  Thu Mar 26 13:11:29 2015 -0700
Removing unused comment

diff --git confs/preview.hg.conf confs/preview.hg.conf
index 7ee67ba..91ca5bb 100644
--- confs/preview.hg.conf
+++ confs/preview.hg.conf
@@ -152,35 +152,30 @@
 # Option to disable the "All Tables" query in the table browser.  Useful if
 # one wants to be restrictive about what tables can be seen.
 #   hgta.disableAllTables=yes
 # If this option is enabled, the browser CGIs will attempt to generate a an
 # stack traceback on error and dump it to stderr (which is normally captured
 # in the web server error log).  This requires the pstack package to be
 # install, which is available on for unix and linux systems.  If
 # signalsHandler is enabled, the stack will also be printed when a signal
 # indicating an error occurs.
 # log signals
-#  turn on google analytics by setting this key.  This is the identifier
-#	specified by your analytics account
-#  set key for analytics account, used in the getTracker(key) function
 # These settings enable geographic allele frequency images on the 
 # details pages for the HGDP Allele Frequency (hgdpGeo) track.
 # (HGDP = Human Genome Diversity Project)
 # Programs required for per-SNP geographic maps of HGDP population
 # allele frequencies:
 # Customize your downloads.server machine name here
 # enable user specific javascript
 # browser.javaScriptDir=js/<your logname>