  Wed Mar 25 10:49:24 2015 -0700
In a genome-wide query, bed2GffLines is called once per assembly sequence;
for scaffold-based assemblies, it can be called hundreds of thousands of times.
When called on a very small table with rows for relatively few sequences, it
may be called tens of thousands of times without producing any output.
Combined with the inefficiency of allocating a sizeable hash regardless
of whether it had any items to work on, the long delays were causing
web timeouts.  Now, if there are no incoming items, it returns immediately.
There are still some delays from the hundreds of thousands of queries that
return no data, but they are manageable (~45s for ~200k scaffolds).
refs #15043

diff --git src/hg/hgTables/gffOut.c src/hg/hgTables/gffOut.c
index aa49a36..9a9fd74 100644
--- src/hg/hgTables/gffOut.c
+++ src/hg/hgTables/gffOut.c
@@ -1,446 +1,448 @@
 /* gffOut - output GFF (from bed data structures). */
 /* Copyright (C) 2014 The Regents of the University of California 
  * See README in this or parent directory for licensing information. */
 #include "common.h"
 #include "hash.h"
 #include "linefile.h"
 #include "dystring.h"
 #include "obscure.h"
 #include "jksql.h"
 #include "trackDb.h"
 #include "bed.h"
 #include "hdb.h"
 #include "gff.h"
 #include "hgTables.h"
 static void addGffLineFromBed(struct bed *bed, char *source, char *feature,
 			      int start, int end, char frame, char *txName)
 /* Create a gffLine from a bed and line-specific parameters and print it out. */
 struct gffLine gff;
 char strand;
 gff.seq = bed->chrom;
 gff.source = source;
 gff.feature = feature;
 gff.start = start;
 gff.end = end;
 gff.score = bed->score;
 strand = bed->strand[0];
 if (strand != '+' && strand != '-')
     strand = '.';
 gff.strand = strand;
 gff.frame = frame;
 gff.group = txName;
 if (bed->name != NULL)
     gff.geneId = bed->name;
     static int namelessIx = 0;
     char buf[64];
     safef(buf, sizeof(buf), "gene%d", ++namelessIx);
     gff.geneId = buf;
 gffTabOut(&gff, stdout);
 static char *computeFrames(struct bed *bed, char *exonFrames, int *retStartIndx, int *retStopIndx)
 /* Compute frames, in order dictated by strand.  bed must be BED12. 
  * Convert exonFrames to gtf frame if available. */
 int *ef;
 if (exonFrames)
     int efSize = 0;
     sqlSignedStaticArray(exonFrames, &ef, &efSize); // not thread safe.
     if (efSize != bed->blockCount)
 	errAbort("Unexpected error, name=%s blockCount=%d but exonFrames size = %d", bed->name, bed->blockCount, efSize);
 char *frames = needMem(bed->blockCount);
 boolean gotFirstCds = FALSE;
 int nextPhase = 0, startIndx = 0, stopIndx = 0;
 // If lack of thick region has been represented this way, fix:
 if (bed->thickStart == 0 && bed->thickEnd == 0)
     bed->thickStart = bed->thickEnd = bed->chromStart;
 int i;
 for (i=0;  i < bed->blockCount;  i++)
     int j = (bed->strand[0] == '-') ? bed->blockCount-i-1 : i;
     int exonStart = bed->chromStart + bed->chromStarts[j];
     int exonEnd = exonStart + bed->blockSizes[j];
     if ((exonStart < bed->thickEnd) && (exonEnd > bed->thickStart))
 	int cdsS = max(exonStart, bed->thickStart);
 	int cdsE = min(exonEnd, bed->thickEnd);
 	int cdsSize = cdsE - cdsS;
 	if (! gotFirstCds)
 	    gotFirstCds = TRUE;
 	    startIndx = j;
 	if (exonFrames)
 	    int n = ef[j];
 	    char c = '.';     // -1 exonFrame becomes '.' in gtf 
 	    if (n == 0)
 		c = '0';
 	    else if (n == 1)  // gtf frames are really "phases", so 1 and 2 swap.
 		c = '2';
 	    else if (n == 2)
 		c = '1';
 	    frames[j] = c;
 	    frames[j] = '0' + nextPhase;
 	    nextPhase = (3 + ((nextPhase - cdsSize) % 3)) % 3;
 	stopIndx = j;
 	frames[j] = '.';
 if (retStartIndx)
     *retStartIndx = startIndx;
 if (retStopIndx)
     *retStopIndx = stopIndx;
 return frames;
 static void addStartStopCodon(struct bed *bed, int exonIndx, int anchor, int offset, char *codon,
 			      char *source, char *txName)
 /* Output a start or stop codon -- if it is split across multiple exons, output multiple lines. 
