  Wed Jul 30 14:44:14 2014 -0700
Added jsMakeSetClearContainer / jsEndContainer to jsHelper.c, and apppliedthem to a couple long lists of checkboxes in hgVai.  While at it, I moved
jsHelper.c's javascript-inlined-in-HTML out to a new .js file, jsHelper.js.

diff --git src/hg/lib/jsHelper.c src/hg/lib/jsHelper.c
index 0e9701a..9914549 100644
--- src/hg/lib/jsHelper.c
+++ src/hg/lib/jsHelper.c
@@ -27,140 +27,43 @@
  * We accomplish this by maintaining two forms - a mainForm and a
  * hiddenForm.  The hiddenForm maintains echo's of all the variables
  * in the main form, which get updated onChange of controls that need
  * to 'ripple' to other controls.  The onChange also submits the
  * control. */
 void jsInit()
 /* If this is the first call, set window.onload to the operations
  * performed upon loading a page and print supporting javascript.
  * Currently this just sets the page vertical position if specified on
  * CGI, and also calls jsWriteFunctions.
  * Subsequent calls do nothing, so this can be called many times. */
 if (! jsInited)
-    puts(
-"<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=\"jsh_pageVertPos\" VALUE=0>\n"
-"<script language=\"javascript\">\n"
-"// f_scrollTop and f_filterResults taken from\n"
-"// http://www.softcomplex.com/docs/get_window_size_and_scrollbar_position.html\n"
-"function f_scrollTop() {\n"
-"	return f_filterResults (\n"
-"		window.pageYOffset ? window.pageYOffset : 0,\n"
-"		document.documentElement ? document.documentElement.scrollTop : 0,\n"
-"		document.body ? document.body.scrollTop : 0\n"
-"	);\n"
-"function f_filterResults(n_win, n_docel, n_body) {\n"
-"	var n_result = n_win ? n_win : 0;\n"
-"	if (n_docel && (!n_result || (n_result > n_docel)))\n"
-"		n_result = n_docel;\n"
-"	return n_body && (!n_result || (n_result > n_body)) ? n_body : n_result;\n"
+    // jsh_pageVertPos trick taken from
+    // http://www.softcomplex.com/docs/get_window_size_and_scrollbar_position.html
+    puts("<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=\"jsh_pageVertPos\" VALUE=0>");
     int pos = cgiOptionalInt("jsh_pageVertPos", 0);
     if (pos > 0)
-	printf("\n<script language=\"javascript\">"
+	printf("<script language=\"javascript\">"
 	       "window.onload = function () { window.scrollTo(0, %d); }"
 	       "</script>\n", pos);
-    jsWriteFunctions();
     jsInited = TRUE;
+    jsIncludeFile("jsHelper.js", NULL);
-void jsWriteFunctions()
-/* Write out Javascript functions. */
-"function setRadioCheck(varName, value) \n"
-"var len = document.mainForm.elements.length;\n"
-"var i = 0;\n"
-"for (i = 0; i < len; i++) \n"
-"    {\n"
-"    if (document.mainForm.elements[i].name == varName) \n"
-"	{\n"
-"	if (document.mainForm.elements[i].value == value)\n"
-"	    document.mainForm.elements[i].checked = true;\n"
-"	else\n"
-"	    document.mainForm.elements[i].checked = false;\n"
-"	}\n"
-"    }\n"
-"function getKeyCode(e)\n"
-"if (window.event) // IE\n"
-"    {\n"
-"    return e.keyCode;\n"
-"    }\n"
-"else \n"
-"    {\n"
-"    return e.which;\n"
-"    }\n"
-"function getKey(e)\n"
-"return String.fromCharCode(getKeyCode(e));\n"
-"function gotEnterKey(e)\n"
-"return getKeyCode(e) == 13;\n"
-"var submitted = false;\n"
-"function submitOnEnter(e,f)\n"
-"   {\n"
-"   if (!submitted)\n"
-"      {\n"
-"      submitted = true;\n"
-"      f.submit();\n"
-"      }\n"
-"   return false;\n"
-"   }\n"
-"   return true;\n"
-"function noSubmitOnEnter(e)\n"
-"return !gotEnterKey(e);\n"
-"function pressOnEnter(e, button)\n"
-"if (gotEnterKey(e))\n"
-"    {\n"
-"    button.click();\n"
-"    return false;\n"
-"    }\n"
-"    {\n"
-"    return true;\n"
-"    }\n"
 struct dyString *jsOnChangeStart()
 /* Start up an onChange string */
 struct dyString *dy = dyStringNew(1024);
 dyStringAppend(dy, "onChange=\"");
 return dy;
 char *jsOnChangeEnd(struct dyString **pDy)
 /* Finish up javascript onChange command. */
 dyStringAppend(*pDy, "document.hiddenForm.submit();\"");
 return dyStringCannibalize(pDy);
@@ -264,30 +167,47 @@
       "document.%s.jsh_pageVertPos.value = f_scrollTop(); ", form);
 return vertPosSet;
 void jsMakeCheckboxGroupSetClearButton(char *buttonVar, boolean isSet)
 /* Make a button for setting or clearing a set of checkboxes with the same name.
  * Uses only javascript to change the checkboxes, no resubmit. */
 char javascript[256];
 safef(javascript, sizeof(javascript), "var list = document.getElementsByName('%s'); "
       "for (var ix = 0; ix < list.length; ix++) {list[ix].checked = %s}", buttonVar,
       isSet ? "true" : "false");
 cgiMakeOnClickButton(javascript, isSet ? JS_SET_ALL_BUTTON_LABEL : JS_CLEAR_ALL_BUTTON_LABEL);
+void jsMakeSetClearContainer()
+/* Begin a wrapper div with class setClearContainer, plus 'Set all' and 'Clear all' buttons.
+ * This should be followed by a bunch of checkboxes, and then a call to jsEndContainer. */
+puts("<div class=\"setClearContainer\">\n"
+     "<input type=button value=\""JS_SET_ALL_BUTTON_LABEL"\" title=\"Check all checkboxes\">\n"
+     "<input type=button value=\""JS_CLEAR_ALL_BUTTON_LABEL"\" title=\"Uncheck all checkboxes\">\n"
+     "<br>"
+     );
+void jsEndContainer()
+/* End a wrapper div. */
 char *jsPressOnEnter(char *button)
 /* Returns a javascript statement that clicks button when the Enter key
  * has been pressed; typically this would go in a text input.
  * jsInit must be called first.
  * Do not free return value!  */
 if (! jsInited)
     errAbort("jsPressOnEnter: jsInit must be called first.");
 static char poe[2048];
 safef(poe, sizeof(poe), "return pressOnEnter(event, %s);", button);
 return poe;
 void jsIncludeFile(char *fileName, char *noScriptMsg)