  Sat May 24 21:09:34 2014 -0700
Adding Copyright NNNN Regents of the University of California to all files I believe with reasonable certainty were developed under UCSC employ or as part of Genome Browser copyright assignment.
diff --git src/lib/gff3.c src/lib/gff3.c
index b35c4f7..6af82b8 100644
--- src/lib/gff3.c
+++ src/lib/gff3.c
@@ -1,1096 +1,1099 @@
  * Object for accessing GFF3 files
  * See GFF3 specification for details of file format:
  *   http://www.sequenceontology.org/gff3.shtml
+/* Copyright (C) 2014 The Regents of the University of California 
+ * See README in this or parent directory for licensing information. */
 #include "common.h"
 #include "gff3.h"
 #include <limits.h>
 #include "errabort.h"
 #include "localmem.h"
 #include "hash.h"
 #include "linefile.h"
 #include "dystring.h"
 #include "fa.h"
 // FIXME: spec unclear if attributes can be specified multiple times
 // FIXME: spec unclear on attribute of discontinuous features.
 // FIXME: should spaces be striped from attributes?
  * Notes:
  *   - a separate feature object that linked discontinuous feature annotations
  *     was not used because it create more complexity with the linking of parents
  *     and the fact that the restriction on discontinguous features attributes is
  *     not clearly defined.
 static const int gffNumCols = 9;
 /* standard attribute names */
 char *gff3AttrID = "ID";
 char *gff3AttrName = "Name";
 char *gff3AttrAlias = "Alias";
 char *gff3AttrParent = "Parent";
 char *gff3AttrTarget = "Target";
 char *gff3AttrGap = "Gap";
 char *gff3AttrDerivesFrom = "Derives_from";
 char *gff3AttrNote = "Note";
 char *gff3AttrDbxref = "Dbxref";
 char *gff3AttrOntologyTerm = "Ontology_term";
 /* commonly used features names */
 char *gff3FeatGene = "gene";
 char *gff3FeatMRna = "mRNA";
 char *gff3FeatExon = "exon";
 char *gff3FeatCDS = "CDS";
 char *gff3FeatThreePrimeUTR = "three_prime_UTR";
 char *gff3FeatFivePrimeUTR = "five_prime_UTR";
 char *gff3FeatStartCodon = "start_codon";
 char *gff3FeatStopCodon = "stop_codon";
 char *gff3FeatTranscript = "transcript";
 static bool gff3FileStopDueToErrors(struct gff3File *g3f)
 /* determine if we should stop due to the number of errors */
 return g3f->errCnt > g3f->maxErr;
 static void gff3FileErr(struct gff3File *g3f, char *format, ...)
 #if defined(__GNUC__)
 __attribute__((format(printf, 2, 3)))
 static void gff3AnnErr(struct gff3Ann *g3a, char *format, ...)
 #if defined(__GNUC__)
 __attribute__((format(printf, 2, 3)))
 static void vaGff3FileErr(struct gff3File *g3f, char *format, va_list args)
 /* Print error message to error file, abort if max errors have been reached */
 if (g3f->lf != NULL)
     fprintf(g3f->errFh, "%s:%d: ", g3f->lf->fileName, g3f->lf->lineIx);
 vfprintf(g3f->errFh, format, args);
 fprintf(g3f->errFh, "\n");
 if (gff3FileStopDueToErrors(g3f))
     errAbort("GFF3: %d parser errors", g3f->errCnt);
 static void gff3FileErr(struct gff3File *g3f, char *format, ...)
 /* Print error message and abort */
 va_list args;
 va_start(args, format);
 vaGff3FileErr(g3f, format, args);
 static void gff3AnnErr(struct gff3Ann *g3a, char *format, ...)
