  Tue May 27 10:43:34 2014 -0700
Adding spacing for readability around some copyrights notices that needed it.
diff --git src/lib/pipeline.c src/lib/pipeline.c
index 4dad7dc..271ed30 100644
--- src/lib/pipeline.c
+++ src/lib/pipeline.c
@@ -1,720 +1,721 @@
 /* pipeline.c - create a process pipeline that can be used for reading or
  * writing  */
 /* Copyright (C) 2013 The Regents of the University of California 
  * See README in this or parent directory for licensing information. */
 #include "pipeline.h"
 #include "common.h"
 #include "sqlNum.h"
 #include "dystring.h"
 #include "errabort.h"
 #include "portable.h"
 #include "linefile.h"
 #include <sys/types.h>
 #include <unistd.h>
 #include <sys/wait.h>
 #include <signal.h>
 enum procState
 /* process state, in order of transition */
     procStateNew,  // plProc object created
     procStateRun,  // proccess running
     procStateDone  // process finished (ok or failed)
 struct plProc
 /* A single process in a pipeline */
     struct plProc *next;   /* order list of processes */
     struct pipeline *pl;   /* pipeline we are associated with */
     char **cmd;            /* null-terminated command for this process */
     pid_t  pid;            /* pid for process, -1 if not running */
     enum procState state;  /* state of process */
     int status;            /* status from wait */
 struct pipeline
 /* Object for a process pipeline and associated open file.  Pipeline process
  * consist of a process group leader and then all of the child process.  The
  * group leader does no work, just wait on processes to complete and report
  * errors to the top level process.  This object is create in the calling
  * process, and then passed down, but not shared, via forks.
     struct plProc *procs;      /* list of processes */
     int numRunning;            /* number of processes running */
     pid_t groupLeader;         /* process group id, or -1 if not set. This is pid of group leader */
     char *procName;            /* name to use in error messages. */
     int pipeFd;                /* fd of pipe to/from process, -1 if none */
     unsigned options;          /* options */
     FILE* pipeFh;              /* optional stdio around pipe */
     char* stdioBuf;            /* optional stdio buffer */
     struct lineFile *pipeLf;   /* optional lineFile around pipe */
 /* file buffer size */
 #define FILE_BUF_SIZE 64*1024
 static int pipeCreate(int *writeFd)
 /* create a pipe or die, return readFd */
 int pipeFds[2];
 if (pipe(pipeFds) < 0)
     errnoAbort("can't create pipe");
 *writeFd = pipeFds[1];
 return pipeFds[0];
 static void safeClose(int *fdPtr)
 /* Close with error checking.  *fdPtr == -1 indicated already closed */
 int fd = *fdPtr;
 if (fd != -1)
     if (close(fd) < 0)
         errnoAbort("close failed on fd %d", fd);
     *fdPtr = -1;
 static void closeNonStdDescriptors(void)
 /* close non-standard file descriptors */
 long maxFd = sysconf(_SC_OPEN_MAX);
 if (maxFd < 0)
     maxFd = 4096;  // shouldn't really happen
 int fd;
 for (fd = STDERR_FILENO+1; fd < maxFd; fd++)
 static char* joinCmd(char **cmd)
 /* join an cmd vector into a space separated string */
 struct dyString *str = dyStringNew(512);
 int i;
 for (i = 0; cmd[i] != NULL; i++)
     if (i > 0)
         dyStringAppend(str, " ");
     dyStringAppend(str, cmd[i]);
 return dyStringCannibalize(&str);
 static char* joinCmds(char ***cmds)
 /* join an cmds vetor into a space and pipe separated string */
 struct dyString *str = dyStringNew(512);
 int i, j;
 for (i = 0; cmds[i] != NULL; i++)
     if (i > 0)
         dyStringAppend(str, " | ");
     for (j = 0; cmds[i][j] != NULL; j++)
         if (j > 0)
             dyStringAppend(str, " ");
         dyStringAppend(str, cmds[i][j]);
 return dyStringCannibalize(&str);
 static char** cloneCmdVector(char **cmd)
 /* make a copy of the vector */
 int i, cmdLen = 0;
 for (i = 0; cmd[i] != NULL; i++)
 char **cmd2 = needMem((cmdLen+1)*sizeof(char*));
 for (i = 0; i < cmdLen; i++)
     cmd2[i] = cloneString(cmd[i]);
 cmd2[cmdLen] = NULL;
 return cmd2;
 static struct plProc* plProcNew(char **cmd, struct pipeline *pl)
 /* create a new plProc object for a command. */
 struct plProc* proc;
 proc->pl = pl;
 proc->cmd = cloneCmdVector(cmd);
 proc->state = procStateNew;
 return proc;
 static void plProcFree(struct plProc *proc)
 /* free a plProc object. */
 int i;
 for (i = 0; proc->cmd[i] != NULL; i++)
 static void plProcStateTrans(struct plProc *proc, enum procState newState)
 /* do state transition for process changing it to a new state  */
 // States must transition in order.  New state must immediately follow the
 // current state.
