  Sat May 24 21:09:34 2014 -0700
Adding Copyright NNNN Regents of the University of California to all files I believe with reasonable certainty were developed under UCSC employ or as part of Genome Browser copyright assignment.
diff --git src/utils/cpgIslandExt/cpg.c src/utils/cpgIslandExt/cpg.c
index 0afb018..52b6215 100644
--- src/utils/cpgIslandExt/cpg.c
+++ src/utils/cpgIslandExt/cpg.c
@@ -1,174 +1,177 @@
+/* Copyright (C) 2012 The Regents of the University of California 
+ * See README in this or parent directory for licensing information. */
 /*  Last edited: Jun 23 19:33 1995 (gos) */
   cpg.c: CpG island finder. Larsen et al Genomics 13 1992 p1095-1107
   "usually defined as >200bp with %GC > 50% and obs/exp CpG >
   0.6". Here use running sum rather than window to score: if not CpG
   at postion i, then decrement runSum counter, but if CpG then runSum
   += CPGSCORE.     Spans > threshold are searched
   for recursively.
   filename: fasta format concatenated sequence file: 
 put in options: -p debug to switch on commented out print statements
                 -l length threshold
                 -t score threshold
                 -s to specify score
 		-d score (-ve) if not found : default = -1.
 Really want it to take pattern file:
      Pattern  score_if_found  score_if_not_found
 How best to give #pattern hits, %GC in span, o/e ?
 Provide using separate scripts called using output.
 Add -g or -m option for "max gap" as in Qpatch.c - score not increased
 if reaches this threshold.  This means that patches which are separated
 by more than the threshold are never joined.
 #include "stdio.h"
 #include "math.h"
 #include "readseq.h"
 /********************* CONTROLS ********************/
 #define CPGSCORE  17   /* so that can compare with old cpg - this
 			  had CPGSCORE 27, but allowed score to reach
 			  0 once without reporting */
 #define MALLOCBLOCK 200000
 #define MAXNAMELEN 512  /*"length 0, title > MAXNAMELEN or starts with bad character." if too small */
 int readSequence (FILE *fil, int *conv,
                          char **seq, char **id, char **desc, int *length) ;
 int findspans ( int start, int end, char *seq, char *seqname ) ;
 void getstats ( int start, int end, char *seq, char *seqname, int *ncpg, int *ngpc, int *ngc ) ;
 void usage (void)
   fprintf (stderr, "Usage: cpg seqfilename\n") ;
   exit (-1) ;
 void main (int argc, char **argv)
   char *seq, *seqname, *desc ;
   int conv[] =   { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 } ;
   int length ;
   int i ;
   static FILE *fil ;
   char c, *cp ;
   extern char* malloc() ;
   switch ( argc )
     default: if (argc != 2)
       usage () ;
      if (!(seqname = malloc (MAXNAMELEN+1)))
      { fprintf (stderr, "Couldn't malloc %d bytes", MAXNAMELEN) ;
      exit (-1) ;
      if (!(seq = malloc (MALLOCBLOCK+1)))
        { fprintf (stderr, "Couldn't malloc %d bytes", MALLOCBLOCK) ;
 	 exit (-1) ;
   if (!(fil = fopen ( argv[1], "r" ))) 
     usage ();
   while ( readSequence(fil, dna2textConv, &seq, &seqname, &desc, &length) ) 
     /* once through per sequence */
       i = 0 ;
       while ( seqname[i] != ' ' && seqname[i] != '\0' && i < 256 )
 	++i ;
       seqname[i] = '\0' ;
       findspans ( 0, length, seq, seqname ) ;
   exit (0);
 int findspans ( int start, int end, char *seq, char *seqname )
   int i ;
   int sc = 0 ;
   int lsc = 0 ; 
   int imn = -1 ;  /* else sequences which start with pattern reported badly */
   int imx = 0 ;
   int mx = 0 ;
   int ncpg, ngpc, ngc ;  
   i = start ;
   while ( i < end )  
       lsc = sc ;
       sc = ( end-1-i && seq[i]=='C' && seq[i+1]=='G' ) ? sc += CPGSCORE : --sc ;
       sc = sc < 0 ? 0 : sc ;
 /*      printf("%d \t %d \t%d \t %d \t%d \t%d\n", i, sc, lsc, imn, imx, mx) ; */
       if ( sc == 0 && lsc )  /* should threshold here */
 	  /* imn+1 is the start of the match. 
 	     imx+1 is the end of the match, given pattern-length=2.
 	     fetchdb using reported co-ordinates will return a sequence
 	     which both starts and ends with a complete pattern.
 	     Further +1 adjusts so that start of sequence = 1 
 	  getstats ( imn+1, imx+2, seq, seqname, &ncpg, &ngpc, &ngc ) ;
 	  printf("%s\t %d\t %d\t %d\t CpG: %d\t %.1f\t %.1f\n", seqname, imn+2, imx+2, mx, ncpg, ngc*100.0/(imx+1-imn), 1.0*ncpg/ngpc) ; 
 /* 	  printf("%s \t %d\t %d\t %d \n", seqname, imn+2, imx+2, mx ) ; 
 	  /* Recursive call searches from one position after the end of the 
 	     last match to the current position */
 	  findspans( imx+2, i, seq, seqname ) ;
 	  sc = lsc = imn = imx =  mx = 0 ;
       imx = sc > mx ? i : imx ;
       mx = sc > mx ? sc : mx ;
       imn = sc == 0 ? i : imn ;
       ++i ;
   if ( sc != 0 )  /* should threshold here */
 /*      printf("%d \t %d \t%d \t %d \t%d \t%d\n", i, sc, lsc, imn, imx, mx) ;  */
       getstats ( imn+1, imx+2, seq, seqname, &ncpg, &ngpc, &ngc ) ;
       printf("%s\t %d\t %d\t %d\t CpG: %d\t %.1f\t %.2f\n", seqname, imn+2, imx+2, mx, ncpg, ngc*100.0/(imx+1-imn), 1.0*ncpg/ngpc) ; 
 /*      printf("%s \t %d\t %d\t %d \n", seqname, imn+2, imx+2, mx ) ; 
       findspans( imx+2, end, seq, seqname ) ;
 void getstats ( int start, int end, char *seq, char *seqname, int *ncpg, int *ngpc, int *ngc )
 int i ;
 *ncpg = *ngpc = *ngc = 0 ;
 for ( i = start ; i < end ; ++i ) 
    if ( end-1-i && seq[i]=='C' && seq[i+1]=='G' ) ++*ncpg ; 
    if ( end-1-i && seq[i]=='G' && seq[i+1]=='C' ) ++*ngpc ; 
    if ( seq[i]=='C' || seq[i]=='G' ) ++*ngc ; 