  Sat May 24 21:09:34 2014 -0700
Adding Copyright NNNN Regents of the University of California to all files I believe with reasonable certainty were developed under UCSC employ or as part of Genome Browser copyright assignment.
diff --git src/utils/bbTest/bbTest.c src/utils/bbTest/bbTest.c
index e179a1e..9ab6f47 100644
--- src/utils/bbTest/bbTest.c
+++ src/utils/bbTest/bbTest.c
@@ -1,276 +1,279 @@
 /* bbTest - a program to test bigBed is compatible with normal bed. */
+/* Copyright (C) 2011 The Regents of the University of California 
+ * See README in this or parent directory for licensing information. */
 #include "common.h"
 #include "linefile.h"
 #include "hash.h"
 #include "bbiFile.h"
 #include "bigBed.h"
 #include "options.h"
 #include "localmem.h"
 #include "bits.h"
 #include "basicBed.h"
 int numTests = 1000;
 char *testChrom = NULL;
 int seed = 0;
 boolean bed12 = FALSE;
 void usage()
 /* Explain usage and exit. */
   "bbTest - a program to test bigBed is compatible with normal bed\n"
   "   bbTest chrom.sizes file.bed file.bb\n"
   "   chrom.sizes  file with chrom names and sizes\n"
   "   file.bed     bed3 file\n"
   "   file.bb      bigBed file\n"
   "   -bed12       read a bed12 instead of bed3\n"
   "   -seed=N      use N for seed (default time())\n"
   "   -numTests=N  do N samples (default %d) \n"
   "   -chrom=chr1  test on just chr1 (default: all chroms in chrom.sizes\n"
 static struct optionSpec options[] = {
    {"bed12", OPTION_BOOLEAN},
    {"numTests", OPTION_INT},
    {"seed", OPTION_INT},
    {"chrom", OPTION_STRING},
    {NULL, 0},
 struct bedHead 
 struct bed *list;
 struct hash *readBed(char *fileName, int nFields)
 struct lineFile *lf = lineFileOpen(fileName, TRUE);
 char *words[20];
 int wordsRead;
 struct bedHead *head;
 struct hash *headHash = newHash(10);
 while( (wordsRead = lineFileChopNext(lf, words, sizeof(words)/sizeof(char *)) ))
     struct bed *bed;
     if (wordsRead < nFields)
 	errAbort("bed file %s has %d fields on line %d which is less than %d\n",
 	    wordsRead, lf->lineIx, nFields);
     bed = bedLoadN(words, wordsRead);
     if ((head = hashFindVal(headHash, words[0])) == NULL)
 	hashAdd(headHash, words[0], head);
     slAddTail(&head->list, bed);
 return headHash;
 extern int ptToInt(void *pt);
 void getRegion(struct hash *chromHash, int numChroms, char **chrom, int *size, int *start, int *end)
 if (testChrom)
     *size = hashIntVal(chromHash, testChrom);
     *chrom = testChrom;
     int chromOff = rand() % numChroms;
     struct hashCookie cookie = hashFirst(chromHash);
     struct hashEl *hel = hashNext(&cookie);
     for(; chromOff--; hel = hashNext(&cookie))
     *size = ptToInt(hel->val);
     *chrom = hel->name;
 *start = rand() % (*size);
 *end = rand() % (*size);
 if (*start > *end)
     int temp = *start;
     *start = *end;
     *end = temp;
 verbose(2, "getRegion: %s:%d-%d\n", *chrom, *start, *end);
 void setIntersection(Bits *bits, int s1, int e1, int s2, int e2)
 if (positiveRangeIntersection(s1, e1, s2, e2))
     verbose(3, "intersect bed has %d %d select is %d %d\n", 
 	s1, e1, s2, e2);
     int interStart, interEnd;
     interStart = s1;
     if (s2 > interStart)
 	interStart = s2;
     interEnd = e1;
     if (e2 < interEnd)
 	interEnd = e2;
     verbose(3, "bedSet %d %d\n", interStart, interEnd);