  * anchor must fall in the exonIndx exon of bed.
  * If offset is positive, we are computing an end coord; if negative, a start coord. */
 int simpleAnswer = anchor + offset;
 int exonStart = bed->chromStart + bed->chromStarts[exonIndx];
 int exonEnd = exonStart + bed->blockSizes[exonIndx];
 if ((offset >= 0 && (anchor >= exonEnd || anchor < exonStart)) ||
     (offset < 0 && (anchor > exonEnd || anchor <= exonStart)))
     errAbort("addStartStopCodon: anchor %d is not in exon %d [%d,%d]",
 	     anchor, exonIndx, exonStart, exonEnd);
 if (offset < 0)
     if (simpleAnswer < exonStart)
 	if (exonIndx >= 1)
 	    int stillNeeded = simpleAnswer - exonStart;
 	    int prevExonEnd = (bed->chromStart + bed->chromStarts[exonIndx-1] +
 	    addStartStopCodon(bed, exonIndx-1, prevExonEnd, stillNeeded, codon, source, txName);
 	addGffLineFromBed(bed, source, codon, exonStart, anchor, '.', txName);
 	addGffLineFromBed(bed, source, codon, simpleAnswer, anchor, '.', txName);
 else if (offset > 0)
     if (simpleAnswer > exonEnd)
 	addGffLineFromBed(bed, source, codon, anchor, exonEnd, '.', txName);
 	if (exonIndx < bed->blockCount - 1)
 	    int stillNeeded = simpleAnswer - exonEnd;
 	    int nextExonStart = bed->chromStart + bed->chromStarts[exonIndx+1];
 	    addStartStopCodon(bed, exonIndx+1, nextExonStart, stillNeeded, codon, source, txName);
 	addGffLineFromBed(bed, source, codon, anchor, simpleAnswer, '.', txName);
 static void addCdsStartStop(struct bed *bed, char *source, int exonCdsStart, int exonCdsEnd,
 			    char *frames, int exonIndx, int cdsStartIndx, int cdsStopIndx,
 			    boolean gtf2StopCodons, char *txName)
 /* Output a CDS record for the trimmed CDS portion of exonIndx, and a start_codon or
  * stop_codon if applicable. */
 boolean isRc = (bed->strand[0] == '-');
 /* start_codon (goes first for + strand) overlaps with CDS */
 if ((exonIndx == cdsStartIndx) && !isRc)
     addStartStopCodon(bed, exonIndx, exonCdsStart, 3, "start_codon", source, txName);
 /* If gtf2StopCodons is set, then we follow the GTF2 convention of excluding
  * the stop codon from the CDS region.  In other GFF flavors, stop_codon is
  * part of the CDS, which is the case in our table coords too.
  * This function would already be complicated enough without gtf2StopCodons,
  * due to strand and the possibility of a start or stop codon being split
  * across exons.  Excluding the stop codon from CDS complicates it further
  * because cdsEnd on the current exon may affect the CDS line of the previous
  * or next exon.  The cdsPortion* variables below are the CDS extremities that
  * may have the stop codon excised. */
 if (exonIndx == cdsStopIndx)
     if (isRc)
 	addStartStopCodon(bed, exonIndx, exonCdsStart, 3, "stop_codon", source, txName);
 	int cdsPortionStart = gtf2StopCodons ? exonCdsStart + 3 : exonCdsStart;
 	if (cdsPortionStart < exonCdsEnd)
 	    addGffLineFromBed(bed, source, "CDS", cdsPortionStart, exonCdsEnd,
 			      frames[exonIndx], txName);
 	int cdsPortionEnd = gtf2StopCodons ? exonCdsEnd - 3 : exonCdsEnd;
 	if (cdsPortionEnd > exonCdsStart)
 	    addGffLineFromBed(bed, source, "CDS", exonCdsStart, cdsPortionEnd,
 			      frames[exonIndx], txName);
 	addStartStopCodon(bed, exonIndx, exonCdsEnd, -3, "stop_codon", source, txName);
     int cdsPortionStart = exonCdsStart;
     int cdsPortionEnd = exonCdsEnd;
     if (gtf2StopCodons)
 	if (isRc && exonIndx - 1 == cdsStopIndx)
 	    int lastExonEnd = (bed->chromStart + bed->chromStarts[exonIndx-1] +
 	    int basesWereStolen = 3 - (lastExonEnd - bed->thickStart);
 	    if (basesWereStolen > 0)
 		cdsPortionStart += basesWereStolen;
 	if (!isRc && exonIndx + 1 == cdsStopIndx)
 	    int nextExonStart = bed->chromStart + bed->chromStarts[exonIndx+1];
