  Tue Jan 27 14:43:53 2015 -0800
Fixes #7474 - mouseover now shows exon and intron numbers for linkedFeatures tracks.

diff --git src/hg/js/hgTracks.js src/hg/js/hgTracks.js
index 8377efa..ed40dd0 100644
--- src/hg/js/hgTracks.js
+++ src/hg/js/hgTracks.js
@@ -1486,30 +1486,47 @@
         if (!id || id.length === 0) {
             id = '';
             var tr = $( this ).parents('tr.imgOrd');
             if ( $(tr).length === 1 ) {
                 var a = /tr_(.*)/.exec($(tr).attr('id'));  // voodoo
                 if (a && a[1]) {
                     id = a[1];
         if (id.length > 0) {
             rightClick.currentMapItem = rightClick.makeMapItem(id);
             if (rightClick.currentMapItem) {
                 rightClick.currentMapItem.href = this.href;
                 rightClick.currentMapItem.title = this.title;
+		// Handle linked features with separate clickmaps for each exon/intron 
+		if ((this.title.indexOf('Exon ') === 0) || (this.title.indexOf('Intron ') === 0)) {
+		    // if the title is Exon ... or Intron ... 
+		    // then search for the sibling with the same href
+		    // that has the real title item label
+		    var elem = this.parentNode.firstChild;
+		    while (elem) {
+			if ((elem.href === this.href)
+			    && !((elem.title.indexOf('Exon ') === 0) || (elem.title.indexOf('Intron ') === 0))) {
+			    rightClick.currentMapItem.title = elem.title;
+			    break;
+			}
+			elem = elem.nextSibling;
+		    }
+		}
     mapItemMouseOut: function ()
         imageV2.lastTrack = rightClick.currentMapItem; // Just a backup
         rightClick.currentMapItem = null;
     init: function ()
     {   // Make side buttons visible (must also be called when updating rows in the imgTbl).
         var btns = $("p.btn");
         if (btns.length > 0) {