  Sun Sep 14 14:45:37 2014 -0700
some tweaks to support the Ebola skunk project
diff --git src/lib/gff3.c src/lib/gff3.c
index 3a10491..c2cc424 100644
--- src/lib/gff3.c
+++ src/lib/gff3.c
@@ -316,31 +316,31 @@
 g3a->seqid = unescapeStrPooled(g3a, words[0]);
 g3a->source = unescapeStrPooled(g3a, words[1]);
 g3a->type = unescapeStrPooled(g3a, words[2]);
 g3a->start = gff3FileStrToInt(g3a->file, words[3])-1;
 g3a->end = gff3FileStrToInt(g3a->file, words[4]);
 if (!sameString(words[5], "."))
     g3a->score = gff3FileStrToFloat(g3a->file, words[5]);
     g3a->haveScore = TRUE;
 g3a->strand = parseStrand(g3a, words[6]);
 g3a->phase = parsePhase(g3a, words[7]);
 if (sameString(g3a->type, "CDS"))
     if (g3a->phase < 0)
-        gff3AnnErr(g3a, "CDS feature must have phase");
+	g3a->phase = 0;  // assume the phase is 0
 #if 0 // spec unclear; bug report filed
     // spec currently doesn't restrict phase, unclear if it's allowed on start/stop codon features
     if (g3a->phase >= 0)
         gff3AnnErr(g3a, "phase only allowed on CDS features");
 /* check that an attribute tag name is valid. */
 static boolean checkAttrTag(struct gff3Ann *g3a, char *tag)
 // FIXME: spec is not clear on what is a valid tag.
@@ -808,30 +808,31 @@
 else if (startsWithWord("##sequence-region", line))
     parseSequenceRegion(g3f, line);
 else if (startsWithWord("##feature-ontology", line))
     parseFeatureOntology(g3f, line);
 else if (startsWithWord("##attribute-ontology", line))
     parseAttributeOntology(g3f, line);
 else if (startsWithWord("##source-ontology", line))
     parseSourceOntology(g3f, line);
 else if (startsWithWord("##species", line))
     parseSpecies(g3f, line);
 else if (startsWithWord("##genome-build", line))
     parseGenomeBuild(g3f, line);
 else if (startsWithWord("##gff-spec-version", line) ||
          startsWithWord("##source-version", line) ||
+         startsWithWord("##source", line) ||
          startsWithWord("##date", line) ||
          startsWithWord("##Type", line))
     ;  /* FIXME: silently ignore these.  Mark says. */
     gff3FileErr(g3f, "invalid meta line: %s", line);
 static void parseLine(struct gff3File *g3f, char *line)
 /* parse one line of a gff3 file */
 if (startsWith("##", line))
     parseMeta(g3f, line);
 else if (!startsWith("#", line) && (strlen(line) > 0))
     parseAnn(g3f, line);