b4de30fb01a1168eadfcc65206714f1573eef8c9 max Tue Mar 10 06:31:07 2015 -0700 a mirror that has the failover connection (=hgdownload) enabled currently just crashes in hgTables. Adding an additional check to catch this condition and suppress printing the example values, just like what we do for custom tracks. refs #14945 diff --git src/hg/inc/jksql.h src/hg/inc/jksql.h index f6632c2..1d5aa67 100644 --- src/hg/inc/jksql.h +++ src/hg/inc/jksql.h @@ -1,702 +1,706 @@ /***************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2000 Jim Kent. This source code may be freely used * * for personal, academic, and non-profit purposes. Commercial use * * permitted only by explicit agreement with Jim Kent (jim_kent@pacbell.net) * *****************************************************************************/ /* jksql.h - Stuff to manage interface with SQL database. * * To use - first open a connection, then pass a SQL query to * sqlGetResult, then use sqlNextRow to examine result row by * row. The returned row is just an array of strings. Use * sqlUnsigned, sqlSigned, and atof to convert numeric results * to normal form. * * These routines will all print an error message and abort if * there's a problem, cleaning up open connections, etc. on abort * (or on program exit). Do a pushAbortHandler if you want to * catch the aborts. The error messages from bad SQL syntax * are actually pretty good (they're just passed on from * mySQL). */ #ifndef JKSQL_H #define JKSQL_H #include "sqlNum.h" #include "sqlList.h" #include "hash.h" #include "dystring.h" extern char *defaultProfileName; // name of default profile struct sqlConnection *sqlConnect(char *database); /* Connect to database on default host as default user. */ struct sqlConnection *sqlMayConnect(char *database); /* Connect to database on default host as default user. * Return NULL (don't abort) on failure. */ struct sqlConnection *sqlConnectProfile(char *profileName, char *database); /* Connect to profile or database using the specified profile. Can specify * profileName, database, or both. The profile is the prefix to the host, * user, and password variables in .hg.conf. For the default profile of "db", * the environment variables HGDB_HOST, HGDB_USER, and HGDB_PASSWORD can * override. */ struct sqlConnection *sqlMayConnectProfile(char *profileName, char *database); /* Connect to profile or database using the specified profile. Can specify * profileName, database, or both. The profile is the prefix to the host, * user, and password variables in .hg.conf. For the default profile of "db", * the environment variables HGDB_HOST, HGDB_USER, and HGDB_PASSWORD can * override. Return NULL if connection fails. */ struct sqlConnection *sqlConnectRemote(char *host, char *user, char *password, char *database); /* Connect to database somewhere as somebody. Database maybe NULL to * just connect to the server. Abort on error. */ struct sqlConnection *sqlMayConnectRemote(char *host, char *user, char *password, char *database); /* Connect to database somewhere as somebody. Database maybe NULL to * just connect to the server. Return NULL can't connect */ void sqlProfileConfig(char *profileName, char *host, unsigned int port, char *socket, char *user, char *password); /* Set configuration for the profile. This overrides an existing profile in * hg.conf or defines a new one. Results are unpredictable if a connect cache * has been established for this profile. */ void sqlProfileConfigDefault(char *host, unsigned int port, char *socket, char *user, char *password); /* Set configuration for the default profile. This overrides an existing * profile in hg.conf or defines a new one. Results are unpredictable if a * connect cache has been established for this profile. */ void sqlProfileAddDb(char *profileName, char *db); /* add a mapping of db to profile. If database is already associated with * this profile, it is ignored. If it is associated with a different profile, * it is an error. */ struct slName* sqlProfileGetNames(); /* Get a list of all profile names. slFreeList result when done */ struct hash *sqlHashOfDatabases(void); /* Get hash table with names of all databases that are online. */ struct slName *sqlListOfDatabases(void); /* Get list of all databases that are online. */ void sqlDisconnect(struct sqlConnection **pSc); /* Close down connection. */ char* sqlGetDatabase(struct sqlConnection *sc); /* Get the database associated with an connection. Warning: return may be NULL! */ char* sqlGetHost(struct sqlConnection *sc); /* Get the host associated with an connection. */ struct slName *sqlGetAllDatabase(struct sqlConnection *sc); /* Get a list of all database on the server */ struct slName *sqlListTablesLike(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *likeExpr); /* Return list of tables in database associated with