32a46e05bd31da5ea089068f17ed650dfd98a0b1 katrina Wed Aug 6 07:53:33 2014 -0700 removing extra '</TD>' that I accidentally added, thanks Hiram diff --git src/hg/htdocs/indexNews.html src/hg/htdocs/indexNews.html index ef6905c..048a902 100755 --- src/hg/htdocs/indexNews.html +++ src/hg/htdocs/indexNews.html @@ -1,134 +1,134 @@ <!-- News Section ============================================- --> <TABLE WIDTH="100%" BGCOLOR="#888888" BORDER="0" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="1"> <TR><TD> <TABLE BGCOLOR="#fffee8" WIDTH="100%" BORDER="0" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="0"> <TR><TD> <TABLE BGCOLOR="#D9E4F8" BACKGROUND="images/hr.gif" WIDTH="100%" BORDER=0> <TR><TD> <!--cheap trick to get background on row to be continuous--> <TABLE CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 WIDTH="100%"> <TR><TD ALIGN="left"> <font size="4"><a name="TOC"></a><b> News</b></font><a href="http://www.twitter.com/GenomeBrowser" target="_blank"><img src="http://twitter-badges.s3.amazonaws.com/t_small-a.png" title="Follow GenomeBrowser on Twitter" style="vertical-align:text-bottom; margin-left: 15px;"></a> <a title="Genome Browser Facebook page" href="http://www.facebook.com/ucscGenomeBrowser" target="_blank"><img src="/images/FB-f-Logo__blue_22.jpg" style="vertical-align:text-bottom; margin-left: 15px;"></a> - </TD></TD> + </TD> <TD ALIGN="right"><A HREF="goldenPath/newsarch.html"><IMG SRC="images/news.jpg" ALT="" ALIGN="right" BORDER=0></A> </TD></TR></TABLE> </TD></TR></TABLE> <TABLE BGCOLOR="#fffee8" WIDTH="100%" CELLPADDING=0> <TR><TH HEIGHT=3></TH></TR> <TR><TD WIDTH=10></TD> <TD> <P> To receive announcements of new genome assembly releases, new software features, updates and training seminars by email, subscribe to the <A HREF="http://groups.google.com/a/soe.ucsc.edu/group/genome-announce?hl=en" TARGET=_blank>genome-announce</A> mailing list.</P> <!-- start news --> <hr> <font face="courier" size="3"><b>30 July 2014 - New Rat (rn6) Assembly Now Available in the Genome Browser</b> </font> </p> <p> We are excited to announce the release of a Genome Browser for the July 2014 assembly of rat, <em>Rattus norvegicus</em> (RGSC Rnor_6.0, UCSC version rn6)! This assembly is provided by the Rat Genome Sequencing Consortium, which is comprised of eight research organizations across the United States and Canada and led by the <a href="https://www.hgsc.bcm.edu/" target="_blank">Baylor College of Medicine</a>. The new RGSC Rnor_6.0 assembly contains a new, partially assembled Y chromosome as well as improvements to other regions of the genome. You can find more information on the RGSC's efforts to sequence rat genome on the Baylor College of Medicine's <a href="https://www.hgsc.bcm.edu/other-mammals/rat-genome-project" target="_blank">project page</a>. </p> <p> Bulk downloads of the sequence and annotation data are available via the Genome Browser <a href="ftp://hgdownload.cse.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/rn6/">FTP server</a> or the <a href="http://hgdownload.cse.ucsc.edu/downloads.html#rat">Downloads</a> page. These data have <a href="../goldenPath/credits.html#rat_use">specific conditions for use</a>. The rat (rn6) browser annotation tracks were generated by UCSC and collaborators worldwide. See the <a href="../goldenPath/credits.html#rat_credits">Credits</a> page for a detailed list of the organizations and individuals who contributed to this release. </p> <hr> <p> <font face="courier" size="3"><b> 15 July 2014 - New Shrew (sorAra2) Assembly Now Available in the Genome Browser</b> </font> </p> <p> We are pleased to announce the release of a Genome Browser for the August 2008 assembly of shrew, <em>Sorex araneus</em> (Broad SorAra2.0, UCSC version sorAra2). The whole genome shotgun assembly was provided by <a href="http://www.broadinstitute.org/" target="_blank">The Broad Institute</a>. There are 12,845 scaffolds with a total size of 2,423,158,183 bases. </p> <p> Bulk downloads of the sequence and annotation data are available via the Genome Browser <a href="ftp://hgdownload.cse.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/sorAra2/">FTP server</a> or the <a href="http://hgdownload.cse.ucsc.edu/downloads.html#shrew">Downloads</a> page. These data have <a href="/goldenPath/credits.html#shrew_credits">specific conditions for use</a>. The shrew (sorAra2) browser annotation tracks were generated by UCSC and collaborators worldwide. See the <a href="/goldenPath/credits.html#shrew_credits">Credits</a> page for a detailed list of the organizations and individuals who contributed to this release. </p> <hr> <!-- staged for archive use. NOTE: condense header line from .... </b></font><p> to </b>: </font> <p> <font face="courier" size="3"><b>30 July 2014 - New Rat (rn6) Assembly Now Available in the Genome Browser</b>:</font> We are excited to announce the release of a Genome Browser for the July 2014 assembly of rat, <em>Rattus norvegicus</em> (RGSC Rnor_6.0, UCSC version rn6)! </p> <p> <font face="courier" size="3"><b> 15 July 2014 - New Shrew (sorAra2) Assembly Now Available in the Genome Browser</b>: </font> We are pleased to announce the release of a Genome Browser for the August 2008 assembly of shrew, <em>Sorex araneus</em> (Broad SorAra2.0, UCSC version sorAra2). <a href="goldenPath/newsarch.html#071514">Read more</a>. </p> --> <!-- start archives --> <p> <font face="courier" size="3"><b> 15 July 2014 - New Pika (ochPri3) Assembly Now Available in the Genome Browser</b>: </font> We are pleased to announce the release of a Genome Browser for the May 2012 assembly of pika, <em>Ochotona princeps</em> (Broad OchPri3.0, UCSC version ochPri3). <a href="goldenPath/newsarch.html#071514">Read more</a>. </p> <p> <font face="courier" size="3"><b> 19 June 2014 - Conservation Track Released for Rat (rn5)</b>: </font> We have released a new Conservation track based on the rat (rn5) assembly. <a href="goldenPath/newsarch.html#061914">Read more</a>. </p> </TD><TD WIDTH=15> </TD></TR></TABLE> <BR></TD></TR></TABLE> </TD></TR></TABLE>