aeee2a123882d51d1aa13a4fe37de3d688a9307a mspeir Wed Mar 25 12:01:23 2015 -0700 Moving showHelp function to section with other functions diff --git src/utils/qa/ src/utils/qa/ index 44a2331..0630058 100755 --- src/utils/qa/ +++ src/utils/qa/ @@ -1,280 +1,280 @@ #!/bin/bash # quit if something within the script fails set -beEu -o pipefail source `which qaConfig.bash` export HGDB_CONF=$HOME/.hg.conf.beta umask 002 ################################ # # 02-13-2015 # Matthew Speir # # # Performs basic QA for auto-pushed tracks, which includes: # - Checks when data for track was last updated # - Coverage from featureBits -countGaps # - Percentage difference in coverage between now and the last time the script was run # ################################ ##### Variables ##### # Set by command-line options db="" tableName="" bigBedMode="" verboseMode="" # Other variables currDate=$(date +%F) output="" # holds output message logUrl="" logDir="/usr/local/apache/htdocs-genecats/qa/test-results/qaAutoTrack" currLogFile="" prevLogFile="" prevLogDate="" # Variables for issue checking issueNote="" tooOld="" percentDiff="" ##### Functions ##### +# Usage message function +showHelp() { +cat << EOF +Usage: $0 [-hbv] [-d DATABASE] [-t TABLENAME] + + -h Display this help and exit + -d DATABASE UCSC database name, i.e. hg19 or hg38. + -t TABLENAME Table name, i.e. gwasCatalog. + -b BigBed mode. Used for tracks supported + bigBed files, i.e. grcIncidentDb. + -v Verbose mode. Outputs test results to + standard out as well as file. + +Performs basic QA for auto-pushed tracks, which includes: +- Checks when data for track was last updated +- Coverage from featureBits -countGaps +- Percentage difference in coverage between now and the last time the script was run + +Notes: + - For OMIM, ISCA, or ClinVar tracks use omim, isca, or clinvar as the table name. + - Can only be run once for each database/track pair per day. + +EOF +} + # Output function function outputCovDiff () { # four positional arguments. $1 == prevLogFile. $2 == tblCov. $3 == tableName. $4 == tblDate. if [[ $1 != "" ]] # Check for previous log file. True if file exists. then # get info needed for diff rawCount=$(echo $2 | awk '{print $1}') prevCov=$(egrep -A2 "^$3" $1 | grep "^Coverage New" | cut -d" " -f3-) # Grabs coverage from previous log file. rawCountPrev=$(echo $prevCov | awk '{print $1}') # Calculate diff between new and old coverage rawCountDiff=$(echo $(expr $rawCount - $rawCountPrev)|tr -d -) rawCountAvg=$(expr $rawCount / 2 + $rawCountPrev / 2) percentDiff=$(awk -v rcd=$rawCountDiff -v rca=$rawCountAvg 'BEGIN{print 100 * rcd / rca}') # Build output string output+="$3\nLast updated: $4\nCoverage New: $2\nCoverage Old: $prevCov\nCoverage Diff: $percentDiff%\n\n" else output+="$3\nLast updated: $4\nCoverage New: $2\n\n" fi } # Function to raise errors function checkForIssues () { # four positional arguments. $1 == tblDate. $2 == tooOld. $3 == tableName. $4 == precentDiff. # Raises an error if it's been too long since last update if [ $(date -d "$1" +%s) -le $(date -d "$2" +%s) ] then issueNote+="$3 has not been updated since $1, see $logUrl/$db.$tableName.$currDate.txt for more details\n" fi # Raises error if coverage diff between track versions is too large if [[ "$4" != "" ]] && [[ $(echo $4 >= 10 | bc) -eq 1 ]] then issueNote+="Large coverage diff for $3, see $logUrl/$db.$tableName.$currDate.txt for more details\n" fi } ##### Parse command-line input ##### -# Define function for showing usage message -showHelp() { -cat << EOF -Usage: $0 [-hbv] [-d DATABASE] [-t TABLENAME] - - -h Display this help and exit - -d DATABASE UCSC database name, i.e. hg19 or hg38. - -t TABLENAME Table name, i.e. gwasCatalog. - -b BigBed mode. Used for tracks supported - bigBed files, i.e. grcIncidentDb. - -v Verbose mode. Outputs test results to - standard out as well as file. - -Performs basic QA for auto-pushed tracks, which includes: -- Checks when data for track was last updated -- Coverage from featureBits -countGaps -- Percentage difference in coverage between now and the last time the script was run - -Notes: - - For OMIM, ISCA, or ClinVar tracks use omim, isca, or clinvar as the table name. - - Can only be run once for each database/track pair per day. - -EOF -} - OPTIND=1 # Reset is necessary if getopts was used previously in the script. It is a good idea to make this local in a function. while getopts "hd:t:bv" opt do case $opt in h) showHelp exit 0 ;; d) db=$OPTARG ;; t) tableName=$OPTARG ;; v) verboseMode="on" ;; b) bigBedMode="on" ;; '?') show_help >&2 exit 1 ;; esac done shift "$((OPTIND-1))" # Shift off the options and optional --. ##### Main Program ##### # set currLogFile currLogFile="$logDir/$db.$tableName.$currDate.txt" # set info for prevLog prevLogDate=$(ls -Lt $logDir | sed -n /$db.$tableName/p | head -1 | awk -F . '{print $3}') if [ -e $logDir/$db.$tableName.