  Tue Mar 10 11:00:54 2015 -0700
Fixing item name buffer overflow: fixes #14966

diff --git src/hg/lib/hgSeq.c src/hg/lib/hgSeq.c
index 65c54a9..f6bae45 100644
--- src/hg/lib/hgSeq.c
+++ src/hg/lib/hgSeq.c
@@ -480,31 +480,31 @@
 maxStartsOffset = 0;
 addFeature(&count, starts, sizes, exonFlags, cdsFlags,
 	   chromStart, chromEnd - chromStart, FALSE, FALSE, chromSize);
 hgSeqRegionsDb(db, chrom, chromSize, strand, name, FALSE, count, starts, sizes, exonFlags,
 int hgSeqBed(char *db, struct hTableInfo *hti, struct bed *bedList)
 /* Print out dna sequence from the given database of all items in bedList.  
  * hti describes the bed-compatibility level of bedList items.  
  * Returns number of FASTA records printed out. */
 struct bed *bedItem;
-char itemName[128];
+char itemName[512];
 boolean isRc;
 int count;
 unsigned *starts = NULL;
 unsigned *sizes = NULL;
 boolean *exonFlags = NULL;
 boolean *cdsFlags = NULL;
 int i, rowCount, totalCount;
 boolean promoter   = cgiBoolean("hgSeq.promoter");
 boolean intron     = cgiBoolean("hgSeq.intron");
 boolean utrExon5   = cgiBoolean("hgSeq.utrExon5");
 boolean utrIntron5 = utrExon5 && intron;
 boolean cdsExon    = cgiBoolean("hgSeq.cdsExon");
 boolean cdsIntron  = cdsExon && intron;
 boolean utrExon3   = cgiBoolean("hgSeq.utrExon3");
 boolean utrIntron3 = utrExon3 && intron;