  Thu Sep 25 01:22:04 2014 -0700
moving small tools into utils directory
diff --git src/utils/uniprotLift/uniprotLift src/utils/uniprotLift/uniprotLift
deleted file mode 100755
index ba6b395..0000000
--- src/utils/uniprotLift/uniprotLift
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,316 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python2.7
-# a script to lift uniprot mutations/annotations created by the publications uniprot parser
-# to a DB and create two bigbed files for them
-from os.path import join, isfile
-from os import system
-from collections import defaultdict, namedtuple
-# import the publications libraries
-import sys, gzip, optparse, logging,re
-import maxCommon
-# Globals  ---
-DEBUG = False
-pmidBlackList = set(["17344846", "15489334", "16959974", "14702039", "17974005"])
-removeTypes = set(["helix", "strand", "beta", "turn", "signal"])
-# by default, only output identifiers, not html links to them
-# html links are good for custom tracks
-# identifers are good for local spMut tracks
-createLinks = False
-urls = {"var": "http://web.expasy.org/cgi-bin/variant_pages/get-sprot-variant.pl?",
-        "uniProt" : "http://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/",
-        "pubmed" : "http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/"
-        }
-# -------------
-def iterTsvRows(inFile,encoding="utf8", fieldSep="\t", isGzip=False):
-    """ 
-        parses tab-sep file with headers as field names 
-        yields collection.namedtuples
-        strips "#"-prefix from header line
-    """
-    fh = inFile
-    line1 = fh.readline()
-    line1 = line1.strip("\n").strip("#")
-    headers = line1.split(fieldSep)
-    headers = [re.sub("[^a-zA-Z0-9_]","_", h) for h in headers]
-    Record = namedtuple('tsvRec', headers)
-    for line in fh:
-        line = line.rstrip("\n")
-        fields = line.split(fieldSep)
-        if encoding!=None:
-            fields = [f.decode(encoding) for f in fields]
-        try:
-            rec = Record(*fields)
-        except Exception, msg:
-            logging.error("Exception occured while parsing line, %s" % msg)
-            logging.error("Filename %s" % fh.name)
-            logging.error("Line was: %s" % line)
-            logging.error("Does number of fields match headers?")
-            logging.error("Headers are: %s" % headers)
-            raise Exception("wrong field count in line %s" % line)
-        # convert fields to correct data type
-        yield rec
-def htmlLink(urlType, accs):
-    if createLinks:
-        strList = []
-        for acc in accs:
-            strList.append('<a href="%s%s">%s</a>' % (urls[urlType], acc, acc))
-        return ", ".join(strList)
-    else:
-        return ",".join(accs)
-def run(cmd):
-    if DEBUG:
-        print "running", cmd
-    ret = system(cmd)
-    if ret!=0:
-        print "Could not run %s" % cmd
-        sys.exit(1)
-threeToOne = \
-    {'Cys': 'C', 'Asp': 'D', 'Ser': 'S', 'Gln': 'Q', 'Lys': 'K',
-     'Ile': 'I', 'Pro': 'P', 'Thr': 'T', 'Phe': 'F', 'Asn': 'N',
-     'Gly': 'G', 'His': 'H', 'Leu': 'L', 'Arg': 'R', 'Trp': 'W',
-     'Ala': 'A', 'Val':'V',  'Glu': 'E', 'Tyr': 'Y', 'Met': 'M',
-     'Sec': 'U' # very very rare amino acid (=stop codon)
-     }
-oneToThree = dict([[v,k] for k,v in threeToOne.items()])
-def aaToLong(seq):
-    " convert amino acid to three letter code "
-    res = []
-    for aa in seq:
-        longAa = oneToThree.get(aa, aa)
-        if longAa==aa:
-            print "unknown iupac", aa
-        res.append(longAa)
-    return "-".join(res)
-featTypeColors = {
-"modified residue" : "200,200,0",
-"transmembrane region" : "0,0,100",
-"glycosylation site" : "0,100,100",
-"disulfide bond" : "100,100,100",
-"topological domain" : "100,0,0"
-def makeBedLine(mut, bed, isMut):
-    disStatus = set([mut.disRelated for mut in muts])
-    comments = [mut.comment for mut in muts if mut.comment!=""]
-    # skip if it's not disease related 
-    #if not "disRelated" in disStatus and mut.featType=="sequence variant" \
-        #and len(comments)==0 and mut.disease=="":
-        #noInfoCount +=1
-    diseases = list(set([mut.disease for mut in muts if mut.disease!=""]))
-    disCodes = list(set([mut.disCode for mut in muts if mut.disCode!=""]))
-    acc = muts[0].acc
-    dbSnpIds = [mut.dbSnpId for mut in muts]
-    # set the bed name field to a disease, to the mutation or something else
-    if isMut and mut.origAa=="":
-        bed[3] = "%s-%s:del" % (mut.begin, mut.end)
-    else:
-        bed[3] = "%s->%s" % (mut.origAa, mut.mutAa)
-    disName = ",".join(disCodes)
-    if len(disName)>30:
-        disName = disName[:30]+"..."
