624f4b612627304cc2424be2d1ab7a314ab651a2 kent Tue May 27 10:43:34 2014 -0700 Adding spacing for readability around some copyrights notices that needed it. diff --git src/lib/gff.c src/lib/gff.c index ec2ce06..6058e01 100644 --- src/lib/gff.c +++ src/lib/gff.c @@ -1,473 +1,474 @@ /* gff - routines to read many types of gff and gtf files * and turn them into a relatively easy to deal with form * in memory. * * This file is copyright 2002 Jim Kent, but license is hereby * granted for all use - public, private or commercial. */ + #include "common.h" #include "hash.h" #include "linefile.h" #include "gff.h" #include "obscure.h" #include "dystring.h" void gffGroupFree(struct gffGroup **pGroup) /* Free up a gffGroup including lineList. */ { struct gffGroup *group; if ((group = *pGroup) != NULL) { slFreeList(&group->lineList); freez(pGroup); } } void gffGroupFreeList(struct gffGroup **pList) /* Free up a list of gffGroups. */ { struct gffGroup *el, *next; for (el = *pList; el != NULL; el = next) { next = el->next; gffGroupFree(&el); } *pList = NULL; } void gffFileFree(struct gffFile **pGff) /* Free up a gff file. */ { struct gffFile *gff; if ((gff = *pGff) != NULL) { freeMem(gff->fileName); freeHash(&gff->seqHash); freeHash(&gff->sourceHash); freeHash(&gff->featureHash); freeHash(&gff->groupHash); freeHash(&gff->geneIdHash); freeHash(&gff->strPool); slFreeList(&gff->lineList); slFreeList(&gff->seqList); slFreeList(&gff->sourceList); slFreeList(&gff->featureList); slFreeList(&gff->geneIdList); gffGroupFreeList(&gff->groupList); freez(pGff); } } static char *gffFileGetStr(struct gffFile *gff, char *str) /* get a string from the string pool */ { return hashStore(gff->strPool, str)->name; } int gffLineCmp(const void *va, const void *vb) /* Compare two gffLines. */ { const struct gffLine *a = *((struct gffLine **)va); const struct gffLine *b = *((struct gffLine **)vb); int diff; /* for overlaping starts, sort by end, genePredFromGroupedGtf() depends on * this */ diff = strcmp(a->seq, b->seq); if (diff == 0) diff = a->start - b->start; if (diff == 0) diff = a->end - b->end; return diff; } static void gffSyntaxError(char *fileName, int line, char *msg) /* Complain about syntax error in GFF file. */ { errAbort("%s Bad line %d of %s:\n", msg, line, fileName); } static char *gffTnName(char *seqName, char *groupName) /* Make name that encorperates seq and group names.... */ { static struct dyString *nameBuf = NULL; if (nameBuf == NULL) nameBuf = dyStringNew(0); dyStringClear(nameBuf); if (startsWith("gene-", groupName)) groupName += 5; if (startsWith("cc_", groupName)) groupName += 3; dyStringAppend(nameBuf, groupName); return nameBuf->string; } static boolean isGtfGroup(char *group) /* Return TRUE if group field looks like GTF */ { if (strstr(group, "gene_id") == NULL) return FALSE; if (countChars(group, '"') >= 2) return TRUE; if (strstr(group, "transcript_id") != NULL) return TRUE; return FALSE; } boolean gffHasGtfGroup(char *line) /* Return TRUE if line has a GTF group field */ { char *words[10]; char *dupe = cloneString(line); int wordCt = chopTabs(dupe, words); boolean isGtf = FALSE; if (wordCt >= 9) if (isGtfGroup(words[8])) isGtf = TRUE; freeMem(dupe); return isGtf; } static void readQuotedString(char *fileName, int lineIx, char *in, char *out, char **retNext) /* Parse quoted string and abort on error. */ { if (!parseQuotedString(in, out, retNext)) errAbort("Line %d of %s\n", lineIx, fileName); } static void parseGtfEnd(char *s, struct gffFile *gff, struct gffLine *gl, char *fileName, int lineIx) /* Read the semi-colon separated end bits of a GTF line into gl and * hashes. */ { char *type, *val; struct hashEl *hel; bool gotSemi; for (;;) { gotSemi = FALSE; if ((type = nextWord(&s)) == NULL) break; s = skipLeadingSpaces(s); if (NULL == s || s[0] == 0) errAbort("Unpaired type(%s)/val on end of gtf line %d of %s", type, lineIx, fileName); if (s[0] == '"' || s[0] == '\'') { val = s; readQuotedString(fileName, lineIx, s, val, &s); } else { int len; val = nextWord(&s); len = strlen(val) - 1; if (val[len] == ';') { val[len] = 0; len -= 1; gotSemi = TRUE; } if (len < 0) errAbort("Empty value for %s line %d of %s", type, lineIx, fileName); } if (s != NULL && !gotSemi) { s = strchr(s, ';'); if (s != NULL) ++s; } /* only use the first occurance of gene_id and transcript_id */ if (sameString("gene_id", type) && (gl->geneId == NULL)) { struct gffGeneId *gg; if ((hel = hashLookup(gff->geneIdHash, val)) == NULL) { AllocVar(gg); hel = hashAdd(gff->geneIdHash, val, gg); gg->name = hel->name; slAddHead(&gff->geneIdList, gg); } else { gg = hel->val; } gl->geneId = gg->name; } else if (sameString("transcript_id", type) && (gl->group == NULL)) { struct gffGroup *gg; if ((hel = hashLookup(gff->groupHash, val)) == NULL) { AllocVar(gg); hel = hashAdd(gff->groupHash, val, gg); gg->name = hel->name; gg->seq = gl->seq; gg->source = gl->source; slAddHead(&gff->groupList, gg); } else { gg = hel->val; } gl->group = gg->name; } else if (sameString("exon_id", type)) gl->exonId = gffFileGetStr(gff, val); else if (sameString("exon_number", type)) { if (!isdigit(val[0])) errAbort("Expecting number after exon_number, got %s line %d of %s", val, lineIx, fileName); gl->exonNumber = atoi(val); } else if (sameString("intron_id", type)) gl->intronId = gffFileGetStr(gff, val); else if (sameString("intron_status", type)) gl->intronStatus = gffFileGetStr(gff, val); else if (sameString("protein_id", type)) gl->proteinId = gffFileGetStr(gff, val); else if (sameString("gene_name", type)) gl->geneName = gffFileGetStr(gff, val); else if (sameString("transcript_name", type)) gl->transcriptName = gffFileGetStr(gff, val); } } void gffFileAddRow(struct gffFile *gff, int baseOffset, char *words[], int wordCount, char *fileName, int lineIx) /* Process one row of GFF file (a non-comment line parsed by tabs normally). */ { struct hashEl *hel; struct gffLine *gl; if (wordCount < 8) gffSyntaxError(fileName, lineIx, "Word count less than 8 "); AllocVar(gl); if ((hel = hashLookup(gff->seqHash, words[0])) == NULL) { struct gffSeqName *el; AllocVar(el); hel = hashAdd(gff->seqHash, words[0], el); el->name = hel->name; slAddHead(&gff->seqList, el); } gl->seq = hel->name; if ((hel = hashLookup(gff->sourceHash, words[1])) == NULL) { struct gffSource *el; AllocVar(el); hel = hashAdd(gff->sourceHash, words[1], el); el->name = hel->name; slAddHead(&gff->sourceList, el); } gl->source = hel->name; if ((hel = hashLookup(gff->featureHash, words[2])) == NULL) { struct gffFeature *el; AllocVar(el); hel = hashAdd(gff->featureHash, words[2], el); el->name = hel->name; slAddHead(&gff->featureList, el); } struct gffFeature *feature = hel->val; feature->count += 1; gl->feature = hel->name; if (!isdigit(words[3][0]) || !isdigit(words[4][0])) gffSyntaxError(fileName, lineIx, "col 3 or 4 not a number "); gl->start = atoi(words[3])-1 + baseOffset; gl->end = atoi(words[4]) + baseOffset; gl->score = atof(words[5]); gl->strand = words[6][0]; gl->frame = words[7][0]; if (wordCount >= 9) { if (!gff->typeKnown) { gff->typeKnown = TRUE; gff->isGtf = isGtfGroup(words[8]); } if (gff->isGtf) { parseGtfEnd(words[8], gff, gl, fileName, lineIx); } else { char *tnName = gffTnName(gl->seq, trimSpaces(words[8])); if ((hel = hashLookup(gff->groupHash, tnName)) == NULL) { struct gffGroup *group; AllocVar(group); hel = hashAdd(gff->groupHash, tnName, group); group->name = hel->name; group->seq = gl->seq; group->source = gl->source; slAddHead(&gff->groupList, group); } gl->group = hel->name; } } slAddHead(&gff->lineList, gl); } void gffFileAdd(struct gffFile *gff, char *fileName, int baseOffset) /* Create a gffFile structure from a GFF file. */ { /* Open file and do basic allocations. */ struct lineFile *lf = lineFileOpen(fileName, TRUE); char *line, *words[9]; int lineSize, wordCount; while (lineFileNext(lf, &line, &lineSize)) { if (line[0] != '#') { wordCount = chopTabs(line, words); if (wordCount > 0) gffFileAddRow(gff, baseOffset, words, wordCount, lf->fileName, lf->lineIx); } } slReverse(&gff->lineList); slReverse(&gff->seqList); slReverse(&gff->sourceList); slReverse(&gff->featureList); slReverse(&gff->groupList); slReverse(&gff->geneIdList); lineFileClose(&lf); } struct gffFile *gffFileNew(char *fileName) /* Create a new gffFile structure. */ { struct gffFile *gff; AllocVar(gff); gff->fileName = cloneString(fileName); gff->seqHash = newHash(18); gff->sourceHash = newHash(6); gff->featureHash = newHash(6); gff->groupHash = newHash(16); gff->geneIdHash = newHash(16); gff->strPool = newHash(20); return gff; } struct gffFile *gffRead(char *fileName) /* Create a gffFile structure from a GFF file. */ { struct gffFile *gff = gffFileNew(fileName); gffFileAdd(gff, fileName, 0); return gff; } static void getGroupBoundaries(struct gffGroup *group) /* Fill in start, end, strand of group from lines. */ { struct gffLine *line; int start = 0x3fffffff; int end = -start; line = group->lineList; group->strand = line->strand; for (; line != NULL; line = line->next) { if (start > line->start) start = line->start; if (end < line->end) end = line->end; } group->start = start; group->end = end; } void gffGroupLines(struct gffFile *gff) /* Group lines of gff file together, in process moving * gff->lineList to gffGroup->lineList. */ { struct gffLine *line, *nextLine; struct hash *groupHash = gff->groupHash; char *groupName; struct gffGroup *group; struct gffLine *ungroupedLines = NULL; for (line = gff->lineList; line != NULL; line = nextLine) { nextLine = line->next; if ((groupName = line->group) != NULL) { struct hashEl *hel = hashLookup(groupHash, groupName); group = hel->val; slAddHead(&group->lineList, line); } else { slAddHead(&ungroupedLines, line); } } /* Restore ungrouped lines to gff->lineList. */ slReverse(&ungroupedLines); gff->lineList = ungroupedLines; /* Restore order of grouped lines and fill in start and end. */ for (group = gff->groupList; group != NULL; group = group->next) { slSort(&group->lineList, gffLineCmp); getGroupBoundaries(group); } } void gffOutput(struct gffLine *el, FILE *f, char sep, char lastSep) /* Print out GTF. Separate fields with sep. Follow last field with lastSep. */ { if (sep == ',') fputc('"',f); fprintf(f, "%s", el->seq); if (sep == ',') fputc('"',f); fputc(sep,f); if (sep == ',') fputc('"',f); fprintf(f, "%s", el->source); if (sep == ',') fputc('"',f); fputc(sep,f); if (sep == ',') fputc('"',f); fprintf(f, "%s", el->feature); if (sep == ',') fputc('"',f); fputc(sep,f); fprintf(f, "%u", el->start+1); fputc(sep,f); fprintf(f, "%u", el->end); fputc(sep,f); fprintf(f, "%f", el->score); fputc(sep,f); if (sep == ',') fputc('"',f); fprintf(f, "%c", el->strand); if (sep == ',') fputc('"',f); fputc(sep,f); if (sep == ',') fputc('"',f); fprintf(f, "%c", el->frame); if (sep == ',') fputc('"',f); fputc(sep,f); if (sep == ',') fputc('"',f); if (el->geneId != NULL) fprintf(f, "gene_id %s\"%s%s\"; ", (sep == ',') ? "\\" : "", el->geneId, (sep == ',') ? "\\" : ""); fprintf(f, "transcript_id %s\"%s%s\"; ", (sep == ',') ? "\\" : "", el->group, (sep == ',') ? "\\" : ""); if (el->exonId != NULL) fprintf(f, "exon_id %s\"%s%s\"; ", (sep == ',') ? "\\" : "", el->exonId, (sep == ',') ? "\\" : ""); if (sep == ',') fputc('"',f); fputc(lastSep,f); }