  Wed Aug 20 16:37:22 2014 -0700
first cut at genePredToBigGenePred  refs #13681
diff --git src/hg/lib/bigGenePred.as src/hg/lib/bigGenePred.as
index aa9e52c..2ca3e23 100644
--- src/hg/lib/bigGenePred.as
+++ src/hg/lib/bigGenePred.as
@@ -1,25 +1,25 @@
 table bigGenePred
 "bigGenePred gene models"
    string chrom;       "Reference sequence chromosome or scaffold"
    uint   chromStart;  "Start position in chromosome"
    uint   chromEnd;    "End position in chromosome"
    string name;        "Name or ID of item, ideally both human readable and unique"
    uint score;         "Score (0-1000)"
    char[1] strand;     "+ or - for strand"
    uint thickStart;    "Start of where display should be thick (start codon)"
    uint thickEnd;      "End of where display should be thick (stop codon)"
-   uint itemRgb;       "RGB value encoded into hex: 00RRGGBB"
+   uint itemRgb;       "RGB value (use R,G,B string in input file)"
    int blockCount;     "Number of blocks"
    int[blockCount] blockSizes; "Comma separated list of block sizes"
    int[blockCount] chromStarts; "Start positions relative to chromStart"
    string name2;       "Alternative/human readable name"
    string cdsStartStat; "enum('none','unk','incmpl','cmpl')"
    string cdsEndStat;   "enum('none','unk','incmpl','cmpl')"
    int[blockCount] exonFrames; "Exon frame {0,1,2}, or -1 if no frame for exon"
    string type;        "Transcript type"
    string geneName;    "Primary identifier for gene"
    string geneName2;   "Alternative/human readable gene name"
    string geneType;    "Gene type"