 if (newState != proc->state+1)
     errAbort("invalid state transition: %d -> %d", proc->state, newState);
 proc->state = newState;
 static void plProcSetup(struct plProc* proc, int stdinFd, int stdoutFd, int stderrFd)
 /* setup signal, error handling, and file descriptors after fork */
 /* Optionally treat a closed pipe as an EOF rather than getting SIGPIPE */
 if (signal(SIGPIPE, ((proc->pl->options & pipelineSigpipe) ? SIG_DFL : SIG_IGN)) == SIG_ERR)
     errnoAbort("error ignoring SIGPIPE");
 if (setpgid(getpid(), proc->pl->groupLeader) != 0)
     errnoAbort("error from setpgid(%d, %d)", getpid(), proc->pl->groupLeader);
 /* child, first setup stdio files */
 if (stdinFd != STDIN_FILENO)
     if (dup2(stdinFd, STDIN_FILENO) < 0)
         errnoAbort("can't dup2 to stdin");
 if (stdoutFd != STDOUT_FILENO)
     if (dup2(stdoutFd, STDOUT_FILENO) < 0)
         errnoAbort("can't dup2 to stdout");
 if (stderrFd != STDERR_FILENO)
     if (dup2(stderrFd, STDERR_FILENO) < 0)
         errnoAbort("can't dup2 to stderr");
 static void plProcExecChild(struct plProc* proc, int stdinFd, int stdoutFd, int stderrFd)
 /* child part of process startup. */
 plProcSetup(proc, stdinFd, stdoutFd, stderrFd);
 execvp(proc->cmd[0], proc->cmd);
 errnoAbort("exec failed: %s", proc->cmd[0]);
 static void plProcMemWrite(struct plProc* proc, int stdoutFd, int stderrFd, void *otherEndBuf, size_t otherEndBufSize)
 /* implements child process to write memory buffer to pipeline after
  * fork */
 plProcSetup(proc, STDIN_FILENO, stdoutFd, stderrFd);
 ssize_t wrCnt = write(STDOUT_FILENO, otherEndBuf, otherEndBufSize);
 if (wrCnt < 0)
     errnoAbort("pipeline input buffer write failed");
 else if (wrCnt != otherEndBufSize)
     errAbort("pipeline input buffer short write %lld, expected %lld",
              (long long)wrCnt, (long long)otherEndBufSize);
 static void plProcHandleSignaled(struct plProc* proc, int status)
 /* handle one of the processes terminating on a signal */
 if (!((WTERMSIG(proc->status) == SIGPIPE) && (proc->pl->options & pipelineSigpipe)))
     errAbort("process terminated on signal %d: \"%s\" in pipeline \"%s\"",
              WTERMSIG(proc->status), joinCmd(proc->cmd), proc->pl->procName);
 static void plProcHandleExited(struct plProc* proc, int status)
 /* handle one of the processes terminating on an exit */
 if (WEXITSTATUS(proc->status) != 0)
     // only print an error message if aborting
     if (!(proc->pl->options & pipelineNoAbort))
         fprintf(stderr, "process exited with %d: \"%s\" in pipeline \"%s\"\n",
                 WEXITSTATUS(proc->status), joinCmd(proc->cmd), proc->pl->procName);
     exit(WEXITSTATUS(proc->status));  // pass back exit code
 static void plProcHandleTerminate(struct plProc* proc, int status)
 /* handle one of the processes terminating, save exit status */
 proc->pid = -1;
 proc->status = status;
 plProcStateTrans(proc, procStateDone);
 if (WIFSIGNALED(proc->status))
     plProcHandleSignaled(proc, status);
     plProcHandleExited(proc, status);
 static struct pipeline* pipelineNew(char ***cmds, unsigned options)
 /* create a new pipeline object. Doesn't start processes */
 static char *memPseudoCmd[] = {"[mem]", NULL};
 struct pipeline *pl;
 int iCmd;