-    if len(disCodes)>0 and not "strain" in disName:
-        bed[3] += " in %s" % disName
-    if mut.featType=="sequence variant":
-        varType = "Naturally occuring sequence variant"
-        bed[8] = "100,0,0"
-    elif mut.featType=="mutagenesis site":
-        varType = "Experimental mutation of amino acids"
-        bed[8] = "0,0,100"
-    else:
-        bed[3] = mut.shortFeatType
-        varType = mut.featType
-        bed[8] = featTypeColors.get(mut.featType, "0,0,0")
-    bed.append(varType)
-    if isMut:
-        bed.append(",".join(diseases))
-    if isMut:
-        # create description of mutation
-        if int(mut.end)-int(mut.begin)==1:
-            posStr = "position %s" % mut.begin
-        else:
-            posStr = "position %s-%s" % (mut.begin, mut.end)
-        if mut.origAa=="":
-            bed.append("%s, removal of amino acids" % (posStr))
-        else:
-            bed.append("%s, %s changed to %s" % \
-                (posStr, aaToLong(mut.origAa), aaToLong(mut.mutAa)))
-    else:
-        #  just position of feature
-        if int(mut.end)-int(mut.begin)==1:
-            posStr = "amino acid %s" % str(int(mut.begin)+1)
-        else:
-            posStr = "amino acids %s-%s" % (mut.begin, str(int(mut.end)-1))
-        posStr += " on protein %s" % mut.acc
-        bed.append(posStr)
-    comments = [com for com in comments if com.strip()!=""]
-    commentField = ", ".join(comments)
-    if len(diseases)!=0:
-        commentField = ",".join(diseases) + "; " + commentField
-    bed.append(commentField)
-    if isMut:
-        bed.append(htmlLink('var', varIds))
-        dbSnpIds = [id for id in dbSnpIds if id.strip()!=""]
-        bed.append(",".join(dbSnpIds))
-    bed.append(htmlLink('uniProt', [acc]))
-    bed.append(htmlLink('pubmed', pmids))
-    bed[5] = "."
-    bedLine = "\t".join(bed)+"\n"
-    return bedLine
-# ------ MAIN ------
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    parser = optparse.OptionParser("""usage: %prog [options] taxonId dbName liftPslFile - lift uniprot annotations to genome. 
-    Needs a mapping PSL from uniprot nucleotide coordinates to genome positions.
-    - for genomes with introns, makeLiftOver.sh from
-      src/hg/utils/uniprotMutations/makeUniProtToHg.sh creates one for hg19
-    - for a quicker rough version, create one with BLAT and -q=dnax folowed by
-      pslProtCnv 
-    Input uniprot files have to be created with the pubParseDb uniprot parser
-    """)
-    parser.add_option("", "--annot", dest="annot", action="store_true", help="lift other, non-variant annotations")
-    parser.add_option("-d", "", dest="debug", action="store_true", help="debug output")
-    parser.add_option("", "--filter", dest="filterAnnots", action="store_true", help="remove certain annotations that are not very useful, like helix,chain,beta, etc")
-    parser.add_option("-u", "--uniprotDir", dest="uniprotDir", action="store", help="uniprot parser directory, default %default", default="/hive/data/inside/pubs/parsedDbs")
-    (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
-    if options.debug:
-        DEBUG=True
-    taxonId, db, liftFname = args
-    mutData = defaultdict(list)
-    cmd = "rm -rf work; mkdir work"
-    run(cmd)
-    # create seq sizes for all uniprot sequences of this species
-    uniprotFa = join(options.uniprotDir, "uniprot.%s.fa" % taxonId)
-    uniprotFaGz = uniprotFa+".gz"
-    if not isfile(uniprotFa):
-        print "uncompressing uniprot gz fa"
-        open(uniprotFa, "w").write(gzip.open(uniprotFaGz).read())
-    if not isfile(uniprotFa):
