Tue Mar 10 11:00:54 2015 -0700
Fixing item name buffer overflow: fixes #14966
diff --git src/hg/lib/hgSeq.c src/hg/lib/hgSeq.c
index 65c54a9..f6bae45 100644
--- src/hg/lib/hgSeq.c
+++ src/hg/lib/hgSeq.c
@@ -1,811 +1,811 @@
/* hgSeq - Fetch and format DNA sequence data (to stdout) for gene records. */
/* Copyright (C) 2014 The Regents of the University of California
* See README in this or parent directory for licensing information. */
#include "common.h"
#include "dnautil.h"
#include "dnaseq.h"
#include "cart.h"
#include "cheapcgi.h"
#include "hdb.h"
#include "web.h"
#include "rmskOut.h"
#include "fa.h"
#include "genePred.h"
#include "bed.h"
#include "hgSeq.h"
#include "trackHub.h"
int hgSeqChromSize(char *db, char *chromName)
/* get chrom size if there's a database out there,
* otherwise just return 0 */
int thisSize = 0;
if (hDbExists(db))
thisSize = hChromSize(db, chromName);
return thisSize;
static void hgSeqFeatureRegionOptions(struct cart *cart, boolean canDoUTR,
boolean canDoIntrons)
/* Print out HTML FORM entries for feature region options. */
char *exonStr = canDoIntrons ? " Exons" : "";
char *setting;
Sequence Retrieval Region Options:
if (canDoIntrons || canDoUTR)
cartCgiUsualBoolean(cart, "hgSeq.promoter", FALSE));
puts("Promoter/Upstream by ");
setting = cartCgiUsualString(cart, "hgSeq.promoterSize", "1000");
cgiMakeTextVar("hgSeq.promoterSize", setting, 5);
if (canDoUTR)
cartCgiUsualBoolean(cart, "hgSeq.utrExon5", TRUE));
printf("5' UTR%s
\n", exonStr);
if (canDoIntrons)
cartCgiUsualBoolean(cart, "hgSeq.cdsExon", TRUE));
if (canDoUTR)
printf("CDS Exons
else if (canDoUTR)
cartCgiUsualBoolean(cart, "hgSeq.cdsExon", TRUE));
cgiMakeHiddenVar("hgSeq.cdsExon", "1");
if (canDoUTR)
cartCgiUsualBoolean(cart, "hgSeq.utrExon3", TRUE));
printf("3' UTR%s
\n", exonStr);
if (canDoIntrons)
cartCgiUsualBoolean(cart, "hgSeq.intron", TRUE));
if (canDoUTR)
puts("Regions between blocks
if (canDoIntrons || canDoUTR)
cartCgiUsualBoolean(cart, "hgSeq.downstream", FALSE));
puts("Downstream by ");
setting = cartCgiUsualString(cart, "hgSeq.downstreamSize", "1000");
cgiMakeTextVar("hgSeq.downstreamSize", setting, 5);
if (canDoIntrons || canDoUTR)
setting = cartCgiUsualString(cart, "hgSeq.granularity", "gene");
cgiMakeRadioButton("hgSeq.granularity", "gene",
sameString(setting, "gene"));
if (canDoUTR)
puts("One FASTA record per gene.
puts("One FASTA record per item.
cgiMakeRadioButton("hgSeq.granularity", "feature",
sameString(setting, "feature"));
if (canDoUTR)
puts("One FASTA record per region (exon, intron, etc.) with ");
puts("One FASTA record per region (block/between blocks) with ");
puts("Add ");
setting = cartCgiUsualString(cart, "hgSeq.padding5", "0");
cgiMakeTextVar("hgSeq.padding5", setting, 5);
puts("extra bases upstream (5') and ");
setting = cartCgiUsualString(cart, "hgSeq.padding3", "0");
cgiMakeTextVar("hgSeq.padding3", setting, 5);
puts("extra downstream (3')
if (canDoIntrons && canDoUTR)
puts(" ");
cartCgiUsualBoolean(cart, "hgSeq.splitCDSUTR", FALSE));
puts("Split UTR and CDS parts of an exon into separate FASTA records");
puts("Note: if a feature is close to the beginning or end of a chromosome \n"
"and upstream/downstream bases are added, they may be truncated \n"
"in order to avoid extending past the edge of the chromosome. ");
static void hgSeqDisplayOptions(struct cart *cart, boolean canDoUTR,
boolean canDoIntrons, boolean offerRevComp)
/* Print out HTML FORM entries for sequence display options. */
char *casing, *repMasking;
Sequence Formatting Options:
casing = cartCgiUsualString(cart, "hgSeq.casing", "exon");
if (canDoIntrons)
cgiMakeRadioButton("hgSeq.casing", "exon", sameString(casing, "exon"));
if (canDoUTR)
puts("Exons in upper case, everything else in lower case.
puts("Blocks in upper case, everything else in lower case.
if (canDoUTR)
if (sameString(casing, "exon") && !canDoIntrons)
casing = "cds";
cgiMakeRadioButton("hgSeq.casing", "cds", sameString(casing, "cds"));
puts("CDS in upper case, UTR in lower case.
if ((sameString(casing, "exon") && !canDoIntrons) ||
(sameString(casing, "cds") && !canDoUTR))
casing = "upper";
cgiMakeRadioButton("hgSeq.casing", "upper", sameString(casing, "upper"));
puts("All upper case.
cgiMakeRadioButton("hgSeq.casing", "lower", sameString(casing, "lower"));
puts("All lower case.
cartCgiUsualBoolean(cart, "hgSeq.maskRepeats", FALSE));
puts("Mask repeats: ");
repMasking = cartCgiUsualString(cart, "hgSeq.repMasking", "lower");
cgiMakeRadioButton("hgSeq.repMasking", "lower",
sameString(repMasking, "lower"));
puts(" to lower case ");
cgiMakeRadioButton("hgSeq.repMasking", "N", sameString(repMasking, "N"));
puts(" to N
if (offerRevComp)
cartCgiUsualBoolean(cart, "hgSeq.revComp", FALSE));
puts("Reverse complement (get \'-\' strand sequence)");
void hgSeqOptionsHtiCart(struct hTableInfo *hti, struct cart *cart)
/* Print out HTML FORM entries for gene region and sequence display options.
* Use defaults from CGI and cart. */
boolean canDoUTR, canDoIntrons, offerRevComp;
if (hti == NULL)
canDoUTR = canDoIntrons = FALSE;
offerRevComp = TRUE;
canDoUTR = hti->hasCDS;
canDoIntrons = hti->hasBlocks;
offerRevComp = (hti->strandField[0] == 0);
hgSeqFeatureRegionOptions(cart, canDoUTR, canDoIntrons);
hgSeqDisplayOptions(cart, canDoUTR, canDoIntrons, offerRevComp);
#ifdef NEVER
void hgSeqOptionsHti(struct hTableInfo *hti)
/* Print out HTML FORM entries for gene region and sequence display options.
* Use defaults from CGI. */
hgSeqOptionsHtiCart(hti, NULL);
#endif /* NEVER */
void hgSeqOptions(struct cart *cart, char *db, char *table)
/* Print out HTML FORM entries for gene region and sequence display options. */
struct hTableInfo *hti;
char chrom[32];
char rootName[256];
if (isCustomTrack(table) || startsWith("hub_", table))
// we asssume that this is a bigGenePred table if we got here with it
hgSeqFeatureRegionOptions(cart, TRUE, TRUE);
hgSeqDisplayOptions(cart, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE);
else if ((table == NULL) || (table[0] == 0))
hti = NULL;
hParseTableName(db, table, rootName, chrom);
hti = hFindTableInfo(db, chrom, rootName);
if (hti == NULL)
webAbort("Error", "Could not find table info for table %s (%s)",
rootName, table);
hgSeqOptionsHtiCart(hti, cart);
static void hgSeqConcatRegionsDb(char *db, char *chrom, int chromSize, char strand, char *name,
int rCount, unsigned *rStarts, unsigned *rSizes,
boolean *exonFlags, boolean *cdsFlags)
/* Concatenate and print out dna for a series of regions. */
// Note: this code use to generate different sequence ids if the global
// database in hdb was different than the db parameter. This functionality
// has been removed since the global database was removed and it didn't
// appear to be used.
