  Fri Sep 5 17:04:21 2014 -0700
Adding new pipelineClose() function that combines pipelineWait and pipelineFree and applying it where it makes sense, in some cases fixing non-symptomatic bugs from missing pipelineWaits
diff --git src/inc/pipeline.h src/inc/pipeline.h
index 00ad819..27f6f37 100644
--- src/inc/pipeline.h
+++ src/inc/pipeline.h
@@ -1,155 +1,157 @@
 /* pipeline.h - create a process pipeline that can be used for reading or
  * writing.  These pipeline objects don't go through the shell, so they
  * avoid many of the obscure problems associated with system() and popen().
  * Read pipelines are pipelines where a program reads output written by the
  * pipeline, and write pipelines are where the program writes data to the
  * pipeline.  The type of pipeline is specified in the set of option flags
  * passed to pipelineOpen().  The file at the other end of the pipeline is
  * specified in the otherEndFile argument of pipelineOpen(), as shown here:
  * pipelineRead:
  *   otherEndFile --> cmd[0] --> ... --> cmd[n] --> pipelineLf() etc.
  * pipelineWrite:
  *   pipeLineFile() --> cmd[0] --> ... --> cmd[n] --> otherEndFile
  * Specify otherEndFile as "/dev/null" for no input or no output (or to
  * discard output).  If otherEndFile is NULL, then either stdin or stdout are
  * inherited from the current process.
  * I/O to the pipeline is done by using the result of pipelineFd(),
  * pipelineFile(), or pipelineLineFile().
  * An example that reads a compressed file, sorting it numerically by the 
  * first column:
  *    static char *cmd1[] = {"gzip", "-dc", NULL};
  *    static char *cmd2[] = {"sort", "-k", "1,1n", NULL};
  *    static char **cmds[] = {cmd1, cmd2, NULL};
  *    struct pipeline *pl = pipelineOpen(cmds, pipelineRead, inFilePath, stderrFd);
  *    struct lineFile *lf = pipelineLineFile(pl);
  *    char *line;
  *    while (lineFileNext(lf, &line, NULL))
  *        {
  *        ...
  *        }
- *    pipelineWait(pl);
- *    pipelineFree(&pl);
+ *    pipelineClose(&pl);
  * A similar example that generates data and writes a compressed file, sorting
  * it numerically by the first column:
  *    static char *cmd1[] = {"sort", "-k", "1,1n", NULL};
  *    static char *cmd2[] = {"gzip", "-c3", NULL};
  *    static char **cmds[] = {cmd1, cmd2, NULL};
  *    struct pipeline *pl = pipelineOpen(cmds, pipelineWrite, outFilePath, stderrFd);
  *    char *line;
  *    while ((line = makeNextRow()) != NULL)
  *        fprintf(fh, "%s\n", line);
- *    pipelineWait(pl);
- *    pipelineFree(&pl);
+ *    pipelineClose(&pl);
  * To append to an output file, use pipelineWrite|pipelineAppend:
  *    struct pipeline *pl = pipelineOpen(cmds, pipelineWrite|pipelineAppend, outFilePath, stderrFd);
 #ifndef PIPELINE_H
 #define PIPELINE_H
 #include <stdio.h>
 struct linefile;
 struct pipeline;
 enum pipelineOpts
 /* pipeline options bitset */
     pipelineRead       = 0x01, /* read from pipeline */
     pipelineWrite      = 0x02, /* write to pipeline */
     pipelineNoAbort    = 0x04, /* don't abort if a process exits non-zero,
                                 * wait will return exit code instead.
                                 * Still aborts if process signals. */
     pipelineMemInput   = 0x08, /* pipeline takes input from memory (internal) */
     pipelineAppend     = 0x10, /* Append to output file (used only with pipelineWrite) */
     pipelineSigpipe    = 0x20  /* enable sigpipe in the children and don't treat
                                   as an error in the parent */
 struct pipeline *pipelineOpenFd(char ***cmds, unsigned opts,
                                 int otherEndFd, int stderrFd);
 /* Create a pipeline from an array of commands.  Each command is an array of
  * arguments.  Shell expansion is not done on the arguments.  If pipelineRead
  * is specified, the output of the pipeline is readable from the pipeline
  * object.  If pipelineWrite is specified, the input of the pipeline is
  * writable from the pipeline object. */
 struct pipeline *pipelineOpen(char ***cmds, unsigned opts,
                               char *otherEndFile, char *stderrFile);
 /* Create a pipeline from an array of commands.  Each command is an array of
  * arguments.  Shell expansion is not done on the arguments.  If pipelineRead
  * is specified, the output of the pipeline is readable from the pipeline
  * object.  If pipelineWrite is specified, the input of the pipeline is
  * writable from the pipeline object.  If stderrFile is NULL, stderr is inherited,
  * otherwise it is redirected to this file.
 void pipelineDumpCmds(char ***cmds);
 /* Dump out pipeline-formatted commands to stdout for debugging. */
 struct pipeline *pipelineOpenMem(char ***cmds, unsigned opts,
                                  void *otherEndBuf, size_t otherEndBufSize,
                                  int stderrFd);
 /* Create a pipeline from an array of commands, with the pipeline input/output
  * in a memory buffer.  See pipeline.h for full documentation.  Currently only
  * input to a read pipeline is supported  */
 struct pipeline *pipelineOpenFd1(char **cmd, unsigned opts,
                                  int otherEndFd, int stderrFd);
 /* like pipelineOpenFd(), only takes a single command */
 struct pipeline *pipelineOpen1(char **cmd, unsigned opts,
                                char *otherEndFile, char *stderrFile);
 /* like pipelineOpen(), only takes a single command */
 struct pipeline *pipelineOpenMem1(char **cmd, unsigned opts,
                                   void *otherEndBuf, size_t otherEndBufSize,
                                   int stderrFd);
 /* like pipelineOpenMem(), only takes a single command */
 char *pipelineDesc(struct pipeline *pl);
 /* Get the desciption of a pipeline for use in error messages */
 int pipelineFd(struct pipeline *pl);
 /* Get the file descriptor for a pipeline */
 FILE *pipelineFile(struct pipeline *pl);
 /* Get a FILE object wrapped around the pipeline.  Do not close the FILE, is
  * owned by the pipeline object.  A FILE is created on first call to this
  * function.  Subsequent calls return the same FILE.*/
 struct lineFile *pipelineLineFile(struct pipeline *pl);
 /* Get a lineFile object wrapped around the pipeline.  Do not close the
  * lineFile, is owned by the pipeline object.  A lineFile is created on first
  * call to this function.  Subsequent calls return the same object.*/
 int pipelineWait(struct pipeline *pl);
 /* Wait for processes in a pipeline to complete; normally aborts if any
  * process exists non-zero.  If pipelineNoAbort was specified, return the exit
  * code of the first process exit non-zero, or zero if none failed. */
 void pipelineFree(struct pipeline **plPtr);
 /* free a pipeline object */
+int pipelineClose(struct pipeline **pPl);
+/* Wait for pipeline to finish and free it. Same as pipelineWait then pipelineClose.
+ * Returns pipelineWait result (normally 0). */
  * Local Variables:
  * c-file-style: "jkent-c"
  * End: