  Sat May 24 21:09:34 2014 -0700
Adding Copyright NNNN Regents of the University of California to all files I believe with reasonable certainty were developed under UCSC employ or as part of Genome Browser copyright assignment.
diff --git src/lib/meta.c src/lib/meta.c
index 9a7880f..509d94a 100644
--- src/lib/meta.c
+++ src/lib/meta.c
@@ -1,402 +1,405 @@
+/* Copyright (C) 2013 The Regents of the University of California 
+ * See README in this or parent directory for licensing information. */
 /* metaRa - stuff to parse and interpret a genome-hub meta.txt file, which is in 
  * a hierarchical ra format.  That is something like:
  *     meta topLevel
  *     cellLine HELA
  *         meta midLevel
  *         target H3K4Me3
  *         antibody abCamAntiH3k4me3
  *            meta lowLevel
  *            fileName hg19/chipSeq/helaH3k4me3.narrowPeak.bigBed
  * The file is interpreted so that lower level stanzas inherit tags from higher level ones.
 #include "common.h"
 #include "linefile.h"
 #include "hash.h"
 #include "errabort.h"
 #include "meta.h"
 #include "net.h"
 #include "ra.h"
 struct metaTagVal *metaTagValNew(char *tag, char *val)
 /* Create new meta tag/val */
 struct metaTagVal *mtv;
 mtv->tag = cloneString(tag);
 mtv->val = cloneString(val);
 return mtv;
 void metaTagValFree(struct metaTagVal **pMtv)
 /* Free up metaTagVal. */
 struct metaTagVal *mtv = *pMtv;
 if (mtv != NULL)
 void metaTagValFreeList(struct metaTagVal **pList)
 /* Free a list of dynamically allocated metaTagVal's */
 struct metaTagVal *el, *next;
 for (el = *pList; el != NULL; el = next)
     next = el->next;
 *pList = NULL;
 int metaTagValCmp(const void *va, const void *vb)
 /* Compare to sort based on tag name . */
 const struct metaTagVal *a = *((struct metaTagVal **)va);
 const struct metaTagVal *b = *((struct metaTagVal **)vb);
 return strcmp(a->tag, b->tag);
 void metaFree(struct meta **pMeta)
 /* Free up memory associated with a meta. */
 struct meta *meta = *pMeta;
 if (meta != NULL)
 void metaFreeList(struct meta **pList)
 /* Free a list of dynamically allocated meta's. Use metaFreeForest to free children too. */
 struct meta *el, *next;
 for (el = *pList; el != NULL; el = next)
     next = el->next;
 *pList = NULL;
 void metaFreeForest(struct meta **pForest)
 /* Free up all metas in forest and their children. */ 
 struct meta *meta;
 for (meta = *pForest; meta != NULL; meta = meta->next)
     if (meta->children)
 void metaSortTags(struct meta *meta)
 /* Do canonical sort so that the first tag stays first but the
  * rest are alphabetical. */
 slSort(&meta->tagList->next, metaTagValCmp);
 int countLeadingSpacesDetabbing(char *s, int tabStop)
 /* Count up leading chars including those implied by tab. Set tabStop to 8
  * for usual UNIX results. */
 int count = 0;
 char c;
 while ((c = *s++) != 0)
     if (c == ' ')
     else if (c == '\t')
 	int tabBefore = (count % tabStop) * tabStop;
 	count = (tabBefore+1)*tabStop;
 return count;
 struct meta *metaNextStanza(struct lineFile *lf)
 /* Return next stanza in a meta file.  Does not set parent/child/next pointers. 
  * Returns NULL at end of file.  Does a little error checking,  making sure
  * that indentation level is consistent across all lines of stanza. Returns
  * indentation level. */
 /* See if anything left in file, and if not return. */
 if (!raSkipLeadingEmptyLines(lf, NULL))
     return NULL;
 /* Allocate return structure and vars to help parse. */
 struct meta *meta;
 struct dyString *dy = dyStringNew(256);
 char *tag,*val;
 /* Loop to get all tags in stanza. */
 boolean firstTime = TRUE;
 int initialIndent = 0;
 for (;;)
     if (!raNextTagVal(lf, &tag, &val, dy))
     /* Make tag/val and add it to list. */
     struct metaTagVal *mtv;
     mtv->tag = cloneString(tag);
     mtv->val = cloneString(val);
     slAddHead(&meta->tagList, mtv);
     /* Check indentation. */
     int indent =  countLeadingSpacesDetabbing(dy->string, 8);
     if (firstTime)
 	initialIndent = indent;
 	firstTime = FALSE;
 	if (indent != initialIndent)
 	    warn("Error line %d of %s\n", lf->lineIx, lf->fileName);
 	    warn("Indentation level %d doesn't match level %d at start of stanza.", 
 		indent, initialIndent);
 	    if (strchr(dy->string, '\t'))
 	        warn("There are tabs in the indentation, be sure tab stop is set to 8 spaces."); 
 /* Set up remaining fields and return. */
 assert(meta->tagList != NULL);
 meta->name = meta->tagList->val;
 meta->indent = initialIndent;
 return meta;
 static struct meta *rReverseMetaList(struct meta *list)
 /* Return reverse list, and reverse all childen lists too.  Needed because
  * we addHead instead of addTail while building tree because it's faster,
  * especially as lists get long. */
 struct meta *meta;
 for (meta = list; meta != NULL; meta = meta->next)
     if (meta->children != NULL)
         meta->children = rReverseMetaList(meta->children);
 return list;
 struct meta *metaLoadAll(char *fileName, char *keyTag, char *parentTag,
     boolean ignoreOtherStanzas, boolean ignoreIndent)
 /* Loads in all ra stanzas from file and turns them into a list of meta, some of which
  * may have children.  The keyTag parameter is optional.  If non-null it should be set to
  * the tag name that starts a stanza.   If null, the first tag of the first stanza will be used.