     bitSetRange(bits, interStart, interEnd - interStart);
 void doSetBedBits(Bits *bits, struct bed *bed, int start, int end)
 for(; bed; bed = bed->next)
     if (bed->blockCount > 1)
 	int *starts = bed->chromStarts;
 	int *lastStart = &starts[bed->blockCount];
 	int *size = bed->blockSizes;
 	int count = 0;
 	for(; starts < lastStart; starts++, size++)
 	    setIntersection(bits, bed->chromStart + *starts, 
 		bed->chromStart + *starts + *size, start, end);
 	setIntersection(bits, bed->chromStart, bed->chromEnd, start, end);
 void setBigBedBits(char *fileName, Bits *bits, char *chrom, int start, int end)
 struct lm *lm = lmInit(0);
 struct bbiFile *bbi = bigBedFileOpen(fileName);
 struct bigBedInterval *bbiList = bigBedIntervalQuery(bbi, chrom, start, end, 0, lm);
 struct bigBedInterval *bbInt = bbiList;
 for(; bbInt; bbInt = bbInt->next)
     //verbose(2, "bigBed set %d %d\n", bbInt->start, bbInt->end);
     if (bbInt->rest == NULL)
 	setIntersection(bits, bbInt->start, bbInt->end, start, end);
 	char *bedRow[32];
 	char startBuf[16], endBuf[16];
 	int fieldCount = 12;
 	bigBedIntervalToRow(bbInt, chrom, startBuf, endBuf, 
 	    bedRow, ArraySize(bedRow));
 	struct bed *bed = bedLoadN(bedRow, fieldCount);
 	doSetBedBits(bits, bed, start, end);
 void setBedBits(struct hash *bedHash, Bits *bits, char *chrom, int start, int end)
 struct bedHead *head = hashFindVal(bedHash, chrom);
 if (head == NULL)
 struct bed *bed = head->list;
 doSetBedBits(bits, bed, start, end);
 void compareBits(Bits *bbBits, Bits *bedBits, int size)
 int bbCount = bitCountRange(bbBits, 0, size);
 int bedCount = bitCountRange(bedBits, 0, size);
 verbose(2, "bbCount %d bedCount %d\n", bbCount, bedCount);
 if (bbCount != bedCount)
     errAbort("set count differs bed %d bb %d\n", bedCount, bbCount);
 bitNot(bbBits, size);
 bitAnd(bbBits, bedBits, size);
 int off;
 if ((off = bitFindSet(bbBits, 0, size)) != size)
     errAbort("different at offset %d\n",off);
 void bbTest(char *sizesName, char *bedName, char *bbName)
 /* bbTest - a program to test bigBed is compatible with normal bed. */
 struct hash *chromSizesHash = bbiChromSizesFromFile(sizesName);
 int numChroms = hashNumEntries(chromSizesHash);
 int ii;
 int start, end;
 char *chrom;
 int size;
 struct hash *bedHash = readBed(bedName, bed12 ? 12 : 3);
 int maxSize = 10;
 Bits *bbBits = bitAlloc(maxSize);
 Bits *bedBits = bitAlloc(maxSize);
 for(ii=0; ii < numTests; ii++)
     getRegion(chromSizesHash, numChroms, &chrom, &size, &start, &end);
     verbose(3, "size %d maxSize %d\n", size, maxSize);
     if (size > maxSize)
 	verbose(2, "growing bits\n");
 	bbBits = bitRealloc(bbBits, maxSize, size);
 	bedBits = bitRealloc(bedBits, maxSize, size);
 	maxSize = size;
     bitClear(bbBits, size);
     bitClear(bedBits, size);
     setBigBedBits(bbName, bbBits, chrom, start, end);
     setBedBits(bedHash, bedBits, chrom, start, end);
     compareBits(bbBits, bedBits, size);
 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
 /* Process command line. */
 optionInit(&argc, argv, options);
 if (argc != 4)
 seed = optionInt("seed", time(NULL));
 printf("seed is %d\n", seed);
 bed12 = optionExists("bed12");
 numTests = optionInt("numTests", numTests);
 testChrom = optionVal("chrom", testChrom);
 bbTest(argv[1], argv[2], argv[3]);
 return 0;