  Sat May 24 21:09:34 2014 -0700
Adding Copyright NNNN Regents of the University of California to all files I believe with reasonable certainty were developed under UCSC employ or as part of Genome Browser copyright assignment.
diff --git src/utils/bdfToGem/bdfToGem.c src/utils/bdfToGem/bdfToGem.c
index c1e055e..7add9c5 100644
--- src/utils/bdfToGem/bdfToGem.c
+++ src/utils/bdfToGem/bdfToGem.c
@@ -1,748 +1,751 @@
 /* bdfToGem - convert font bdf files to Gem C source font definitions */
+/* Copyright (C) 2011 The Regents of the University of California 
+ * See README in this or parent directory for licensing information. */
 #include	"common.h"
 #include	"memgfx.h"
 #include	"sqlNum.h"
 #include	"options.h"
 #include	"linefile.h"
 #include	"gemfont.h"
 static char *name = (char *)NULL;	/* to name the font in the .c file */
 static boolean noHeader = FALSE;  /* do not output the C header, data only */
 /* command line option specifications */
 static struct optionSpec optionSpecs[] = {
     {"noHeader", OPTION_BOOLEAN},
     {"name", OPTION_STRING},
     {NULL, 0}
 static void usage()
 "bdfToGem - convert font bdf files to Gem C source font definitions\n"
 "usage: bdfToGem [options] <file.bdf> <gem_definition.c>\n"
 "    -name=Small - the name of the font to place into the .c file\n"
 "               - should be one of: Tiny Small Smallish Medium Large\n"
 "    -noHeader  - do not output the C include lines at the beginning\n"
 "               - to be used to concatinate source into one file\n"
 "    -verbose=2 - to see processing statistics\n"
 "    -verbose=5 - to see all missing glyphs"
 /*	lower and upper limit of character values to accept
  *	Tried going down to zero since there was a glyph for it, but of
  *	course you can't print an ascii value of zero from a string
  *	since that is the end of string indication in C
  *	LO_LMT of 32 is assuming normal ASCII business which is the
  *	lowest printable ascii character 'space'
  *	There may be a case someday where encodings below 32 may be appropriate
 #define LO_LMT	32
 #define HI_LMT	(255)
 #define FILL_CHAR	((int)' ')
 /*	given w pixels, round up to number of bytes needed	*/
 #define BYTEWIDTH(w)	(((w) + 7)/8)
 #define DEFAULT_FONT	"Small"
 /*	a structure to store the incoming glyphs from the bdf file */
 struct bdfGlyph
 struct bdfGlyph *next;
 int encoding;		/*	ascii value of character	*/
 int w;			/*	width of actual bits, nothing extra	*/
 int h;			/*	height of actual bits, nothing extra	*/
 int xOff;		/*	from x=0 to left side of bits	*/
 int yOff;		/*	from y=0 to bottom side of bits	*/
 int dWidth;		/*	width including space around bits	*/
 unsigned char **bitmap;
 static unsigned char **allocRows(int w, int h)
 /*	allocate a bitmap of pixel size width = w, height = h	*/
 int byteWidth = 0;
 unsigned char **bitmap = 0;
 int row;
 if ((0 == w) || (h == 0))
     errAbort("allocRows: w or h is zero: %d x %d", w, h);
 byteWidth = BYTEWIDTH(w);
 /*	first allocate the row pointers	*/
 bitmap = (unsigned char **) needMem((size_t) (h * sizeof(unsigned char *)));
 /*	then allocate a pointer for each row	*/
 for (row = 0; row < h; ++row)
     int col;
     bitmap[row] = (unsigned char *) needMem((size_t) byteWidth);
