dab0887917cbe0472fdc7505b388c455b5adbb53 hartera Tue Mar 24 14:12:05 2015 -0700 Updated column descriptions. diff --git src/hg/lib/ucscRetroInfo.as src/hg/lib/ucscRetroInfo.as index 016a073..a0f0257 100644 --- src/hg/lib/ucscRetroInfo.as +++ src/hg/lib/ucscRetroInfo.as @@ -4,39 +4,39 @@ string chrom; "Reference sequence chromosome or scaffold col1" uint chromStart; "pseudogene alignment start position col2" uint chromEnd; "pseudogene alignment end position col3" string name; "Name of pseudogene col4" uint score; "score of pseudogene with gene col5" char[2] strand; "+ or -" uint thickStart; "Start of where display should be thick (start codon)" uint thickEnd; "End of where display should be thick (stop codon)" uint reserved; "Always zero for now" int blockCount; "Number of blocks" int[blockCount] blockSizes; "Comma separated list of block sizes" int[blockCount] chromStarts; "Start positions relative to chromStart" int retroExonCount; "number of exons in retroGene col13" int axtScore; "blastz score, parent mrna aligned to pseudogene col14" string type; "type of evidence col15" - string gChrom; "Chromosome name col16" - int gStart; "gene alignment start position col17" - int gEnd; "gene alignment end position col18" - char[2] gStrand; "strand of gene col19" + string gChrom; "chromosome name for parent gene col16" + int gStart; "parent gene alignment start position col17" + int gEnd; "parent gene alignment end position col18" + char[2] gStrand; "strand of parent gene col19" uint parentSpliceCount; "# of splice sites in parent gene col20" uint geneOverlap; "bases overlapping col21" uint polyA; "count of As in polyA col22" int polyAstart; "start of polyA, relative to end of pseudogene col23" - int exonCover; "number of exons in Gene covered col24" + int exonCover; "number of exons in parent gene covered col24" uint intronCount; "number of introns in pseudogene col25" uint bestAliCount; "number of good mrnas aligning col26" uint matches; "matches + repMatches col27" uint qSize; "aligning bases in pseudogene col28" uint qEnd; "end of cdna alignment col29" uint tReps; "repeats in gene col30" uint coverage; "% of bases that align to gene col31" int label; "1=pseudogene,-1 not pseudogene -2 expressed retroGene col32" uint milliBad; "milliBad score, pseudogene aligned to genome col33" int alignGapCount; "simple intron count col34" int processedIntrons; "count of introns removed via retrotransposition col35" int conservedSpliceSites; "conserved splice site count col36" int maxOverlap ; "largest overlap with another mrna col37" string refSeq; "Name of closest regSeq to gene col38" int rStart; "refSeq alignment start position col39"