 pl->groupLeader = -1;
 pl->pipeFd = -1;
 pl->options = options;
 pl->procName = joinCmds(cmds);
 if (cmds[0] == NULL)
     errAbort("no commands in pipeline");
 if (options & pipelineMemInput)
     /* add proc for forked process to write memory to pipeline */
     slAddTail(&pl->procs, plProcNew(memPseudoCmd, pl));
 for(iCmd = 0; cmds[iCmd] != NULL; iCmd++)
     slAddTail(&pl->procs, plProcNew(cmds[iCmd], pl));
 return pl;
 void pipelineFree(struct pipeline **plPtr)
 /* free a pipeline object */
 struct pipeline *pl = *plPtr;
 if (pl != NULL)
     struct plProc *proc = pl->procs;
     while (proc != NULL)
         struct plProc *delProc = proc;
         proc = proc->next;
 static struct plProc *pipelineFindProc(struct pipeline *pl, pid_t pid)
 /* find a plProc by pid */
 struct plProc *proc;
 for (proc = pl->procs; proc != NULL; proc = proc->next)
     if (proc->pid == pid)
         return proc;
 errAbort("pid not found in pipeline: %d", (int)pid);
 return 0; // never reached
 static void execProcChild(struct pipeline* pl, struct plProc *proc,
                           int procStdinFd, int procStdoutFd, int stderrFd,
                           void *otherEndBuf, size_t otherEndBufSize)
 /* handle child process setup after fork.  This does not return */
 if (otherEndBuf != NULL)
     plProcMemWrite(proc, procStdoutFd, stderrFd, otherEndBuf, otherEndBufSize);
     plProcExecChild(proc, procStdinFd, procStdoutFd, stderrFd);
 static int pipelineExecProc(struct pipeline* pl, struct plProc *proc,
                             int prevStdoutFd, int stdinFd, int stdoutFd, int stderrFd,
                             void *otherEndBuf, size_t otherEndBufSize)
 /* start a process in the pipeline, return the stdout fd of the process */
 /* determine stdin/stdout to use */
 int procStdinFd, procStdoutFd;
 if (proc == pl->procs)
     procStdinFd = stdinFd; /* first process in pipeline */
     procStdinFd = prevStdoutFd;
 if (proc->next == NULL)
     procStdoutFd = stdoutFd; /* last process in pipeline */
     prevStdoutFd = pipeCreate(&procStdoutFd);
 /* start process */
 if ((proc->pid = fork()) < 0)
     errnoAbort("can't fork");
 if (proc->pid == 0)
     execProcChild(pl, proc, procStdinFd, procStdoutFd, stderrFd, otherEndBuf, otherEndBufSize);
 /* record that we did this */
 plProcStateTrans(proc, procStateRun);
 /* don't leave intermediate pipes open in parent */
 if (proc != pl->procs)
 if (proc->next != NULL)
 return prevStdoutFd;
 static void pipelineGroupExec(struct pipeline* pl, int stdinFd, int stdoutFd, int stderrFd,
                               void *otherEndBuf, size_t otherEndBufSize)
 /* Start all processes in a pipeline, stdinFd and stdoutFd are the ends of
  * the pipeline, stderrFd is applied to all processed */
 struct plProc *proc;
 int prevStdoutFd = -1;
 for (proc = pl->procs; proc != NULL; proc = proc->next)
     prevStdoutFd = pipelineExecProc(pl, proc, prevStdoutFd,
                                     stdinFd, stdoutFd, stderrFd,
                                     otherEndBuf, otherEndBufSize);
     otherEndBuf = NULL;  /* only for first process (read pipes) */
     otherEndBufSize = 0;
 static void waitOnOne(struct pipeline *pl)
 /* wait on one process to finish */
 int status;
