0aaeab5b5b0d708cd9e966b1bb7d0fb9d2b1039a hartera Tue Mar 24 14:21:31 2015 -0700 Removed old code that was commented out. diff --git src/hg/lib/ucscRetroInfo.c src/hg/lib/ucscRetroInfo.c index bb108b8..f06c452 100644 --- src/hg/lib/ucscRetroInfo.c +++ src/hg/lib/ucscRetroInfo.c @@ -1,445 +1,441 @@ /* ucscRetroInfo.c was originally generated by the autoSql program, which also * generated ucscRetroInfo.h and ucscRetroInfo.sql. This module links the database and * the RAM representation of objects. */ /* Copyright (C) 2014 The Regents of the University of California * See README in this or parent directory for licensing information. */ #include "common.h" #include "linefile.h" #include "dystring.h" #include "jksql.h" #include "ucscRetroInfo.h" struct ucscRetroInfo *ucscRetroInfoLoadByQuery(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *query) /* Load all ucscRetroInfo from table that satisfy the query given. * Where query is of the form 'select * from example where something=something' * or 'select example.* from example, anotherTable where example.something = * anotherTable.something'. * Dispose of this with ucscRetroInfoFreeList(). */ { struct ucscRetroInfo *list = NULL, *el; struct sqlResult *sr; char **row; sr = sqlGetResult(conn, query); while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL) { el = ucscRetroInfoLoad(row); slAddHead(&list, el); } slReverse(&list); sqlFreeResult(&sr); return list; } void ucscRetroInfoSaveToDb(struct sqlConnection *conn, struct ucscRetroInfo *el, char *tableName, int updateSize) /* Save ucscRetroInfo as a row to the table specified by tableName. * As blob fields may be arbitrary size updateSize specifies the approx size * of a string that would contain the entire query. Arrays of native types are * converted to comma separated strings and loaded as such, User defined types are * inserted as NULL. Strings are automatically escaped to allow insertion into the database. */ { struct dyString *update = newDyString(updateSize); char *blockSizesArray, *chromStartsArray; blockSizesArray = sqlSignedArrayToString(el->blockSizes, el->blockCount); chromStartsArray = sqlSignedArrayToString(el->chromStarts, el->blockCount); sqlDyStringPrintf(update, "insert into %s values ( '%s',%u,%u,'%s',%u,'%s',%u,%u,%u,%d,'%s','%s',%d,%d,'%s','%s',%d,%d,'%s',%u,%u,%u,%d,%d,%u,%u,%u,%u,%u,%u,%u,%d,%u,%d,%d,%d,%d,'%s',%d,%d,'%s',%d,%d,'%s',%d,%d,'%s',%d,%d,'%s',%g,%u)", tableName, el->chrom, el->chromStart, el->chromEnd, el->name, el->score, el->strand, el->thickStart, el->thickEnd, el->reserved, el->blockCount, blockSizesArray , chromStartsArray , el->retroExonCount, el->axtScore, el->type, el->gChrom, el->gStart, el->gEnd, el->gStrand, el->parentSpliceCount, el->geneOverlap, el->polyA, el->polyAstart, el->exonCover, el->intronCount, el->bestAliCount, el->matches, el->qSize, el->qEnd, el->tReps, el->coverage, el->label, el->milliBad, el->alignGapCount, el->processedIntrons, el->conservedSpliceSites, el->maxOverlap, el->refSeq, el->rStart, el->rEnd, el->mgc, el->mStart, el->mEnd, el->kgName, el->kStart, el->kEnd, el->overName, el->overStart, el->overExonCover, el->overStrand, el->posConf, el->polyAlen); sqlUpdate(conn, update->string); freeDyString(&update); freez(&blockSizesArray); freez(&chromStartsArray); } struct ucscRetroInfo *ucscRetroInfoLoad(char **row) /* Load a ucscRetroInfo from row fetched with select * from ucscRetroInfo * from database. Dispose of this with ucscRetroInfoFree(). */ { struct ucscRetroInfo *ret; AllocVar(ret); ret->blockCount = sqlSigned(row[9]); ret->chrom = cloneString(row[0]); ret->chromStart = sqlUnsigned(row[1]); ret->chromEnd = sqlUnsigned(row[2]); ret->name = cloneString(row[3]); ret->score = sqlUnsigned(row[4]); safecpy(ret->strand, sizeof(ret->strand), row[5]); ret->thickStart = sqlUnsigned(row[6]); ret->thickEnd = sqlUnsigned(row[7]); ret->reserved = sqlUnsigned(row[8]); { int sizeOne; sqlSignedDynamicArray(row[10], &ret->blockSizes, &sizeOne); assert(sizeOne == ret->blockCount); } { int sizeOne; sqlSignedDynamicArray(row[11], &ret->chromStarts, &sizeOne); assert(sizeOne == ret->blockCount); } ret->retroExonCount = sqlSigned(row[12]); ret->axtScore = sqlSigned(row[13]); ret->type = cloneString(row[14]); ret->gChrom = cloneString(row[15]); ret->gStart = sqlSigned(row[16]); ret->gEnd = sqlSigned(row[17]); safecpy(ret->gStrand, sizeof(ret->gStrand), row[18]); ret->parentSpliceCount = sqlUnsigned(row[19]); ret->geneOverlap = sqlUnsigned(row[20]); ret->polyA = sqlUnsigned(row[21]); ret->polyAstart = sqlSigned(row[22]); ret->exonCover = sqlSigned(row[23]); ret->intronCount = sqlUnsigned(row[24]); ret->bestAliCount = sqlUnsigned(row[25]); ret->matches = sqlUnsigned(row[26]); ret->qSize = sqlUnsigned(row[27]); ret->qEnd = sqlUnsigned(row[28]); ret->tReps = sqlUnsigned(row[29]); ret->coverage = sqlUnsigned(row[30]); ret->label = sqlSigned(row[31]); ret->milliBad = sqlUnsigned(row[32]); -//ret->oldScore = sqlUnsigned(row[33]); ret->alignGapCount = sqlSigned(row[33]); ret->processedIntrons = sqlSigned(row[34]); ret->conservedSpliceSites = sqlSigned(row[35]); ret->maxOverlap = sqlSigned(row[36]); ret->refSeq = cloneString(row[37]); ret->rStart = sqlSigned(row[38]); ret->rEnd = sqlSigned(row[39]); ret->mgc = cloneString(row[40]); ret->mStart = sqlSigned(row[41]); ret->mEnd = sqlSigned(row[42]); ret->kgName = cloneString(row[43]); ret->kStart = sqlSigned(row[44]); ret->kEnd = sqlSigned(row[45]); ret->overName = cloneString(row[46]); ret->overStart = sqlSigned(row[47]); ret->overExonCover = sqlSigned(row[48]); safecpy(ret->overStrand, sizeof(ret->overStrand), row[49]); ret->posConf = sqlFloat(row[50]); ret->polyAlen = sqlUnsigned(row[51]); return ret; } struct ucscRetroInfo *ucscRetroInfoLoadAll(char *fileName) /* Load all ucscRetroInfo from a whitespace-separated file. * Dispose of this with ucscRetroInfoFreeList(). */ { struct ucscRetroInfo *list = NULL, *el; struct lineFile *lf = lineFileOpen(fileName, TRUE); char *row[52]; while (lineFileRow(lf, row)) { el = ucscRetroInfoLoad(row); slAddHead(&list, el); } lineFileClose(&lf); slReverse(&list); return list; } struct ucscRetroInfo *ucscRetroInfoLoadAllByChar(char *fileName, char chopper) /* Load all ucscRetroInfo from a chopper separated file. * Dispose of this with ucscRetroInfoFreeList(). */ { struct ucscRetroInfo *list = NULL, *el; struct lineFile *lf = lineFileOpen(fileName, TRUE); char *row[52]; while (lineFileNextCharRow(lf, chopper, row, ArraySize(row))) { el = ucscRetroInfoLoad(row); slAddHead(&list, el); } lineFileClose(&lf); slReverse(&list); return list; } struct ucscRetroInfo *ucscRetroInfoCommaIn(char **pS, struct ucscRetroInfo *ret) /* Create a ucscRetroInfo out of a comma separated string. * This will fill in ret if non-null, otherwise will * return a new ucscRetroInfo */ { char *s = *pS; if (ret == NULL) AllocVar(ret); ret->chrom = sqlStringComma(&s); ret->chromStart = sqlUnsignedComma(&s); ret->chromEnd = sqlUnsignedComma(&s); ret->name = sqlStringComma(&s); ret->score = sqlUnsignedComma(&s); sqlFixedStringComma(&s, ret->strand, sizeof(ret->strand)); ret->thickStart = sqlUnsignedComma(&s); ret->thickEnd = sqlUnsignedComma(&s); ret->reserved = sqlUnsignedComma(&s); ret->blockCount = sqlSignedComma(&s); { int i; s = sqlEatChar(s, '{'); AllocArray(ret->blockSizes, ret->blockCount); for (i=0; iblockCount; ++i) { ret->blockSizes[i] = sqlSignedComma(&s); } s = sqlEatChar(s, '}'); s = sqlEatChar(s, ','); } { int i; s = sqlEatChar(s, '{'); AllocArray(ret->chromStarts, ret->blockCount); for (i=0; iblockCount; ++i) { ret->chromStarts[i] = sqlSignedComma(&s); } s = sqlEatChar(s, '}'); s = sqlEatChar(s, ','); } ret->retroExonCount = sqlSignedComma(&s); ret->axtScore = sqlSignedComma(&s); ret->type = sqlStringComma(&s); ret->gChrom = sqlStringComma(&s); ret->gStart = sqlSignedComma(&s); ret->gEnd = sqlSignedComma(&s); sqlFixedStringComma(&s, ret->gStrand, sizeof(ret->gStrand)); ret->parentSpliceCount = sqlUnsignedComma(&s); ret->geneOverlap = sqlUnsignedComma(&s); ret->polyA = sqlUnsignedComma(&s); ret->polyAstart = sqlSignedComma(&s); ret->exonCover = sqlSignedComma(&s); ret->intronCount = sqlUnsignedComma(&s); ret->bestAliCount = sqlUnsignedComma(&s); ret->matches = sqlUnsignedComma(&s); ret->qSize = sqlUnsignedComma(&s); ret->qEnd = sqlUnsignedComma(&s); ret->tReps = sqlUnsignedComma(&s); ret->coverage = sqlUnsignedComma(&s); ret->label = sqlSignedComma(&s); ret->milliBad = sqlUnsignedComma(&s); -//ret->oldScore = sqlUnsignedComma(&s); ret->alignGapCount = sqlSignedComma(&s); ret->processedIntrons = sqlSignedComma(&s); ret->conservedSpliceSites = sqlSignedComma(&s); ret->maxOverlap = sqlSignedComma(&s); ret->refSeq = sqlStringComma(&s); ret->rStart = sqlSignedComma(&s); ret->rEnd = sqlSignedComma(&s); ret->mgc = sqlStringComma(&s); ret->mStart = sqlSignedComma(&s); ret->mEnd = sqlSignedComma(&s); ret->kgName = sqlStringComma(&s); ret->kStart = sqlSignedComma(&s); ret->kEnd = sqlSignedComma(&s); ret->overName = sqlStringComma(&s); ret->overStart = sqlSignedComma(&s); ret->overExonCover = sqlSignedComma(&s); sqlFixedStringComma(&s, ret->overStrand, sizeof(ret->overStrand)); ret->posConf = sqlFloatComma(&s); ret->polyAlen = sqlUnsignedComma(&s); *pS = s; return ret; } void ucscRetroInfoFree(struct ucscRetroInfo **pEl) /* Free a single dynamically allocated ucscRetroInfo such as created * with ucscRetroInfoLoad(). */ { struct ucscRetroInfo *el; if ((el = *pEl) == NULL) return; freeMem(el->chrom); freeMem(el->name); freeMem(el->blockSizes); freeMem(el->chromStarts); freeMem(el->type); freeMem(el->gChrom); freeMem(el->refSeq); freeMem(el->mgc); freeMem(el->kgName); freeMem(el->overName); freez(pEl); } void ucscRetroInfoFreeList(struct ucscRetroInfo **pList) /* Free a list of dynamically allocated ucscRetroInfo's */ { struct ucscRetroInfo *el, *next; for (el = *pList; el != NULL; el = next) { next = el->next; ucscRetroInfoFree(&el); } *pList = NULL; } void ucscRetroInfoOutput(struct ucscRetroInfo *el, FILE *f, char sep, char lastSep) /* Print out ucscRetroInfo. Separate fields with sep. Follow last field with lastSep. */ { if (sep == ',') fputc('"',f); fprintf(f, "%s", el->chrom); if (sep == ',') fputc('"',f); fputc(sep,f); fprintf(f, "%u", el->chromStart); fputc(sep,f); fprintf(f, "%u", el->chromEnd); fputc(sep,f); if (sep == ',') fputc('"',f); fprintf(f, "%s", el->name); if (sep == ',') fputc('"',f); fputc(sep,f); fprintf(f, "%u", el->score); fputc(sep,f); if (sep == ',') fputc('"',f); fprintf(f, "%s", el->strand); if (sep == ',') fputc('"',f); fputc(sep,f); fprintf(f, "%u", el->thickStart); fputc(sep,f); fprintf(f, "%u", el->thickEnd); fputc(sep,f); fprintf(f, "%u", el->reserved); fputc(sep,f); fprintf(f, "%d", el->blockCount); fputc(sep,f); { int i; if (sep == ',') fputc('{',f); for (i=0; iblockCount; ++i) { fprintf(f, "%d", el->blockSizes[i]); fputc(',', f); } if (sep == ',') fputc('}',f); } fputc(sep,f); { int i; if (sep == ',') fputc('{',f); for (i=0; iblockCount; ++i) { fprintf(f, "%d", el->chromStarts[i]); fputc(',', f); } if (sep == ',') fputc('}',f); } fputc(sep,f); fprintf(f, "%d", el->retroExonCount); fputc(sep,f); fprintf(f, "%d", el->axtScore); fputc(sep,f); if (sep == ',') fputc('"',f); fprintf(f, "%s", el->type); if (sep == ',') fputc('"',f); fputc(sep,f); if (sep == ',') fputc('"',f); fprintf(f, "%s", el->gChrom); if (sep == ',') fputc('"',f); fputc(sep,f); fprintf(f, "%d", el->gStart); fputc(sep,f); fprintf(f, "%d", el->gEnd); fputc(sep,f); if (sep == ',') fputc('"',f); fprintf(f, "%s", el->gStrand); if (sep == ',') fputc('"',f); fputc(sep,f); fprintf(f, "%u", el->parentSpliceCount); fputc(sep,f); fprintf(f, "%u", el->geneOverlap); fputc(sep,f); fprintf(f, "%u", el->polyA); fputc(sep,f); fprintf(f, "%d", el->polyAstart); fputc(sep,f); fprintf(f, "%d", el->exonCover); fputc(sep,f); fprintf(f, "%u", el->intronCount); fputc(sep,f); fprintf(f, "%u", el->bestAliCount); fputc(sep,f); fprintf(f, "%u", el->matches); fputc(sep,f); fprintf(f, "%u", el->qSize); fputc(sep,f); fprintf(f, "%u", el->qEnd); fputc(sep,f); fprintf(f, "%u", el->tReps); fputc(sep,f); fprintf(f, "%u", el->coverage); fputc(sep,f); fprintf(f, "%d", el->label); fputc(sep,f); fprintf(f, "%u", el->milliBad); fputc(sep,f); -//fprintf(f, "%u", el->oldScore); -//fputc(sep,f); fprintf(f, "%d", el->alignGapCount); fputc(sep,f); fprintf(f, "%d", el->processedIntrons); fputc(sep,f); fprintf(f, "%d", el->conservedSpliceSites); fputc(sep,f); fprintf(f, "%d", el->maxOverlap); fputc(sep,f); if (sep == ',') fputc('"',f); fprintf(f, "%s", el->refSeq); if (sep == ',') fputc('"',f); fputc(sep,f); fprintf(f, "%d", el->rStart); fputc(sep,f); fprintf(f, "%d", el->rEnd); fputc(sep,f); if (sep == ',') fputc('"',f); fprintf(f, "%s", el->mgc); if (sep == ',') fputc('"',f); fputc(sep,f); fprintf(f, "%d", el->mStart); fputc(sep,f); fprintf(f, "%d", el->mEnd); fputc(sep,f); if (sep == ',') fputc('"',f); fprintf(f, "%s", el->kgName); if (sep == ',') fputc('"',f); fputc(sep,f); fprintf(f, "%d", el->kStart); fputc(sep,f); fprintf(f, "%d", el->kEnd); fputc(sep,f); if (sep == ',') fputc('"',f); fprintf(f, "%s", el->overName); if (sep == ',') fputc('"',f); fputc(sep,f); fprintf(f, "%d", el->overStart); fputc(sep,f); fprintf(f, "%d", el->overExonCover); fputc(sep,f); if (sep == ',') fputc('"',f); fprintf(f, "%s", el->overStrand); if (sep == ',') fputc('"',f); fputc(sep,f); fprintf(f, "%g", el->posConf); fputc(sep,f); fprintf(f, "%u", el->polyAlen); fputc(lastSep,f); } /* -------------------------------- End autoSql Generated Code -------------------------------- */ struct ucscRetroInfo *ucscRetroInfoQuery(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *table, char *mappedId) /* load a single retro object for an mapped id from a table, * or error if not found */ { return sqlQueryObjs(conn, (sqlLoadFunc)ucscRetroInfoLoad, sqlQuerySingle, "SELECT * FROM %s WHERE name = \"%s\"", table, mappedId); }