     for (col = 0; col < byteWidth; ++col)  /* and make sure it is all zero */
 	bitmap[row][col] = (unsigned char) NULL;
 return (bitmap);
 static struct bdfGlyph *allocGlyph(int w, int h)
 /*	allocate a bdfGlyph structure, including its bitmap	*/
 struct bdfGlyph *glyph;
 glyph->w = w;
 glyph->h = h;
 glyph->xOff = 0;
 glyph->yOff = 0;
 glyph->dWidth = 0;
 glyph->bitmap = allocRows(w, h);
 return (glyph);
 static void freeGlyph(struct bdfGlyph **glyph)
 /*	release all storage related to a bdfGlyph structure	*/
 int row;
 if ((struct bdfGlyph **)NULL == glyph) return;
 if ((struct bdfGlyph *)NULL == *glyph) return;
 for (row = 0; row < (*glyph)->h; ++row)
 static void freeGlyphList(struct bdfGlyph **glyph)
 struct bdfGlyph *gl, *next;
 if ((struct bdfGlyph **)NULL == glyph) return;
 if ((struct bdfGlyph *)NULL == *glyph) return;
 for (gl = *glyph; (struct bdfGlyph *)NULL !=  gl; gl = next)
     next = gl->next;
 *glyph = NULL;
 static int encodeCmp(const void *va, const void *vb)
 /* Compare to sort based on encoding value */
 const struct bdfGlyph *a = *((struct bdfGlyph **)va);
 const struct bdfGlyph *b = *((struct bdfGlyph **)vb);
 return (a->encoding - b->encoding);
 static unsigned char leftMasks[8] =
     0x0, 0x80, 0xc0, 0xe0, 0xf0, 0xf8, 0xfc, 0xfe
 static int previousLastOffset = -1;
 /*  This bitsCopy is a specific limited form of a blit.  The limitation
  *	is allowed because the source bitmap always has the characteristic
  *	that it is upper left justified in its bitmap space.  Also, the
  *	destination bitmap is always being worked on from left to right,
  *	and thus only the bits to the left need to be preserved.  Any
  *	bits to the right in the destination bitmap can be left blank.
  *	The calculation below to determine startRow takes the various Y
  *	coordinates into account to get the glyph properly copied in
  *	it's vertical position into the destination.
 static int bitsCopy(unsigned char **bitmap, int offset, int maxYextent,
     int minYoff, struct bdfGlyph *glyph)
 /*	a cheap blit of a single glyph, returns pixel columns copied */
 int startRow = maxYextent -
 		(((glyph->h + glyph->yOff) - 1) - minYoff) - 1;
 int destRow = startRow;
 int srcRow = 0;
 int bitsOnLeft = (offset + glyph->xOff) & 0x7;	/* range: [0-7]	*/
 int destColumn = (offset + glyph->xOff) >> 3;
 for (destRow = startRow; (srcRow < glyph->h) && (destRow < maxYextent);
 	++destRow, ++srcRow)
     int col;
     destColumn = (offset + glyph->xOff) >> 3;
     if (0 == bitsOnLeft)
 	for (col = 0; col < BYTEWIDTH(glyph->w); ++col, ++destColumn)
 	    bitmap[destRow][destColumn] = glyph->bitmap[srcRow][col];
 	int bitsOnRight = 8 - bitsOnLeft;
 	unsigned char maskLeft = leftMasks[bitsOnLeft];
 	unsigned char maskRight = ~maskLeft;
 	for (col = 0; col < BYTEWIDTH(glyph->w); ++col, ++destColumn)
 	    unsigned char dest = bitmap[destRow][destColumn];
 	    unsigned char src = glyph->bitmap[srcRow][col];
 	    bitmap[destRow][destColumn] =
 		(dest & maskLeft) | ((src >> bitsOnLeft) & maskRight);
 	    bitmap[destRow][destColumn+1] = ((src << bitsOnRight) & maskLeft);
 previousLastOffset = offset + glyph->xOff + glyph->w;
 /*	The maximum of glyph->dWidth or (glyph->xOff + glyph->w)
  *	prevents overlaps between characters in the all char bitmap