struct dnaSeq *rSeq = NULL;
struct dnaSeq *cSeq = NULL;
char recName[256];
int seqStart, seqEnd;
int offset, cSize;
int i;
boolean isRc = (strand == '-') || cgiBoolean("hgSeq.revComp");
boolean maskRep = cgiBoolean("hgSeq.maskRepeats");
int padding5 = cgiOptionalInt("hgSeq.padding5", 0);
int padding3 = cgiOptionalInt("hgSeq.padding3", 0);
char *casing = cgiString("hgSeq.casing");
char *repMasking = cgiString("hgSeq.repMasking");
char *granularity = cgiOptionalString("hgSeq.granularity");
boolean concatRegions = granularity && sameString("gene", granularity);
if (rCount < 1)
/* Don't support padding if granularity is gene (i.e. concat'ing all). */
if (concatRegions)
padding5 = padding3 = 0;
i = rCount - 1;
seqStart = rStarts[0] - (isRc ? padding3 : padding5);
seqEnd = rStarts[i] + rSizes[i] + (isRc ? padding5 : padding3);
/* Padding might push us off the edge of the chrom; if so, truncate: */
if (seqStart < 0)
if (isRc)
padding3 += seqStart;
padding5 += seqStart;
seqStart = 0;
/* if we know the chromSize, don't pad out beyond it */
if ((chromSize > 0) && (seqEnd > chromSize))
if (isRc)
padding5 += (chromSize - seqEnd);
padding3 += (chromSize - seqEnd);
seqEnd = chromSize;
if (seqEnd <= seqStart)
printf("# Null range for %s_%s (range=%s:%d-%d 5'pad=%d 3'pad=%d) (may indicate a query-side insert)\n",
chrom, seqStart+1, seqEnd,
padding5, padding3);
if (maskRep)
rSeq = hDnaFromSeq(db, chrom, seqStart, seqEnd, dnaMixed);
if (sameString(repMasking, "N"))
lowerToN(rSeq->dna, strlen(rSeq->dna));
if (!sameString(casing, "upper"))
else if (sameString(casing, "upper"))
rSeq = hDnaFromSeq(db, chrom, seqStart, seqEnd, dnaUpper);
rSeq = hDnaFromSeq(db, chrom, seqStart, seqEnd, dnaLower);
/* Handle casing and compute size of concatenated sequence */
cSize = 0;
for (i=0; i < rCount; i++)
if ((sameString(casing, "exon") && exonFlags[i]) ||
(sameString(casing, "cds") && cdsFlags[i]))
int rStart = rStarts[i] - seqStart;
toUpperN(rSeq->dna+rStart, rSizes[i]);
cSize += rSizes[i];
cSize += (padding5 + padding3);
cSeq->dna = needLargeMem(cSize+1);
cSeq->size = cSize;
offset = 0;
for (i=0; i < rCount; i++)
int start = rStarts[i] - seqStart;
int size = rSizes[i];
if (i == 0)
start -= (isRc ? padding3 : padding5);
assert(start == 0);
size += (isRc ? padding3 : padding5);
if (i == rCount-1)
size += (isRc ? padding5 : padding3);
memcpy(cSeq->dna+offset, rSeq->dna+start, size);
offset += size;
assert(offset == cSeq->size);
cSeq->dna[offset] = 0;
if (isRc)
reverseComplement(cSeq->dna, cSeq->size);
safef(recName, sizeof(recName),
"%s_%s range=%s:%d-%d 5'pad=%d 3'pad=%d "
"strand=%c repeatMasking=%s",
chrom, seqStart+1, seqEnd,
padding5, padding3,
(isRc ? '-' : '+'),
(maskRep ? repMasking : "none"));
faWriteNext(stdout, recName, cSeq->dna, cSeq->size);
static void hgSeqRegionsAdjDb(char *db, char *chrom, int chromSize, char strand, char *name,
boolean concatRegions, boolean concatAdjacent,
int rCount, unsigned *rStarts, unsigned *rSizes,
boolean *exonFlags, boolean *cdsFlags)
/* Concatenate and print out dna for a series of regions,
* optionally concatenating adjacent exons. */
if (concatRegions || (rCount == 1))
hgSeqConcatRegionsDb(db, chrom, chromSize, strand, name,
rCount, rStarts, rSizes, exonFlags, cdsFlags);
int i, count;
boolean isRc = (strand == '-');
char rName[256];
for (i=0,count=0; i < rCount; i++,count++)
int j, jEnd, len, lo, hi;