conn. Optionally filter list with * given LIKE expression that can be NULL or string e.g. "LIKE 'snp%'". */ struct slName *sqlListTables(struct sqlConnection *conn); /* Return list of tables in database associated with conn. */ struct slName *sqlListFields(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *table); /* Return list of fields in table. */ struct sqlResult *sqlDescribe(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *table); /* Run the sql DESCRIBE command or get a cached table description and return the sql result */ void sqlAddDatabaseFields(char *database, struct hash *hash); /* Add fields from the one database to hash. */ struct hash *sqlAllFields(void); /* Get hash of all fields in database.table.field format. */ struct sqlConnCache *sqlConnCacheNew(); /* Return a new connection cache. (Useful if going to be * doing lots of different queries in different routines * to same database - reduces connection overhead.) */ struct sqlConnCache *sqlConnCacheNewRemote(char *host, char *user, char *password); /* Set up a cache on a remote database. */ struct sqlConnCache *sqlConnCacheNewProfile(char *profileName); /* Return a new connection cache associated with the particular profile. */ void sqlConnCacheFree(struct sqlConnCache **pCache); /* Dispose of a connection cache. */ struct sqlConnection *sqlConnCacheMayAlloc(struct sqlConnCache *cache, char *database); /* Allocate a cached connection. errAbort if too many open connections, * return NULL if can't connect to server. */ struct sqlConnection *sqlConnCacheAlloc(struct sqlConnCache *cache, char *database); /* Allocate a cached connection. */ struct sqlConnection *sqlConnCacheProfileAlloc(struct sqlConnCache *cache, char *profileName, char *database); /* Allocate a cached connection given a profile and/or database. */ struct sqlConnection *sqlConnCacheProfileAllocMaybe(struct sqlConnCache *cache, char *profileName, char *database); /* Allocate a cached connection given a profile and/or database. Return NULL * if the database doesn't exist. */ void sqlConnCacheDealloc(struct sqlConnCache *cache,struct sqlConnection **pConn); /* Free up a cached connection. */ void sqlUpdate(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *query); /* Tell database to do something that produces no results table. */ int sqlUpdateRows(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *query, int* matched); /* Execute an update query, returning the number of rows change. If matched * is not NULL, it gets the total number matching the query. */ boolean sqlExists(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *query); /* Query database and return TRUE if it had a non-empty result. */ boolean sqlRowExists(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *table, char *field, char *key); /* Return TRUE if row where field = key is in table. */ int sqlRowCount(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *queryTblAndCondition); /* Return count of rows that match condition. The queryTblAndCondition * should contain everying after "select count(*) FROM " */ /* Options to sqlLoadTabFile */ #define SQL_TAB_FILE_ON_SERVER 0x01 /* tab file is directly accessible * by the sql server */ #define SQL_TAB_FILE_WARN_ON_WARN 0x02 /* warn on warnings being returned * rather than abort */ #define SQL_TAB_FILE_WARN_ON_ERROR 0x04 /* warn on errors and warnings being returned rather than abort */ #define SQL_TAB_FILE_CONCURRENT 0x10 /* optimize for allowing concurrent * access to the table. */ #define SQL_TAB_TRANSACTION_SAFE 0x20 /* Don't use speed optimizations that * implicitly commit the current transaction. * For example "alter table" */ #define SQL_TAB_REPLACE 0x40 /* Replace entries with duplicate * unique keys instead of generating an * error. */ void sqlLoadTabFile(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *path, char *table, unsigned options); /* Load a tab-seperated file into a database table, checking for errors. * Options are the SQL_TAB_* bit set. SQL_TAB_FILE_ON_SERVER is ignored if * sqlIsRemote() returns true. */ struct sqlResult *sqlGetResultExt(struct sqlConnection *sc, char *query, unsigned int *errorNo, char **error); /* Returns NULL if it had an error. * Otherwise returns a structure that you can do sqlRow() on. * If there was an error, *errorNo will be set to the mysql error number, * and *error will be set to the mysql error string, which MUST NOT be freed. */ struct sqlResult *sqlGetResult(struct sqlConnection *sc, char *query); /* (Returns NULL if result was empty. : * old info, only applies with mysql_store_result not mysql_use_result) * Otherwise returns a structure that you can do sqlRow() on. */ char *sqlEscapeString(const char* from); /* Prepares string for inclusion in a SQL statement . Remember to free * returned string. Returned string contains strlen(length)*2+1 as many bytes * as orig because in worst case every character has to be escaped.