 return(glyph->dWidth > (glyph->xOff + glyph->w) ? glyph->dWidth :
 	(glyph->xOff + glyph->w));
 static void outputGem(char *out, struct font_hdr *font,
     struct bdfGlyph *glyphs, char *inputFileName)
 /*	all input is done, now do the output file	*/
 unsigned char **bitmap = (unsigned char **)NULL; /* all glyphs together */
 FILE *f = mustOpen(out,"w");
 struct bdfGlyph *glyph = (struct bdfGlyph *)NULL;
 struct bdfGlyph *fillChar = (struct bdfGlyph *)NULL;
 int glyphCount = 0;	/* a count of glyphs to work on */
 int maxGlyphCount = HI_LMT - LO_LMT + 1;
 int encoding = 0;	/* a character's ascii value */
 int lastEncoding = 0;	/* used to find missing glyphs */
 int missing = 0;	/* a count of missing glyphs */
 int offset = 0;		/* pixel(bit) offset into the all char bitmap */
 int minXoff = BIGNUM;	/* lowest x offset found in incoming glyphs */
 int maxXoff = -BIGNUM;	/* highest x offset found in incoming glyphs */
 int minYoff = BIGNUM;	/* lowest y offset found in incoming glyphs */
 int maxYoff = -BIGNUM;	/* highest y offset found in incoming glyphs */
 int maxYextent = 0;	/* maxium height of all chars with offset incl */
 int maxXextent = 0;	/* maxium width of all chars with offset incl */
 int maxDwidth = 0;	/* maximum declared width of all chars */
 int bytesOut = 0;	/* a loop counter for output line break calc */
 int row;		/* row = 0 at top of a bitmap	*/
 int combinedWidth = 0;	/* sum of all character widths */
 int *offsets = (int *)NULL;	/* offset array to be filled in and printed */
 int widthSpace = 0;	/* the space character is used for missing glyphs */
 int maxYcoord = -BIGNUM;/* highest Y coordinate found in incoming glyphs*/
 int minYcoord = BIGNUM; /* lowest Y coordinate found in incoming glyphs*/
 int maxXcoord = -BIGNUM;/* highest X coordinate found in incoming glyphs*/
 int minXcoord = BIGNUM; /* lowest Y coordinate found in incoming glyphs*/
 slSort(&glyphs, encodeCmp);	/*	order glyphs by encoding value */
 /*	Survey the individual glyph bounding boxes, find max,min extents
  *	Sanity check against given maximums for the whole bitmap
  *	as it will be put together.
 encoding = glyphs->encoding - 1;	/* to check for missing glyphs */
 for (glyph = glyphs; glyph; glyph=glyph->next)
     int xLeft;
     int xRight;
     int yTop;
     int yBottom;
     if (glyph->encoding != (encoding + 1))
 	verbose(5, "#\tmissing glyph for encodings: %d - %d\n", 
 		encoding + 1, glyph->encoding - 1);
 	missing += glyph->encoding - encoding - 1;
     encoding = glyph->encoding;
     if (encoding == FILL_CHAR)
 	fillChar = glyph;
     if (glyph->xOff < minXoff) minXoff = glyph->xOff;
     if (glyph->xOff > maxXoff) maxXoff = glyph->xOff;
     if (glyph->yOff < minYoff) minYoff = glyph->yOff;
     if (glyph->yOff > maxYoff) maxYoff = glyph->yOff;
     yTop = glyph->h + glyph->yOff;
     yBottom = glyph->yOff;
     xLeft = glyph->xOff;
     xRight = glyph->xOff + glyph->w;
     if (xLeft < minXcoord) minXcoord = xLeft;
     if (xRight > maxXcoord) maxXcoord = xRight;
     if (yTop > maxYcoord) maxYcoord = yTop;
     if (yBottom < minYcoord) minYcoord = yBottom;
     if (glyph->dWidth > maxDwidth) maxDwidth = glyph->dWidth;
     if ((maxYcoord - minYcoord) > maxYextent)