 pid_t pid = waitpid(-pl->groupLeader, &status, 0);
 if (pid < 0)
     errnoAbort("waitpid failed");
 plProcHandleTerminate(pipelineFindProc(pl, pid), status);
 assert(pl->numRunning >= 0);
 static void groupWait(struct pipeline *pl)
 /* Wait for pipeline to complete */
 /* wait on all processes to complete */
 while (pl->numRunning > 0)
 static void groupLeaderRun(struct pipeline* pl, int stdinFd, int stdoutFd, int stderrFd,
                            void *otherEndBuf, size_t otherEndBufSize)
 /* group leader process */
 pl->groupLeader = getpid();
 if (setpgid(pl->groupLeader, pl->groupLeader) != 0)
     errnoAbort("error from child setpgid(%d, %d)", pl->groupLeader, pl->groupLeader);
 pipelineGroupExec(pl, stdinFd, stdoutFd, stderrFd, otherEndBuf, otherEndBufSize);
 // only keep stderr open
 static int groupLeaderWait(struct pipeline *pl)
 /* Wait for group leader to complete. If pipelineNoAbort was specified, return
  * the exit code of the first group process exit non-zero, or zero if none
  * failed. */
 int status;
 pid_t pid = waitpid(-pl->groupLeader, &status, 0);
 if (pid < 0)
     errnoAbort("waitpid failed");
 if (WIFSIGNALED(status))
     errAbort("process pipeline terminated on signal %d", WTERMSIG(status));
 if ((WEXITSTATUS(status) != 0) && !(pl->options & pipelineNoAbort))
     errAbort("pipeline exited with %d", WEXITSTATUS(status));
 return WEXITSTATUS(status);
 static void pipelineExec(struct pipeline* pl, int stdinFd, int stdoutFd, int stderrFd,
                          void *otherEndBuf, size_t otherEndBufSize)
 /* Fork the group leader, which then launches all processes in a pipeline,
  * stdinFd and stdoutFd are the ends of the pipeline, stderrFd is applied to
  * all processes, including group leader */
 assert(pl->groupLeader < 0);  // should not be set
 if ((pl->groupLeader = fork()) < 0)
     errnoAbort("can't fork");
 if (pl->groupLeader == 0)
     groupLeaderRun(pl, stdinFd, stdoutFd, stderrFd, otherEndBuf, otherEndBufSize);
     exit(1); // doesn't return to here
     // parent also must also setpgid to prevent race condition
     if (setpgid(pl->groupLeader, pl->groupLeader) != 0)
         errnoAbort("error from parent setpgid(%d, %d)", pl->groupLeader, pl->groupLeader);
 static int openRead(char *fname)
 /* open a file for reading */
 int fd = open(fname, O_RDONLY);
 if (fd < 0)
     errnoAbort("can't open for read access: %s", fname);
 return fd;
 static int openWrite(char *fname, boolean append)
 /* open a file for write access */
 int flags = O_WRONLY|O_CREAT;
 if (append)
     flags |= O_APPEND;
     flags |= O_TRUNC;
 int fd = open(fname, flags, 0666);
 if (fd < 0)
     errnoAbort("can't open for write access: %s", fname);
 return fd;
 static void pipelineStartRead(struct pipeline *pl, int stdinFd, int stderrFd,
                               void *otherEndBuf, size_t otherEndBufSize)
 /* start a read pipeline */
 int pipeWrFd;
 pl->pipeFd = pipeCreate(&pipeWrFd);
 pipelineExec(pl, stdinFd, pipeWrFd, stderrFd, otherEndBuf, otherEndBufSize);
 static void pipelineStartWrite(struct pipeline *pl, int stdoutFd, int stderrFd)
 /* start a write pipeline */
 int pipeRdFd = pipeCreate(&pl->pipeFd);
 pipelineExec(pl, pipeRdFd, stdoutFd, stderrFd, NULL, 0);