*/ char *sqlEscapeString2(char *to, const char* from); /* Prepares a string for inclusion in a sql statement. Output string * must be 2*strlen(from)+1 */ unsigned long sqlEscapeString3(char *to, const char* from); /* Prepares a string for inclusion in a sql statement. Output string * must be 2*strlen(from)+1. Returns actual escaped size not counting term 0. */ void sqlDyAppendEscaped(struct dyString *dy, char *s); /* Append to dy an escaped s */ char *sqlEscapeTabFileString2(char *to, const char *from); /* Escape a string for including in a tab seperated file. Output string * must be 2*strlen(from)+1 */ char *sqlEscapeTabFileString(const char *from); /* Escape a string for including in a tab seperated file. Freez or freeMem * result when done. */ struct sqlResult *sqlMustGetResult(struct sqlConnection *sc, char *query); /* Query database. * old comment: If result empty squawk and die. * This only applied back when sqlGetResult was using mysql_store_result. * These days, with mysql_use_result, we cannot know ahead of time * if there are results, we can only know by actually trying to fetch a row. * At then how would we put it back? So in fact right now sqlMustGetResult * is no different than sqlGetResult. */ void sqlFreeResult(struct sqlResult **pRes); /* Free up a result. */ int sqlCountColumns(struct sqlResult *sr); /* Count the number of columns in result. */ int sqlCountColumnsInTable(struct sqlConnection *sc, char *table); /* Return the number of columns in a table */ boolean sqlDatabaseExists(char *database); /* Return TRUE if database exists. */ boolean sqlTableExists(struct sqlConnection *sc, char *table); /* Return TRUE if a table exists. */ bool sqlColumnExists(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *tableName, char *column); /* return TRUE if column exists in table. tableName can contain sql wildcards */ int sqlTableSizeIfExists(struct sqlConnection *sc, char *table); /* Return row count if a table exists, -1 if it doesn't. */ boolean sqlTablesExist(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *tables); /* Check all tables in space delimited string exist. */ boolean sqlTableWildExists(struct sqlConnection *sc, char *table); /* Return TRUE if table (which can include SQL wildcards) exists. * A bit slower than sqlTableExists. */ boolean sqlTableOk(struct sqlConnection *sc, char *table); /* Return TRUE if a table not only exists, but also is not corrupted. */ char *sqlQuickQuery(struct sqlConnection *sc, char *query, char *buf, int bufSize); /* Does query and returns first field in first row. Meant * for cases where you are just looking up one small thing. * Returns NULL if query comes up empty. */ char *sqlNeedQuickQuery(struct sqlConnection *sc, char *query, char *buf, int bufSize); /* Does query and returns first field in first row. Meant * for cases where you are just looking up one small thing. * Prints error message and aborts if query comes up empty. */ int sqlQuickNum(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *query); /* Get numerical result from simple query. Returns 0 * if query returns no result. */ int sqlNeedQuickNum(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *query); /* Get numerical result or die trying. */ long long sqlQuickLongLong(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *query); /* Get long long numerical result from simple query. Returns 0 if query not found */ double sqlQuickDouble(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *query); /* Get floating point numerical result from simple query */ char *sqlQuickString(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *query); /* Return result of single-row/single column query in a * string that should eventually be freeMem'd. */ char *sqlNeedQuickString(struct sqlConnection *sc, char *query); /* Return result of single-row/single column query in a * string that should eventually be freeMem'd. This will * print an error message and abort if result returns empty. */ char *sqlQuickNonemptyString(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *query); /* Return first result of given query. If it is an empty string * convert it to NULL. */ struct slName *sqlQuickList(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *query); /* Return a list of slNames for a single column query. * Do a slFreeList on result when done. */ struct hash *sqlQuickHash(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *query); /* Return a hash filled with results of two column query. * The first column is the key, the second the value. */ struct slInt *sqlQuickNumList(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *query); /* Return a list of slInts for a single column query. * Do a slFreeList on result when done. */ struct slDouble *sqlQuickDoubleList(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *query); /* Return a list of slDoubles for a single column query. * Do a slFreeList on result when done. */ struct slPair *sqlQuickPairList(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *query); /* Return a list of slPairs with the results of a two-column query. * Free result with slPairFreeValsAndList. */ void sqlRenameTable(struct sqlConnection *sc, char *table1, char *table2); /* Rename table */ void sqlCopyTable(struct sqlConnection *sc, char *table1, char *table2); /* Copy table1 to table2 */ void sqlDropTable(struct sqlConnection *sc, char *table); /* Drop table if it exists. */ void sqlGetLock(struct sqlConnection *sc, char *name); /* Sets an advisory lock on the process for 1000s returns 1 if successful,*/ /* 0 if name already locked or NULL if error occurred */ /* blocks another client from obtaining a lock with the same name */ void sqlReleaseLock(struct sqlConnection *sc, char *name); /* Releases an advisory lock created by GET_LOCK in sqlGetLock */ void sqlHardLockTables(struct sqlConnection *sc, struct slName *tableList, boolean isWrite); /* Hard lock given table list. Unlock with sqlHardUnlockAll. */ void sqlHardLockTable(struct sqlConnection *sc, char *table, boolean isWrite); /* Lock a single table. Unlock with sqlHardUnlockAll. */ void sqlHardLockAll(struct sqlConnection *sc, boolean isWrite); /* Lock all tables in current database. Unlock with sqlHardUnlockAll. */ void sqlHardUnlockAll(struct sqlConnection *sc); /* Unlock any hard locked tables. */ boolean sqlMaybeMakeTable(struct sqlConnection *sc, char *table, char *query); /* Create table from query if it doesn't exist already. * Returns FALSE if didn't make table. */ void sqlRemakeTable(struct sqlConnection *sc, char *table, char *create); /* Drop table if it exists, and recreate it. */ char **sqlNextRow(struct sqlResult *sr); /* Fetch next row from result. If you need to save these strings * past the next call to sqlNextRow you must copy them elsewhere. * It is ok to write to the strings - replacing tabs with zeroes * for instance. You can call this with a NULL sqlResult. It * will then return a NULL row. */ char* sqlFieldName(struct sqlResult *sr); /* Repeated calls to this function returns the names of the fields * the given result. */ struct slName *sqlResultFieldList(struct sqlResult *sr); /* Return slName list of all fields in query. Can just be done once per query. */ int sqlResultFieldArray(struct sqlResult *sr, char ***retArray); /* Get the fields of sqlResult, returning count, and the results * themselves in *retArray. */ int sqlFieldColumn(struct sqlResult *sr, char *colName); /* get the column number of the specified field in the result, or * -1 if the result doesn't contailed the field.*/ int sqlTableSize(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *table); /* Find number of rows in table. */ int sqlFieldIndex(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *table, char *field); /* Returns index of field in a row from table, or -1 if it * doesn't exist. */ struct slName *sqlFieldNames(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *table); /* Returns field names from a table. */ unsigned int sqlLastAutoId(struct sqlConnection *conn); /* Return last automatically incremented id inserted into database. */ void sqlVaWarn(struct sqlConnection *sc, char *format, va_list args); /* Error message handler. */ void sqlWarn(struct sqlConnection *sc, char *format, ...); /* Printf formatted error message that adds on sql * error message. */ void sqlAbort(struct sqlConnection *sc, char *format, ...); /* Printf formatted error message that adds on sql * error message and abort. */ void sqlCleanupAll(void); /* Cleanup all open connections and resources. */ boolean sqlWildcardIn(char *s); /* Return TRUE if there is a sql wildcard char in string. */ char *sqlLikeFromWild(char *wild); /* Convert normal wildcard string to SQL wildcard by * mapping * to % and ? to _. Escape any existing % and _'s. */ /* flags controlling mysql tracing and time logging */ #define JKSQL_TRACE 0x01 /* enable tracing of each mysql query to stderr */ #define JKSQL_PROF 0x02 /* record time spend in database queries, * and dump at exit. */ void sqlMonitorEnable(unsigned flags); /* Enable disable tracing or profiling of SQL queries. * If JKSQL_TRACE is specified, then tracing of each SQL query is enabled, * along with the timing of the queries. * If JKSQL_PROF is specified, then time spent in SQL queries is logged * and printed when the program exits or when sqlMonitorDisable is called. * * These options can also be enabled by setting the JKSQL_TRACE and/or * JKSQL_PROF environment variables to "on". The cheapcgi module will set * these environment variables if the corresponding CGI variables are set * to "on". These may also be set in