 	maxYextent = maxYcoord - minYcoord;
     if ((maxXcoord - minXcoord) > maxXextent)
 	maxXextent = maxXcoord - minXcoord;
     combinedWidth += BYTEWIDTH(glyph->dWidth) * 8;
 lastEncoding = encoding;
 /*	for our purposes here, we must have the fillChar (space)
  *	which will also be used to fill missing glyphs
 if ((struct bdfGlyph *)NULL == fillChar)
     errAbort("can not find fill character: %d '%c', we need a space\n",
 widthSpace = fillChar->dWidth;	/*	we use space (FILL_CHAR) */
 verbose(2, "#\thave %d glyphs to merge, missing: %d (maxGlyphCount: %d)\n",
 	glyphCount, missing, maxGlyphCount);
 verbose(2, "#\tmin,max X offsets: %d, %d, maxXextent: %d\n",
 	minXoff, maxXoff, maxXextent);
 verbose(2, "#\tmin,max Y offsets: %d, %d, maxYextent: %d\n",
 	minYoff, maxYoff, maxYextent);
 verbose(2, "#\tadding width of %d*%d = %d to combinedWidth %d for %d missing glyphs\n",
 	missing, widthSpace, BYTEWIDTH(missing * widthSpace)*8, combinedWidth, missing);
 if ((glyphCount + missing) > maxGlyphCount)
     errAbort("found more glyphs than allowed: (%d + %d) = %d  vs. %d\n",
 	glyphCount, missing, glyphCount + missing, maxGlyphCount);
 if (font->frm_hgt != maxYextent)
     errAbort("do not find the same maximum height during scan ? %d != %d",
 	font->frm_hgt, maxYextent);
 if (minYoff > -1)
     errAbort("Expected the lowest y coordinate to be negative ? minYoff = %d",
 combinedWidth += BYTEWIDTH(missing * widthSpace)*8;
 font->frm_wdt = BYTEWIDTH(combinedWidth);
 /*	The plus one is for the last offset which would be the glyph at
  *	maxGlyphCount+1 - so that the size of the last glyph can be
  *	properly computed by the font code.
 offsets = (int *)needMem((sizeof(int) * (maxGlyphCount + 1)));
 verbose(2,"#\tallocated int offsets[%d]\n", maxGlyphCount);
 bitmap = allocRows(font->frm_wdt * 8, font->frm_hgt);
 verbose(2,"#\tallocated bitmap: %d x %d pixels = %d x %d bytes\n",
 	font->frm_wdt * 8, font->frm_hgt, font->frm_wdt, font->frm_hgt);
 /*	Now that we know our and minYoff, this becomes our
  *	reference to coordinate Y=0 in the global bitmap.
  *	To copy an individual glyph into its place in the global bitmap,
  *	the combination of the individual glyph's yOff with this minYoff
  *	will move it to the correct row in the global bitmap.
  *	The loop goes through all possible encodings from lo to hi
  *	Checking the codings in the glyphs as moving along, when missing
  *	glyphs are found, substitute blank.
  *	Coordinate systems involved here:
  *	In the destination bitmap:
  *	Y coord range is from row 0 (top) to row (maxYextent-1) (bottom)
  *	and the baseline y=0 coordinate is row: (maxYextent-1)+minYoff
  *	Where minYoff was confirmed above to be negative.
  *	This business would not work properly if it wasn't negative.
  *	This is most likely the descender distance in the gemfonts.
  *	In the source bitmap:
  *	Y coord range is from row 0 (top) to row (glyph->h - 1) (bottom)
  *	All these glyph bitmaps are upper left justified.
  *	Their pixel width is glyph->dWidth which includes any necessary
  *	spacing for the next character.  It is the distance from this
  *	glyph's (0,0) origin to the next glyph's (0,0) origin.
  *	This will be the glyph's entire width in the destination bitmap.
  *	The bottom of these glyphs at row (glyph->h-1) is referenced to
  *	the origin y=0 coordinate by glyph->yOff which does not
  *	have to be negative.  An apostrophy, for example, would have a
  *	positive yOff specifying the distance from y=0 to the bottom of
  *	the glyph's bitmap, which would proceed from there upward by
  *	glyph->h pixels.
 offset = 0;		/*  offset=bit (pixel) position in global bitmap */
 glyphCount = 0;
 glyph = glyphs;		/*	the first one is (LO_LMT)	*/
 for (encoding = glyphs->encoding; encoding <= lastEncoding ; ++encoding)
     struct bdfGlyph *glyphToUse = glyph;
     if(NULL == glyphToUse)
 	errAbort("got lost in glyphs at number: %d, encoding: %d",
 		glyphCount, encoding);
     offsets[glyphCount] = offset;
     if (encoding != glyph->encoding)	/*	missing glyph ?	*/
 	glyphToUse = fillChar;	/*	use FILL_CHAR (space)	*/
 	verbose(5,"#\tmissing glyph at encoding %d '%c'\n", encoding,
 	    isprint((char)encoding) ? (char)encoding : ' ');
 	glyph = glyph->next;	/*	not missing, OK to go to next */
     offset += bitsCopy(bitmap, offset, maxYextent, minYoff, glyphToUse);
 offsets[glyphCount] = offset;
 if ((char *)NULL == name)
 	name = cloneString(DEFAULT_FONT);	/*	default name of font */
 /*	And now to start the output of the C source code	*/
 fprintf(f, "\n/* %s.c - compiled data for font %s */\n", name,font->facename);
 fprintf(f, "/* generated source code by utils/bdfToGem, do not edit */\n");
 fprintf(f, "/* BDF data file input: %s */\n\n", inputFileName);
 if (! noHeader)
     fprintf(f, "#include \"common.h\"\n");
     fprintf(f, "#include \"memgfx.h\"\n");
     fprintf(f, "#include \"../gemfont.h\"\n\n");
 fprintf(f, "static UBYTE %s_data[%d] = {\n", name,
 	font->frm_hgt * font->frm_wdt);
 bytesOut = 0;
 for (row = 0; row < font->frm_hgt ; ++row)
     int byteWidth = font->frm_wdt;
     int col;
     for (col = 0; col < byteWidth; ++col)
 	fprintf(f, "%#0x,", bitmap[row][col]);
 	if (0 == (bytesOut % 10))	/* every ten produces new line */
 if (0 != (bytesOut % 10))  /* if not already a new line for the last one */
 fprintf(f, "};\n\n");
 fprintf(f, "static WORD %s_ch_ofst[%d] = {\n", name, maxGlyphCount+1);
 for (glyphCount = 0; glyphCount < maxGlyphCount+1; ++glyphCount)
     if (0 == ((glyphCount+1) % 10))	/*	every ten produces new line */
 if (0 != (glyphCount % 10))	/* if not already a new line for the last one */
 font->top_dist = font->frm_hgt;
 font->asc_dist = font->frm_hgt + minYoff;
 font->hlf_dist = font->top_dist / 2;
 font->des_dist = - minYoff;
 font->bot_dist = - minYoff;
 font->wchr_wdt = maxXextent;
 font->wcel_wdt = maxDwidth;
 fprintf(f, "};\n\n");		/* done with ch_ofst[]	*/
 fprintf(f, "static struct font_hdr %s_font = {\n", name);
 fprintf(f, "STPROP, %hd, \"%s\", %hd, %hd,\n",
     font->size, font->facename, font->ADE_lo, font->ADE_hi);
 fprintf(f, "%hd, %hd, %hd, %hd, %hd,\n", font->top_dist,
 	font->asc_dist, font->hlf_dist, font->des_dist, font->bot_dist);
 fprintf(f, "%hd, %hd, %hd, %hd,\n",
     font->wchr_wdt, font->wcel_wdt, font->lft_ofst, font->thckning);
 fprintf(f, "%hd, %hd, 0x%hx, (WORD)0x%hx,\n", font->rgt_ofst,
