  Tue May 27 10:44:56 2014 -0700
Adding Jim Kent copyright notices to a few files that needed it.
diff --git src/lib/mgPolygon.c src/lib/mgPolygon.c
index ce31e44..61c7ef6 100644
--- src/lib/mgPolygon.c
+++ src/lib/mgPolygon.c
@@ -1,436 +1,438 @@
 /* mgPolygon - stuff to draw polygons in memory.  This code dates
  * back to 1984, was used in the Aegis Animator for the Atari ST. 
  * It was an exceedingly speed critical routine for that program.
  * For us it may be overkill, but the major speed tweak - the special
  * case for convex polygons - is only 1/3 of the module, so I'm leaving
  * it in.  I've lightly adapted the code to current conventions, but
  * you can still see some relics in the local and static variable names of 
- * other coding conventions.  */
+ * other coding conventions.  
+ * This file is copyright 1984-2002 Jim Kent, but license is hereby
+ * granted for all use - public, private or commercial. */
 #include "common.h"
 #include "bits.h"
 #include "memgfx.h"
 #include "gfxPoly.h"
 void mgDrawPolyOutline(struct memGfx *mg, struct gfxPoly *poly, Color color)
 /* Draw a singe pixel line around polygon. */
 struct gfxPoint *a, *b, *end;
 a = end = poly->ptList;
 b = a->next;
 for (;;)
     mgDrawLine(mg, a->x, a->y, b->x, b->y, color);
     a = b;
     b = b->next;
     if (a == end)
 /* ----- Stuff for convex polygons that may contain crossing lines ----- 
  * This code works by allocating a bitmap big enough to hold the polygon
  * and drawing lines on the bitmap in a special fashion, and then
  * scanning the bitmap to connect together the dots with horizontal lines. */
 #define UPDIR 1
 #define DOWNDIR 0
 static UBYTE *on_off_buf;	/* Our bitplane. */
 static int pxmin, pxmax, pymin, pymax;	/* Bounds of polygon. */
 static void find_pminmax(struct gfxPoly *poly)
 struct gfxPoint *pointpt;
 int i;
 pointpt = poly->ptList;
 pxmin = pxmax = pointpt->x;
 pymin = pymax = pointpt->y;
 pointpt = pointpt->next;
 i = poly->ptCount;
 while (--i > 0)
    if (pxmin > pointpt->x) pxmin = pointpt->x;
    if (pxmax < pointpt->x) pxmax = pointpt->x;
    if (pymin > pointpt->y) pymin = pointpt->y;
    if (pymax < pointpt->y) pymax = pointpt->y;
    pointpt = pointpt->next;
 static void xor_pt(int bpr, int x, int y)
 /* Xor in a bit at given location. */
 UBYTE rot;
 rot = ((unsigned)0x80) >> (x&7);
 on_off_buf[ bpr*y + (x>>3) ] ^= rot;
 static void y_xor_line(int bpr, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2)
 /* Xor in a line onto on_off_buf, only plotting when we hit a new y-value. */
 UBYTE *imagept = on_off_buf;
 UBYTE rot;
 int   duty_cycle;
 int   delta_x, delta_y;
 int dots;
 int swap;
 if (x1 > x2)
     swap = x1;
     x1 = x2;
     x2 = swap;
     swap = y1;
     y1 = y2;
     y2 = swap;
 delta_y = y2-y1;
 delta_x = x2-x1;
 rot = ((unsigned)0x80) >> (x1&7);
 imagept += bpr*y1 + (x1>>3);
 if (delta_y < 0) 
     delta_y = -delta_y;
     bpr = -bpr;
 duty_cycle = (delta_x - delta_y)/2;
 *(imagept) ^= rot;
 if (delta_x < delta_y)
     dots = delta_y;
     while (--dots >= 0)
 	*(imagept) ^= rot;
 	duty_cycle += delta_x;	  /* update duty cycle */
 	imagept += bpr;
 	if (duty_cycle > 0)
 	    duty_cycle -= delta_y;
 	    rot >>= 1;
 	    if (rot == 0)
 		rot = 0x80;
     dots = delta_x;
     while (--dots >= 0)
 	duty_cycle -= delta_y;	  /* update duty cycle */
 	if (duty_cycle < 0)
 	    *(imagept) ^= rot;
 	    duty_cycle += delta_x;
 	    imagept += bpr;
 	rot >>= 1;
 	if (rot == 0)
 	    rot = 0x80;
 static void drawAfterOnOff(struct memGfx *mg, Color color, int bpr, int width, 
 	int height)
 /* Examine bitmap and draw horizontal lines between set bits. */
 UBYTE *linept = on_off_buf;
 int y;
 for (y=0; y<height; ++y)
 	int start = 0;
 	int end;
 	for (;;)
 	    start = bitFindSet(linept, start, width);
 	    if (start >= width)
 	    end = bitFindSet(linept, start+1, width);
 	    mgLineH(mg, y+pymin, start+pxmin, end+pxmin, color);
 	    start = end+1;
 	linept += bpr;
 static void fillConcave(struct memGfx *mg, struct gfxPoly *poly, Color color)
 /* Draw concave polygon */
 struct gfxPoint *pointpt;
 int x,y;
 int ox,oy;
 int lastdir;
 int i;
 int bpr;	/* Bytes per row */