 	    int basesWillBeStolen = 3 - (bed->thickEnd - nextExonStart);
 	    if (basesWillBeStolen > 0)
 		cdsPortionEnd -= basesWillBeStolen;
     if (cdsPortionEnd > cdsPortionStart)
 	addGffLineFromBed(bed, source, "CDS", cdsPortionStart, cdsPortionEnd,
 			  frames[exonIndx], txName);
 /* start_codon (goes last for - strand) overlaps with CDS */
 if ((exonIndx == cdsStartIndx) && isRc)
     addStartStopCodon(bed, exonIndx, exonCdsEnd, -3, "start_codon", source, txName);
 static int bedToGffLines(struct bed *bedList, struct slName *exonFramesList, struct hTableInfo *hti,
 			 int fieldCount, char *source, boolean gtf2StopCodons)
 /* Translate a (list of) bed into gff and print out.
  * Note that field count (perhaps reduced by bitwise intersection)
  * can in effect override hti. */
+if (! bedList)
+    return 0;
 struct hash *nameHash = newHash(20);
 struct bed *bed;
 struct slName *exonFrames = exonFramesList;
 int i, exonStart, exonEnd;
 char txName[256];
 int itemCount = 0;
 static int namelessIx = 0;
 for (bed = bedList;  bed != NULL;  bed = bed->next)
     /* Enforce unique transcript_ids. */
     if (bed->name != NULL)
 	struct hashEl *hel = hashLookup(nameHash, bed->name);
 	int dupCount = (hel != NULL ? ptToInt(hel->val) : 0);
 	if (dupCount > 0)
 	    safef(txName, sizeof(txName), "%s_dup%d", bed->name, dupCount);
 	    hel->val = intToPt(dupCount + 1);
 	    safef(txName, sizeof(txName), "%s", bed->name);
 	    hashAddInt(nameHash, bed->name, 1);
 	safef(txName, sizeof(txName), "tx%d", ++namelessIx);
     if (hti->hasBlocks && hti->hasCDS && fieldCount > 4)
 	/* first pass: compute frames, in order dictated by strand. */
 	int startIndx = 0, stopIndx = 0;
 	char *frames = NULL;
 	char *ef = NULL;
 	if (exonFramesList)
     	    ef = exonFrames->name;
 	frames = computeFrames(bed, ef, &startIndx, &stopIndx);
 	/* second pass: one exon (possibly CDS, start/stop_codon) per block. */
 	for (i=0;  i < bed->blockCount;  i++)
 	    exonStart = bed->chromStart + bed->chromStarts[i];
 	    exonEnd = exonStart + bed->blockSizes[i];
 	    if ((exonStart < bed->thickEnd) && (exonEnd > bed->thickStart))
 		int exonCdsStart = max(exonStart, bed->thickStart);
 		int exonCdsEnd = min(exonEnd, bed->thickEnd);
 		addCdsStartStop(bed, source, exonCdsStart, exonCdsEnd,
 				frames, i, startIndx, stopIndx, gtf2StopCodons, txName);
 	    addGffLineFromBed(bed, source, "exon", exonStart, exonEnd, '.', txName);
     else if (hti->hasBlocks && fieldCount > 4)
 	for (i=0;  i < bed->blockCount;  i++)
 	    exonStart = bed->chromStart + bed->chromStarts[i];
 	    exonEnd = exonStart + bed->blockSizes[i];
 	    addGffLineFromBed(bed, source, "exon", exonStart, exonEnd, '.', txName);
     else if (hti->hasCDS && fieldCount > 4)
 	if (bed->thickStart == 0 && bed->thickEnd == 0)
 	    bed->thickStart = bed->thickEnd = bed->chromStart;
 	if (bed->thickStart > bed->chromStart)
 	    addGffLineFromBed(bed, source, "exon", bed->chromStart, bed->thickStart, '.', txName);
 	if (bed->thickEnd > bed->thickStart)
 	    addGffLineFromBed(bed, source, "CDS", bed->thickStart, bed->thickEnd, '0', txName);
 	if (bed->thickEnd < bed->chromEnd)
 	    addGffLineFromBed(bed, source, "exon", bed->thickEnd, bed->chromEnd, '.', txName);
 	addGffLineFromBed(bed, source, "exon", bed->chromStart, bed->chromEnd, '.', txName);
     if (exonFrames)
     	exonFrames = exonFrames->next;
 return itemCount;
 static struct slName* getExonFrames(char *table, struct sqlConnection *conn, struct bed *bedList)
 /* get real exonFrames if they are available */
 struct slName* list = NULL;
 struct bed *bed;
 for (bed = bedList;  bed != NULL;  bed = bed->next)
     // be super specific, the same name may align to multiple locations
     //  or even the same location with alternate splicing or exon structure.
