57d12692815c7c7eca4915efd3be0b6c21358702 braney Thu Sep 25 18:17:32 2014 -0700 add a mode to mafGene that let's it put out a unique character for eachcodon. diff --git src/inc/dnautil.h src/inc/dnautil.h index 7282d43..2a9b15f 100644 --- src/inc/dnautil.h +++ src/inc/dnautil.h @@ -1,268 +1,270 @@ /* Some stuff that you'll likely need in any program that works with * DNA. Includes stuff for amino acids as well. * * Assumes that DNA is stored as a character. * The DNA it generates will include the bases * as lowercase tcag. It will generally accept * uppercase as well, and also 'n' or 'N' or '-' * for unknown bases. * * Amino acids are stored as single character upper case. * * This file is copyright 2002 Jim Kent, but license is hereby * granted for all use - public, private or commercial. */ #ifndef DNAUTIL_H #define DNAUTIL_H void dnaUtilOpen(); /* Good idea to call this before using any arrays * here. */ /* Numerical values for bases. */ #define T_BASE_VAL 0 #define U_BASE_VAL 0 #define C_BASE_VAL 1 #define A_BASE_VAL 2 #define G_BASE_VAL 3 #define N_BASE_VAL 4 /* Used in 1/2 byte representation. */ typedef char DNA; typedef char AA; typedef char BIOPOL; /* Biological polymer. */ /* A little array to help us decide if a character is a * nucleotide, and if so convert it to lower case. * Contains zeroes for characters that aren't used * in DNA sequence. */ extern DNA ntChars[256]; extern AA aaChars[256]; /* An array that converts alphabetical DNA representation * to numerical one: X_BASE_VAL as above. For charaters * other than [atgcATGC], has -1. */ extern int ntVal[256]; extern int aaVal[256]; extern int ntValLower[256]; /* NT values only for lower case. */ extern int ntValUpper[256]; /* NT values only for upper case. */ /* Like ntVal, but with T_BASE_VAL in place of -1 for nonexistent nucleotides. */ extern int ntValNoN[256]; /* Like ntVal but with N_BASE_VAL in place of -1 for 'n', 'x', '-', etc. */ extern int ntVal5[256]; /* Inverse array - takes X_BASE_VAL int to a DNA char * value. */ extern DNA valToNt[]; /* Similar array that doesn't convert to lower case. */ extern DNA ntMixedCaseChars[256]; /* Another array to help us do complement of DNA */ extern DNA ntCompTable[256]; /* Arrays to convert between lower case indicating repeat masking, and * a 1/2 byte representation where the 4th bit indicates if the characeter * is masked. Uses N_BASE_VAL for `n', `x', etc. */ #define MASKED_BASE_BIT 8 extern int ntValMasked[256]; extern DNA valToNtMasked[256]; /*Complement DNA (not reverse)*/ void complement(DNA *dna, long length); /* Reverse complement DNA. */ void reverseComplement(DNA *dna, long length); /* Reverse offset - return what will be offset (0 based) to * same member of array after array is reversed. */ long reverseOffset(long offset, long arraySize); /* Switch start/end (zero based half open) coordinates * to opposite strand. */ void reverseIntRange(int *pStart, int *pEnd, int size); /* Switch start/end (zero based half open) coordinates * to opposite strand. */ void reverseUnsignedRange(unsigned *pStart, unsigned *pEnd, int size); char *reverseComplementSlashSeparated(char *alleleStr); /* Given a slash-separated series of sequences (a common representation of variant alleles), * returns a slash-sep series with the reverse complement of each sequence (if it is a * nucleotide sequence), also reversing the order of sequences. */ enum dnaCase {dnaUpper,dnaLower,dnaMixed,}; /* DNA upper, lower, or mixed case? */ /* Convert T's to U's */ void toRna(DNA *dna); int cmpDnaStrings(DNA *a, DNA *b); /* Compare using screwy non-alphabetical DNA order TCGA */ typedef char Codon; /* Our codon type. */ /* Return single letter code (upper case) for protein. * Returns X for bad input, 0 for stop codon. * The "Standard" Code */ AA lookupCodon(DNA *dna); +AA lookupUniqCodon(DNA *dna); + boolean isStopCodon(DNA *dna); /* Return TRUE if it's a stop codon. */ boolean isKozak(char *dna, int dnaSize, int pos); /* Return TRUE if it's a Kozak compatible start, using a relatively * weak definition (either A/G 3 bases before or G after) . */ boolean isReallyStopCodon(char *dna, boolean selenocysteine); /* Return TRUE if it's really a stop codon, even considering * possibilility of selenocysteine. */ /* Returns one letter code for protein, * 0 for stop codon or X for bad input, * Vertebrate Mitochondrial Code */ AA lookupMitoCodon(DNA *dna); Codon codonVal(DNA *start); /* Return value from 0-63 of codon starting at start. * Returns -1 if not a codon. */ DNA *valToCodon(int val); /* Return codon corresponding to val (0-63) */ extern char *aaAbbr(int i); /* return pointer to AA abbrevation */ extern char aaLetter(int i); /* return AA letter */ void dnaTranslateSome(DNA *dna, char *out, int outSize); /* Translate DNA upto a stop codon or until outSize-1 amino acids, * whichever comes first. Output will be zero terminated. */ char *skipIgnoringDash(char *a, int size, bool skipTrailingDash); /* Count size number of characters, and any * dash characters. */ int countNonDash(char *a, int size); /* Count number of non-dash characters. */ int nextPowerOfFour(long x); /* Return next power of four that would be greater or equal to x. * For instance if x < 4, return 1, if x < 16 return 2.... * (From biological point of view how many bases are needed to * code this number.) */ long dnaFilteredSize(char *rawDna); /* Return how long DNA will be after non-DNA is filtered out. */ long aaFilteredSize(char *rawDna); /* Return how long peptide will be after non-peptide is filtered out. */ void dnaFilter(char *in, DNA *out); /* Filter out non-DNA characters. */ void aaFilter(char *in, DNA *out); /* Filter out non-peptide characters. */ void dnaFilterToN(char *in, DNA *out); /* Change all non-DNA characters to N. */ void upperToN(char *s, int size); /* Turn upper case letters to N's. */ void lowerToN(char *s, int size); /* Turn lower case letters to N's. */ void dnaBaseHistogram(DNA *dna, int dnaSize, int histogram[4]); /* Count up frequency of occurance of each base and store * results in histogram. Use X_BASE_VAL to index histogram. */ void dnaMixedCaseFilter(char *in, DNA *out); /* Filter out non-DNA characters but leave case intact. */ bits64 basesToBits64(char *dna, int size); /* Convert dna of given size (up to 32) to binary representation */ bits32 packDna16(DNA *in); /* pack 16 bases into a word */ bits16 packDna8(DNA *in); /* Pack 8 bases into a short word */ UBYTE packDna4(DNA *in); /* Pack 4 bases into a UBYTE */ void unpackDna(bits32 *tiles, int tileCount, DNA *out); /* Unpack DNA. Expands to 16x tileCount in output. */ void unpackDna4(UBYTE *tiles, int byteCount, DNA *out); /* Unpack DNA. Expands to 4x byteCount in output. */ void unalignedUnpackDna(bits32 *tiles, int start, int size, DNA *unpacked); /* Unpack into out, even though not starting/stopping on tile * boundaries. */ int intronOrientationMinSize(DNA *iStart, DNA *iEnd, int minIntronSize); /* Given a gap in genome from iStart to iEnd, return * Return 1 for GT/AG intron between left and right, -1 for CT/AC, 0 for no * intron. */ int intronOrientation(DNA *iStart, DNA *iEnd); /* Given a gap in genome from iStart to iEnd, return * Return 1 for GT/AG intron between left and right, -1 for CT/AC, 0 for no * intron. Assumes minIntronSize of 32. */ int dnaScore2(DNA a, DNA b); /* Score match between two bases (relatively crudely). */ int dnaScoreMatch(DNA *a, DNA *b, int size); /* Compare two pieces of DNA base by base. Total mismatches are * subtracted from total matches and returned as score. 'N's * neither hurt nor help score. */ int aaScore2(AA a, AA b); /* Score match between two bases (relatively crudely). */ int aaScoreMatch(AA *a, AA *b, int size); /* Compare two peptides aa by aa. */ int dnaOrAaScoreMatch(char *a, char *b, int size, int matchScore, int mismatchScore, char ignore); /* Compare two sequences (without inserts or deletions) and score. */ void writeSeqWithBreaks(FILE *f, char *letters, int letterCount, int maxPerLine); /* Write out letters with newlines every maxLine. */ int tailPolyASizeLoose(DNA *dna, int size); /* Return size of PolyA at end (if present). This allows a few non-A's as * noise to be trimmed too, but skips first two aa for taa stop codon. * It is less conservative in extending the polyA region than maskTailPolyA. */ int headPolyTSizeLoose(DNA *dna, int size); /* Return size of PolyT at start (if present). This allows a few non-T's as * noise to be trimmed too, but skips last two tt for revcomp'd taa stop * codon. * It is less conservative in extending the polyA region than maskHeadPolyT. */ int maskTailPolyA(DNA *dna, int size); /* Convert PolyA at end to n. This allows a few non-A's as noise to be * trimmed too. Returns number of bases trimmed. */ int maskHeadPolyT(DNA *dna, int size); /* Convert PolyT at start. This allows a few non-T's as noise to be * trimmed too. Returns number of bases trimmed. */ boolean isDna(char *poly, int size); /* Return TRUE if letters in poly are at least 90% ACGTNU- */ boolean isAllDna(char *poly, int size); /* Return TRUE if size is great than 1 and all letters in poly are 100% ACGTNU- */ boolean isAllNt(char *seq, int size); /* Return TRUE if all letters in seq are ACGTNU-. */ #endif /* DNAUTIL_H */