 static void checkOpts(unsigned opts)
 /* check option set for consistency */
 if (((opts & (pipelineRead|pipelineWrite)) == 0)
     || ((opts & (pipelineRead|pipelineWrite)) == (pipelineRead|pipelineWrite)))
     errAbort("must specify one of pipelineRead or pipelineWrite to pipelineOpen");
 if ((opts & pipelineAppend) && ((opts & pipelineWrite) == 0))
     errAbort("pipelineAppend is valid only in conjunction with pipelineWrite");
 struct pipeline *pipelineOpenFd(char ***cmds, unsigned opts,
                                 int otherEndFd, int stderrFd)
 /* Create a pipeline from an array of commands.  See pipeline.h for
  * full documentation. */
 struct pipeline *pl;
 pl = pipelineNew(cmds, opts);
 if (opts & pipelineRead)
     pipelineStartRead(pl, otherEndFd, stderrFd, NULL, 0);
     pipelineStartWrite(pl, otherEndFd, stderrFd);
 return pl;
 struct pipeline *pipelineOpen(char ***cmds, unsigned opts,
                               char *otherEndFile, char *stderrFile)
 /* Create a pipeline from an array of commands.  See pipeline.h for
  * full documentation */
 int otherEndFd;
 int stderrFd = (stderrFile == NULL) ? STDERR_FILENO : openWrite(stderrFile, FALSE);
 boolean append = ((opts & pipelineAppend) != 0);
 if (opts & pipelineRead)
     otherEndFd = (otherEndFile == NULL) ? STDIN_FILENO : openRead(otherEndFile);
     otherEndFd = (otherEndFile == NULL) ? STDOUT_FILENO : openWrite(otherEndFile, append);
 struct pipeline *pl = pipelineOpenFd(cmds, opts, otherEndFd, stderrFd);
 if (stderrFile != NULL)
 return pl;
 struct pipeline *pipelineOpenMem(char ***cmds, unsigned opts,
                                  void *otherEndBuf, size_t otherEndBufSize,
                                  int stderrFd)
 /* Create a pipeline from an array of commands, with the pipeline input/output
  * in a memory buffer.  See pipeline.h for full documentation.  Currently only
  * input to a read pipeline is supported  */
 struct pipeline *pl;
 if (opts & pipelineWrite)
     errAbort("pipelineOpenMem only supports read pipelines at this time");
 opts |= pipelineMemInput;
 pl = pipelineNew(cmds, opts);
 pipelineStartRead(pl, STDIN_FILENO, stderrFd, otherEndBuf, otherEndBufSize);
 return pl;
 struct pipeline *pipelineOpenFd1(char **cmd, unsigned opts,
                                  int otherEndFd, int stderrFd)
 /* like pipelineOpenFd(), only takes a single command */
 char **cmds[2];
 cmds[0] = cmd;
 cmds[1] = NULL;
 return pipelineOpenFd(cmds, opts, otherEndFd, stderrFd);
 struct pipeline *pipelineOpen1(char **cmd, unsigned opts,
                                char *otherEndFile, char *stderrFile)
 /* like pipelineOpen(), only takes a single command */
 char **cmds[2];
 cmds[0] = cmd;
 cmds[1] = NULL;
 return pipelineOpen(cmds, opts, otherEndFile, stderrFile);
 struct pipeline *pipelineOpenMem1(char **cmd, unsigned opts,
                                   void *otherEndBuf, size_t otherEndBufSize,
                                   int stderrFd)
 /* like pipelineOpenMem(), only takes a single command */
 char **cmds[2];
 cmds[0] = cmd;
 cmds[1] = NULL;
 return pipelineOpenMem(cmds, opts, otherEndBuf, otherEndBufSize, stderrFd);
 char *pipelineDesc(struct pipeline *pl)
 /* Get the description of a pipeline for use in error messages */