     // convert bed block coordinates to exonStarts, exonEnds
     int i;
     struct dyString *exonStarts = newDyString(256);
     struct dyString *exonEnds = newDyString(256);
     for( i = 0 ; i < bed->blockCount; i++ )
 	int exonStart = bed->chromStart + bed->chromStarts[i];
 	int exonEnd = exonStart + bed->blockSizes[i];
 	dyStringPrintf(exonStarts, "%d,", exonStart);
 	dyStringPrintf(exonEnds,   "%d,", exonEnd);
     char sql[4096+strlen(exonStarts->string)+strlen(exonEnds->string)];
     sqlSafef(sql, sizeof sql, "select exonFrames "
 	"from %s where " 
 	"name = '%s' and "  
 	"chrom = '%s' and "
 	"strand = '%c' and "
 	"txStart = %d and "
 	"txEnd = %d and "
 	"cdsStart = %d and "
 	"cdsEnd = %d and "
         "exonCount = %d and "
         "exonStarts = '%s' and "
         "exonEnds = '%s'"
     char *exonFrames = sqlQuickString(conn, sql);
     slNameAddHead(&list, exonFrames);
 return list;
 static struct hash *makeChromHashForTable(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *table)
 /* Get a hash of all the chroms that are actually being used for the table.
  * This is helpful for assemblies with huge numbers of chroms. */
 char query[1024];
 // Make sure that the table has a chrom field.
 // a bbi table will NOT have a chrom field
 int cIdx = sqlFieldIndex(conn, table, "chrom");
 if (cIdx < 0)
     return NULL;
 sqlSafef(query, sizeof query, "select distinct chrom, 'dummyvalue' from %s", table);
 struct hash *hash = sqlQuickHash(conn, query);
 return hash;
 void doOutGff(char *table, struct sqlConnection *conn, boolean outputGtf)
 /* Save as GFF/GTF. */
 struct hTableInfo *hti = getHti(database, table, conn);
 struct bed *bedList;
 struct slName *exonFramesList = NULL;
 char source[HDB_MAX_TABLE_STRING];
 int itemCount;
 struct region *region, *regionList = getRegions();
 boolean simpleTableExists = sqlTableExists(conn, table);
 // simpleTable means not split table, not custom track
 // However it still can include bbi table with bam fileName path
 int efIdx = -1;
 if (simpleTableExists)  // no tables having exonFrames are split tables anyway
     efIdx = sqlFieldIndex(conn, table, "exonFrames");
 safef(source, sizeof(source), "%s_%s", database, table);
 itemCount = 0;
 struct hash *chromHash = NULL;
 int regionCount = slCount(regionList);
 // regionList can have many thousands of items e.g. rheMac3 has 34000 chroms!
 // This regionCount threshold should be just above the # chroms in the latest human assembly
 if (simpleTableExists && (regionCount > 500))  
     chromHash = makeChromHashForTable(conn, table);
 // Process each region
 for (region = regionList; region != NULL; region = region->next)
     if (chromHash && (!hashFindVal(chromHash, region->chrom)))
     struct lm *lm = lmInit(64*1024);
     int fieldCount;
     bedList = cookedBedList(conn, table, region, lm, &fieldCount);
     // Use exonFrames field if available for better accuracy instead of calculating from coordinates
     if (efIdx != -1) 
 	exonFramesList = getExonFrames(table, conn, bedList);
     itemCount += bedToGffLines(bedList, exonFramesList, hti, fieldCount, source, outputGtf);
 if (itemCount == 0)