 	font->undrline, font->lghtng_m, font->skewng_m);
 fprintf(f, "0x%hx, NULL,\n", font->flags); /* flags, hz_ofst */
 fprintf(f, "%s_ch_ofst, %s_data,\n", name, name); /* ch_ofst, fnt_dta */
 fprintf(f, "%hd, %hd,\n", font->frm_wdt, font->frm_hgt);
 fprintf(f, "NULL,\n");	/*	nxt_fnt	*/
 fprintf(f, "%hd, %hd,   /* x/y offset */\n", font->xOff, font->yOff);
 fprintf(f, "%hd,        /* lineHeight */\n", font->lineHeight);
 fprintf(f, "};\n\n");
 fprintf(f, "MgFont *mg%sFont()\n", name);
 fprintf(f, "{\n");
 fprintf(f, "return &%s_font;\n", name);
 fprintf(f, "}\n");
 static void bedToGem(char *bdfFile, char *outputFile)
 /* read the given bdfFile - convert to gem .c source definition file */
 struct lineFile *lf = lineFileOpen(bdfFile, TRUE);
 char *line = (char *)NULL;
 unsigned lineCount = 0;		/* of lines in the bdf file	*/
 struct font_hdr fontHeader;  /* structure to be filled in during conversion */
 char *words[128];	/*	for splitting lines	*/
 int wordCount = 0;	/*	for splitting lines	*/
 int asciiLo = BIGNUM;	/*	a record of ASCII values encountered	*/
 int asciiHi = 0;	/*	lowest and highest, should be: [LO-HI]	*/
 int validGlyphs = 0;	/*	a count of chars found in range: [LO-HI] */
 boolean skipToNext = FALSE;	/* ignore characters not in range [LO-HI] */
 boolean readingBitmap = FALSE;	/* working on the bitmap lines	*/
 int maxDwidth = 0;	/*	a record of the maximum extents found */
 int minW = BIGNUM;	/*	for individual char bounding box	*/
 int maxH = 0;		/*	dimensions, smallest and largest box,	*/
 int minH = BIGNUM;	/*	for sanity checking purposes.	*/
 int BBw = 0;		/*	the current character bounding box	*/
 int BBh = 0;		/*	width, height, X,Y offsets	*/
 int BBxOff = 0;
 int BByOff = 0;
 int glyphRow = 0;	/*	to count bitmap rows read for current char */
 int encoding = 0;	/*	the current character's ascii value	*/
 int maxX = 0;		/*	largest bounding box possible	*/
 int maxY = 0;		/* 	extracted from FOUNTBOUNDINGBOX line */
 int offX = 0;		/*	offset to X=0 in the FONTBOUNDINGBOX */
 int offY = 0;		/*	offset to Y=0 in the FONTBOUNDINGBOX */
 int combinedWidth = 0;	/*	sum of all glyph dWidths	*/
 struct bdfGlyph *curGlyph = NULL;    /* to accumulate the current glyph data */
 struct bdfGlyph *glyphList = NULL;   /* list of all glyphs read in */
 int minYoff = BIGNUM;
 int maxYcoord = 0;
 int minYcoord = BIGNUM;
 int yRange = 0;
 fontHeader.id = STPROP;
 fontHeader.size = 0;
 fontHeader.facename[0] = (char)NULL;
 fontHeader.ADE_lo = 0;
 fontHeader.ADE_hi = 0;
 fontHeader.top_dist = 0;
 fontHeader.asc_dist = 0;
 fontHeader.hlf_dist = 0;
 fontHeader.des_dist = 0;
 fontHeader.bot_dist = 0;
 fontHeader.wchr_wdt = 0;
 fontHeader.wcel_wdt = 0;
 fontHeader.lft_ofst = 0;
 fontHeader.rgt_ofst = 0;
 fontHeader.thckning = 0;
 fontHeader.undrline = 0;
 fontHeader.lghtng_m = 0x5555;
 fontHeader.skewng_m = 0xaaaa;
 fontHeader.flags = 0;
 fontHeader.hz_ofst = NULL;
 fontHeader.ch_ofst = NULL;
 fontHeader.fnt_dta = NULL;
 fontHeader.frm_wdt = 0;	/* will be byte width of all glyphs together */
 fontHeader.frm_hgt = 0;	/* will be a single glyph height */