  * The parentTag if non-NULL will be a tag name used to define the parent of a stanza.
  * The ignoreOtherStanzas flag if set will ignore stanzas that start with other tags.  
  * If not set the routine will abort on such stanzas.  The ignoreIndent if set will
  * use the parentTag (which must be set) to define the hierarchy.  Otherwise the program
  * will look at the indentation, and if there is a parentTag complain about any
  * disagreements between indentation and parentTag. */
 struct lineFile *lf = netLineFileOpen(fileName);
 struct meta *meta, *forest = NULL, *lastMeta = NULL;
 if (ignoreIndent)
     errAbort("Currently metaLoadAll can't ignore indentation, sorry.");
 while ((meta = metaNextStanza(lf)) != NULL)
     struct meta **pList;
     if (forest == NULL)   /* First time. */
 	if (meta->indent != 0)
 	    errAbort("Initial stanza of %s should not be indented", fileName);
 	if (keyTag == NULL)
 	    keyTag = meta->tagList->tag;
 	pList = &forest;
 	if (!sameString(keyTag, meta->tagList->tag))
 	    if (ignoreOtherStanzas)
 	        errAbort("Stanza beginning with %s instead of %s line %d of %s",
 		    meta->tagList->tag, keyTag, lf->lineIx, lf->fileName);
 	if (meta->indent > lastMeta->indent)
 	    pList = &lastMeta->children;
 	    meta->parent = lastMeta;
 	else if (meta->indent == lastMeta->indent)
 	    if (meta->indent == 0)
 		pList = &forest;
 	        pList = &lastMeta->parent->children;
 		meta->parent = lastMeta->parent;
 	else /* meta->indent < lastMeta->indent */
 	    /* Find sibling at same level as us. */
 	    struct meta *olderSibling;
 	    for (olderSibling = lastMeta->parent; 
 		olderSibling != NULL; olderSibling = olderSibling->parent)
 		if (meta->indent == olderSibling->indent)
 	    if (olderSibling == NULL)
 		warn("Indentation inconsistent in stanza ending line %d of %s.", 
 		    lf->lineIx, lf->fileName);
 		warn("If you are using tabs, check your tab stop is set to 8.");
 		warn("Otherwise check that when you are reducing indentation in a stanza");
 		warn("that it is the same as the previous stanza at the same level.");
 	    if (olderSibling->parent == NULL)
 	        pList = &forest;
 		pList = &olderSibling->parent->children;
 		meta->parent = olderSibling->parent;
     slAddHead(pList, meta);
     lastMeta = meta;
 forest = rReverseMetaList(forest);
 return forest;
 static void rMetaListWrite(struct meta *metaList, struct meta *parent,
     boolean level, int indent, boolean withParent, FILE *f)
 /* Write out list of stanzas at same level to file,  their children too. */
 int totalIndent = level * indent;
 struct meta *meta;
 for (meta = metaList; meta != NULL; meta = meta->next)
     struct metaTagVal *mtv;
     boolean gotParent = FALSE;
     for (mtv = meta->tagList; mtv != NULL; mtv = mtv->next)
 	if (sameString(mtv->tag, "parent"))
 	    if (withParent)
 	        gotParent = TRUE;
 	spaceOut(f, totalIndent);
 	fprintf(f, "%s %s\n", mtv->tag, mtv->val);
     if (withParent && !gotParent && parent != NULL)
 	spaceOut(f, totalIndent);
 	fprintf(f, "%s %s\n", "parent", parent->name);
     fprintf(f, "\n");
     if (meta->children)
         rMetaListWrite(meta->children, meta, level+1, indent, withParent, f);
 void metaWriteAll(struct meta *metaList, char *fileName, int indent, boolean withParent)
 /* Write out metadata, optionally adding meta tag. */
 FILE *f = mustOpen(fileName, "w");
 rMetaListWrite(metaList, NULL, 0, indent, withParent, f);
 char *metaLocalTagVal(struct meta *meta, char *name)
 /* Return value of tag found in this node, not going up to parents. */
 struct metaTagVal *mtv;
 for (mtv = meta->tagList; mtv != NULL; mtv = mtv->next)
     if (sameString(mtv->tag, name))
         return mtv->val;
 return NULL;
 char *metaTagVal(struct meta *meta, char *name)
 /* Return value of tag found in this node or if its not there in parents.
  * Returns NULL if tag not found. */
 struct meta *m;
 for (m = meta; m != NULL; m = m->parent)
     char *val = metaLocalTagVal(m, name);
     if (val != NULL)
        return val;
 return NULL;
 void metaAddTag(struct meta *meta, char *tag, char *val)
 /* Add tag to meta, replacing existing tag if any */
 /* First loop through to replace an existing tag. */
 struct metaTagVal *mtv;
 for (mtv = meta->tagList; mtv != NULL; mtv = mtv->next)
     if (sameString(mtv->tag, tag))
        mtv->val = cloneString(val);
 /* If didn't make it then add new tag (at end) */
 mtv = metaTagValNew(tag, val);
 slAddTail(&meta->tagList, mtv);
 static void rHashMetaList(struct hash *hash, struct meta *list)
 /* Add list, and any children of list to hash */
 struct meta *meta;
 for (meta = list; meta != NULL; meta = meta->next)
     hashAddUnique(hash, meta->name, meta);
     if (meta->children)
         rHashMetaList(hash, meta->children);
 struct hash *metaHash(struct meta *forest)
 /* Return hash of meta at all levels of heirarchy keyed by forest. */
 struct hash *hash = hashNew(0);
 rHashMetaList(hash, forest);
 return hash;