7fdfab0ba90789194773f2bbd31bcc6ab161631a galt Tue Aug 5 10:57:28 2014 -0700 Fixes #12559. GenomeSpace support added to hgTables. diff --git src/hg/hgTables/genomeSpace.c src/hg/hgTables/genomeSpace.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000..856adf0 --- /dev/null +++ src/hg/hgTables/genomeSpace.c @@ -0,0 +1,692 @@ +/* genomeSpace - stuff related to GenomeSpace. */ + +#include "common.h" +#include "hgTables.h" +#include "cart.h" +#include "net.h" +#include "textOut.h" +#include "base64.h" +#include "md5.h" +#include "obscure.h" +#include "net.h" +#include "hgConfig.h" + +#include + +// Declare external global variables that must be reset when +// before outputting a new page. Used for outputting multiple pages. +extern boolean webHeadAlreadyOutputed; +extern boolean webInTextMode; +extern struct hash *includedResourceFiles; +extern boolean htmlWarnBoxSetUpAlready; +// note there is also an inWeb boolean in cart.c +// that would have needed resetting, but I added a line +// in webEnd() to reset it. + +void md5hash(char * fileName, unsigned char md5[16]) +/* read f in buffer pieces and update md5 hash */ +{ +struct md5_context ctx; +unsigned char buffer[MD5READBUFSIZE]; +int bufRead = 0; +FILE *f = mustOpen(fileName,"rb"); + +md5_starts(&ctx); + +while ((bufRead = fread(&buffer, 1, MD5READBUFSIZE, f)) > 0) + { + md5_update(&ctx, buffer, bufRead); + } + +md5_finish(&ctx, md5); +carefulClose(&f); +} + + +boolean doGenomeSpace() +/* has the send to GenomeSpace checkbox been selected? */ +{ +return cartUsualBoolean(cart, "sendToGenomeSpace", FALSE); +} + +static void showMissingOutputFileForm() +/* User needs to specify the output file */ +{ +htmlOpen("GenomeSpace"); +printf("Please specify the output file field for GenomeSpace Data Manager."); +printf("
"); +printf("
"); +// TODO handle filename with a path. +// ACTUALLY, this probably just works. +printf("Your output file name may contain a path."); +printf("
"); +printf("
"); +printf("
" + "
", hgtaDoMainPage); +htmlClose(); +} + + +static void showGsLoginForm() +/* User needs to login to GS */ +{ +// TODO should this be a redirect? +// TODO should it require https? - note our apache virtual hosts are not set up to work with it yet? +// GS Login Page +htmlOpen("GenomeSpace"); +printf("Please login to GenomeSpace."); +printf("
"); +printf("
"); +printf("
"); +printf(""); +printf("", hgtaGsUser); +printf("", hgtaGsPassword); +printf("", hgtaDoGsLogin); +printf(""); +printf("", hgtaDoMainPage); +printf("
" + "
"); +htmlClose(); +} + +static char *parseResponse(int sd, char **pResponseCode) +/* parse the http response */ +{ +struct dyString *dy = netSlurpFile(sd); +close(sd); + +char *protocol = "HTTP/1.1 "; +if (!startsWith(protocol, dy->string)) + errAbort("GenomeSpace: Expected HTTP/1.1 response: found %s", dy->string); + +if (pResponseCode) + { + char *rc = dy->string + strlen(protocol); + char *rcEndString = "\r\n"; + char *rcEnd = strstr(dy->string, rcEndString); + *pResponseCode = cloneStringZ(rc, rcEnd - rc); + } + +char *headerEndString = "\r\n\r\n"; +char *headerEnd = strstr(dy->string, headerEndString); +if (!headerEnd) + errAbort("header end not found in response"); +char *gsResponse = cloneString(headerEnd+strlen(headerEndString)); + +dyStringFree(&dy); + +return gsResponse; + +} + +static char *getGenomeSpaceConfig(char *variable) +/* Read genomeSpace config setting or abort if not found */ +{ +char *value = cfgOption2("genomeSpace", variable); +if (!value) + errAbort("missing genomeSpace setting genomeSpace.