 fontHeader.nxt_fnt = (struct font_hdr *)NULL;
 fontHeader.xOff = 0;
 fontHeader.yOff = 0;
 while (lineFileNext(lf, &line, NULL))
     if (skipToNext && !startsWith("STARTCHAR ", line))
     skipToNext = FALSE;
     if (readingBitmap && !startsWith("ENDCHAR", line))
 	unsigned char uc = 0;
 	int i, j;
 	int len = strlen(line);
 	char *c = line;
 	j = 0;
 	for (i = 0; i < len; ++i)
 	    uc <<= 4;
 	    switch (*c)
 		case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4':
 		case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9':
 		    uc |= (*c++ - '0') & 0x0f;
 		case 'A': case 'B': case 'C': case 'D': case 'E': case 'F':
 		    uc |= (*c++ - 'A' + 10) & 0x0f;
 		case 'a': case 'b': case 'c': case 'd': case 'e': case 'f':
 		    uc |= (*c++ - 'a' + 10) & 0x0f;
 		    errAbort("unrecognized hex digit: %c at line %d",
 			*c, lineCount);
 	    if (i & 0x1)
 		curGlyph->bitmap[glyphRow][j++] = uc;
 		uc = 0;
 	if (len & 0x1) /* odd length ?  can that be, no, shouldn't happen */
 	    uc <<= 4;
 	    curGlyph->bitmap[glyphRow][j] = uc;
 	    errAbort("odd length of %d at line %d\n", len, lineCount);
     readingBitmap = FALSE;
     if (startsWith("COMMENT", line))
     else if (startsWith("FONT ", line))
 	char *name0;
 	char *name1;
 	wordCount = chopByWhite(line, words, ArraySize(words));
 	if (wordCount < 2)
 	    errAbort("can not find at least two words on FONT line");
 	name0 = replaceChars(words[1], "-Adobe-Helvetica", "AdobeHelv");
 	name1 = replaceChars(name0, "Bold", "B");
 	name0 = replaceChars(name1, "Normal", "N");
 	name1 = replaceChars(name0, "Medium", "M");
 	snprintf(fontHeader.facename, sizeof(fontHeader.facename), "%s", name1);
     else if (startsWith("SIZE ", line))
 	wordCount = chopByWhite(line, words, ArraySize(words));
 	if (wordCount != 4)
 	    errAbort("can not find four words on SIZE line");
 	if (fontHeader.size > 0)
 	    errAbort("seeing SIZE a second time at line: %d\n", lineCount);
 	fontHeader.size = (WORD) sqlSigned(words[1]);
     else if (startsWith("FONTBOUNDINGBOX ", line))
 	wordCount = chopByWhite(line, words, ArraySize(words));
 	if (wordCount != 5)
 	    errAbort("can not find five words on FONTBOUNDINGBOX line");
 	maxX = sqlSigned(words[1]);
 	maxY = sqlSigned(words[2]);
 	offX = sqlSigned(words[3]);
 	offY = sqlSigned(words[4]);
 	verbose(2,"#\tlargest font size box: %d x %d, (0,0) offsets: %d, %d\n",
 		maxX, maxY, offX, offY);
     else if (startsWith("STARTCHAR ", line))
 	if ((0 == fontHeader.size) || (0 == maxX) || (0 == maxY))
 	    errAbort("at a STARTCHAR but haven't seen proper sizes yet");
 	/*	starting a character, allocate the single sized glyph area */
 	curGlyph = allocGlyph(maxX, maxY);
     else if (startsWith("ENDCHAR", line))
 	if (glyphRow != BBh)
 	    errAbort("not the correct number of bitmap rows for char: %d\n",
 	/*	finished with a character definition, add to list	*/
 	slAddHead(&glyphList, curGlyph);
 	if (curGlyph->yOff < minYoff) minYoff = curGlyph->yOff;
 	if ((curGlyph->yOff + curGlyph->h) > maxYcoord)
 		maxYcoord = curGlyph->yOff + curGlyph->h;
 	if (curGlyph->yOff < minYcoord)
