  Mon Jul 28 15:37:04 2014 -0700
allow underbars in gff3.  Grok Is_circular.  #13673
diff --git src/inc/gff3.h src/inc/gff3.h
index dd28f6c..a047f14 100644
--- src/inc/gff3.h
+++ src/inc/gff3.h
@@ -108,30 +108,32 @@
     char *gap; /* The alignment of the feature to the target if the two are
                 * not collinear (e.g. contain gaps).  The alignment format is
                 * taken from the CIGAR format.  See "THE GAP ATTRIBUTE"
                 * section of GFF3 specification for a description of this
                 * format.*/
     char *derivesFromId; /* Used to disambiguate the relationship between one
                           * feature and another when the relationship is a
                           * temporal one rather than a purely structural "part
                           * of" one.  This is needed for polycistronic
                           * genes. */
     struct gff3Ann *derivesFrom; /* Object for derivesFromId */
     struct slName *notes;  /* free text notes. */
+    boolean isCircular;  /* is this item circular */
     struct slName *dbxrefs; /* database cross references. */
     struct slName *ontologyTerms; /* cross reference to ontology terms. */
     struct gff3Attr *attrs;  /* attributes, both user-define and spec-defined,
                                   * parsed into one or more values */
     struct gff3AnnRef *children;  /* child nodes */
     struct gff3SeqRegion *seqRegion;  /* start/end of sequence region, taken
                                        * from ##sequence-region records, or
                                        * NULL if not specified.*/
     struct gff3File *file;  /* file this record is associated with */
     int lineNum;            /* line number of record in file, or -1