%s in hg.conf", variable); +return value; +} + +char *insertUserPasswordIntoUrl(char *url, char *user, char *password) +/* Insert cgi-encoded user and password into url after protocol. Free returned string when done. */ +{ +char resultUrl[1024]; +char *encUser = cgiEncode(user); +char *encPassword = cgiEncode(password); +char *rest = stringIn("://", url); +if (!rest) + errAbort("expected url [%s] to have ://", url); +char *protocol = cloneStringZ(url, rest - url); +rest += strlen("://"); +safef(resultUrl, sizeof resultUrl, "%s://%s:%s@%s", protocol, encUser, encPassword, rest); + +freeMem(protocol); +freeMem(encUser); +freeMem(encPassword); + +return cloneString(resultUrl); +} + +static char *getAuthorizationToken(char *user, char *password) +/* Authenticate against GenomeSpace + * Returns a token like [IGYpFc1CNO7acOJicopKHBTCS6JwDgoy]*/ +{ + +//old url: safef(authUrl, sizeof authUrl, "https://%s:%s@identity.genomespace.org/identityServer/basic", encUser, encPassword); +//old2: safef(authUrl, sizeof authUrl, "https://%s:%s@identitytest.genomespace.org:8443/identityServer/basic", encUser, encPassword); +//old3: safef(authUrl, sizeof authUrl, "https://%s:%s@identity.genomespace.org/identityServer/basic", encUser, encPassword); + +char *iSU = getGenomeSpaceConfig("identityServerUrl"); +char *authUrl = insertUserPasswordIntoUrl(iSU, user, password); + +int sd = netUrlOpen(authUrl); +if (sd < 0) + errAbort("failed to open socket for [%s]", authUrl); +char *responseCode = NULL; +char *authToken = parseResponse(sd, &responseCode); +if (startsWith("401 ", responseCode)) + return NULL; +if (!sameString(responseCode, "200 OK")) + errAbort("GenomeSpace getAuthorizationToken: %s", responseCode); + +freeMem(authUrl); + +return authToken; +} + +static char *getGsPersonalDirectory(char *gsToken) +/* Get User's default directory from GenomeSpace DM + * Returns a url like [https://identity.genomespace.org/datamanager/files/users/] + */ +{ +// DEFAULT DIRECTORY + +// old1 char *defaultDirectoryUrl = "https://identity.genomespace.org/datamanager/defaultdirectory"; +// old2 char *defaultDirectoryUrl = "https://dmtest.genomespace.org:8444/datamanager/defaultdirectory"; +// old3 char *defaultDirectoryUrl = "https://dm.genomespace.org/datamanager/v1.0/defaultdirectory"; +// NOTE the defaultdirectory method got renamed to personaldirectory +// old4 char *personalDirectoryUrl = "https://dm.genomespace.org/datamanager/v1.0/personaldirectory"; + +char *dmSvr = getGenomeSpaceConfig("dmServer"); +char personalDirectoryUrl[1024]; +safef(personalDirectoryUrl, sizeof personalDirectoryUrl, "%s/v1.0/personaldirectory", dmSvr); + +struct dyString *reqExtra = newDyString(256); +dyStringPrintf(reqExtra, "Cookie: gs-token=%s\r\n", gsToken); + +int sd = netOpenHttpExt(personalDirectoryUrl, "GET", reqExtra->string); +if (sd < 0) + errAbort("failed to open socket for [%s]", personalDirectoryUrl); + +struct dyString *dy = netSlurpFile(sd); +close(sd); + +char *personalDirectory = NULL; + +if (strstr(dy->string, "HTTP/1.1 303 See Other")) + { + char *valStart = strstr(dy->string, "Location: "); + if (valStart) + { + valStart += strlen("Location: "); + char *valEnd = strstr(valStart, "\r\n"); + if (!valEnd) + errAbort("location not found in response headers"); + personalDirectory = cloneStringZ(valStart, valEnd - valStart); + } + } +dyStringFree(&dy); +dyStringFree(&reqExtra); + +return personalDirectory; + +} + + +boolean checkGsReady() +/* check that GS requirements are met */ +{ +// check that the output file has been specified +char *fileName = cartUsualString(cart, hgtaOutFileName, ""); +if (sameString(fileName,"")) + { + cartRemove(cart, hgtaDoTopSubmit); + showMissingOutputFileForm(); + return FALSE; + } +// check login +// is the GS login token in the cart? +char *gsToken = cartUsualString(cart, "gsToken", NULL); +if (!gsToken) + { + cartRemove(cart, hgtaDoTopSubmit); + showGsLoginForm(); + return FALSE; + } +else + { + // check if the token still valid + char *temp = getGsPersonalDirectory(gsToken); + if (!temp) + { + cartRemove(cart, hgtaDoTopSubmit); + showGsLoginForm(); + return FALSE; + } + freeMem(temp); + } +return TRUE; +} + + +void doGsLogin(struct sqlConnection *conn) +/* Process user password post. + * Log into GS + * if successful save gsToken + * else return to login page or to mainpage */ +{ +char *user = cloneString(cartUsualString(cart, hgtaGsUser, NULL)); +char *password = cloneString(cartUsualString(cart, hgtaGsPassword, NULL)); +// do not leave them in the cart +cartRemove(cart, hgtaGsUser); +cartRemove(cart, hgtaGsPassword); + +if (!