 int width, height;
 long size;
 if (pymin==pymax)  /*Complex code can't cope with trivial case*/
     mgLineH(mg, pymin, pxmin, pxmax,color);
 width = pxmax - pxmin + 1;
 height = pymax - pymin + 1;
 bpr = ((width+7)>>3);
 size = (long)bpr*height;
 if ((on_off_buf = needMem(size)) == NULL)	
 pointpt = poly->ptList;
 x = pointpt->x;
 y = pointpt->y;
 	pointpt = pointpt->next;
 	ox = pointpt->x;
 	oy = pointpt->y;
 while (oy == y);
 if (oy>y)
 	lastdir = UPDIR;
 	lastdir = DOWNDIR;
 i = poly->ptCount;
 while (--i >= 0)
    pointpt = pointpt->next;
    x = pointpt->x;
    y = pointpt->y;
    if (y!=oy)
 	  if (y>oy)
 		 if (lastdir == UPDIR)
 			lastdir = UPDIR;
 		 if (lastdir == DOWNDIR)
 			lastdir = DOWNDIR;
    ox = x;
    oy = y;
 drawAfterOnOff(mg, color, bpr, width, height);
 /*  ---- This section of code is for convex, polygons.  It's faster. ---- */
 static int *xdda_ebuf(int *ebuf, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2)
 /* Calculate the x-positions of a line from x1,y1  to x2/y2  */
 int incx, incy;
 int x;
 int duty_cycle;
 int delta_x, delta_y;
 int dots;
 delta_y = y2-y1;
 delta_x = x2-x1;
 incx =  incy = 1;
 x = x1;
 if (delta_y < 0) 
    delta_y = -delta_y;
    incy = -1;
 if (delta_x < 0) 
    delta_x = -delta_x;
    incx = -1;
 duty_cycle = (delta_x - delta_y)/2;
 if (delta_x >= delta_y)
     int lasty = y1-1;
     dots = delta_x+1;
     while (--dots >= 0)
 	if (lasty != y1)
 	    *ebuf++ = x1;
 	    lasty = y1;
 	duty_cycle -= delta_y;
 	x1 += incx;
 	if (duty_cycle < 0)
 	    duty_cycle += delta_x;	  /* update duty cycle */
     dots = delta_y+1;
     while (--dots >= 0)
 	*ebuf++ = x1;
 	duty_cycle += delta_x;
 	if (duty_cycle > 0)
 	    duty_cycle -= delta_y;	  /* update duty cycle */
 	    x1 += incx;
 int *fill_ebuf(struct gfxPoint *thread, int count, int *ebuf)
 /* Make list of x coordinates for a couple of lines.  Assumes that
  * the y coordinates are monotonic.  Ebuf needs to be as big as the
  * total height of thread.  Returns next free space in ebuf. */
 int x, y, ox, oy;
 int i;
 ox = thread->x;
 oy = thread->y;
 for (i=0; i<count; ++i)
    thread = thread->next;
    x = thread->x;
    y = thread->y;
    if (y!=oy)
       ebuf = xdda_ebuf(ebuf,ox,oy,x,y) - 1;
    ox = x;
    oy = y;
 static void blast_hlines(struct memGfx *mg, 
 	int *thread1, 	/* List of start X positions. */
 	int *thread2, 	/* Backwards list of end positions. */
 	int y, 		/* Y position. */
 	int count, 	/* Number of horizontal lines to draw. */
 	Color color)	/* Color. */
 /* Draw a whole bunch of horizontal lines. */
 int x1, x2;
 thread2 += count;
 while (--count >= 0)
     x1 = *thread1++;
     x2 = *(--thread2);
     if (x1 > x2)
 	mgLineH(mg, y, x2, x1, color);
 	mgLineH(mg, y, x1, x2, color);
     y += 1;
 void mgDrawPolyFilled(struct memGfx *mg, struct gfxPoly *poly, Color color)
 /* Draw filled polygon, possibly with outline in a seperate color. */
 struct gfxPoint *p;
 struct gfxPoint *np;
 struct gfxPoint *peak;
 struct gfxPoint *valley;
 int highy;
 int i;
 int pcount;
 int lasty;
 peak = p = poly->ptList;
 i = poly->ptCount;
 highy = p->y;
 pcount = 0;
 while (--i > 0)
     p = p->next;
     if (p->y <= highy)
 	peak = p;
 	highy = p->y;
 p = peak;
 np = p->next;
 i = poly->ptCount;
 while (--i >= 0)
     if (np->y < p->y)
 	int totalHeight;
 	int *thread1, *thread2;
 	valley = p;
 	p = np;
 	np = np->next;
 	while (--i >= 0)
 	    if (np->y > p->y)
 		fillConcave(mg, poly, color);
 		return;	/*sorry its concave*/
 	    p = np;
 	    np = np->next;		
 	totalHeight = valley->y - highy + 1;
 	AllocArray(thread1, totalHeight);
 	AllocArray(thread2, totalHeight);
 	fill_ebuf(peak, pcount, thread1);
 	pcount = fill_ebuf(valley, poly->ptCount - pcount, thread2)
 		- thread2;
 	blast_hlines(mg, thread1, thread2, highy, pcount, color);
     p = np;
     np = np->next;
 return;	/*all points of poly have same y value */
 void mgDrawPoly(struct memGfx *mg, struct gfxPoly *poly, Color color,
 	boolean filled)
 /* Draw polygon, possibly filled in color. */
 if (filled)
     fillConcave(mg, poly, color);
     // mgDrawPolyFilled(mg, poly, color);
 mgDrawPolyOutline(mg, poly, color);