the .hg.conf file. While this method * of setting these parameters is a bit of a hack, it avoids uncessary * dependencies. */ void sqlMonitorSetIndent(unsigned indent); /* set the sql indent level indent to the number of spaces to indent each * trace, which can be helpful in making voluminous trace info almost * readable. */ void sqlMonitorDisable(void); /* Disable tracing or profiling of SQL queries. */ long sqlDateToUnixTime(char *sqlDate); /* Convert a SQL date such as "2003-12-09 11:18:43" to clock time * (seconds since midnight 1/1/1970 in UNIX). */ char *sqlUnixTimeToDate(time_t *timep, boolean gmTime); /* Convert a clock time (seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 unix epoch) * to the string: "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS" * returned string is malloced, can be freed after use * boolean gmTime requests GMT time instead of local time */ char *sqlTableUpdate(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *table); /* Get last update time for table as an SQL string */ time_t sqlTableUpdateTime(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *table); /* Get last update time for table (in Unix terms). */ char *sqlGetPrimaryKey(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *table); /* Get primary key if any for table, return NULL if none. */ char** sqlGetEnumDef(struct sqlConnection *conn, char* table, char* colName); /* Get the definitions of a enum column in a table, returning a * null-terminated array of enum values. Free array when finished. */ struct slName *sqlRandomSample(char *db, char *table, char *field, int count); /* Get random sample from database. */ struct slName *sqlRandomSampleConn(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *table, char *field, int count); /* Get random sample from conn. */ struct slName *sqlRandomSampleWithSeed(char *db, char *table, char *field, int count, int seed); /* Get random sample from database specifiying rand number seed, or -1 for none */ +bool sqlCanCreateTemp(struct sqlConnection *conn); +/* Return True if it looks like we can write into temp tables in the current database + * Can be used to check if sqlRandomSampleWithSeed-functions are safe to call. + * */ struct sqlFieldInfo /* information about fields of a table; free with sqlFieldInfoFreeList */ { struct sqlFieldInfo *next; char *field; /* name of field */ char *type; /* type of field */ boolean allowsNull; /* can the field be NULL? */ char *key; /* key information */ char *defaultVal; /* default value */ char *extra; /* extra info */ }; struct sqlFieldInfo *sqlFieldInfoGet(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *table); /* get a list of objects describing the fields of a table */ void sqlFieldInfoFreeList(struct sqlFieldInfo **fiListPtr); /* Free a list of sqlFieldInfo objects */ enum sqlQueryOpts /* options controls behavior of sqlQueryObj */ { sqlQueryMust = 0x01, /* must get a row back, or error */ sqlQuerySingle = 0x02, /* must get no more than one row back */ sqlQueryMulti = 0x04 /* can get more than one row back */ }; /* type of function for loading objects from rows. */ typedef struct slList *(*sqlLoadFunc)(char **row); void *sqlVaQueryObjs(struct sqlConnection *conn, sqlLoadFunc loadFunc, unsigned opts, char *queryFmt, va_list args); /* Generate a query from format and args. Load one or more objects from rows * using loadFunc. Check the number of rows returned against the sqlQueryOpts * bit set. Designed for use with autoSql, although load function must be * cast to sqlLoadFunc. */ void *sqlQueryObjs(struct sqlConnection *conn, sqlLoadFunc loadFunc, unsigned opts, char *queryFmt, ...) /* Generate a query from format and args. Load one or more objects from rows * using loadFunc. Check the number of rows returned against the sqlQueryOpts * bit set. Designed for use with autoSql, although load function must be * cast to sqlLoadFunc. */ #if defined(__GNUC__) __attribute__((format(printf, 4, 5))) #endif ; int sqlSaveQuery(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *query, char *outPath, boolean isFa); /* Execute query, save the resultset as a tab-separated file. * If isFa is true, than assume it is a two column fasta query and format accordingly. * Return count of rows in result set. Abort on error. */ char *sqlVersion(struct sqlConnection *conn); /* Return version of MySQL database. This will be something * of the form 5.0.18-standard. */ int sqlMajorVersion(struct sqlConnection *conn); /* Return major version of database. */ int sqlMinorVersion(struct sqlConnection *conn); /* Return minor version of database. */ char *sqlTempTableName(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *prefix); /* Return a name for a temporary table. Name will start with * prefix. This call doesn't actually make table. (So you should * make table before next call to