(user && password)) + errAbort("expecting GenomeSpace user and password"); + +char *gsToken = getAuthorizationToken(user, password); + +if (gsToken) + { + cartSetString(cart, "gsToken", gsToken); + } +else + { + cartRemove(cart, "gsToken"); + } + +cartSetString(cart, hgtaDoTopSubmit, "get output"); + +} + +char *gsUploadUrl(char *gsToken, char *user, char *uploadFileName, off_t contentLength, char *base64Md5, char *contentType) +/* call uploadurl */ +{ +// UPLOADURLS + +// TODO deal with creating parent dirs if uploadFileName contains a path? maybe not. + +// old: "https://identity.genomespace.org/datamanager/uploadurls/users/" +// old "https://dm.genomespace.org/datamanager/v1.0/uploadurl/users/" // if this works, use default dir fetched earlier instead + +char *dmSvr = getGenomeSpaceConfig("dmServer"); +char uploadUrl[1024]; +safef(uploadUrl, sizeof(uploadUrl), + "%s/v1.0/uploadurl/users/" + "%s/" + "%s" + "?Content-Length=%lld" + "&Content-MD5=%s" + "&Content-Type=%s" + , dmSvr + , user + , uploadFileName + , (long long) contentLength + , cgiEncode(base64Md5) + , contentType + ); + + +struct dyString *reqExtra = newDyString(256); +dyStringPrintf(reqExtra, "Cookie: gs-token=%s\r\n", gsToken); + +int sd = netOpenHttpExt(uploadUrl, "GET", reqExtra->string); +if (sd < 0) + errAbort("failed to open socket for [%s]", uploadUrl); + +char *responseCode = NULL; +char *s3UploadUrl = parseResponse(sd, &responseCode); +if (sameString(responseCode, "404 Not Found")) + errAbort("GenomeSpace: %s, if a path was used in the output name, it may indicate the path does not exist in GenomeSpace.", responseCode); +if (!sameString(responseCode, "200 OK")) + errAbort("GenomeSpace: %s", responseCode); + +dyStringFree(&reqExtra); + +return s3UploadUrl; + +} + + + +#define S3UPBUFSIZE 65536 +char *gsS3Upload(char *s3UploadUrl, char *inputFileName, off_t contentLength, char *base64Md5, char *hexMd5, char *contentType, boolean progress, char *fileName) +/* call s3 upload */ +{ +// S3 UPLOAD to Amazon Storage + +struct dyString *reqExtra = newDyString(256); +dyStringPrintf(reqExtra, "Content-Length: %lld\r\n", (long long)contentLength); +dyStringPrintf(reqExtra, "Content-MD5: %s\r\n", base64Md5); +dyStringPrintf(reqExtra, "Content-Type: %s\r\n", contentType); + +int sd = netOpenHttpExt(s3UploadUrl, "PUT", reqExtra->string); +if (sd < 0) + errAbort("failed to open socket for [%s]", s3UploadUrl); + + +unsigned char buffer[S3UPBUFSIZE]; +int bufRead = 0; +FILE *f = mustOpen(inputFileName,"rb"); +off_t totalUploaded = 0; +int lastPctUploaded = -1; +// upload the file contents +while ((bufRead = fread(&buffer, 1, S3UPBUFSIZE, f)) > 0) + { + int bufWrite = 0; + while (bufWrite < bufRead) + { + int socketWrite = write(sd, buffer + bufWrite, bufRead - bufWrite); + if (socketWrite == -1) + { + if (errno == 32) // broken pipe often happens when the ssh connection shuts down or has errors. + { + warn("broken pipe, S3 server closed the ssh connection."); + break; + } + errnoAbort("error writing to socket for GenomeSpace upload"); + } + bufWrite += socketWrite; + } + if (errno == 32) + break; + totalUploaded += bufRead; + int pctUploaded = 100.0*totalUploaded/contentLength; + if (progress && (pctUploaded != lastPctUploaded)) + { + + char nicenumber[1024]=""; + sprintWithGreekByte(nicenumber, sizeof(nicenumber), contentLength); + + // Various global flags must be reset to draw a fresh html output page. + webHeadAlreadyOutputed = FALSE; + webInTextMode = FALSE; + includedResourceFiles = NULL; + htmlWarnBoxSetUpAlready=FALSE; + + htmlOpen("Uploading Output to GenomeSpace"); + + printf("Name: %s
