a9d79df3cbd3f62b8607f053db951ccc0b7647da max Thu Mar 26 05:15:35 2015 -0700 previous commit was way overzealous, re-adding stubs for old gisaid code. Should have not touched this, sorry. diff --git src/hg/lib/hCommon.c src/hg/lib/hCommon.c index be8283a..04354c2 100644 --- src/hg/lib/hCommon.c +++ src/hg/lib/hCommon.c @@ -1,367 +1,384 @@ /* hCommon.c - routines used by many files in hgap project. */ /* Copyright (C) 2014 The Regents of the University of California * See README in this or parent directory for licensing information. */ #include "common.h" #include "hCommon.h" #include "chromInfo.h" #include "portable.h" #include "hgConfig.h" #include "errAbort.h" static char *_hgcName = "../cgi-bin/hgc"; /* Path to click processing program. */ static char *_hgTracksName = "../cgi-bin/hgTracks"; /* Path back to genome browser. */ static char *_hgTrackUiName = "../cgi-bin/hgTrackUi"; /* Path to extended ui program. */ static char *_hgFileUiName = "../cgi-bin/hgFileUi"; /* Path to downloladable files CGI. */ static char *_hgTextName = "../cgi-bin/hgText"; /* Path back to the text browser. */ static char *_hgTablesName = "../cgi-bin/hgTables"; /* Path back to the table browser. */ static char *_hgVaiName = "../cgi-bin/hgVai"; /* Path back to the variant annotation integrator. */ static char *_hgCustomName = "../cgi-bin/hgCustom"; /* Path back to the custom tracks manager. */ static char *_hgHubConnectName = "../cgi-bin/hgHubConnect"; /* Path back to the track hub manager. */ static char *_hgSessionName = "../cgi-bin/hgSession"; /* Path to session manager. */ static char *_hgPalName = "../cgi-bin/hgPal"; /* Path back to the protein aligner */ static char *_hgVarAnnogratorName = "../cgi-bin/hgVarAnnogrator"; /* Path to variant annot intgr */ static char *_hgIntegratorName = "../cgi-bin/hgIntegrator"; /* Path to annotation intgrator */ char *hgPalName() /* Relative URL to click processing program. */ { return _hgPalName; } char *hgcName() /* Relative URL to click processing program. */ { return _hgcName; } char *hgTracksName() /* Relative URL to browser. */ { return _hgTracksName; } char *hgTrackUiName() /* Relative URL to extended track UI. */ { return _hgTrackUiName; } char *hgFileUiName() /* Relative URL to downloladable files UI. */ { return _hgFileUiName; } char *hgTextName() /* Relative URL to old table browser. */ { return _hgTextName; } char *hgTablesName() /* Relative URL to table browser. */ { return _hgTablesName; } char *hgVaiName() /* Relative URL to variant annotation integrator. */ { return _hgVaiName; } char *hgCustomName() /* Relative URL to custom tracks manager. */ { return _hgCustomName; } char *hgHubConnectName() /* Relative URL to track hub manager. */ { return _hgHubConnectName; } char *hgSessionName() /* Relative URL to session manager. */ { return _hgSessionName; } char *hgVarAnnogratorName() /* Relative URL to variant annotation integrator program. */ { return _hgVarAnnogratorName; } char *hgIntegratorName() /* Relative URL to annotation integrator program. */ { return _hgIntegratorName; } static void finishCloneName(char *fragName, char *e, char cloneName[128]) /* Finish conversion from frag to clone or clone.ver name. */ { int size; if (e == NULL) e = fragName + strlen(fragName); size = e - fragName; if (size >= 128) errAbort("name too long %s\n", fragName); memcpy(cloneName, fragName, size); cloneName[size] = 0; } void fragToCloneName(char *fragName, char