e70152e44cc66cc599ff6b699eb8adc07f3e656a kent Sat May 24 21:09:34 2014 -0700 Adding Copyright NNNN Regents of the University of California to all files I believe with reasonable certainty were developed under UCSC employ or as part of Genome Browser copyright assignment. diff --git src/utils/faTrimRead/faTrimRead.c src/utils/faTrimRead/faTrimRead.c index 84c8ce6..f6fb35a 100644 --- src/utils/faTrimRead/faTrimRead.c +++ src/utils/faTrimRead/faTrimRead.c @@ -1,356 +1,359 @@ /* faTrimRead - trim reads based on qual scores */ + +/* Copyright (C) 2006 The Regents of the University of California + * See README in this or parent directory for licensing information. */ #include "common.h" #include "fa.h" //#include "qaSeq.h" #include "hash.h" #include "linefile.h" #include "obscure.h" #include "options.h" #define MINSCORE 20 /* default score threshold */ #define MINMATCH 20 /* default miniumun matches in window at start/end of read*/ #define WINDOW 25 /* default window size */ #define LINESIZE 50 /* default fa output line size */ #define MAXREADSIZE 10*1024 #define INTSPERLINE 20 /* number of qual scores per line */ /* modes for parsing regions of sequence */ #define START 0 #define MIDDLE 1 #define END 2 struct qual { int size; int *array; int end; }; int minScore = 0; int minMatch = 0; int window = 0; int lineSize = 50; bool showQual = FALSE; bool clip = FALSE; bool lower = FALSE; static struct optionSpec optionSpecs[] = { {"window",OPTION_INT}, {"minMatch" ,OPTION_INT}, {"minScore",OPTION_INT}, {"lineSize",OPTION_INT}, {"showQual",OPTION_BOOLEAN}, {"clip",OPTION_BOOLEAN}, {"lower",OPTION_BOOLEAN}, {NULL, 0} }; void usage() /* Explain usage and exit */ { errAbort( "faTrimRead - trim reads based on qual scores - change low scoring bases to N's \n" "usage:\n" " faTrimRead in.fa qual.fa out.fa out.lft\n" "options:\n" " -minScore=N score threshold (default %d)\n" " -minMatch N minimum number of matches above threshold at start/end of read (default %d)\n" " -window=N window size to check for matches at start and end of read (default %d)\n" " -lineSize=N output line size (default 50)\n" " -lower change low scoring bases to lower case instead of Ns\n" " -clip trim start and end of sequence at low scoring ends \n" " -showQual show qual scores and trimmed bases for debugging\n", MINSCORE,MINMATCH, WINDOW ); } void writeSeqQualWithBreaks(FILE *f, char *letters, int letterCount, int maxPerLine, struct qual *qual) /* Write out letters with newlines and qual scores every maxLine. */ { int lettersLeft = letterCount; int lineSize; int qualPtr = 0, i; while (lettersLeft > 0) { lineSize = lettersLeft; if (lineSize > maxPerLine) lineSize = maxPerLine; fprintf(f,">%d\n",qualPtr); for (i = 0 ; i < lineSize ; i++) fprintf(f," %c ",letters[i]); fputc('\n', f); fprintf(f,"%2d ",qual->array[qualPtr++]); while ((qualPtr % maxPerLine) != 0 && qualPtr < qual->size) { fprintf(f,"%2d ", qual->array[qualPtr++]); } fputc('\n', f); letters += lineSize; lettersLeft -= lineSize; } } void faWriteWithQualNext(FILE *f, char *startLine, DNA *dna, int dnaSize, struct qual *qual) /* Write next sequence to fa file with qual scores. */ { if (startLine != NULL) fprintf(f, ">%s\n", startLine); writeSeqQualWithBreaks(f, dna, dnaSize, 25, qual); } boolean qualReadAll(FILE *f, boolean preserveCase, char *defaultName, boolean mustStartWithComment, char **retCommentLine, struct qual *qual) /* Read next sequence from .qual file. Return sequence in retSeq. * If retCommentLine is non-null return the '>' line in retCommentLine. * The whole thing returns FALSE at end of file. * Contains parameter to preserve mixed case. */ { char lineBuf[1024]; int lineSize; char *words[1]; off_t offset = ftello(f); char *name = defaultName; if (name == NULL) name = ""; if (retCommentLine != NULL) *retCommentLine = NULL; /* Skip first lines until it starts with '>' */ for (;;) { int ret = 0; if(fgets(lineBuf, sizeof(lineBuf), f) == NULL) { if (ferror(f)) errnoAbort("read of fasta file failed"); return FALSE; } lineSize = strlen(lineBuf); if (lineBuf[0] == '>') { if (retCommentLine != NULL) *retCommentLine = cloneString(lineBuf); offset = ftello(f); ret = chopByWhite(lineBuf, words, ArraySize(words)); name = words[0]+1; break; } else if (!mustStartWithComment) { if (fseeko(f, offset, SEEK_SET) < 