 /* Print error message abort */
 va_list args;
 va_start(args, format);
 vaGff3FileErr(g3a->file, format, args);
 static int gff3FileStrToInt(struct gff3File *g3f, char *str)
 /* convert a string to an integer */
 char *end;
 long val = strtol(str, &end, 0);
 if ((end == str) || (*end != '\0'))
     gff3FileErr(g3f, "invalid integer: %s", str);
 return (int)val;
 static float gff3FileStrToFloat(struct gff3File *g3f, char *str)
 /* convert a string to a float  */
 char *end;
 double val = strtod(str, &end);
 if ((end == str) || (*end != '\0'))
     gff3FileErr(g3f, "invalid float: %s", str);
 return (float)val;
 static void *gff3FileAlloc(struct gff3File *g3f, size_t size)
 /* allocate memory from the memory pool */
 return lmAlloc(g3f->pool->lm, size);
 static char *gff3FileCloneStr(struct gff3File *g3f, char *str)
 /* allocate memory for a string and copy if */
 return lmCloneString(g3f->pool->lm, str);
 static char *gff3FilePooledStr(struct gff3File *g3f, char *str)
 /* allocate memory for a string from the shared string pool */
 return hashStore(g3f->pool, str)->name;
 static struct slName *gff3FileSlNameNew(struct gff3File *g3f, char *name)
 /* allocate slName from the memory pool */
 return lmSlName(g3f->pool->lm, name);
 static char **dynChopStringWhite(struct gff3File *g3f, char *str, int minWords, int maxWords, int *numWordsRet, char *desc)
 /* dynamic chop string without corrupting it, generate error if expected
  * number of words not found. Free return when done. Returns NULL on
  * error. */
 int numWords = chopByWhite(str, NULL, 0);
 if ((numWords < minWords) || (numWords > maxWords))
     gff3FileErr(g3f, "expected %s, got \"%s\"", desc, str);
     return NULL;
 // allocate buffer for both array and string
 int wordsBytes = ((numWords+1)*sizeof(char**));
 char **words = needMem(wordsBytes+strlen(str)+1);
 char *strcp = ((char*)words)+wordsBytes;
 strcpy(strcp, str);
 chopByWhite(strcp, words, numWords);
 words[numWords] = NULL;
 if (numWordsRet != NULL)
     *numWordsRet = numWords;
 return words;
 struct gff3Attr *gff3AnnFindAttr(struct gff3Ann *g3a, char *tag)
 /* find a user attribute, or NULL */
 struct gff3Attr *attr;
 for (attr = g3a->attrs; attr != NULL; attr = attr->next)
     if (sameString(attr->tag, tag))
         return attr;
 return NULL;
 static struct gff3AnnRef *gff3AnnRefAlloc(struct gff3Ann *g3a)
 /* construct an annotation reference, allocated in the memory pool*/
 struct gff3AnnRef *ref = gff3FileAlloc(g3a->file, sizeof(struct gff3AnnRef));
 ref->ann = g3a;
 return ref;
 static void raiseInvalidEscape(struct gff3Ann *g3a, char *str)
 /* raise an error about an invalid escape in a string */
 gff3AnnErr(g3a, "invalid GFF escape sequence in string: %s", str);
 static char convertEscape(struct gff3Ann *g3a, char *esc, char *src)
 /* convert character at esc, which should start with a `%' and be a string
  * in the form `%09' */
 if (!(isxdigit(esc[1]) && isxdigit(esc[2])))
     raiseInvalidEscape(g3a, src);
 char num[3], *end;
 strncpy(num, esc+1, 2);
 num[2] = '\0';
 long val = strtol(num, &end, 16);
 if ((end == num) || (*end != '\0'))
     raiseInvalidEscape(g3a, src);
 return (char)val;
 static void unescapeStr(struct gff3Ann *g3a, char *dest, char *src)
 /* remove URL-style escapes from a string. dest need only have enough
  * memory to hold src, as unescaping will not grow the string */
 char *s = src, *d = dest;
 while (*s != '\0')
     if (*s == '%')
         *d++ = convertEscape(g3a, s, src);
         s += 3;
         *d++ = *s++;
 *d = '\0';
 static struct slName *unescapeSlName(struct gff3Ann *g3a, char *src)
 /* unescape the string and put in an slName object, storing it in memory
  * allocated from localmem  */
 struct slName *dest = gff3FileAlloc(g3a->file, sizeof(struct slName)+strlen(src));
 unescapeStr(g3a, dest->name, src);
 return dest;
 static char *unescapeStrTmp(struct gff3Ann *g3a, char *src)
 /* unescape the string into a tmp buffer. WARNING: return is a static and
  * maybe invalidated by calling another unescape function */
 static struct dyString *buf = NULL;  // buffer for tmp copy of unescaped string
 if (buf == NULL)
     buf = dyStringNew(256);
 dyStringBumpBufSize(buf, strlen(src)+1);
 unescapeStr(g3a, buf->string, src);
 return buf->string;
 static char *unescapeStrPooled(struct gff3Ann *g3a, char *src)
 /* unescape the string and obtain it from localmem  */
 return gff3FilePooledStr(g3a->file, unescapeStrTmp(g3a, src));
 static char *escapeChar(char c)
 /* escape a character.  Warning: static return */
 static char ec[4];
 safef(ec, sizeof(ec), "%%%02X", c);
 return ec;
 static boolean isMetaChar(char c)
 /* determine if a character is a GFF3 meta character */
 return ((c == '\t') || (c == '\n') || (c == '\r') || !isprint(c) || (c == ';') || (c == '=') || (c == '&') || (c == ','));
 static void writeEscaped(char *str, FILE *fh)
 /* write a data string to a file, escaping as needed */
 char *c;
 for (c = str; *c != '\0'; c++)
     if (isMetaChar(*c))
         fputs(escapeChar(*c), fh);
         fputc(*c, fh);
 static char *parseStrand(struct gff3Ann *g3a, char *strand)
 /* parse strand into static string, validating it */
 if (sameString(strand, "."))
     return NULL;
 else if (sameString(strand, "+"))
     return "+";
 else if (sameString(strand, "-"))
     return "-";
 else if (sameString(strand, "?"))
     return "?";
     gff3AnnErr(g3a, "invalid strand: '%s'", strand);
 return NULL;
 static int parsePhase(struct gff3Ann *g3a, char *str)
 /* parse phase into a number, validating it */
 if (sameString(str, "."))
     return -1;
 int phase = gff3FileStrToInt(g3a->file, str);
 if ((phase < 0) || (phase  > 2))
     gff3AnnErr(g3a, "invalid phase: %d", phase);
 return phase;
 static void parseFields(struct gff3Ann *g3a, char **words)
 /* parse the field in an annotation record */
 g3a->seqid = unescapeStrPooled(g3a, words[0]);
 g3a->source = unescapeStrPooled(g3a, words[1]);
 g3a->type = unescapeStrPooled(g3a, words[2]);
 g3a->start = gff3FileStrToInt(g3a->file, words[3])-1;
 g3a->end = gff3FileStrToInt(g3a->file, words[4]);
 if (!sameString(words[5], "."))
     g3a->score = gff3FileStrToFloat(g3a->file, words[5]);
     g3a->haveScore = TRUE;
 g3a->strand = parseStrand(g3a, words[6]);
 g3a->phase = parsePhase(g3a, words[7]);
 if (sameString(g3a->type, "CDS"))
     if (g3a->phase < 0)
         gff3AnnErr(g3a, "CDS feature must have phase");
 #if 0 // spec unclear; bug report filed
     // spec currently doesn't restrict phase, unclear if it's allowed on start/stop codon features
     if (g3a->phase >= 0)
         gff3AnnErr(g3a, "phase only allowed on CDS features");
 /* check that an attribute tag name is valid. */
 static boolean checkAttrTag(struct gff3Ann *g3a, char *tag)
 // FIXME: spec is not clear on what is a valid tag.
 char *tc = tag;
 boolean isOk = isalpha(*tc);
 for (tc++; isOk && (*tc != '\0'); tc++)
     if (!((*tc == '_') || isalnum(*tc)))
         isOk = FALSE;
 if (!isOk)
     gff3AnnErr(g3a, "invalid attribute tag, must start with an alphabetic character and be composed of alphanumeric or underscore characters: %s", tag);
 return isOk;
 static struct slName *parseAttrVals(struct gff3Ann *g3a, char *tag, char *valsStr)
 /* parse an attribute into its values */
 int i, numVals = chopString(valsStr, ",", NULL, 0);
 char **vals = needMem((numVals+1)*sizeof(char**)); // +1 allows for no values
 chopString(valsStr, ",", vals, numVals);
 struct slName *unescVals = NULL;
 for (i = 0; i < numVals; i++)
     slAddHead(&unescVals, unescapeSlName(g3a, vals[i]));
 if (unescVals == NULL)
     slAddHead(&unescVals, slNameNew(""));  // empty value
 return unescVals;
 static void addAttr(struct gff3Ann *g3a, char *tag, char *valStr)
 /* Add an attribute to the list of attributes.  If attribute has already been
  * specified, values are merged.  Attribute name must already be unescaped,
  * attribute values will be split and then unescaped. */
 struct gff3Attr *attr = gff3AnnFindAttr(g3a, tag);
 if (attr == NULL)
     attr = gff3FileAlloc(g3a->file, sizeof(struct gff3Attr));
     attr->tag = gff3FileCloneStr(g3a->file, tag);
     slAddHead(&g3a->attrs, attr);
 attr->vals = slCat(attr->vals, parseAttrVals(g3a, tag, valStr));
 static void parseAttr(struct gff3Ann *g3a, char *attrStr)
 /* parse one attribute from an annotation record */
 char *eq = strchr(attrStr, '=');
 if ((eq == NULL) || (eq == attrStr))
     gff3AnnErr(g3a, "expected name=value: %s", attrStr);
     char *tag = attrStr;
     char *vals = eq+1;
     *eq = '\0';
     unescapeStr(g3a, tag, tag);
     if (checkAttrTag(g3a, tag))
         addAttr(g3a, tag, vals);
 static void parseAttrs(struct gff3Ann *g3a, char *attrsCol)
 /* parse the attribute column in an annotation record */
 int i, numAttrs = chopString(attrsCol, ";", NULL, 0);
 char **attrStrs = needMem(numAttrs*sizeof(char**));
 chopString(attrsCol, ";", attrStrs, numAttrs);
 for (i = 0; i < numAttrs; i++)
     char *attrStr = trimSpaces(attrStrs[i]);
     if (strlen(attrStr) > 0)
         parseAttr(g3a, attrStr);
 static void checkSingleValAttr(struct gff3Ann *g3a, struct gff3Attr *attr)
 /* validate that an attribute has only one value */
 if (attr->vals->next != NULL)
     gff3AnnErr(g3a, "attribute %s must have a single value, found multiple comma-separated values", attr->tag);
 static void parseIDAttr(struct gff3Ann *g3a, struct gff3Attr *attr)
 /* parse the ID attribute */
 checkSingleValAttr(g3a, attr);
 g3a->id = attr->vals->name;
 // link into other parts of feature if discontinuous
 struct hashEl *hel = hashStore(g3a->file->byId, g3a->id);
 struct gff3Ann *head = hel->val;
 if (head != NULL)
     head->prevPart = g3a;
 g3a->nextPart = head;
 hel->val = g3a;
 static void parseNameAttr(struct gff3Ann *g3a, struct gff3Attr *attr)
 /* parse the Name attribute */
 checkSingleValAttr(g3a, attr);
 g3a->name = attr->vals->name;
 static void parseAliasAttr(struct gff3Ann *g3a, struct gff3Attr *attr)
 /* parse the Alias attribute */
 g3a->aliases = attr->vals;
 static void parseParentAttr(struct gff3Ann *g3a, struct gff3Attr *attr)
 /* parse the Parent attribute */
 g3a->parentIds = attr->vals;
 static void parseTargetAttr(struct gff3Ann *g3a, struct gff3Attr *attr)
 /* parse the Target attribute */
 checkSingleValAttr(g3a, attr);
 // target_id start end [strand]
 int numWords;
 char **words = dynChopStringWhite(g3a->file, attr->vals->name, 3, 4, &numWords,
                                   "Target attribute in the form \"target_id start end [strand]\"");
 if (words == NULL)
     return;  // got an error
 g3a->targetId = gff3FileCloneStr(g3a->file, words[0]);
 g3a->targetStart = gff3FileStrToInt(g3a->file, words[1])-1;
 g3a->targetEnd = gff3FileStrToInt(g3a->file, words[2]);
 if (numWords > 3)
     g3a->targetStrand = parseStrand(g3a, words[3]);
 static void parseGapAttr(struct gff3Ann *g3a, struct gff3Attr *attr)
 /* parse the Gap attribute */
 checkSingleValAttr(g3a, attr);
 g3a->gap = attr->vals->name;
 static void parseDerivesFromAttr(struct gff3Ann *g3a, struct gff3Attr *attr)
 /* parse the Derives_from attribute */
 checkSingleValAttr(g3a, attr);
 g3a->derivesFromId = attr->vals->name;
 static void parseNoteAttr(struct gff3Ann *g3a, struct gff3Attr *attr)
 /* parse the Note attribute */
 g3a->notes = attr->vals;
 static void parseDbxrefAttr(struct gff3Ann *g3a, struct gff3Attr *attr)
 /* parse the Dbxref attribute */
 g3a->dbxrefs = attr->vals;
 static void parseOntologyTermAttr(struct gff3Ann *g3a, struct gff3Attr *attr)
 /* parse the Ontology_term attribute */
 g3a->ontologyTerms = attr->vals;
 static void parseStdAttr(struct gff3Ann *g3a, struct gff3Attr *attr)
 /* Parse one of the standard specified attributes (those starting with upper
  * case) into fields. Multiple specifications of an attribute should have been
  * merged before calling this function. */
 if (sameString(attr->tag, gff3AttrID))
     parseIDAttr(g3a, attr);
 else if (sameString(attr->tag, gff3AttrName))
     parseNameAttr(g3a, attr);
 else if (sameString(attr->tag, gff3AttrAlias))
     parseAliasAttr(g3a, attr);
 else if (sameString(attr->tag, gff3AttrParent))
     parseParentAttr(g3a, attr);
 else if (sameString(attr->tag, gff3AttrTarget))
     parseTargetAttr(g3a, attr);
 else if (sameString(attr->tag, gff3AttrGap))
     parseGapAttr(g3a, attr);
 else if (sameString(attr->tag, gff3AttrDerivesFrom))
     parseDerivesFromAttr(g3a, attr);
 else if (sameString(attr->tag, gff3AttrNote))
     parseNoteAttr(g3a, attr);
 else if (sameString(attr->tag, gff3AttrDbxref))
     parseDbxrefAttr(g3a, attr);
 else if (sameString(attr->tag, gff3AttrOntologyTerm))
     parseOntologyTermAttr(g3a, attr);
     gff3AnnErr(g3a, "unknown standard attribute, user defined attributes must start with a lower-case letter: %s", attr->tag);
 static void parseStdAttrs(struct gff3Ann *g3a)
 /* parse standard attributes (starting with upper case) into attributes
  * have been parsed into attribute list, which would have  merged multiply
  * specified attributes. */
 struct gff3Attr *attr;
 for (attr = g3a->attrs; attr != NULL; attr = attr->next)
     if (isupper(attr->tag[0]))
         parseStdAttr(g3a, attr);
 static void parseAnn(struct gff3File *g3f, char *line)
 /* parse an annotation line */
 // extra column to check for too many
 char *words[gffNumCols+1];
 int numWords = chopString(line, "\t", words, gffNumCols+1);
 if (numWords != gffNumCols)
     gff3FileErr(g3f, "expected %d tab-separated columns: %s", gffNumCols, line);
 struct gff3Ann *g3a = gff3FileAlloc(g3f, sizeof(struct gff3Ann));
 g3a->file = g3f;
 g3a->lineNum = g3f->lf->lineIx;
 parseFields(g3a, words);
 parseAttrs(g3a, words[8]);
 slAddHead(&g3f->anns, gff3AnnRefNew(g3a));
 static void writeAttr(struct gff3Attr *attr, FILE *fh)
 /* write one attribute and it's values */
 writeEscaped(attr->tag, fh);
 fputc('=', fh);
 struct slName *val;
 for (val = attr->vals; val != NULL; val = val->next)
     if (val != attr->vals)
         fputc(',', fh);
     writeEscaped(val->name, fh);
 static void writeAttrs(struct gff3Ann *g3a, FILE *fh)
 /* write annotation record attributes */
 struct gff3Attr *attr;
 for (attr = g3a->attrs; attr != NULL; attr = attr->next)
     if (attr != g3a->attrs)
         fputc(';', fh);
     writeAttr(attr, fh);
 static void writeFields(struct gff3Ann *g3a, FILE *fh)
 /* write an annotation record fields */
 writeEscaped(g3a->seqid, fh);
 fputc('\t', fh);
 writeEscaped(g3a->source, fh);
 fputc('\t', fh);
 writeEscaped(g3a->type, fh);
 fprintf(fh, "\t%d\t%d", g3a->start+1, g3a->end);
 fputc('\t', fh);
 if (g3a->haveScore)
     fprintf(fh, "%g", g3a->score);
     fputc('.', fh);
 fprintf(fh, "\t%c", (g3a->strand != NULL) ? g3a->strand[0] : '.');
 fputc('\t', fh);
 if (g3a->phase < 0)
     fputc('.', fh);
     fprintf(fh, "%d", g3a->phase);
 static void writeAnn(struct gff3Ann *g3a, FILE *fh)
 /* write an annotation record to the specified file */
 writeFields(g3a, fh);
 fputc('\t', fh);
 writeAttrs(g3a, fh);
 fputc('\n', fh);
 static void addFasta(struct gff3File *g3f, char *dna, int size, char *name)
 /* add one fasta record */
 struct dnaSeq *dnaSeq = gff3FileAlloc(g3f, sizeof(struct dnaSeq));
 slAddHead(&g3f->seqs, dnaSeq);
 struct hashEl *hel = hashAdd(g3f->seqMap, name, dnaSeq);
 dnaSeq->name = hel->name;
 dnaSeq->dna = gff3FileCloneStr(g3f, dna);
 dnaSeq->size = size;
 static void parseFasta(struct gff3File *g3f)
 /* parse fasta records in the file, consumes remainder of file */
 char *dna, *name;
 int size;
 g3f->seqMap = hashNew(0);
 while (faMixedSpeedReadNext(g3f->lf, &dna, &size, &name))
     addFasta(g3f, dna, size, name);
 static void writeFastas(struct gff3File *g3f, FILE *fh)
 /* write fasta records fo the file */
 if (g3f->seqs != NULL)
     fputs("##FASTA\n", fh);
     struct dnaSeq *seq;
     for (seq = g3f->seqs; seq != NULL; seq = seq->next)
         faWriteNext(fh, seq->name, seq->dna, seq->size);
 static void parseSequenceRegion(struct gff3File *g3f, char *line)
 /* parse ##sequence-region seqid start end */
 char **words = dynChopStringWhite(g3f, line, 4, 4, NULL,
                                   "\"##sequence-region seqid start end\"");
 if (words == NULL)
     return;  // got an error
 struct gff3SeqRegion *sr = gff3FileAlloc(g3f, sizeof(struct gff3SeqRegion));
 sr->seqid = gff3FileCloneStr(g3f, words[1]);
 sr->start = gff3FileStrToInt(g3f, words[2])-1;
 sr->end = gff3FileStrToInt(g3f, words[3]);
 if (g3f->seqRegionMap == NULL)
     g3f->seqRegionMap = hashNew(0);
 struct hashEl *hel = hashStore(g3f->seqRegionMap, sr->seqid);
 if (hel->val != NULL)
     gff3FileErr(g3f, "duplicate ##sequence-region for %s", sr->seqid);
     hel->val = sr;
     slAddHead(&g3f->seqRegions, sr);
 static void writeSequenceRegions(struct gff3File *g3f, FILE *fh)
