  Fri Jul 25 10:59:26 2014 -0700
correct formatting on single statement if() statements refs #9741
diff --git src/hg/hgTracks/joinedRmskTrack.c src/hg/hgTracks/joinedRmskTrack.c
index a1f79ec..d1aead8 100644
--- src/hg/hgTracks/joinedRmskTrack.c
+++ src/hg/hgTracks/joinedRmskTrack.c
@@ -269,37 +269,33 @@
 	    crChromEnd = ext->end;
 	    while (rm)
 		ext = getExtents (rm);
 		rmChromStart = ext->start;
 		rmChromEnd = ext->end;
 		if (rmChromStart > crChromEnd)
 		    cr->next = rm;
 		    cr = rm;
 		    crChromStart = rmChromStart;
 		    crChromEnd = rmChromEnd;
 		    if (prev)
-			{
 			prev->next = rm->next;
-			}
-			{
 			detailList = rm->next;
-			}
 		    rm = rm->next;
 		    cr->next = NULL;
 		    // Save for a lower level
 		    prev = rm;
 		    rm = rm->next;
 		}		// while ( rm )
 	    }			// while ( detailList )
 	// Create Hash Entry
 	hashReplace (subTracksHash, tg->table, st);
 	}			// if ( st )
@@ -313,54 +309,49 @@
 static char * jRepeatName (struct track *tg, void *item)
 /* Return name of jRepeat item track. */
 static char empty = '\0';
 struct repeatItem *ri = item;
    * In detail view mode the items represent different packing
    * levels.  No need to display a label at each level.  Instead
    * Just return a label for the first level.
 if (tg->limitedVis == tvFull && winBaseCount <= DETAIL_VIEW_MAX_SCALE)
     if (strcmp (ri->className, "SINE") == 0)
-	{
 	return ("Repeats");
-	}
-	{
 	return &empty;
-    }
 return ri->className;
 int jRepeatTotalHeight (struct track *tg, enum trackVisibility vis)
   // Are we in full view mode and at the scale needed to display
   // the detail view?
 if (tg->limitedVis == tvFull && winBaseCount <= DETAIL_VIEW_MAX_SCALE)
     // Lookup the depth of this subTrack and report it
     struct subTrack *st = hashFindVal (subTracksHash, tg->table);
     if (st)
         return ((st->levelCount + 1) * 24);
-    // Just display one line
-    return (24);
+        return (24);	// Just display one line
 return tgFixedTotalHeightNoOverflow (tg, vis);
 int jRepeatItemHeight (struct track *tg, void *item)
   // Are we in full view mode and at the scale needed to display
   // the detail view?
 if (tg->limitedVis == tvFull && winBaseCount <= DETAIL_VIEW_MAX_SCALE)
     return 24;
     return tgFixedItemHeight (tg, item);
@@ -389,32 +380,30 @@
 int cx1 = x1;
 int cx2;
 char lenLabel[20];
 safef (lenLabel, sizeof (lenLabel), "%d", unalignedLen);
 MgFont *font = tl.font;
 int fontHeight = tl.fontHeight;
 int stringWidth = mgFontStringWidth (font, lenLabel) + LABEL_PADDING;
 int glyphWidth = x2 - x1;
 if (glyphWidth < stringWidth + 6 + (2 * dashLen))
     stringWidth = 0;
 int midX = ((glyphWidth) / 2) + x1;
 int startHash = midX - (stringWidth * 0.5);
 int midPointDrawn = 0;
      Degrade Gracefully:
      * Too little space to draw dashes or even
      * hash marks, give up.
 if (glyphWidth < 6 + dashLen)
     hvGfxLine (hvg, x1, y, x2, y, lineColor);
 if (glyphWidth < 6 + (2 * dashLen))
@@ -1123,33 +1112,32 @@
    * was:
    * int heightPer = tg->heightPer;
 int heightPer = jRepeatItemHeight (tg, NULL);
 boolean isFull = (vis == tvFull);
 struct rmskJoined *rm;
   // If we are in full view mode and the scale is sufficient,
   // display the new visualization.
 if (isFull && baseWidth <= DETAIL_VIEW_MAX_SCALE)
     int level = yOff;
     struct subTrack *st = hashFindVal (subTracksHash, tg->table);
     if (!st)
-	{
-	}
     int lidx = st->levelCount;
     int currLevel = 0;
     for (currLevel = 0; currLevel < lidx; currLevel++)
 	rm = st->levels[currLevel];
 	while (rm)
 	    drawRMGlyph (hvg, level, heightPer, width, baseWidth, xOff, rm);
 	    char statusLine[128];
 	    int ss1 = roundingScale (rm->alignStart - winStart,
 				     width, baseWidth) + xOff;
 	    safef (statusLine, sizeof (statusLine), "%s", rm->name);