 		minYcoord = curGlyph->yOff;
 	if (curGlyph->dWidth < 1)
 	    errAbort("less than one dWidth for character: %d",
 	glyphRow = 0;		/* reset row counter for sanity checking */
     else if (startsWith("BITMAP", line))
 	readingBitmap = TRUE;
     else if (startsWith("ENCODING ", line))
 	wordCount = chopByWhite(line, words, ArraySize(words));
 	if (wordCount != 2)
 	    errAbort("can not find two words on ENCODING line");
 	encoding = sqlSigned(words[1]);
 	/* ignore all values outside the standard ascii */
 	if ((encoding < LO_LMT) || (encoding > HI_LMT))
 	    skipToNext = TRUE;
 	    if (encoding < asciiLo) asciiLo = encoding;
 	    if (encoding > asciiHi) asciiHi = encoding;
 	    curGlyph->encoding = encoding;
     else if (startsWith("DWIDTH ", line))
 	wordCount = chopByWhite(line, words, ArraySize(words));
 	if (wordCount != 3)
 	    errAbort("can not find three words on DWIDTH line");
 	curGlyph->dWidth = sqlSigned(words[1]);
 	combinedWidth += curGlyph->dWidth;
     else if (startsWith("BBX ", line))
 	wordCount = chopByWhite(line, words, ArraySize(words));
 	if (wordCount != 5)
 	    errAbort("can not find five words on BBX line");
 	BBh = sqlSigned(words[2]);
 	/*	I don't know why there are glyphs defined that are
  	 *	larger than the font size, I'm going to skip them
 	BByOff = sqlSigned(words[4]);
 	if (BBh > maxY)
 	    skipToNext = TRUE;
 	    combinedWidth -= curGlyph->dWidth;
 	    verbose(2,"#\t(BBh %d + BByOff %d) == %d > %d for character: %d '%c' - skipping this char\n",
 		BBh, BByOff, BBh+BByOff, fontHeader.size, encoding,
 	    BBw = sqlSigned(words[1]);
 	    BBxOff = sqlSigned(words[3]);
 	    if (BBw < minW) minW = BBw;
 	    if (BBw > maxDwidth) maxDwidth = BBw;
 	    if (BBh < minH) minH = BBh;
 	    if (BBh > maxH) maxH = BBh;
 	    curGlyph->w = BBw;
 	    curGlyph->h = BBh;
 	    curGlyph->xOff = BBxOff;
 	    curGlyph->yOff = BByOff;
 	    if ((curGlyph->xOff < offX) || (curGlyph->yOff < offY))
 		errAbort("a glyph's x,y offsets are out of range: %d,%d vs limits %d,%d\n", curGlyph->xOff, curGlyph->yOff, offX, offY);
 	    if (BBh > yRange) yRange = BBh;
 verbose(2, "#\tread %d lines from file %s\n", lineCount, bdfFile);
 verbose(2, "#\tfacename: %s\n", fontHeader.facename);
 verbose(2, "#\tascii range: %d - %d, valid glyphs: %d\n", asciiLo, asciiHi,
 verbose(2, "#\tW,H range (%d-%d) (%d-%d), combinedWidth: %d\n", minW, minH,
 	maxDwidth, maxH, combinedWidth);
 verbose(2, "#\tminYoff: %d, minYcoord: %d, maxYcoord: %d, yRange: %d\n",
 	minYoff, minYcoord, maxYcoord, yRange);
 /*	the wdt needs to be adjusted after everything is scanned in outputGem.
  *	There may be missing glyphs which will affect the combined width.
 fontHeader.frm_wdt = combinedWidth;
 fontHeader.frm_hgt = maxYcoord - minYcoord;
 fontHeader.ADE_lo = asciiLo;
 fontHeader.ADE_hi = asciiHi;
 outputGem(outputFile, &fontHeader, glyphList, bdfFile);
 #ifdef SOON
 int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
 optionInit(&argc, argv, optionSpecs);
 if (argc < 3)
 noHeader = optionExists("noHeader");
 name = optionVal("name", NULL);
 bedToGem(argv[1], argv[2]);