  Mon Jul 28 15:33:49 2014 -0700
When showing SNPs' alleles on the reference genome + strand, if the userclicks "reverse" (revCmplDisp) show them on the - strand like other
base displays (Base Position track, pgSnp/VCF, multiz).  refs #13694

diff --git src/hg/hgTracks/variation.c src/hg/hgTracks/variation.c
index 4b85511..bcfac14 100644
--- src/hg/hgTracks/variation.c
+++ src/hg/hgTracks/variation.c
@@ -497,31 +497,31 @@
 	dyStringPrintf(dy, "%s", al);
     dyStringPrintf(dy, "%s", observedAlleles);
 return dyStringCannibalize(&dy);
 static void setSnp125ExtendedNameObserved(struct snp125 *snpList, boolean useRefStrand)
 /* Append observed alleles to each snp's name, possibly reverse-complementing alleles
  * that were reported on the - strand. */
 struct snp125 *snpItem = snpList;
 for (;  snpItem != NULL;  snpItem = snpItem->next)
-    boolean doRc = useRefStrand && snpItem->strand[0] == '-';
+    boolean doRc = useRefStrand && ((snpItem->strand[0] == '-') ^ revCmplDisp);
     snpItem->name = snp125ExtendName(snpItem->name, NULL, snpItem->observed, doRc);
 void setSnp125ExtendedNameExtra(struct track *tg)
 /* add extra text to be drawn in snp name field.  This works by
    walking through two sorted lists and updating the name value
    for the SNP list with data from a table of orthologous state
    information */
 char cartVar[512];
 safef(cartVar, sizeof(cartVar), "%s.extendedNames", tg->tdb->track);
 boolean enabled = cartUsualBoolean(cart, cartVar,
 			  // Check old cart var name for backwards compatibility w/ old sessions:
 				   cartUsualBoolean(cart, "snp125ExtendedNames", FALSE));
@@ -555,31 +555,31 @@
     if (orthoItem)
         slAddHead(&orthoItemList, orthoItem);
 /* List of SNPs is already sorted, so sort list of Ortho info */
 slSort(&orthoItemList, snpOrthoCmp);
 /* Walk through two sorted lists together */
 struct snp125 *snpItem = tg->items;
 orthoItem = orthoItemList;
 while (snpItem!=NULL && orthoItem!=NULL)
     /* check to see that we're not at the end of either list and that
      * the two list elements represent the same human position */
     cmp = snpOrthoCmp(&snpItem, &orthoItem);
-    boolean doRc = useRefStrand && snpItem->strand[0] == '-';
+    boolean doRc = useRefStrand && ((snpItem->strand[0] == '-') ^ revCmplDisp) ;
     if (cmp < 0)
 	// Update snp->name with observed alleles even if we don't have ortho data
 	snpItem->name = snp125ExtendName(snpItem->name, NULL, snpItem->observed, doRc);
 	snpItem = snpItem->next;
     if (cmp > 0)
 	orthoItem = orthoItem->next;
     /* update the snp->name with the ortho data */
     snpItem->name = snp125ExtendName(snpItem->name, orthoItem->chimp, snpItem->observed, doRc);
     /* increment the list pointers */