 return pl->procName;
 int pipelineFd(struct pipeline *pl)
 /* Get the file descriptor for a pipeline */
 return pl->pipeFd;
 FILE *pipelineFile(struct pipeline *pl)
 /* Get a FILE object wrapped around the pipeline.  Do not close the FILE, is
  * owned by the pipeline object.  A FILE is created on first call to this
  * function.  Subsequent calls return the same FILE.*/
 if (pl->pipeFh == NULL)
     /* create FILE* on first access */
     char *mode = (pl->options & pipelineRead) ? "r" : "w";
     if (pl->pipeLf != NULL)
         errAbort("can't call pipelineFile after having associated a lineFile with a pipeline");
     pl->pipeFh = fdopen(pl->pipeFd, mode);
     if (pl->pipeFh == NULL)
         errnoAbort("fdopen failed for: %s", pl->procName);
     pl->stdioBuf = needLargeMem(FILE_BUF_SIZE);
     setvbuf(pl->pipeFh, pl->stdioBuf,  _IOFBF, FILE_BUF_SIZE);
 return pl->pipeFh;
 struct lineFile *pipelineLineFile(struct pipeline *pl)
 /* Get a lineFile object wrapped around the pipeline.  Do not close the
  * lineFile, is owned by the pipeline object.  A lineFile is created on first
  * call to this function.  Subsequent calls return the same object.*/
 if (pl->pipeLf == NULL)
     /* create line on first acess */
     if (pl->pipeFh != NULL)
         errAbort("can't call pipelineLineFile after having associated a FILE with a pipeline");
     if (pl->options & pipelineWrite)
         errAbort("can't associated a lineFile with a write pipeline");
     pl->pipeLf = lineFileAttach(pipelineDesc(pl), TRUE, pl->pipeFd);
 return pl->pipeLf;
 static void closePipelineFile(struct pipeline *pl)
 /* close a pipeline with a FILE associated with it */
 if (pl->options & pipelineWrite)
     if (ferror(pl->pipeFh))
         errAbort("write failed to pipeline: %s ", pl->procName);
 else if (ferror(pl->pipeFh))
     errAbort("read failed from pipeline: %s ", pl->procName);
 if (fclose(pl->pipeFh) == EOF)
     errAbort("close failed on pipeline: %s ", pl->procName);
 pl->pipeFh = NULL;
 static void closePipeline(struct pipeline *pl)
 /* Close the pipe file */
 if (pl->pipeFh != NULL)
 else if (pl->pipeLf != NULL)
     if (close(pl->pipeFd) < 0)
         errAbort("close failed on pipeline: %s ", pl->procName);
 pl->pipeFd = -1;
 int pipelineWait(struct pipeline *pl)
 /* Wait for processes in a pipeline to complete; normally aborts if any
  * process exists non-zero.  If pipelineNoAbort was specified, return the exit
  * code of the first process exit non-zero, or zero if none failed. */
 /* must close before waiting to so processes get pipe EOF */
 return groupLeaderWait(pl);
 void pipelineSetNoAbort(struct pipeline *pl)
 /* Make it so pipeline won't abort on error - can be done after the fact.
  * (This is needed to close a pipelined lineFile early.) */
 pl->options |= pipelineNoAbort;
 void pipelineDumpCmds(char ***cmds)
 /* Dump out pipeline-formatted commands to stdout for debugging. */
 char **cmd;
 boolean first = TRUE;
 while ((cmd = *cmds++) != NULL)
    char *word;
    if (first)
       first = FALSE;
       printf("| ");
    while ((word = *cmd++) != NULL)
        printf("%s ", word);
  * Local Variables:
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  * End: