  Fri Aug 15 15:52:26 2014 -0700
do not copy in stderr background output if the file was already successfully uploaded
diff --git src/hg/hgTables/genomeSpace.c src/hg/hgTables/genomeSpace.c
index 73f0931..2031695 100644
--- src/hg/hgTables/genomeSpace.c
+++ src/hg/hgTables/genomeSpace.c
@@ -471,42 +471,45 @@
 int start;
 for (start=end; start >= 0 && ! (startsWith("<html>", lines[start]) || startsWith("<HTML>", lines[start])) ; --start)
     /* do nothing */ ;
 if (start < 0)
     htmlOpen("Background Status");
     errAbort("No html start tag found");
 puts("Content-Type: text/html\n");
 int line;
 boolean autoRefreshFound = FALSE;
+boolean successfullyUploaded = FALSE;
 for (line=start; line <= end; line++)
     if (startsWith("setTimeout(\"location = location;", lines[line]))
 	autoRefreshFound = TRUE;
+    if (startsWith("Output has been successfully uploaded", lines[line]))
+	successfullyUploaded = TRUE;
 // if it looks like the background is no longer running, 
 // include the .err stdout output for more informative problem message
 char urlErr[512];
 char *textErr = NULL;
 safef(urlErr, sizeof urlErr, "%s.err", url);
-if (!autoRefreshFound && (fileSize(urlErr) > 0))
+if (!autoRefreshFound && !successfullyUploaded && (fileSize(urlErr) > 0))
     readInGulp(urlErr, &textErr, NULL);
     printf("%s", textErr);
 #include "trashDir.h"
 // TODO move this to a generic re-usable location
 void startBackgroundWork(char *exec, char **pWorkUrl)
 /* deal with forking off child for background work
  * and setting up the trash file for communicating
  * from the child to the browser */
 char *workUrl = NULL;
 char hgsid[64];