safef(rName, sizeof(rName), "%s_%d", name, count);
j = (isRc ? (rCount - i - 1) : i);
jEnd = (isRc ? (j - 1) : (j + 1));
if (concatAdjacent && exonFlags[j])
lo = (isRc ? jEnd : (jEnd - 1));
hi = (isRc ? (jEnd + 1) : jEnd);
while ((i < rCount) &&
((rStarts[lo] + rSizes[lo]) == rStarts[hi]) &&
jEnd = (isRc ? (jEnd - 1) : (jEnd + 1));
lo = (isRc ? jEnd : (jEnd - 1));
hi = (isRc ? (jEnd + 1) : jEnd);
len = (isRc ? (j - jEnd) : (jEnd - j));
lo = (isRc ? (jEnd + 1) : j);
hgSeqConcatRegionsDb(db, chrom, chromSize, strand, rName,
len, &rStarts[lo], &rSizes[lo], &exonFlags[lo],
static void hgSeqRegionsDb(char *db, char *chrom, int chromSize, char strand, char *name,
boolean concatRegions,
int rCount, unsigned *rStarts, unsigned *rSizes,
boolean *exonFlags, boolean *cdsFlags)
/* Concatenate and print out dna for a series of regions. */
hgSeqRegionsAdjDb(db, chrom, chromSize, strand, name, concatRegions, FALSE,
rCount, rStarts, rSizes, exonFlags, cdsFlags);
static int maxStartsOffset = 0;
static void addFeature(int *count, unsigned *starts, unsigned *sizes,
boolean *exonFlags, boolean *cdsFlags,
int start, int size, boolean eFlag, boolean cFlag,
int chromSize)
if (start < 0)
size += start;
start = 0;
/* if we know the chromSize, don't try to get more than's there */
if ((chromSize > 0) && (start + size > chromSize))
size = chromSize - start;
if (*count > maxStartsOffset)
errAbort("addFeature: overflow (%d > %d)", *count, maxStartsOffset);
starts[*count] = start;
sizes[*count] = size;
exonFlags[*count] = eFlag;
cdsFlags[*count] = cFlag;
void hgSeqRange(char *db, char *chrom, int chromStart, int chromEnd, char strand,
char *name)
/* Print out dna sequence for the given range. */
int count = 0;
unsigned starts[1];
unsigned sizes[1];
boolean exonFlags[1];
boolean cdsFlags[1];
int chromSize = hgSeqChromSize(db, chrom);
maxStartsOffset = 0;
addFeature(&count, starts, sizes, exonFlags, cdsFlags,
chromStart, chromEnd - chromStart, FALSE, FALSE, chromSize);
hgSeqRegionsDb(db, chrom, chromSize, strand, name, FALSE, count, starts, sizes, exonFlags,
int hgSeqBed(char *db, struct hTableInfo *hti, struct bed *bedList)
/* Print out dna sequence from the given database of all items in bedList.
* hti describes the bed-compatibility level of bedList items.
* Returns number of FASTA records printed out. */
struct bed *bedItem;
-char itemName[128];
+char itemName[512];
boolean isRc;
int count;
unsigned *starts = NULL;
unsigned *sizes = NULL;
boolean *exonFlags = NULL;
boolean *cdsFlags = NULL;
int i, rowCount, totalCount;
boolean promoter = cgiBoolean("hgSeq.promoter");
boolean intron = cgiBoolean("hgSeq.intron");
boolean utrExon5 = cgiBoolean("hgSeq.utrExon5");
boolean utrIntron5 = utrExon5 && intron;
boolean cdsExon = cgiBoolean("hgSeq.cdsExon");
boolean cdsIntron = cdsExon && intron;
boolean utrExon3 = cgiBoolean("hgSeq.utrExon3");
boolean utrIntron3 = utrExon3 && intron;
boolean downstream = cgiBoolean("hgSeq.downstream");
int promoterSize = cgiOptionalInt("hgSeq.promoterSize", 0);
int downstreamSize = cgiOptionalInt("hgSeq.downstreamSize", 0);
char *granularity = cgiOptionalString("hgSeq.granularity");
boolean concatRegions = granularity && sameString("gene", granularity);
boolean concatAdjacent = (cgiBooleanDefined("hgSeq.splitCDSUTR") &&
(! cgiBoolean("hgSeq.splitCDSUTR")));
boolean isCDS, doIntron;
boolean canDoUTR, canDoIntrons;
/* catch a special case: introns selected, but no exons -> include all introns
* instead of qualifying intron with exon flags. */
if (intron && !(utrExon5 || cdsExon || utrExon3))
utrIntron5 = cdsIntron = utrIntron3 = TRUE;
canDoUTR = hti->hasCDS;
canDoIntrons = hti->hasBlocks;
rowCount = totalCount = 0;
for (bedItem = bedList; bedItem != NULL; bedItem = bedItem->next)
if (bedItem->blockCount == 0) /* An intersection may have made hti unreliable. */
canDoIntrons = FALSE;
int chromSize = hgSeqChromSize(db, bedItem->chrom);
// bed: translate relative starts to absolute starts
for (i=0; i < bedItem->blockCount; i++)
bedItem->chromStarts[i] += bedItem->chromStart;
isRc = (bedItem->strand[0] == '-');
// here's the max # of feature regions:
if (canDoIntrons)
count = 4 + (2 * bedItem->blockCount);
count = 5;
maxStartsOffset = count-1;
starts = needMem(sizeof(unsigned) * count);
sizes = needMem(sizeof(unsigned) * count);
exonFlags = needMem(sizeof(boolean) * count);
cdsFlags = needMem(sizeof(boolean) * count);
// build up a list of selected regions
count = 0;
if (!isRc && promoter && (promoterSize > 0))
addFeature(&count, starts, sizes, exonFlags, cdsFlags,
(bedItem->chromStart - promoterSize), promoterSize,
FALSE, FALSE, chromSize);
else if (isRc && downstream && (downstreamSize > 0))
addFeature(&count, starts, sizes, exonFlags, cdsFlags,
(bedItem->chromStart - downstreamSize), downstreamSize,
FALSE, FALSE, chromSize);
if (canDoIntrons && canDoUTR)
for (i=0; i < bedItem->blockCount; i++)
if ((bedItem->chromStarts[i] + bedItem->blockSizes[i]) <=
if ((!isRc && utrExon5) || (isRc && utrExon3))
addFeature(&count, starts, sizes, exonFlags, cdsFlags,
bedItem->chromStarts[i], bedItem->blockSizes[i],
TRUE, FALSE, chromSize);
if (((!isRc && utrIntron5) || (isRc && utrIntron3)) &&
(i < bedItem->blockCount - 1))
addFeature(&count, starts, sizes, exonFlags, cdsFlags,
(bedItem->chromStarts[i] +
(bedItem->chromStarts[i+1] -
bedItem->chromStarts[i] -
FALSE, FALSE, chromSize);
else if (bedItem->chromStarts[i] < bedItem->thickEnd)
if ((bedItem->chromStarts[i] < bedItem->thickStart) &&
((bedItem->chromStarts[i] + bedItem->blockSizes[i]) >
if ((!isRc && utrExon5) || (isRc && utrExon3))
addFeature(&count, starts, sizes, exonFlags, cdsFlags,
(bedItem->thickStart -
TRUE, FALSE, chromSize);
if (cdsExon)
addFeature(&count, starts, sizes, exonFlags, cdsFlags,
(bedItem->thickEnd - bedItem->thickStart),
TRUE, TRUE, chromSize);
if ((!isRc && utrExon3) || (isRc && utrExon5))
addFeature(&count, starts, sizes, exonFlags, cdsFlags,
(bedItem->chromStarts[i] +
bedItem->blockSizes[i] -
TRUE, FALSE, chromSize);
else if (bedItem->chromStarts[i] < bedItem->thickStart)
if ((!isRc && utrExon5) || (isRc && utrExon3))
addFeature(&count, starts, sizes, exonFlags, cdsFlags,
(bedItem->thickStart -
TRUE, FALSE, chromSize);
if (cdsExon)
addFeature(&count, starts, sizes, exonFlags, cdsFlags,
(bedItem->chromStarts[i] +
bedItem->blockSizes[i] -
TRUE, TRUE, chromSize);
else if ((bedItem->chromStarts[i] + bedItem->blockSizes[i]) >
if (cdsExon)
addFeature(&count, starts, sizes, exonFlags, cdsFlags,
(bedItem->thickEnd -
TRUE, TRUE, chromSize);
if ((!isRc && utrExon3) || (isRc && utrExon5))
addFeature(&count, starts, sizes, exonFlags, cdsFlags,
(bedItem->chromStarts[i] +
bedItem->blockSizes[i] -
TRUE, FALSE, chromSize);
else if (cdsExon)
addFeature(&count, starts, sizes, exonFlags, cdsFlags,