$prevLogDate.txt ] then prevLogFile="$logDir/$db.$tableName.$prevLogDate.txt" fi # Can't run twice in one day as it messes up the "Coverage Old" output if [[ "$currDate" == "$prevLogDate" ]] then echo -e "Previous log date is the same as today's date, $currDate" exit 1 fi # Set tooOld for different tables if [[ "$tableName" == "clinvar" ]] || [[ "$tableName" == "grcIndcidentDb" ]] then tooOld=$(date -d "$currDate - 1 month" +%F) else tooOld=$(date -d "$currDate - 15 days" +%F) fi # Run tests for different tracks if [[ $bigBedMode == "on" ]] then # ClinVar has muliple tables if [[ $tableName == "clinvar" ]] then for tbl in clinvarMain clinvarCnv do # Get file name from beta fileName=$(hgsql -Ne "SELECT * FROM $tbl LIMIT 1" $db) # Get table update time from beta tblDate=$(ssh qateam@hgwbeta "date -d '$(stat -Lc '%y' $fileName)' +%F' '%T") MYTEMPFILE=$(mktemp --tmpdir tmp.XXXXXXXXXX.bed) # featureBits doesn't work with bigBeds, need to turn into bed first ssh qateam@hgwbeta "/usr/local/apache/cgi-bin/utils/bigBedToBed $fileName stdout" > $MYTEMPFILE tblCov=$(featureBits -countGaps $db $MYTEMPFILE 2>&1) # temporary holder so we don't loose original input tableName tableNameTemp=$tableName # set tableName to tbl temporarily so we can use one output function for all tables tableName=$tbl outputCovDiff "$prevLogFile" "$tblCov" "$tableName" "$tblDate" # reset tableName to original name tableName=$tableNameTemp # Check for issues with table checkForIssues "$tblDate" "$tooOld" "$tableName" "$percentDiff" rm -f $MYTEMPFILE done # GRC Incident track relies on remote file so curl must be used instead of stat elif [[ $tableName == "grcIncidentDb" ]] then fileName=$(hgsql -Ne "SELECT * FROM $tableName LIMIT 1" $db) # Use curl to get update time on file tblDate=$(date -d "$(curl -s -v -I $fileName 2>&1 | grep '^< Last-Modified:'| cut -d ' ' -f3- )" '+%F %T') MYTEMPFILE=$(mktemp --tmpdir tmp.XXXXXXXXXX.bed) # featureBits doesn't work with bigBeds, need to turn into bed first bigBedToBed $fileName $MYTEMPFILE tblCov=$(featureBits -countGaps $db $MYTEMPFILE 2>&1) outputCovDiff "$prevLogFile" "$tblCov" "$tableName" "$tblDate" # Check for issues with table checkForIssues "$tblDate" "$tooOld" "$tableName" "$percentDiff" rm -f $MYTEMPFILE # Tests for all other bigBed based autopushed tracks (assuming they don't use remote bigBed files) else fileName=$(hgsql -Ne "SELECT * FROM $tableName LIMIT 1" $db) # Get table update time from beta tblDate=$(ssh qateam@hgwbeta "date -d '$(stat -Lc '%y' $fileName)' +%F' '%T") MYTEMPFILE=$(mktemp --tmpdir tmp.XXXXXXXXXX.bed) # featureBits doesn't work with bigBeds, need to turn into bed first ssh qateam@hgwbeta "/usr/local/apache/cgi-bin/utils/bigBedToBed $fileName stdout" > $MYTEMPFILE tblCov=$(featureBits -countGaps $db $MYTEMPFILE 2>&1) outputCovDiff "$prevLogFile" "$tblCov" "$tableName" "$tblDate" # Check for issues with table checkForIssues "$tblDate" "$tooOld" "$tableName" "$percentDiff" rm -f $MYTEMPFILE fi # Tests for non-bigBed tracks else # OMIM and ISCA both have a large number of tables if [[ $tableName == "omim" ]] || [[ $tableName == "isca" ]] then for tbl in $(hgsql -Ne "SHOW TABLES LIKE '%$tableName%'" $db) # Grabs list of all omim or isca tables from beta do tblDate=$(hgsql -Ne "SELECT UPDATE_TIME FROM information_schema.tables WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA='$db' AND TABLE_NAME='$tbl'") # Only some omim tables have coordinates if [[ $tbl == "omimGene2" ]] || [[ $tbl == "omimAvSnp" ]] || [[ $tbl == "omimLocation" ]] || [[ $tableName == "isca" ]] then tblCov=$(ssh qateam@hgwbeta "featureBits -countGaps $db $tbl 2>&1") # temporary holder so we don't loose original input tableName tableNameTemp=$tableName # set tableName to tbl temporarily so we can use one output function for all tables tableName=$tbl outputCovDiff "$prevLogFile" "$tblCov" "$tableName" "$tblDate" # reset tableName to original name tableName=$tableNameTemp # Output for tables that don't contain coordinates else output+="$tbl\nLast updated: $tblDate\n\n" fi done # Check for different issues with table # Must be outside of for loop so as to only output one error message for the entire table set checkForIssues "$tblDate" "$tooOld" "$tableName" "$percentDiff" # Tests for all other table based autopushed tracks else tblDate=$(hgsql -Ne "SELECT UPDATE_TIME FROM information_schema.tables WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA='$db' AND TABLE_NAME='$tableName'") tblCov=$(ssh qateam@hgwbeta "featureBits -countGaps $db $tableName 2>&1") outputCovDiff "$prevLogFile" "$tblCov" "$tableName" "$tblDate" # Check for issues with table checkForIssues "$tblDate" "$tooOld" "$tableName" "$percentDiff" fi fi # Output results of tests if [[ $issueNote != "" ]] then echo -e $issueNote | tee $currLogFile fi if [[ $verboseMode != "" ]] # True if verboseMode is on then echo -e $output | tee -a $currLogFile else echo -e $output >> $currLogFile fi