-        raise Exception("Not found: %s" % uniprotFa)
-    print "writing nucleotide lengths of %s to %s" % (uniprotFa, "work/chromSizes")
-    cmd = "faSize %s -detailed | gawk '{$2=$2*3; print}'> work/chromSizes" % uniprotFa
-    run(cmd)
-    # get uniprot IDs 
-    speciesAccs = set([line.split()[0] for line in open("work/chromSizes")])
-    print "got %d accessions" % len(speciesAccs)
-    # read data, write bed to file
-    # this annotates mutations on the protein sequence
-    print "converting tab to bed"
-    ofh = open("work/temp.bed", "w")
-    uniProtMutFname = join(options.uniprotDir, "uniprot.%s.mut.tab" % taxonId)
-    print "reading %s" % uniProtMutFname
-    for mut in iterTsvRows(open(uniProtMutFname)):
-        if mut.acc not in speciesAccs:
-            continue
-        if options.filterAnnots and mut.featType in removeTypes:
-            continue
-        mutName = mut.featType.replace(" ", "_")+":"+mut.acc+":"+mut.origAa+mut.begin+mut.mutAa
-        mutPos = 3*(int(mut.begin)-1)
-        mutPosEnd = 3*(int(mut.end)-1)
-        if mutName not in mutData:
-            ofh.write("\t".join([mut.acc, str(mutPos), str(mutPosEnd), mutName])+"\n")
-        mutData[mutName].append(mut)
-    ofh.close()
-    # lift from protein sequence bed to target bed
-    print "lifting"
-    cmd = "bedToPsl work/chromSizes work/temp.bed stdout | pslMap stdin %s stdout | pslToBed stdin stdout | sort -k1,1 -k2,2n | bedFixBlockOverlaps /dev/stdin > work/temp.lifted.bed" % liftFname
-    run(cmd)
-    print "adding extra fields"
-    # read lifted bed and add uniprot annotations to it as additional fields
-    mutBed = open("spMut.bed", "w")
-    annotBed = open("spAnnot.bed" , "w")
-    count = 0
-    blackCount = 0
-    noInfoCount = 0
-    doneAnnots = set() # to skip overlaps: a set with (seq, start, end, name)
-    for line in open("work/temp.lifted.bed"):
-        bed = line.strip().split()
-        muts = mutData[bed[3]]
-        varIds = set([mut.varId for mut in muts])
-        pmids = set()
-        for mut in muts:
-            pmids.update(mut.pmid.split(","))
-        if len(pmidBlackList.intersection(pmids))==len(pmids):
-            blackCount +=1
-            continue
-        if mut.featType in ["mutagenesis site", "sequence variant"]:
-            isMut = True
-            ofh = mutBed
-        else:
-            isMut = False
-            ofh = annotBed
-        bedLine = makeBedLine(mut, bed, isMut)
-        # skip annotations that we most likely have covered before
-        if not isMut:
-            keyFields = tuple(bedLine.split("\t")[:4])
-            if keyFields in doneAnnots:
-                continue
-            doneAnnots.add(keyFields)
-        ofh.write(bedLine)
-        count += 1
-    print "%d features written to %s" % (count, ofh.name)
-    mutBed.close()
-    annotBed.close()
-    #print "%d variants not mapped to genome" % len(notMapped)
-    asFname = "bed12UniProtMut.as"
-    cmd = "bedToBigBed -as=%s spMut.bed /hive/data/genomes/%s/chrom.sizes spMut.bb -type=bed12+ -tab" % \
-        (asFname, db)
-    run(cmd)
-    asFname = "bed12UniProtAnnot.as"
-    cmd = "bedToBigBed -as=%s spAnnot.bed /hive/data/genomes/%s/chrom.sizes spAnnot.bb -type=bed12+ -tab" % \
-        (asFname, db)
-    run(cmd)
-    cmd = "rm -rf work"
-    run(cmd)
-    cmd = "wc -l spMut.bed spAnnot.bed"
-    run(cmd)
-    #print "%d features written to spMut.bed and %s.bed" % (count, outFname, outFname)
-    print "%d features skipped because of blacklisted PMIDS" % (blackCount)
-    print "%d features skipped because no info (no disease evidence, no comment)" % (noInfoCount)