bedItem->chromStarts[i], bedItem->blockSizes[i],
TRUE, TRUE, chromSize);
isCDS = ! ((bedItem->chromStarts[i] + bedItem->blockSizes[i]) >
doIntron = (isCDS ? cdsIntron :
((!isRc) ? utrIntron3 : utrIntron5));
if (doIntron && (i < bedItem->blockCount - 1))
addFeature(&count, starts, sizes, exonFlags, cdsFlags,
(bedItem->chromStarts[i] +
(bedItem->chromStarts[i+1] -
bedItem->chromStarts[i] -
FALSE, isCDS, chromSize);
if ((!isRc && utrExon3) || (isRc && utrExon5))
addFeature(&count, starts, sizes, exonFlags, cdsFlags,
bedItem->chromStarts[i], bedItem->blockSizes[i],
TRUE, FALSE, chromSize);
if (((!isRc && utrIntron3) || (isRc && utrIntron5)) &&
(i < bedItem->blockCount - 1))
addFeature(&count, starts, sizes, exonFlags, cdsFlags,
(bedItem->chromStarts[i] +
(bedItem->chromStarts[i+1] -
bedItem->chromStarts[i] -
FALSE, FALSE, chromSize);
else if (canDoIntrons)
for (i=0; i < bedItem->blockCount; i++)
if (cdsExon)
addFeature(&count, starts, sizes, exonFlags, cdsFlags,
bedItem->chromStarts[i], bedItem->blockSizes[i],
TRUE, FALSE, chromSize);
if (cdsIntron && (i < bedItem->blockCount - 1))
addFeature(&count, starts, sizes, exonFlags, cdsFlags,
(bedItem->chromStarts[i] + bedItem->blockSizes[i]),
(bedItem->chromStarts[i+1] -
bedItem->chromStarts[i] -
FALSE, FALSE, chromSize);
else if (canDoUTR)
if (bedItem->thickStart == 0 && bedItem->thickEnd == 0)
bedItem->thickStart = bedItem->thickEnd = bedItem->chromStart;
if ((!isRc && utrExon5) || (isRc && utrExon3))
addFeature(&count, starts, sizes, exonFlags, cdsFlags,
(bedItem->thickStart - bedItem->chromStart),
TRUE, FALSE, chromSize);
if (cdsExon)
addFeature(&count, starts, sizes, exonFlags, cdsFlags,
(bedItem->thickEnd - bedItem->thickStart),
TRUE, TRUE, chromSize);
if ((!isRc && utrExon3) || (isRc && utrExon5))
addFeature(&count, starts, sizes, exonFlags, cdsFlags,
(bedItem->chromEnd - bedItem->thickEnd),
TRUE, FALSE, chromSize);
addFeature(&count, starts, sizes, exonFlags, cdsFlags,
(bedItem->chromEnd - bedItem->chromStart),
TRUE, FALSE, chromSize);
if (!isRc && downstream && (downstreamSize > 0))
addFeature(&count, starts, sizes, exonFlags, cdsFlags,
bedItem->chromEnd, downstreamSize, FALSE, FALSE, chromSize);
else if (isRc && promoter && (promoterSize > 0))
addFeature(&count, starts, sizes, exonFlags, cdsFlags,
bedItem->chromEnd, promoterSize, FALSE, FALSE, chromSize);
if (bedItem->name != NULL)
safef(itemName, sizeof(itemName), "%s_%s", hti->rootName, bedItem->name);
safef(itemName, sizeof(itemName), "%s_%d", hti->rootName, rowCount);
hgSeqRegionsAdjDb(db, bedItem->chrom, chromSize, bedItem->strand[0], itemName,
concatRegions, concatAdjacent,
count, starts, sizes, exonFlags, cdsFlags);
totalCount += count;
return totalCount;
int hgSeqItemsInRange(char *db, char *table, char *chrom, int chromStart,
int chromEnd, char *sqlConstraints)
/* Print out dna sequence of all items (that match sqlConstraints, if nonNULL)
in the given range in table. Return number of items. */
struct hTableInfo *hti;
struct bed *bedList = NULL;
char rootName[256];
char parsedChrom[32];
int itemCount;
hParseTableName(db, table, rootName, parsedChrom);
hti = hFindTableInfo(db, chrom, rootName);
if (hti == NULL)
webAbort("Error", "Could not find table info for table %s (%s)",
rootName, table);
bedList = hGetBedRange(db, table, chrom, chromStart, chromEnd,
itemCount = hgSeqBed(db, hti, bedList);
return itemCount;