\n", fileName); + printf("Size: %s
\n", nicenumber); + printf("Progress: %0d%%
\n", pctUploaded); + printf("
\n"); + + printf("
\n" + "" + "" + "
\n" + , hgtaDoMainPage); + puts(""); + + htmlClose(); + fflush(stdout); + + lastPctUploaded = pctUploaded; + + } + } + +carefulClose(&f); + +char *responseCode = NULL; +char *s3UploadResponse = parseResponse(sd, &responseCode); +if (!sameString(responseCode, "200 OK")) + errAbort("Amazon S3 Response: %s", responseCode); + +dyStringFree(&reqExtra); + +return s3UploadResponse; + +} + + +void getBackgroundStatus(char *url) +/* fetch status as the latest complete html block available */ +{ +char *html = NULL; +if (fileSize(url)==0) + { + htmlOpen("Background Status"); + errAbort("No output found. Expecting output in [%s].", url); + htmlClose(); + return; + } + +readInGulp(url, &html, NULL); +int numLines = chopString(html, "\n", NULL, 1000000); +char **lines = NULL; +AllocArray(lines, numLines); +chopString(html, "\n", lines, numLines); +int end; +for (end=numLines-1; end >= 0 && ! (endsWith(lines[end], "") || endsWith(lines[end], "")) ; --end) + /* do nothing */ ; +if (end < 0) + { + htmlOpen("Background Status"); + errAbort("No complete html found"); + htmlClose(); + return; + } +int start; +for (start=end; start >= 0 && ! (startsWith("", lines[start]) || startsWith("", lines[start])) ; --start) + /* do nothing */ ; +if (start < 0) + { + htmlOpen("Background Status"); + errAbort("No html start tag found"); + htmlClose(); + return; + } +puts("Content-Type: text/html\n"); +int line; +for (line=start; line <= end; line++) + puts(lines[line]); +} + +#include "trashDir.h" +// TODO move this to a generic re-usable location +void startBackgroundWork(char *exec, char **pWorkUrl) +/* deal with forking off child for background work + * and setting up the trash file for communicating + * from the child to the browser */ +{ +char *workUrl = NULL; +char hgsid[64]; +struct tempName tn; +safef(hgsid, sizeof(hgsid), "%s", cartSessionId(cart)); +trashDirFile(&tn, "backGround", hgsid, ".tmp"); +workUrl = cloneString(tn.forCgi); +fflush(stdout); +fflush(stderr); +// seems that we need to use the double-fork trick +// to create enough separation between the non-waiting parent +// and the grand-child process. otherwise the OS and Apache are waiting on the child. + +int pid = fork(); +if (pid == -1) + { + errAbort("can't fork, error %d", errno); + } +if (pid == 0) // child + { + int pid2 = fork(); + if (pid2 == -1) + { + errAbort("can't fork, error %d", errno); + } + if (pid2 == 0) // grand child + { + + // we need to close or redup to open stdout, stderr, stdin + // in order for apache to break ties with it. + // Will the grandchild cgi still be able to function? + + // redirect stdout of child to the trash file for easier use of + // library functions that output html to stdout. + int out = mustOpenFd(tn.forCgi, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT); + fflush(stdout); + dup2(out,STDOUT_FILENO); /* closes STDOUT before setting it back to saved descriptor */ + close(out); + + // Unfortunately we must create our own stderr log file + char errName[1024]; + safef(errName, sizeof errName, "%s.err", tn.forCgi); + int err = mustOpenFd(errName, O_CREAT | O_WRONLY | O_APPEND); + dup2(err, STDERR_FILENO); + close(err); + + // stdin input is just empty + int in = mustOpenFd("/dev/null", O_RDONLY); + dup2(in, STDIN_FILENO); + close(in); + + // execute so that we will be able to use database and other operations normally. + char execPath[4096]; + safef(execPath, sizeof execPath, "%s hgsid=%s", exec, hgsid); + char *args[10]; + int numArgs = chopString(execPath, " ", args, 10); + args[numArgs] = NULL; + // by