cloneName[128]) /* Convert fragment name to clone name. */ { char *e = strchr(fragName, '.'); finishCloneName(fragName, e, cloneName); } void fragToCloneVerName(char *fragName, char cloneVerName[128]) /* Convert fragment name to clone.version name. */ { char *e = strchr(fragName, '.'); if (e == NULL) errAbort("No . in fragName %s", fragName); e = strchr(e, '_'); finishCloneName(fragName, e, cloneVerName); } void recNameToFileName(char *dir, char *recName, char *fileName, char *suffix) /* Convert UCSC style fragment name to name of file for a clone. */ { char *e; char *d = fileName; int size; /* Start file name with directory if any. */ if (dir != NULL) { size = strlen(dir); memcpy(d, dir, size); d += size; if (dir[size-1] != '/') *d++ = '/'; } if (*recName == '>') ++recName; recName = skipLeadingSpaces(recName); e = strchr(recName, '.'); if (e == NULL) e = skipToSpaces(recName); if (e == NULL) e = recName + strlen(recName); size = e - recName; memcpy(d, recName, size); d += size; strcpy(d, suffix); } void faRecNameToQacFileName(char *dir, char *recName, char *fileName) /* Convert fa record name to file name. */ { recNameToFileName(dir, recName, fileName, ".qac"); } void faRecNameToFaFileName(char *dir, char *recName, char *fileName) /* Convert fa record name to file name. */ { recNameToFileName(dir, recName, fileName, ".fa"); } void gsToUcsc(char *gsName, char *ucscName) /* Convert from * AC020585.5~1.2 Fragment 2 of 29 (AC020585.5:1..1195) * to * AC020585.5_1_2 */ { char *s, *e, *d; int size; /* Copy in accession and version. */ d = ucscName; s = gsName; e = strchr(s, '~'); if (e == NULL) errAbort("Expecting . in %s", gsName); size = e - s; memcpy(d, s, size); d += size; /* Skip over tilde and replace it with _ */ s = e+1; *d++ = '_'; e = skipToSpaces(s); if (e == NULL) e = s + strlen(s); size = e - s; memcpy(d, s, size); d[size] = 0; subChar(d, '.', '_'); return; } char *skipChr(char *s) /* Skip leading 'chr' in string (to get the actual chromosome part). */ { if (startsWith("chr", s)) s += 3; else if (startsWith("scaffold_", s)) s += 9; else if (startsWith("Scaffold_", s)) s += 9; return s; } int chromToInt(char *s) /* converts a chrom name chrXX into an integer from 1 to 54. X = 23 Y = 24 Un = 25 M = 26 random = chr + 26;*/ { char *u; int ret = 0; char str[64]; if (!startsWith("chr", s)) { return 0; } s += 3; safef(str, sizeof(str), "%s", s); u = strchr(str,'_'); if (u != NULL) { ret = 26; *u = '\0'; } switch (str[0]) { case 'X': ret += 23; break; case 'Y': ret += 24; break; case 'U': ret += 25; break; case 'M': ret += 26; break; default: ret += atoi(s); } return ret; } +boolean hIsGisaidServer() +/* Gisaid is not used anymore */ +{ +return FALSE; +} + +boolean hIsGsidServer() +/* Gsid is not use anymore */ +{ +return FALSE; +} + +boolean validateGisaidUser() +/* Gsid is not use anymore */ +{ +return FALSE; +} boolean hIsCgbServer() /* Is this a cancer genome browser server? Change for config variable * cgb.server=yes */ { static boolean cgbHost = FALSE; static boolean haveChecked = FALSE; if (!haveChecked) { char *serverOpt = cfgOption("cgb.server"); cgbHost = (serverOpt != NULL) && sameString(serverOpt, "yes"); haveChecked = TRUE; } return cgbHost; } void hTableStart() /* Output a table with solid borders. */ /* For some reason BORDER=1 does not work in our web.c nested table scheme. * So use web.c's trick of using an enclosing table to provide a border. */ { puts("" "\n" "
puts(" |