { slAddHead(&seqList, seq); } dnaLoadClose(&dl); slReverse(&seqList); return seqList; } int dnaLoadCurStart(struct dnaLoad *dl) /* Returns the start offset of current sequence within a larger * sequence. Useful for programs that want to auto-lift * nib and 2bit fragments. Please call only after a * sucessful dnaLoadNext. */ { return dl->curStart; } int dnaLoadCurEnd(struct dnaLoad *dl) /* Returns the end offset of current sequence within a larger * sequence. Useful for programs that want to auto-lift * nib and 2bit fragments. Please call only after a * sucessful dnaLoadNext. */ { return dl->curEnd; } int dnaLoadCurSize(struct dnaLoad *dl) /* Returns the size of the parent sequence. Useful for * auto-lift programs. Please call only after dnaLoadNext. */ { return dl->curSize; }