e70152e44cc66cc599ff6b699eb8adc07f3e656a kent Sat May 24 21:09:34 2014 -0700 Adding Copyright NNNN Regents of the University of California to all files I believe with reasonable certainty were developed under UCSC employ or as part of Genome Browser copyright assignment. diff --git src/utils/wigAsciiToBinary/wigZoom.c src/utils/wigAsciiToBinary/wigZoom.c index 96116da..a523667 100644 --- src/utils/wigAsciiToBinary/wigZoom.c +++ src/utils/wigAsciiToBinary/wigZoom.c @@ -1,160 +1,163 @@ +/* Copyright (C) 2011 The Regents of the University of California + * See README in this or parent directory for licensing information. */ + /* wigZoom - process two column wiggle data and compress for zoom views * * The ascii data file is simply two columns, white space separated: * first column: offset within chromosome, 1 relative closed end * second column: any real data value * * Input arguments will be files to read and amount of points to * put together for a zoomed view * */ #include "common.h" #include "options.h" #include "linefile.h" /* command line option specifications */ static struct optionSpec optionSpecs[] = { {"dataSpan", OPTION_LONG_LONG}, {"obsolete", OPTION_BOOLEAN}, {NULL, 0} }; static long long dataSpan = 1024; /* bases spanned per data point */ static boolean obsolete = FALSE;/*use this program even though it is obsolete*/ static void usage() { errAbort( "wigZoom - process wiggle data to a zoomed view\n" "usage: wigZoom [-verbose=2] [-dataSpan=N] \n" "\t-dataSpan=N - # of bases spanned for each data point, default 1024\n" "\t-obsolete - Use this program even though it is obsolete.\n" "\t-verbose=2 - display process while underway\n" "\t - list of files to process\n" "Each ascii file is a two column file. Whitespace separator\n" "First column of data is a chromosome location (IN NUMERICAL ORDER !).\n" "Second column is data value for that location, any real data value allowed." ); } /* each individual data item from input */ struct dataPoint { unsigned long long offset; double value; }; /* array of data points from input up to dataSpan amount */ struct dataPoint *dataBlock; /* block is full of data, process it down to one number. * In this case we are doing the Mean. Future options will * include Minimum and Maximum */ static void processBlock(unsigned long long beginWindow, struct dataPoint *dataBlock, int dataCount) { double sum = 0.0; int i; if (dataCount < 1) return; for (i = 0; i < dataCount; ++i) sum += dataBlock[i].value; printf ("%llu\t%g\n", beginWindow, sum/dataCount); } static void wigZoom( int argc, char *argv[] ) { int i = 0; /* loop counter */ int lineCount = 0; /* lines from input file */ int validLines = 0; /* lines with actual data */ struct lineFile *lf; /* for line file utilities */ unsigned long long beginWindow = 0; /* from data input */ unsigned long long Offset = 0; /* from data input */ unsigned long long previousOffset = 0; /* for data missing detection */ char *line = (char *) NULL; /* to receive data input line */ char *words[2]; /* to split data input line */ int dataCount = 0; dataBlock = (struct dataPoint *) needMem( (size_t) (dataSpan * sizeof(struct dataPoint))); /* for each input data file */ for (i = 1; i < argc; ++i) { verbose(2, "translating file: %s\n", argv[i]); lineCount = 0; validLines = 0; dataCount = 0; lf = lineFileOpen(argv[i], TRUE); /* input file */ beginWindow = 1; /* input coords are 1 relative */ while (lineFileNext(lf, &line, NULL)) { int wordCount; char *val; char *valEnd; double dataValue; ++lineCount; chopPrefixAt(line, '#'); /* ignore any comments starting with # */ if (strlen(line) < 3) /* anything left on this line */ continue; /* no, go to next line */ ++validLines; wordCount = chopByWhite(line, words, 2); if (wordCount < 2) errAbort("ERROR: Expecting at least two words at line %d, found %d", lineCount, wordCount); Offset = atoll(words[0]); if (Offset < previousOffset) errAbort("ERROR: chrom positions not in order. previous: %llu is > current: %llu", previousOffset, Offset); val = words[1]; dataValue = strtod(val, &valEnd); if ((*val == '\0') || (*valEnd != '\0')) errAbort("Not a valid float at line %d: %s\n", lineCount, words[1]); if (Offset < 1) errAbort("Illegal offset: %llu at line %d, dataValue: %g", Offset, lineCount, dataValue); if (Offset > (beginWindow + dataSpan)) { processBlock(beginWindow, dataBlock, dataCount); while ((beginWindow + dataSpan) < Offset) beginWindow += dataSpan; dataCount = 0; } dataBlock[dataCount].offset = Offset; dataBlock[dataCount++].value = dataValue; previousOffset = Offset; } } } int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) { optionInit(&argc, argv, optionSpecs); obsolete = optionExists("obsolete"); if (! obsolete) { verbose(1,"ERROR: This loader is obsolete. Please use: 'wigEncode'\n"); verbose(1,"\t(use -obsolete flag to run this encoder despite it being obsolete)\n"); errAbort("ERROR: wigZoom is obsolete, use 'wigEncode' instead"); } if (argc < 2) usage(); dataSpan = optionLongLong("dataSpan", 1024); verbose(2, "options: -verbose, dataSpan= %llu\n", dataSpan); if (dataSpan < 2) errAbort("ERROR: data span: %llu ! must be greater than one\n"); wigZoom(argc, argv); exit(0); }