  Tue May 27 10:43:34 2014 -0700
Adding spacing for readability around some copyrights notices that needed it.
diff --git src/lib/xa.c src/lib/xa.c
index eb78982..79a437c 100644
--- src/lib/xa.c
+++ src/lib/xa.c
@@ -1,229 +1,230 @@
 /* xao.c - Manage cross-species alignments in Intronerator database. 
  * This file is copyright 2002 Jim Kent, but license is hereby
  * granted for all use - public, private or commercial. */
 #include "common.h"
 #include "sig.h"
 #include "xa.h"
 void xaAliFree(struct xaAli *xa)
 /* Free up a single xaAli. */
 void xaAliFreeList(struct xaAli **pXa)
 /* Free up a list of xaAlis. */
 struct xaAli *xa, *next;
 for (xa = *pXa; xa != NULL; xa = next)
     next = xa->next;
 *pXa = NULL;
 int xaAliCmpTarget(const void *va, const void *vb)
 /* Compare two xaAli's to sort by ascending target positions. */
 const struct xaAli *a = *((struct xaAli **)va);
 const struct xaAli *b = *((struct xaAli **)vb);
 int diff;
 if ((diff = strcmp(a->target, b->target)) == 0)
     diff = a->tStart - b->tStart;
 return diff;
 FILE *xaOpenVerify(char *fileName)
 /* Open file, verify it's the right type, and
  * position file pointer for first xaReadNext(). */
 FILE *f = mustOpen(fileName, "rb");
 return f;
 FILE *xaIxOpenVerify(char *fileName)
 /* Open file, verify that it's a good xa index. */
 FILE *f;
 bits32 sig;
 f = mustOpen(fileName, "rb");
 mustReadOne(f, sig);
 if (sig != xaoSig)
     errAbort("Bad signature on %s", fileName);
 return f;
 static void eatLf(FILE *f)
 /* Read next char and make sure it's a lf. */
 int c;
 c = fgetc(f);
 if (c == '\r')
     c = fgetc(f);
 if (c != '\n')
     errAbort("Expecting new line in cross-species alignment file.");
 static void eatThroughLf(FILE *f)
 /* Read through next lf (discarding results). */
 int c;
 while ((c = fgetc(f)) != EOF)
     if (c == '\n')
 /* An example line from .st file. 
    G11A11.SEQ.c1 align 53.9% of 6096 ACTIN2~1\G11A11.SEQ:0-4999 - v:9730780-9736763 +
          0         1     2    3   4             5               6        7          8
 struct xaAli *xaReadNext(FILE *f, boolean condensed)
 /* Read next xaAli from file. If condensed
  * don't fill int query, target, qSym, tSym, or hSym. */
 char line[512];
 char *words[16];
 int wordCount;
 struct xaAli *xa;
 char *parts[5];
 int partCount;
 double percentScore;
 int symCount;
 int newOffset = 0;
 char *s, *e;
 /* Get first line and parse out everything but the sym lines. */
 if (fgets(line, sizeof(line), f) == NULL)
     return NULL;
 wordCount = chopLine(line, words);
 if (wordCount < 9)
     errAbort("Short line in cross-species alignment file");
 if (wordCount == 10)
     newOffset = 1;
 if (!sameString(words[1], "align"))
     errAbort("Bad line in cross-species alignment file");
 xa->name = cloneString(words[0]);
 s = words[5+newOffset];
 e = strrchr(s, ':');
 if (e == NULL)
     errAbort("Bad line (no colon) in cross-species alignment file");
 *e++ = 0;
 partCount = chopString(e, "-", parts, ArraySize(parts));
 if (partCount != 2)
     errAbort("Bad range format in cross-species alignment file");
 if (!condensed)
     xa->query = cloneString(s);
 xa->qStart = atoi(parts[0]);
 xa->qEnd = atoi(parts[1]);
 xa->qStrand = words[6+newOffset][0];
 partCount = chopString(words[7+newOffset], ":-", parts, ArraySize(parts));
 if (!condensed)
     xa->target = cloneString(parts[0]);
 xa->tStart = atoi(parts[1]);
 xa->tEnd = atoi(parts[2]);
 xa->tStrand = words[8+newOffset][0];
 percentScore = atof(words[2]);
 xa->milliScore = round(percentScore*10);    
 xa->symCount = symCount = atoi(words[4]);
 /* Get symbol lines. */
 if (condensed)
     xa->qSym = needMem(symCount+1);
     mustRead(f, xa->qSym, symCount);
     xa->tSym = needMem(symCount+1);
     mustRead(f, xa->tSym, symCount);
     xa->hSym = needMem(symCount+1);
     mustRead(f, xa->hSym, symCount);
 return xa;
 struct xaAli *xaRdRange(FILE *ix, FILE *data, 
     int start, int end, boolean condensed)
 /* Return list of all xaAlis that range from start to end.  
  * Assumes that ix and data files are open. If condensed
  * don't fill int query, target, qSym, tSym, or hSym. */
 int s, e;
 int maxS, minE;
 long offset;
 struct xaAli *list = NULL, *xa;
 /* Scan through index file looking for things in range.
  * When find one read it from data file and add it to list. */
 fseek(ix, sizeof(bits32), SEEK_SET);
 for (;;)
     if (!readOne(ix, s))
     mustReadOne(ix, e);
     mustReadOne(ix, offset);
     if (s >= end)
     maxS = max(s, start);
     minE = min(e, end);
     if (minE - maxS > 0)
         fseek(data, offset, SEEK_SET);
         xa = xaReadNext(data, condensed);
         slAddHead(&list, xa);
 return list;
 struct xaAli *xaReadRange(char *rangeIndexFileName, char *dataFileName, 
     int start, int end, boolean condensed)
 /* Return list of all xaAlis that range from start to end.  If condensed
  * don't fill int query, target, qSym, tSym, or hSym. */
 FILE *ix = xaIxOpenVerify(rangeIndexFileName);
 FILE *data = xaOpenVerify(dataFileName);
 struct xaAli *xa = xaRdRange(ix, data, start, end, condensed);
 return xa;
 char *xaAlignSuffix()
 /* Return suffix of file with actual alignments. */
 return ".st";
 char *xaChromIxSuffix()
 /* Return suffix of files that index xa's by chromosome position. */
 return ".xao";