  Sat May 24 21:09:34 2014 -0700
Adding Copyright NNNN Regents of the University of California to all files I believe with reasonable certainty were developed under UCSC employ or as part of Genome Browser copyright assignment.
diff --git src/lib/histogram.c src/lib/histogram.c
index 0da3f19..7da7679 100644
--- src/lib/histogram.c
+++ src/lib/histogram.c
@@ -1,267 +1,270 @@
 /* histogram function for data array in memory	*/
+/* Copyright (C) 2011 The Regents of the University of California 
+ * See README in this or parent directory for licensing information. */
 #include "common.h"
 #include "histogram.h"
 static unsigned autoScale(float *values, size_t N, float *binSize,
 	unsigned *binCount, float *minValue, float *min, float *max)
 /*	determine binSize, binCount, minValue for values[N]
  *	If any of those are given, use them instead of calculating.
  *	A given minValue means ignore data below that.
  *	NAN's for binSize or minValue are the signals to not use them.
  *	non-zero for binCount to use it.  NOTE: binCount is actually one
  *	too high to get the minimum and maximum values in the first and
  *	last (binCount-1) bins correctly.
 float minFound = INFINITY;
 float maxFound = -1.0 * INFINITY;
 float range = 0.0;
 unsigned count = 0;
 unsigned bins = DEFAULT_BIN_COUNT;
 size_t i;
 boolean findMinMax = FALSE;
 if ( (*min == 0.0) && (*max == 0.0) )
     findMinMax = TRUE;
     minFound = *min;
     maxFound = *max;
 if (isnan(*minValue))
     {				/*	minValue is not specified	*/
     for (i = 0; i < N; ++i)
 	if (!isnan(values[i]))
 	    if (findMinMax)
 		if (values[i] < minFound) minFound = values[i];
 		if (values[i] > maxFound) maxFound = values[i];
 		if ( (values[i] < *max) && (values[i] > *min) ) ++count;
     minFound = *minValue;		/*	use given minValue	*/
     for (i = 0; i < N; ++i)
 	if ((!isnan(values[i])) && (values[i] >= minFound))
 	    if (findMinMax)
 		if (values[i] > maxFound) maxFound = values[i];
 		if ( (values[i] < *max) && (values[i] > *min) ) ++count;
 if (count > 0)
     /*	if the caller asked us to find min,max, return them	*/
     if (findMinMax)
 	*min = minFound;
 	*max = maxFound;
     /*	If the caller did not specify a minValue, return it	*/
     if (isnan(*minValue))
 	*minValue = minFound;
     range = maxFound - minFound;
     /*	if they gave us a binCount, use it	*/
     if (*binCount > 0)
 	bins = *binCount;
 	*binCount = bins;
     if ( (range > 0.0) && (bins > 1))
 	/*  binSize is calculated on (bins - 1) to allow the minimum value
 	 *  to be in the middle of the first bin, and the highest value to be
 	 *	in the middle of the last bin
 	if (isnan(*binSize))
 	    *binSize = range / (bins - 1);
 	if (*binSize > 0.0)
 	    return count;
 	    return 0;	/*	did not work	*/
 return 0;	/*	did not work	*/
 }	/*	static unsigned autoScale()	*/
 void freeHistoGram(struct histoResult **histoResults)
 /*      free the histoResults list	*/
 if (histoResults && *histoResults)
     struct histoResult *hr, *next;
     for (hr = *histoResults; hr; hr = next)
         next = hr->next;
     *histoResults = NULL;
 struct histoResult *histoGram(float *values, size_t N, float binSize,
 	unsigned binCount, float minValue, float min, float max,
 	struct histoResult *accumHisto)
 /*	construct histogram of data in values[N] array.  The extra
  *	options of binSize, binCount, minValue, min, max are optional.
  *	Run autoScaling when min == max == 0.0
  *	Defaults for binSize, binCount and minValue can be given even
  *	when auto-scaling, or NAN's for the floats, or 0 for the
  *	binCount to determine them too.
  *	When they are specified they will be used in place of auto
  *	scaled determined values.  If the min and max of the data is
  *	known, pass those in on min,max to aid the calculation of auto
  *	scaled values.  NAN's can be in the values[N] array and will be
  *	ignored.
  *	NOTE: when giving a binCount, it is actually one
  *	higher to get the minimum and maximum values in the first and
  *	last (binCount-1) bins correctly.  The resulting histogram will
  *	appear to be (binCount-1) number of bins.
  *	When given a pointer to accumHisto, use that existing histo gram
  *	and continue accumulations in it.
 float autoBinSize = NAN;	/*	pass NAN's to cause auto scaling */
 float autoMinValue = NAN;
 float range = 0.0;
 unsigned autoBinCount = 0;
 unsigned autoValueCount = 0;
 boolean autoScaling = FALSE;
 unsigned valueCount = 0;
 unsigned i;			/*	array index	*/
 struct histoResult *hr;
 unsigned missed = 0;
 if (N == 0)
     return NULL;	/*	we don't work on zero number of values	*/
 if (accumHisto)		/*	if accumulating in existing histogram	*/
     {			/*	use its parameters as the scaling values */
     autoBinCount = accumHisto->binCount;
     autoBinSize = accumHisto->binSize;
     autoMinValue = accumHisto->binZero;
     autoScaling = FALSE;
     range = autoBinSize * (autoBinCount - 1);
     valueCount = accumHisto->count;
 /*	Caller may give us a range to work within	*/
 if ( (0.0 == min) && (0.0 == max) )
     autoScaling = TRUE;
     range = max - min;
     if (range == 0.0)
 	return NULL;	/*	caller gave us equal min, max !	*/
 /*	Caller may give us any of the binCount, binSize, minValue */
 if (binCount > 1)
     autoBinCount = binCount;
 else if (!autoScaling)
     autoBinCount = DEFAULT_BIN_COUNT;
 if (!isnan(binSize))
     autoBinSize = binSize;
 else if (!autoScaling)
     autoBinSize = range / (autoBinCount - 1);
 if (!isnan(minValue))
     autoMinValue = minValue;
 else if (!autoScaling)
     autoMinValue = min;
 if (autoScaling)
     autoValueCount = autoScale(values, N, &autoBinSize,
 			&autoBinCount, &autoMinValue, &min, &max);
     if (autoValueCount == 0)
 	return NULL;	/*	no result !	*/
     autoValueCount = N;
 if (accumHisto)		/*	if accumulating in existing histogram	*/
     hr = accumHisto;
 for (i = 0; i < N; ++i)
     if (!isnan(values[i]) && (values[i] >= autoMinValue))
 	if ( (values[i] <= max) && (values[i] >= min) )
 	    float f = values[i] - autoMinValue;
 	    int inx = (int) floor(f / autoBinSize);
 	    if ( (inx >= 0) && (inx < autoBinCount))
     }	/*	for (i = 0; i < N; ++i)	*/
 if (accumHisto)		/*	if accumulating in existing histogram	*/
     hr->count = valueCount;	/*	only this is new	*/
     hr->binSize = autoBinSize;
     hr->binCount = autoBinCount;
     hr->count = valueCount;
     hr->binZero = autoMinValue;
 for (i = 0; i < autoBinCount; ++i)
     if (hr->binCounts[i] > 0)
 	hr->pValues[i] = (float) hr->binCounts[i] / (float) valueCount;
 	hr->pValues[i] = 0.0;
 return hr;