fb4ef5ddff422e6ddb8ee3695d73ab47f0f5d039 kent Tue May 27 10:44:56 2014 -0700 Adding Jim Kent copyright notices to a few files that needed it. diff --git src/lib/diGraph.c src/lib/diGraph.c index 4d80e9c..a76204e 100644 --- src/lib/diGraph.c +++ src/lib/diGraph.c @@ -1,738 +1,741 @@ -/* diGraph - Directed graph routines. */ +/* diGraph - Directed graph routines. + * This file is copyright 2002 Jim Kent, but license is hereby + * granted for all use - public, private or commercial. */ + #include "common.h" #include "hash.h" #include "dlist.h" #include "diGraph.h" struct diGraph *dgNew() /* Return a new directed graph object. */ { struct diGraph *dg; AllocVar(dg); dg->nodeHash = newHash(0); dg->edgeList = newDlList(); return dg; } static void dgNodeFree(struct dgNode **pNode) /* Free a diGraph node. */ { struct dgNode *node = *pNode; if (node == NULL) return; slFreeList(&node->nextList); slFreeList(&node->prevList); freez(pNode); } static void dgNodeFreeList(struct dgNode **pList) /* Free list of diGraph nodes. */ { struct dgNode *el, *next; for (el = *pList; el != NULL; el = next) { next = el->next; dgNodeFree(&el); } *pList = NULL; } void dgFree(struct diGraph **pGraph) /* Free a directed graph. */ { struct diGraph *dg = *pGraph; if (dg == NULL) return; freeHash(&dg->nodeHash); dgNodeFreeList(&dg->nodeList); freeDlListAndVals(&dg->edgeList); freez(pGraph); } struct dgNode *dgAddNode(struct diGraph *dg, char *name, void *val) /* Create new node in graph. It's legal (but not efficient) to add * a node with the same name and value twice. It's not legal to * add a node with the same name and a different value. * You can pass in NULL for the name in which case the * hexadecimal representation of val will become the name. */ { struct dgNode *node; struct hashEl *hel; struct hash *hash = dg->nodeHash; char nbuf[17]; if (name == NULL) { sprintf(nbuf, "%p", val); name = nbuf; } hel = hashLookup(hash, name); if (hel != NULL) { node = hel->val; if (node->val != val) { errAbort("Trying to add node %s with a new value (old 0x%llx new 0x%llx)", name, ptrToLL(node->val), ptrToLL(val)); } return node; } AllocVar(node); hel = hashAdd(hash, name, node); node->name = hel->name; node->val = val; slAddHead(&dg->nodeList, node); return node; } struct dgNode *dgAddNumberedNode(struct diGraph *dg, int id, void *val) /* Create new node with a number instead of a name. */ { char buf[16]; sprintf(buf, "%d", id); return dgAddNode(dg, buf, val); } struct dgNode *dgFindNode(struct diGraph *dg, char *name) /* Find existing node in graph. Return NULL if not in graph. */ { struct hashEl *hel; if ((hel = hashLookup(dg->nodeHash, name)) == NULL) return NULL; return hel->val; } struct dgNode *dgFindNumberedNode(struct diGraph *dg, int id) /* Find node given number. */ { char buf[16]; sprintf(buf, "%d", id); return dgFindNode(dg, buf); } void *dgNodeVal(struct dgNode *node) /* Return value associated with node. */ { return node->val; } void *dgNodeName(struct dgNode *node) /* Return name associated with node. */ { return node->name; } int dgNodeNumber(struct dgNode *node) /* Return number of node. (Will likely return 0 if node * was added with a name rather than a number). */ { return atoi(node->name); } struct dgNodeRef *dgFindNodeInRefList(struct dgNodeRef *refList, struct dgNode *node) /* Return reference to node if in list, or NULL if not. */ { struct dgNodeRef *ref; for (ref = refList; ref != NULL; ref = ref->next) if (ref->node == node) return ref; return NULL; } struct dgConnection *dgFindNodeInConList(struct dgConnection *conList, struct dgNode *node) /* Return connection to node if in list, or NULL if not. */ { struct dgConnection *con; for (con = conList; con != NULL; con = con->next) if (con->node == node) return con; return NULL; } struct dgEdge *dgConnect(struct diGraph *dg, struct dgNode *a, struct dgNode *b) /* Connect node a to node b. Returns connecting edge. * Not an error to reconnect. However all connects can * be broken with a single disconnect. */ { return dgConnectWithVal(dg, a, b, NULL); } struct dgEdge *dgConnectWithVal(struct diGraph *dg, struct dgNode *a, struct dgNode *b, void *val) /* Connect node a to node b and put val on edge. An error to * reconnect with a different val. */ { struct dgConnection *con; struct dgEdge *edge; struct dlNode *edgeOnList; /* Check to see if it's already there. */ if ((con = dgFindNodeInConList(a->nextList, b)) != NULL) { edge = con->edgeOnList->val; if (val != edge->val) warn("Trying to add new value to edge between %s and %s, ignoring", a->name, b->name); return edge; } /* Allocate edge and put on list. */ AllocVar(edge); edge->a = a; edge->b = b; edge->val = val; edgeOnList = dlAddValTail(dg->edgeList, edge); /* Connect nodes to each other. */ AllocVar(con); con->node = b; con->edgeOnList = edgeOnList; slAddHead(&a->nextList, con); AllocVar(con); con->node = a; con->edgeOnList = edgeOnList; slAddHead(&b->prevList, con); return edge; } static struct dlNode *dgRemoveFromConList(struct dgConnection **pConList, struct dgNode *node, struct dgConnection **retCon) /* Remove reference to node from list. */ { struct dgConnection *newList = NULL; struct dgConnection *con, *next; struct dlNode *edgeOnList = NULL; for (con = *pConList; con != NULL; con = next) { next = con->next; if (con->node == node) { edgeOnList = con->edgeOnList; if (retCon != NULL) *retCon = con; else freeMem(con); } else { slAddHead(&newList, con); } } slReverse(&newList); *pConList = newList; return edgeOnList; } void dgDisconnect(struct diGraph *dg, struct dgNode *a, struct dgNode *b) /* Disconnect nodes a and b. */ { struct dlNode *edgeInList; struct dgEdge *edge; dgRemoveFromConList(&a->nextList, b, NULL); edgeInList = dgRemoveFromConList(&b->prevList, a, NULL); if (edgeInList != NULL) { edge = edgeInList->val; dlRemove(edgeInList); freeMem(edgeInList); freeMem(edge); } } void dgClearVisitFlags(struct diGraph *dg) /* Clear out visit flags. */ { struct dgNode *node; for (node = dg->nodeList; node != NULL; node = node->next) node->visited = FALSE; } void dgClearConnFlags(struct diGraph *dg) /* Clear out connect flags. */ { struct dgNode *node; for (node = dg->nodeList; node != NULL; node = node->next) node->conn = FALSE; } static struct dgNode *rTarget; static boolean rPathExists(struct dgNode *a) /* Recursively find if path from a to b exists. */ { struct dgConnection *ref; if (a == rTarget) return TRUE; a->visited = TRUE; for (ref = a->nextList; ref != NULL; ref = ref->next) { if (!ref->node->visited && rPathExists(ref->node)) return TRUE; } return FALSE; } boolean dgPathExists(struct diGraph *dg, struct dgNode *a, struct dgNode *b) /* Return TRUE if there's a path from a to b. */ { rTarget = b; dgClearVisitFlags(dg); return rPathExists(a); } static int topoIx; static void rTopoSort(struct dgNode *node) { struct dgConnection *ref; node->visited = TRUE; for (ref = node->nextList; ref != NULL; ref = ref->next) { if (!ref->node->visited) rTopoSort(ref->node); } node->topoOrder = ++topoIx; } void dgTopoSort(struct diGraph *dg) /* Fill in topological order of nodes. */ { struct dgNode *node; topoIx = 0; dgClearVisitFlags(dg); for (node = dg->nodeList; node != NULL; node = node->next) { if (!node->visited) rTopoSort(node); } } static boolean rHasCycles(struct dgNode *node) /* Recursively see if has cycles by looking for * backwards topoOrder. */ { struct dgConnection *ref; struct dgNode *child; node->visited = TRUE; for (ref = node->nextList; ref != NULL; ref = ref->next) { child = ref->node; if (child->topoOrder > node->topoOrder) return TRUE; if (!child->visited) if (rHasCycles(child)) return TRUE; } return FALSE; } boolean dgHasCycles(struct diGraph *dg) /* Return TRUE if directed graph has cycles. */ { struct dgNode *node; dgTopoSort(dg); dgClearVisitFlags(dg); for (node = dg->nodeList; node != NULL; node = node->next) { if (!node->visited) if (rHasCycles(node)) return TRUE; } return FALSE; } struct dgNodeRef *rRefList; bool rMustHaveVal; /* Set to TRUE if rFindConnected only to * consider nodes with values in connections. */ static void rFindConnected(struct dgNode *a) /* Find all things connected to a directly or not that haven't * already been visited and put them on rRefList. */ { if (!a->conn && (!rMustHaveVal || a->val)) { struct dgNodeRef *ref; struct dgConnection *con; AllocVar(ref); ref->node = a; slAddHead(&rRefList, ref); a->conn = TRUE; for (con = a->nextList; con != NULL; con = con->next) rFindConnected(con->node); for (con = a->prevList; con != NULL; con = con->next) rFindConnected(con->node); } } struct dgNodeRef *dgFindNextConnected(struct diGraph *dg) /* Return list of nodes that make up next connected component, * or NULL if no more components. slFreeList this when * done. Call "dgClearConnFlags" before first call to this. * Do not call dgFindConnectedToNode between dgFindFirstConnected * and this as they use the same flag variables to keep track of * what vertices are used. */ { struct dgNode *a; for (a=dg->nodeList; a != NULL; a = a->next) { if (!a->conn) break; } if (a == NULL) return NULL; rRefList = NULL; rMustHaveVal = FALSE; rFindConnected(a); return rRefList; } struct dgNodeRef *dgFindNextConnectedWithVals(struct diGraph *dg) /* Like dgFindConnected, but only considers graph nodes that * have a val attached. */ { struct dgNode *a; for (a=dg->nodeList; a != NULL; a = a->next) { if (!a->conn && a->val != NULL) break; } if (a == NULL) return NULL; rRefList = NULL; rMustHaveVal = TRUE; rFindConnected(a); return rRefList; } static int connectedComponents(struct diGraph *dg) /* Count number of connected components and set component field * of each node to reflect which component it is in. */ { struct dgNodeRef *ref; int conCount = 0; struct dgNode *a = dg->nodeList; dgClearConnFlags(dg); for (;;) { for (; a != NULL; a = a->next) { if (!a->conn && (!rMustHaveVal || a->val)) break; } if (a == NULL) break; rRefList = NULL; rFindConnected(a); ++conCount; for (ref = rRefList; ref != NULL; ref = ref->next) { ref->node->component = conCount; } slFreeList(&rRefList); } return conCount; } int dgConnectedComponents(struct diGraph *dg) /* Count number of connected components and set component field * of each node to reflect which component it is in. */ { rMustHaveVal = FALSE; return connectedComponents(dg); } int dgConnectedComponentsWithVals(struct diGraph *dg) /* Count number of connected components and set component field * of each node to reflect which component it is in. Only * consider components with values. */ { rMustHaveVal = TRUE; return connectedComponents(dg); } struct dgNodeRef *dgFindNewConnected(struct diGraph *dg, struct dgNode *a) /* Find a connected component guaranteed not to be covered before * including a. */ { rRefList = NULL; rMustHaveVal = FALSE; rFindConnected(a); return rRefList; } struct dgNodeRef *dgFindNewConnectedWithVals(struct diGraph *dg, struct dgNode *a) /* Find a connected component guaranteed not to be covered before * that includes a. Connected components must have values*/ { rRefList = NULL; rMustHaveVal = TRUE; rFindConnected(a); return rRefList; } struct dgNodeRef *dgFindConnectedToNode(struct diGraph *dg, struct dgNode *a) /* Return reference list of all nodes connected to a, including a. * slFreeList this list when done. */ { dgClearConnFlags(dg); return dgFindNewConnected(dg, a); } struct dgEdge *dgDirectlyFollows(struct diGraph *dg, struct dgNode *a, struct dgNode *b) /* Return TRUE if b directly follows a. */ { struct dgConnection *con = dgFindNodeInConList(a->nextList, b); if (con == NULL) return NULL; return con->edgeOnList->val; } struct dgNodeRef *dgFindPath(struct diGraph *dg, struct dgNode *a, struct dgNode *b) /* Find shortest path from a to b. Return NULL if can't be found. */ { struct dgNodeRef *refList = NULL, *ref; struct dgConnection *con; struct dgNode *node, *nNode; struct dlList *fifo; struct dlNode *ffNode; struct dgNode endNode; int fifoSize = 1; /* Do some quick and easy tests first to return if have no way out * of node A, or if B directly follows A. */ if (a->nextList == NULL) return NULL; if (a == b) { AllocVar(ref); ref->node = a; return ref; } if ((con = dgFindNodeInConList(a->nextList, b)) != NULL) { AllocVar(refList); refList->node = a; node = con->node; AllocVar(ref); ref->node = node; slAddTail(&refList, ref); return refList; } /* Set up for breadth first traversal. Will use a doubly linked * list as a fifo. */ for (node = dg->nodeList; node != NULL; node = node->next) node->tempEntry = NULL; fifo = newDlList(); dlAddValTail(fifo, a); a->tempEntry = &endNode; while ((ffNode = dlPopHead(fifo)) != NULL) { --fifoSize; node = ffNode->val; freeMem(ffNode); for (con = node->nextList; con != NULL; con = con->next) { nNode = con->node; if (nNode->tempEntry == NULL) { nNode->tempEntry = node; if (nNode == b) { while (nNode != &endNode && nNode != NULL) { AllocVar(ref); ref->node = nNode; slAddHead(&refList, ref); nNode = nNode->tempEntry; } break; } else { dlAddValTail(fifo, nNode); ++fifoSize; if (fifoSize > 100000) errAbort("Internal error in dgFindPath"); } } } } freeDlList(&fifo); return refList; } static int cmpPriority(const void *va, const void *vb) /* Sort smallest offset into needle first. */ { const struct dgNode *a = *((struct dgNode **)va); const struct dgNode *b = *((struct dgNode **)vb); return (a->priority - b->priority); } boolean dgParentsAllVisited(struct dgNode *node) /* Return TRUE if all parents of node have been visited. */ { struct dgConnection *con; for (con = node->prevList; con != NULL; con = con->next) { if (con->node->visited == FALSE) return FALSE; } return TRUE; } struct dgNodeRef *dgConstrainedPriorityOrder(struct diGraph *dg) /* Return traversal of graph in priority order subject to * constraint that all parents must be output before * their children regardless of node priority. * Graph must be cycle free. */ { struct dlList *sortedList = newDlList(); struct dgNode *graphNode; struct dlNode *listNode; struct dgNodeRef *refList = NULL, *ref; if (dgHasCycles(dg)) errAbort("Call to dgConstrainedPriorityOrder on graph with cycles."); /* Make up list sorted by priority. */ for (graphNode = dg->nodeList; graphNode != NULL; graphNode = graphNode->next) { dlAddValTail(sortedList, graphNode); graphNode->visited = FALSE; } dlSort(sortedList, cmpPriority); /* Loop taking first member of list with no untraversed parents. */ while (!dlEmpty(sortedList)) { for (listNode = sortedList->head; listNode->next != NULL; listNode = listNode->next) { graphNode = listNode->val; if (dgParentsAllVisited(graphNode)) { dlRemove(listNode); freeMem(listNode); AllocVar(ref); ref->node = graphNode; slAddHead(&refList, ref); graphNode->visited = TRUE; break; } } } freeDlList(&sortedList); slReverse(&refList); return refList; } struct dgEdgeRef *dgFindSubEdges(struct diGraph *dg, struct dgNodeRef *subGraph) /* Return list of edges in graph that connected together nodes in subGraph. */ { struct hash *hash = newHash(0); struct dgNodeRef *nr; struct dgConnection *con; struct dgEdgeRef *erList = NULL, *er; struct dgNode *node; /* Build up hash of nodes in subGraph. */ for (nr = subGraph; nr != NULL; nr = nr->next) { node = nr->node; hashAdd(hash, node->name, node); } for (nr = subGraph; nr != NULL; nr = nr->next) { node = nr->node; for (con = node->nextList; con != NULL; con = con->next) { if (hashLookup(hash, con->node->name)) { AllocVar(er); er->edge = con->edgeOnList->val; slAddHead(&erList, er); } } } freeHash(&hash); return erList; } void dgSwapEdges(struct diGraph *dg, struct dgEdgeRef *erList) /* Swap polarity of all edges in erList. (Assumes you don't have * edges going both directions in graph.) */ { struct dgEdgeRef *er; struct dgEdge *edge; struct dgNode *a, *b; struct dgConnection *con1, *con2; /* Remove edges from next and previous list of all * involved nodes and swap nodes in edge itself. */ for (er = erList; er != NULL; er = er->next) { edge = er->edge; a = edge->a; b = edge->b; dgRemoveFromConList(&a->nextList, b, &con1); dgRemoveFromConList(&b->prevList, a, &con2); edge->a = b; edge->b = a; con1->node = a; slAddHead(&b->nextList, con1); con2->node = b; slAddHead(&a->prevList, con2); } } struct dgConnection *dgNextList(struct dgNode *node) /* Return list of nodes that follow node. */ { return node->nextList; } struct dgConnection *dgPrevList(struct dgNode *node) /* Return list of nodes that precede node. */ { return node->prevList; } void dgDumpGraph(struct diGraph *dg, FILE *out, boolean hideIsolated) /* Dump info on graph to output. */ { struct dgNode *node; struct dgConnection *con; for (node = dg->nodeList; node != NULL; node = node->next) { if (hideIsolated && node->nextList == NULL) continue; fprintf(out, "%s:", node->name); for (con = node->nextList; con != NULL; con = con->next) fprintf(out, " %s", con->node->name); fprintf(out, "\n"); } }