0) errnoAbort("fseek on fasta file failed"); break; } else offset += lineSize; } /* Allocate qual array and fill it up from file. */ /* read in qual scores. */ for (;;) { int i, ret; char *qualInts[INTSPERLINE]; offset = ftello(f); if(fgets(lineBuf, sizeof(lineBuf), f) == NULL) { if (ferror(f)) { errnoAbort("read of fasta file failed"); return FALSE; } else { return TRUE; } } assert(lineBuf != NULL); lineSize = strlen(lineBuf); if (lineBuf[0] == '>') { if (retCommentLine != NULL) *retCommentLine = cloneString(lineBuf); ret = chopByWhite(lineBuf, words, ArraySize(words)); name = words[0]+1; break; } assert(qual->array != NULL); // printf("ptr %d size %d %s ",qual->end, qual->size, lineBuf); ret = chopByWhite(lineBuf, qualInts, ArraySize(qualInts)); for (i = 0; i< ret ; i++) { int n = atoi(qualInts[i]); assert(qual->endsize); qual->array[qual->end] = n; qual->end = qual->end + 1; } } if (fseeko(f, offset, SEEK_SET) < 0) errnoAbort("fseek on fasta file failed"); if (ferror(f)) errnoAbort("read of fasta file failed"); return TRUE; } /* check for minMatch out of window qual scores above minScore */ int checkWindow(struct qual *qual, int i, int window) { int matches = 0; int j; int endPoint = min(window+i, qual->size); assert(qual!= NULL); assert(qual->array!= NULL); for (j = i ; j < endPoint ; j++) { assert (j < qual->size); if (qual->array[j] > minScore) { matches++; } } if (matches > minMatch) return i; else return -1; } void faTrimRead(char *inFile, char *qualFile, char *outFile, char *liftFile) /* faTrimRead - trim reads based on qual scores */ { struct lineFile *lf = lineFileOpen(inFile, TRUE); struct dnaSeq seq; FILE *qf = mustOpen(qualFile, "r"); FILE *f = mustOpen(outFile, "w"); FILE *lift = mustOpen(liftFile, "w"); int seqCount = 0; ZeroVar(&seq); fprintf(lift,"## name \tclipStart\tclipEnd\tSize\n"); while (faSomeSpeedReadNext(lf, &seq.dna, &seq.size, &seq.name, FALSE)) { int i, j = 0; int mode = START; struct qual qual; int clipStart = 0, clipEnd = seq.size; seqCount += 1; qual.size = seq.size; qual.end = 0; assert(seq.size < MAXREADSIZE); qual.array = needMem((qual.size+1)*sizeof(int)); if (qualReadAll(qf, TRUE, "name", FALSE, NULL, &qual)) { for (i = 0 ; i= 0)) { /* set beginning of read to N's */ for (j = 0 ; j < clipStart ; j++) { if (lower) seq.dna[j] = tolower(seq.dna[j]); else seq.dna[j] = 'N'; } i = clipStart; mode = MIDDLE; } if (mode == MIDDLE) { assert(i < qual.size); assert(i < seq.size); if (qual.array[i] < minScore ) { if (lower) seq.dna[i] = tolower(seq.dna[i]); else seq.dna[i] = 'N'; if (i == clipStart) clipStart++; } } } mode = END; for (i = seq.size-window-1 ; i>=0 ; i--) { //seq.dna[i] = toupper(seq.dna[i]) ; if (mode == END && ((clipEnd = checkWindow(&qual, i,window)) >= 0)) { clipEnd += window+1 ; assert(clipEnd <= seq.size); for (j = clipEnd ; j < seq.size ; j++) if (lower) seq.dna[j] = tolower(seq.dna[j]) ; else seq.dna[j] = 'N'; mode = MIDDLE; i = clipEnd+1; } else if (mode == MIDDLE) { if (qual.array[i] < minScore ) { if (lower) seq.dna[i] = tolower(seq.dna[i]) ; else seq.dna[i] = 'N'; if (i == clipEnd) clipEnd--; } } } } /* for (i=seq.size-1; i>=0; --i) { DNA b = seq.dna[i]; if (b == 'a' || b == 'A') ++aSize; else break; } if (aSize >= 4) { memset(seq.dna + seq.size - aSize, 'n', aSize); seq.size -= aSize; seq.dna[seq.size-aSize] = 0; } */ if (showQual) faWriteWithQualNext(f, seq.name, seq.dna, seq.size, &qual); else { //faWriteNext(f, seq.name, seq.dna+clipStart, clipEnd-clipStart+1); if (seq.name != NULL) fprintf(f, ">%s\n", seq.name); if (clip) writeSeqWithBreaks(f, seq.dna+clipStart, clipEnd-clipStart+1, lineSize); else writeSeqWithBreaks(f, seq.dna, seq.size, lineSize); } fprintf(lift,"%s\t%d\t%d\t%d\n",seq.name, clipStart, clipEnd, seq.size); freez(&qual.array); assert(qual.array == NULL); ZeroVar(&seq); } fclose(lift); fclose(f); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) /* Process command line. */ { optionInit(&argc, argv, optionSpecs); if (argc != 5 ) usage(); minScore = optionInt("minScore",MINSCORE); minMatch = optionInt("minMatch" ,MINMATCH); window = optionInt("window",WINDOW); lineSize = optionInt("lineSize",LINESIZE); showQual = optionExists("showQual"); lower = optionExists("lower"); dnaUtilOpen(); faTrimRead(argv[1], argv[2], argv[3], argv[4]); return 0; }