e70152e44cc66cc599ff6b699eb8adc07f3e656a kent Sat May 24 21:09:34 2014 -0700 Adding Copyright NNNN Regents of the University of California to all files I believe with reasonable certainty were developed under UCSC employ or as part of Genome Browser copyright assignment. diff --git src/utils/sets/sets.c src/utils/sets/sets.c index 09bc88b..93a2843 100644 --- src/utils/sets/sets.c +++ src/utils/sets/sets.c @@ -1,185 +1,188 @@ /* sets - Do set operations on one-word-per-line files.. */ + +/* Copyright (C) 2007 The Regents of the University of California + * See README in this or parent directory for licensing information. */ #include "common.h" #include "linefile.h" #include "hash.h" #include "options.h" void usage() /* Explain usage and exit. */ { errAbort( "sets - Do set operations on one-word-per-line files.\n" "usage:\n" " sets command files\n" "where \"command\" is one of:\n" " intersect - intersect all the files\n" " union - union all the files\n" " subtract - with 2 files, remove stuff in the first file matching\n" " matching stuff in the second file.\n" " symetricDiff - Union of the files minus the intersect of the files.\n" ); } /* No options yet. Maybe some future ones for multisets/bags, and related */ /* output options. */ static struct optionSpec options[] = { {NULL, 0}, }; struct hash *hashList(struct slName *list) /* slName -> hash... pretty simple. */ { struct hash *myhash = newHash(23); struct slName *cur; for (cur = list; cur != NULL; cur = cur->next) hashAdd(myhash, cur->name, cloneString(cur->name)); return myhash; } struct slName *thoseInHash(struct hash *wordHash, struct slName *list, boolean inverse) /* Given a hash and a list, which in the list are also in the hash. */ { struct slName *newList = NULL; struct slName *cur; for (cur = list; cur != NULL; cur = cur->next) { if ((hashLookup(wordHash, cur->name) != NULL) && (!inverse)) slNameAddHead(&newList, cur->name); else if ((hashLookup(wordHash, cur->name) == NULL) && (inverse)) slNameAddHead(&newList, cur->name); } slReverse(&newList); return newList; } void addMoreToHash(struct hash *wordHash, struct slName *list) /* Add more to a hash (for union mostly). */ { struct slName *cur; for (cur = list; cur != NULL; cur = cur->next) if (hashLookup(wordHash, cur->name) == NULL) hashAdd(wordHash, cur->name, cloneString(cur->name)); } struct slName *hashToList(struct hash *wordHash) /* convert the hash back to a list. */ { struct hashEl *elList = hashElListHash(wordHash); struct slName *list = NULL; struct hashEl *cur; for (cur = elList; cur != NULL; cur = cur->next) slNameAddHead(&list, cur->name); slNameSort(&list); hashElFreeList(&elList); return list; } struct slName *intersectFiles(struct slName *fileList) /* Successively intersect files. */ { struct slName *isectList = slNameLoadReal(fileList->name); struct slName *curFile = fileList->next; struct slName *cur; while (curFile != NULL) { struct hash *isectHash = hashList(isectList); struct slName *someWords = slNameLoadReal(curFile->name); struct slName *bothWords = thoseInHash(isectHash, someWords, FALSE); slNameFreeList(&someWords); slNameFreeList(&isectList); isectList = bothWords; freeHashAndVals(&isectHash); curFile = curFile->next; } return isectList; } struct slName *unionFiles(struct slName *fileList) /* Successively union files. */ { struct slName *initialList = slNameLoadReal(fileList->name); struct hash *theHash = hashList(initialList); struct slName *nextFile = fileList->next; struct slName *unionList = NULL; struct slName *cur; while (nextFile != NULL) { struct slName *someWords = slNameLoadReal(nextFile->name); addMoreToHash(theHash, someWords); slNameFreeList(&someWords); nextFile = nextFile->next; } unionList = hashToList(theHash); hashFree(&theHash); slNameFreeList(&initialList); return unionList; } struct slName *subtractLists(struct slName *listA, struct slName *listB) /* Subtract two lists. */ { struct hash *theHash = hashList(listB); struct slName *diffList = NULL, *cur; for (cur = listA; cur != NULL; cur = cur->next) { if (hashLookup(theHash, cur->name) == NULL) slNameAddHead(&diffList, cur->name); } freeHashAndVals(&theHash); slReverse(&diffList); return diffList; } struct slName *subtractFiles(struct slName *fileList) /* Subtract two files using subtractLists */ { struct slName *initialList = slNameLoadReal(fileList->name); struct slName *subtractMe = slNameLoadReal(fileList->next->name); struct slName *diffList = subtractLists(initialList, subtractMe); slNameFreeList(&initialList); slNameFreeList(&subtractMe); return diffList; } void sets(char *operation, struct slName *fileList) /* sets - Do set operations on one-word-per-line files.. */ { struct slName *finalList = NULL, *cur; if (sameWord(operation, "intersect")) finalList = intersectFiles(fileList); else if (sameWord(operation, "union")) finalList = unionFiles(fileList); else if (sameWord(operation, "subtract") && (slCount(fileList) == 2)) finalList = subtractFiles(fileList); else if (sameWord(operation, "symetricDiff")) { struct slName *theUnion = unionFiles(fileList); struct slName *theIntersect = intersectFiles(fileList); finalList = subtractLists(theUnion, theIntersect); slNameFreeList(&theUnion); slNameFreeList(&theIntersect); } else usage(); /* Output here */ for (cur = finalList; cur != NULL; cur = cur->next) printf("%s\n", cur->name); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) /* Process command line. */ { struct slName *fileList = NULL; int i; optionInit(&argc, argv, options); if (argc < 4) usage(); /* make a list out of the filenames. */ for (i = 2; i < argc; i++) slNameAddHead(&fileList, argv[i]); slReverse(&fileList); sets(argv[1], fileList); slNameFreeList(&fileList); return 0; }