creating a minimal environment and not inheriting from the parent, + // it cause cgiSpoof to run, picking up command-line params as cgi vars. + char *newenviron[] = { "HGDB_CONF=hg.conf", NULL }; + int sleepSeconds = 1; // was 5 + sleep(sleepSeconds); // Give the foreground process time to write the cart. + execve(args[0], args+1, newenviron); + // SHOULD NOT GET HERE UNLESS EXEC FAILED. + verbose(1,"execve failed for %s\n", exec); + _exit(0); // exit without the usual cleanup which messes up parent's db connections etc. + + } + else // child + { + _exit(0); // exit without the usual cleanup which messes up parent's db connections etc. + } + } +else // parent + { + *pWorkUrl = workUrl; + // wait for the exiting child (not grandchild) + int w, status; + do { + w = waitpid(pid, &status, WUNTRACED | WCONTINUED); + if (w == -1) + { + perror("waitpid"); + exit(EXIT_FAILURE); + } + + if (WIFEXITED(status)) + { + if (WEXITSTATUS(status) != 0) + verbose(1, "exited, status=%d\n", WEXITSTATUS(status)); + } + else if (WIFSIGNALED(status)) + { + verbose(1, "killed by signal %d\n", WTERMSIG(status)); + } + else if (WIFSTOPPED(status)) + { + verbose(1, "stopped by signal %d\n", WSTOPSIG(status)); + } + else if (WIFCONTINUED(status)) + { + verbose(1, "continued\n"); + } + } while (!WIFEXITED(status) && !WIFSIGNALED(status)); + + // done waiting for child. + + } + +} + + +void gsSendToDM() +/* upload the generated file to DM */ +{ +// This is now run via fork/exec as a separate background process. + +char *trashFileName = cartUsualString(cart, "gsTemp", ""); +char *fileName = cartUsualString(cart, hgtaOutFileName, ""); + +// adjust upload name based on compression and existing extension +char *compressType = cartUsualString(cart, hgtaCompressType, textOutCompressNone); + +if (!(isEmpty(compressType) || sameWord(compressType, textOutCompressNone))) + { + char *suffix = getCompressSuffix(compressType); + if (!endsWith(fileName, suffix)) + fileName = addSuffix(fileName, suffix); + } + + +off_t fSize = fileSize(trashFileName); + + +char *gsToken = cartUsualString(cart, "gsToken", NULL); + +char *contentType = "text/plain"; // some examples show applicaton/octet-stream + +char *persDir = getGsPersonalDirectory(gsToken); +char *user = strrchr(persDir,'/'); +++user; + +char nicenumber[1024]=""; +sprintWithGreekByte(nicenumber, sizeof(nicenumber), fSize); + +htmlOpen("Uploading Output to GenomeSpace"); + +printf("Name: %s
\n", fileName); +printf("Size: %s
\n", nicenumber); +printf("Progress: 0%%
\n"); +printf("You can remain on this page and monitor upload progress.
\n"); +printf("Otherwise, feel free to continue working, and your output will appear in GenomeSpace when you are ready.
\n"); +printf("
\n"); +printf("
\n" + "\n" + "" + "
\n" + , hgtaDoMainPage); +puts(""); + +htmlClose(); +fflush(stdout); + +// MD5 COMPUTE +unsigned char md5[16]; /* Keep the md5 checksum here. */ +md5hash(trashFileName,md5); +char *hexMd5 = md5ToHex(md5); +char *base64Md5 = base64Encode((char*)md5, 16); + + +char *s3UploadUrl = gsUploadUrl(gsToken, user, fileName, fSize, base64Md5, contentType); + +char *s3Response = gsS3Upload(s3UploadUrl, trashFileName, fSize, base64Md5, hexMd5, contentType, TRUE, fileName); + +if (sameString(s3Response,"")) + { + // Reset global flags before drawing brand new page + webHeadAlreadyOutputed = FALSE; + webInTextMode = FALSE; + includedResourceFiles = NULL; + htmlWarnBoxSetUpAlready=FALSE; + htmlOpen("Uploaded Output to GenomeSpace"); + + printf("Name: %s
\n", fileName); + printf("Size: %s
\n", nicenumber); + printf("Output has been successfully uploaded.
\n"); + printf("
"); + printf("
\n" + "
\n" + , hgtaDoMainPage); + htmlClose(); + fflush(stdout); + } + +//printf("s3UploadUrl [%s]", s3UploadUrl); +//printf("
"); +//printf("s3Response [%s]", s3Response); +//printf("
"); + +exit(0); // CANNOT RETURN + +}