 /* parse ##sequence-region metadata */
 struct gff3SeqRegion *sr;
 for (sr = g3f->seqRegions; sr != NULL; sr = sr->next)
     fprintf(fh, "##sequence-region %s %d %d\n", sr->seqid, sr->start, sr->end);
 static void writeSlNameMetas(char *metaName, struct slName *metas, FILE *fh)
 /* write meta records stores as slNames */
 struct slName  *m;
 for (m = metas; m != NULL; m = m->next)
     fprintf(fh, "%s %s\n", metaName, m->name);
 static void parseFeatureOntology(struct gff3File *g3f, char *line)
 /* parse ##feature-ontology URI  */
 char **words = dynChopStringWhite(g3f, line, 2, 2, NULL,
                                   "\"##feature-ontology URI\"");
 if (words == NULL)
     return;  // got an error
 slSafeAddHead(&g3f->featureOntologies, gff3FileSlNameNew(g3f, words[1]));
 static void writeFeatureOntologies(struct gff3File *g3f, FILE *fh)
 /* parse ##feature-ontology metas */
 writeSlNameMetas("##feature-ontology", g3f->featureOntologies, fh);
 static void parseAttributeOntology(struct gff3File *g3f, char *line)
 /* parse ##attribute-ontology URI */
 char **words = dynChopStringWhite(g3f, line, 2, 2, NULL,
                                   "\"##attribute-ontology URI\"");
 if (words == NULL)
     return;  // got an error
 slSafeAddHead(&g3f->attributeOntologies, gff3FileSlNameNew(g3f, words[1]));
 static void writeAttributeOntologies(struct gff3File *g3f, FILE *fh)
 /* write ##attribute-ontology metas */
 writeSlNameMetas("##attribute-ontology", g3f->attributeOntologies, fh);
 static void parseSourceOntology(struct gff3File *g3f, char *line)
 /* parse ##source-ontology URI */
 char **words = dynChopStringWhite(g3f, line, 2, 2, NULL,
                                   "\"##source-ontology URI\"");
 if (words == NULL)
     return;  // got an error
 slSafeAddHead(&g3f->sourceOntologies, gff3FileSlNameNew(g3f, words[1]));
 static void writeSourceOntologies(struct gff3File *g3f, FILE *fh)
 /* write ##source-ontology metas */
 writeSlNameMetas("##source-ontology", g3f->sourceOntologies, fh);
 static void parseSpecies(struct gff3File *g3f, char *line)
 /* parse ##species NCBI_Taxonomy_URI */
 char **words = dynChopStringWhite(g3f, line, 2, 2, NULL,
                                   "\"##species NCBI_Taxonomy_URI\"");
 if (words == NULL)
     return;  // got an error
 slSafeAddHead(&g3f->species, gff3FileSlNameNew(g3f, words[1]));
 static void writeSpecies(struct gff3File *g3f, FILE *fh)
 /* write ##species NCBI_Taxonomy_URI */
 writeSlNameMetas("##species", g3f->species, fh);
 static void parseGenomeBuild(struct gff3File *g3f, char *line)
 /* parse ##genome-build source buildName */
 if (g3f->genomeBuildSource != NULL)
     gff3FileErr(g3f, "multiple ##genome-build records");
 char **words = dynChopStringWhite(g3f, line, 3, 3, NULL,
                                   "\"##genome-build source buildName\"");
 if (words == NULL)
     return;  // got an error
 g3f->genomeBuildSource = gff3FileCloneStr(g3f, words[1]);
 g3f->genomeBuildName = gff3FileCloneStr(g3f, words[2]);
 static void writeGenomeBuild(struct gff3File *g3f, FILE *fh)
 /* parse ##genome-build source buildName */
 if (g3f->genomeBuildSource != NULL)
     fprintf(fh, "##genome-build %s %s\n", g3f->genomeBuildSource, g3f->genomeBuildName);
 static void parseMeta(struct gff3File *g3f, char *line)
 /* parse a meta line of a gff3 file */
 if (sameString("###", line))
     ; // ignore
 else if (sameString("##FASTA", line))
 else if (startsWithWord("##sequence-region", line))
     parseSequenceRegion(g3f, line);
 else if (startsWithWord("##feature-ontology", line))
     parseFeatureOntology(g3f, line);
 else if (startsWithWord("##attribute-ontology", line))
     parseAttributeOntology(g3f, line);
 else if (startsWithWord("##source-ontology", line))
     parseSourceOntology(g3f, line);
 else if (startsWithWord("##species", line))
     parseSpecies(g3f, line);
 else if (startsWithWord("##genome-build", line))
     parseGenomeBuild(g3f, line);
 else if (startsWithWord("##gff-spec-version", line) ||
          startsWithWord("##source-version", line) ||
          startsWithWord("##date", line) ||
          startsWithWord("##Type", line))
     ;  /* FIXME: silently ignore these.  Mark says. */
     gff3FileErr(g3f, "invalid meta line: %s", line);
 static void parseLine(struct gff3File *g3f, char *line)
 /* parse one line of a gff3 file */
 if (startsWith("##", line))
     parseMeta(g3f, line);
 else if (!startsWith("#", line) && (strlen(line) > 0))
     parseAnn(g3f, line);
 static void parseHeader(struct gff3File *g3f)
 /* parse and validate a GFF3 header */
 char *line;
 if (!lineFileNext(g3f->lf, &line, NULL))
     gff3FileErr(g3f, "empty GFF file, must have header");
 char *ver = skipToSpaces(line);
 if (*ver != '\0')
     *ver++ = '\0';
     ver = trimSpaces(ver);
 if (!(sameString(line, "##gff-version") && sameString(ver, "3")))
     gff3FileErr(g3f, "invalid GFF3 header");
 static void parseFile(struct gff3File *g3f)
 /* do parsing phase of reading a GFF3 file */
 g3f->lf = lineFileOpen(g3f->fileName, TRUE);
 char *line;
 while (lineFileNext(g3f->lf, &line, NULL))
     parseLine(g3f, line);
     if (gff3FileStopDueToErrors(g3f))
 static int gff3AnnCount(struct gff3Ann *g3a)
 /* count the number of gff3Ann objects linked together in a feature */
 int cnt = 0;
 for (; g3a != NULL; g3a = g3a->nextPart)
 return cnt;
 static void discontinFeatureCheck(struct gff3Ann *g3a)
 /* sanity check linked gff3Ann discontinuous features */
 struct gff3Ann *g3a2;
 for (g3a2 = g3a->nextPart; (g3a2 != NULL) && !gff3FileStopDueToErrors(g3a->file); g3a2 = g3a2->nextPart)
     if (!sameString(g3a->type, g3a2->type))
         gff3AnnErr(g3a, "Annotation records for discontinuous features with ID=\"%s\" do not have the same type, found \"%s\" and \"%s\"", g3a->id, g3a->type, g3a2->type);
 static void discontinFeatureFillArray(struct gff3Ann *g3a, int numAnns, struct gff3Ann *featAnns[])
 /* convert list to array for sorting */
 int i = 0;
 for (; g3a != NULL; g3a = g3a->nextPart)
     featAnns[i++] = g3a;
 static struct gff3Ann *discontinFeatureArrayLink(int numAnns, struct gff3Ann *featAnns[])
 /* convert sorted array to a list */
 struct gff3Ann *g3aHead = NULL, *g3aPrev = NULL;
 int i;
 for (i = 0; i < numAnns; i++)
     if (g3aHead == NULL)
         g3aHead = featAnns[i];
     if (g3aPrev != NULL)
         g3aPrev->nextPart = featAnns[i];
     featAnns[i]->prevPart = g3aPrev;
 return g3aHead;
 static int discontigFeatureSortCmp(const void *p1, const void *p2)
 /* compare function for discontigFeatureSort */
 struct gff3Ann *g3a1 = *((struct gff3Ann **)p1);
 struct gff3Ann *g3a2 = *((struct gff3Ann **)p2);
 int diff = g3a1->start - g3a2->start;
 if (diff == 0)
     diff = g3a1->end - g3a2->end;
 return diff;
 static struct gff3Ann *discontigFeatureSort(struct gff3Ann *g3a)
 /* sort a list of gff3Ann object representing discontinuous */
 int numAnns = gff3AnnCount(g3a);
 struct gff3Ann *featAnns[numAnns];
 discontinFeatureFillArray(g3a, numAnns, featAnns);
 qsort(featAnns, numAnns, sizeof(struct gff3Ann*), discontigFeatureSortCmp);
 return discontinFeatureArrayLink(numAnns, featAnns);
 static void discontigFeatureFinish(struct gff3File *g3f)
 /* finish up discontinuous features, sorting them into ascending order */
 // only both sorting if more than one annotation
 struct hashCookie cookie = hashFirst(g3f->byId);
 struct hashEl *hel;
 while (((hel = hashNext(&cookie)) != NULL) && !gff3FileStopDueToErrors(g3f))
     struct gff3Ann *g3a = hel->val;
     if (g3a->nextPart != NULL)
         hel->val = discontigFeatureSort(g3a);
 static struct gff3Ann *resolveRef(struct gff3Ann *g3a, char *id, char *attr)
 /* resolve a link for an attribute */
 struct gff3Ann *ann = gff3FileFindAnn(g3a->file, id);
 if (ann == NULL)
     gff3AnnErr(g3a, "Can't find annotation record \"%s\" referenced by \"%s\" %s attribute", id, g3a->id, attr);
 return ann;
 static struct gff3AnnRef *resolveRefs(struct gff3Ann *g3a, struct slName *ids, char *attr)
 /* resolve links for an attribute */
 struct gff3AnnRef *refs = NULL;
 struct slName *id;
 for (id = ids; id != NULL; id = id->next)
     struct gff3Ann *ann = resolveRef(g3a, id->name, attr);
     if (ann != NULL)
         slSafeAddHead(&refs, gff3AnnRefAlloc(ann));
 return refs;
 static void resolveAnn(struct gff3Ann *g3a)
 /* resolve links for an gff3Ann */
 g3a->parents = resolveRefs(g3a, g3a->parentIds, gff3AttrParent);
 if (g3a->parents == NULL)
     slSafeAddHead(&g3a->file->roots, gff3AnnRefAlloc(g3a));
     struct gff3AnnRef *par;
     for (par = g3a->parents; par != NULL; par = par->next)
         slSafeAddHead(&par->ann->children, gff3AnnRefAlloc(g3a));
 if (g3a->derivesFromId != NULL)
     g3a->derivesFrom = resolveRef(g3a, g3a->derivesFromId, gff3AttrDerivesFrom);
 static void resolveAnns(struct gff3File *g3f)
 /* resolve links */
 struct gff3AnnRef *g3aRef;
 for (g3aRef = g3f->anns; (g3aRef != NULL) && !gff3FileStopDueToErrors(g3f); g3aRef = g3aRef->next)
 static void resolveFile(struct gff3File *g3f)
 /* do resolution phase of reading a GFF3 file */
 // must sort first, as links point to the first feature
 // reorder just for test reproducibility
 static struct gff3File *gff3FileNew()
 /* construct a new, empty gff3File object */
 struct gff3File *g3f;
 g3f->byId = hashNew(0);
 g3f->pool = hashNew(0);
 return g3f;
 struct gff3File *gff3FileOpen(char *fileName, int maxErr, FILE *errFh)
 /* Parse a GFF3 file into a gff3File object.  If maxErr not zero, then
  * continue to parse until this number of error have been reached.  A maxErr
  * less than zero does not stop reports all errors. Write errors to errFh,
  * if NULL, use stderr. */
 struct gff3File *g3f = gff3FileNew();
 g3f->fileName = gff3FileCloneStr(g3f, fileName);
 g3f->errFh = (errFh != NULL) ? errFh : stderr;
 g3f->maxErr = (maxErr < 0) ? INT_MAX : maxErr;
 if (!gff3FileStopDueToErrors(g3f))
 if (g3f->errCnt > 0)
     errAbort("GFF3: %d parser errors", g3f->errCnt);
 return g3f;
 void gff3FileFree(struct gff3File **g3fPtr)
 /* Free a gff3File object */
 struct gff3File *g3f = *g3fPtr;
 if (g3f != NULL)
     *g3fPtr = NULL;
 struct gff3Ann *gff3FileFindAnn(struct gff3File *g3f, char *id)
 /* find an annotation record by id, or NULL if not found. */
 return hashFindVal(g3f->byId, id);
 static void writeMeta(struct gff3File *g3f, FILE *fh)
 /* write meta data */
 fputs("##gff-version 3\n", fh);
 writeSequenceRegions(g3f, fh);
 writeFeatureOntologies(g3f, fh);
 writeAttributeOntologies(g3f, fh);
 writeSourceOntologies(g3f, fh);
 writeSpecies(g3f, fh);
 writeGenomeBuild(g3f, fh);
 void gff3FileWrite(struct gff3File *g3f, char *fileName)
 /* write contents of an GFF3File object to a file */
 FILE *fh = mustOpen(fileName, "w");
 writeMeta(g3f, fh);
 struct gff3AnnRef *g3aRef;
 for (g3aRef = g3f->anns; g3aRef != NULL; g3aRef = g3aRef->next)
     writeAnn(g3aRef->ann, fh);
 writeFastas(g3f, fh);
 int gff3AnnRefLocCmp(const void *va, const void *vb)
 /* sort compare function for two gff3AnnRef objects */
 const struct gff3Ann *a = (*((struct gff3AnnRef **)va))->ann;
 const struct gff3Ann *b = (*((struct gff3AnnRef **)vb))->ann;
 int diff = strcmp(a->seqid, b->seqid);
 if ((diff == 0) && (a->strand != b->strand))
     // allow for various types of strand fields. above tests handles both null
     if (a->strand == NULL)
         diff = 1;
     else if (b->strand == NULL)
         diff = -1;
         diff = strcmp(a->strand, b->strand);
 if (diff == 0)
     diff = a->start - b->start;
 if (diff == 0)
     diff = a->end - b->end;
 return diff;