e70152e44cc66cc599ff6b699eb8adc07f3e656a kent Sat May 24 21:09:34 2014 -0700 Adding Copyright NNNN Regents of the University of California to all files I believe with reasonable certainty were developed under UCSC employ or as part of Genome Browser copyright assignment. diff --git src/utils/wigAsciiToBinary/wigBedToBinary.c src/utils/wigAsciiToBinary/wigBedToBinary.c index fab6120..f4e84fc 100644 --- src/utils/wigAsciiToBinary/wigBedToBinary.c +++ src/utils/wigAsciiToBinary/wigBedToBinary.c @@ -1,52 +1,55 @@ /* wigBedToBinary - Convert a BED file, formatted to * wiggle binary format */ +/* Copyright (C) 2011 The Regents of the University of California + * See README in this or parent directory for licensing information. */ + #include "common.h" #include "options.h" #include "wiggle.h" /* command line option specifications */ static struct optionSpec optionSpecs[] = { {"obsolete", OPTION_BOOLEAN}, {NULL, 0} }; static boolean obsolete = FALSE;/*use this program even though it is obsolete*/ void usage() /* Explain usage and exit */ { errAbort("wigBedToBinary - convert BED Wiggle data to binary file\n\n" "usage: wigBedToBinary [-obsolete] bedFile wigFile wibFile\n" "\toptions:\n" "\t-obsolete - Use this program even though it is obsolete."); } void wigBedToBinary(char *bedFile, char *wigFile, char *wibFile) /* Convert BED file to wiggle binary representation */ { double upper, lower; wigAsciiToBinary(bedFile, wigFile, wibFile, &upper, &lower, NULL); fprintf(stderr, "Converted %s, upper limit %.2f, lower limit %.2f\n", bedFile, upper, lower); } int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) /* Process command line */ { optionInit(&argc, argv, optionSpecs); obsolete = optionExists("obsolete"); if (! obsolete) { verbose(1,"ERROR: This loader is obsolete. Please use: 'wigEncode'\n"); verbose(1,"\t(use -obsolete flag to run this encoder despite it being obsolete)\n"); errAbort("ERROR: wigBedToBinary is obsolete, use 'wigEncode' instead"); } if (argc < 4) usage(); wigBedToBinary(argv[1], argv[2], argv[3]); exit(0); }