  Mon Oct 6 04:47:04 2014 -0700
gbib update to ubuntu 14 , refs #11957
diff --git src/browserbox/README.txt src/browserbox/README.txt
index 30df370..a59cd4a 100644
--- src/browserbox/README.txt
+++ src/browserbox/README.txt
@@ -1,27 +1,31 @@
 This directory contains the config files that are needed for the 
 Genome Browser in a box. It should be possible to convert
-a Ubuntu 13 installation into a Genome Browser in a box by copying all these
+a Ubuntu 14 installation into a Genome Browser in a box by copying all these
 files into the root directory as sudo. (Redmine #11957)
-the following symlinks are not part of the git repo:
+the following symlinks are not in git and have to be set manually :
 usr/local/apache/htdocs/folders -> /media
 usr/local/apache/trash ->  /data/trash/
 usr/local/apache/userdata -> /data/userdata/
 var/lib/mysql -> /data/mysql
 Change ownerships of /data/gbdb, /data/trash and /data/userdata to www-data and /data/mysql to mysql
-This tree does not include the trash cleaner binaries as they are > 5MB.
+This tree does not include the trash cleaner binaries as they are > 5MB. As
+Hiram to install the trash cleaner.
 The directory clientInstall/ contains two small scripts that add the entry
 "genome.ucsc.local" to the local hosts file. One is written in VisualBasic for
 Windows, the other is in AppleScript for OSX. The AppleScript version also
 contains a firewall rule that redirects localhost:1234 to localhost:80, the
 only way to get a restricted port (<1024) to work with VirtualBox. 
 (Redmine #12834)
+the files packages-ubuntu*.txt are the lists of packages installed on the final
+gbib in ubuntu13 and ubuntu14.
 All other changes of the box are documented in root/changes.txt
 The red box clipart is from http://www.clker.com/clipart-14656.html