Commits for kent
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v304_preview to v304_preview2 (2014-07-28 to 2014-08-04) v304
- Addressing Aravinda's concern with text about haplotype phasing being imputed.
- src/hg/lib/haplotypes.c - lines changed 3, context: html, text, full: html, text
- Adding idFile option to restrict action to files in list of IDs.
- src/hg/encode3/eap/eapSchedule/eapSchedule.c - lines changed 38, context: html, text, full: html, text
- Adding 'cen' prefix to what sponge filter takes out.
- src/hg/encode3/encodeDataWarehouse/utils/edwBamFilter/edwBamFilter.c - lines changed 2, context: html, text, full: html, text
- Adding option to do correlations between list of files, not just a pair.
- src/utils/bigWigCorrelate/bigWigCorrelate.c - lines changed 47, context: html, text, full: html, text
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