  Mon Mar 23 15:17:04 2015 -0700
Code review feedback from Kate: libify inclusion of libs for new React framework.
refs #14965

diff --git src/hg/inc/jsHelper.h src/hg/inc/jsHelper.h
index 7691e31..bc8ca76 100644
--- src/hg/inc/jsHelper.h
+++ src/hg/inc/jsHelper.h
@@ -84,30 +84,34 @@
 char *jsPressOnEnter(char *button);
 /* Returns a javascript statement that clicks button when the Enter key
  * has been pressed; typically this would go in a text input.
  * jsInit must be called first.
  * Do not free return value!  */
 void jsIncludeFile(char *fileName, char *noScriptMsg);
 /* Prints out html to include given javascript file from the js directory; suppresses redundant
  *  <script ...> tags if called repeatedly.
  * <noscript>...</noscript> tags are provided automatically. The noscript message may be specified via
  * the noScriptMsg parameter (the string may contain HTML markup). A default msg is provided
  * if noScriptMsg == NULL; noscript msg is suppressed if noScriptMsg == "" (this is useful
  * if you want to more carefully control where the message will appear on the page). */
+void jsIncludeReactLibs();
+/* Prints out <script src="..."> tags for external libraries including ReactJS & ImmutableJS
+ * and our own model libs, React mixins and components. */
 char *jsCheckAllOnClickHandler(char *idPrefix, boolean state);
 /* Returns javascript for use as an onclick attribute value to apply "check all"/"uncheck all"
  * to all checkboxes with given idPrefix.
  * state parameter determines whether to "check all" or "uncheck all" (TRUE means "check all"). */
 void cgiMakeCheckAllSubmitButton(char *name, char *value, char *id, char *idPrefix, boolean state);
 /* Make submit button which uses javascript to apply check all or uncheck all to all
  * checkboxes with given idPrefix.
  * state parameter determines whether to "check all" or "uncheck all" (TRUE means "check all").
  * id parameter may be NULL */
 char *jsStripJavascript(char *str);
 /* Strip out anything that looks like javascript in html string.
    This function is designed to cleanup user input (e.g. to avoid XSS attacks).
    Returned string should be free'ed after use. */