insure uniqueness.) However the * table name encorperates the host, pid, and time, which helps insure * uniqueness between different processes at least. FreeMem the result * when you are done. */ void sqlSetParanoid(boolean beParanoid); /* If set to TRUE, will make more diagnostic stderr messages. */ boolean sqlIsRemote(struct sqlConnection *conn); /* test if the conn appears to be to a remote system. * Current only tests for a TCP/IP connection */ void sqlWarnings(struct sqlConnection *conn, int numberOfWarnings); /* Show the number of warnings requested. New feature in mysql5. */ void sqlDump(FILE *fh); /* dump internal info about SQL configuration for debugging purposes */ void sqlPrintStats(FILE *fh); /* print statistic about the number of connections and other options done by * this process. */ struct sqlResult *sqlStoreResult(struct sqlConnection *sc, char *query); /* Returns NULL if result was empty. Otherwise returns a structure * that you can do sqlRow() on. Same interface as sqlGetResult, * but internally this keeps the entire result in memory. */ /* --------- input checks to prevent sql injection --------------------------------------- */ #define sqlCkIl sqlCheckIdentifiersList char *sqlCheckIdentifiersList(char *identifiers); /* Check that only valid identifier characters are used in a comma-separated list */ #define sqlCkId sqlCheckIdentifier char *sqlCheckIdentifier(char *identifier); /* Check that only valid identifier characters are used */ // ============================= int vaSqlSafefNoAbort(char* buffer, int bufSize, boolean newString, char *format, va_list args); /* VarArgs Format string to buffer, vsprintf style, only with buffer overflow * checking. The resulting string is always terminated with zero byte. * Scans string parameters for illegal sql chars. * Automatically escapes quoted string values. * This function should be efficient on statements with many strings to be escaped. */ int vaSqlSafef(char* buffer, int bufSize, char *format, va_list args); /* VarArgs Format string to buffer, vsprintf style, only with buffer overflow * checking. The resulting string is always terminated with zero byte. * Scans unquoted string parameters for illegal literal sql chars. * Escapes quoted string parameters. * NOSLQINJ tag is added to beginning. */ int sqlSafef(char* buffer, int bufSize, char *format, ...) /* Format string to buffer, vsprintf style, only with buffer overflow * checking. The resulting string is always terminated with zero byte. * Scans unquoted string parameters for illegal literal sql chars. * Escapes quoted string parameters. * NOSLQINJ tag is added to beginning. */ #ifdef __GNUC__ __attribute__((format(printf, 3, 4))) #endif ; int vaSqlSafefFrag(char* buffer, int bufSize, char *format, va_list args); /* VarArgs Format string to buffer, vsprintf style, only with buffer overflow * checking. The resulting string is always terminated with zero byte. * Scans unquoted string parameters for illegal literal sql chars. * Escapes quoted string parameters. * NOSLQINJ tag is NOT added to beginning since it is assumed to be just a fragment of * the entire sql string. */ int sqlSafefFrag(char* buffer, int bufSize, char *format, ...) /* Format string to buffer, vsprintf style, only with buffer overflow * checking. The resulting string is always terminated with zero byte. * Scans unquoted string parameters for illegal literal sql chars. * Escapes quoted string parameters. * NOSLQINJ tag is NOT added to beginning since it is assumed to be just a fragment of * the entire sql string. */ #ifdef __GNUC__ __attribute__((format(printf, 3, 4))) #endif ; void vaSqlDyStringPrintfExt(struct dyString *ds, boolean isFrag, char *format, va_list args); /* VarArgs Printf to end of dyString after scanning string parameters for illegal sql chars. * Strings inside quotes are automatically escaped. * NOSLQINJ tag is added to beginning if it is a new empty string and isFrag is FALSE. */ void vaSqlDyStringPrintf(struct dyString *ds, char *format, va_list args); /* Printf to end of dyString after scanning string parameters for illegal sql chars. * Strings inside quotes are automatically escaped. * NOSLQINJ tag is added to beginning if it is a new empty string. */ void sqlDyStringPrintf(struct dyString *ds, char *format, ...) /* Printf to end of dyString after scanning string parameters for illegal sql chars. * Strings inside quotes are automatically escaped. * NOSLQINJ tag is added to beginning if it is a new empty string. */ #ifdef __GNUC__ __attribute__((format(printf, 2, 3))) #endif ; void vaSqlDyStringPrintfFrag(struct dyString *ds, char *format, va_list args); /* VarArgs Printf to end of dyString after scanning string parameters for illegal sql chars. * Strings inside quotes are automatically escaped. * NOSLQINJ tag is NOT added to beginning since it is assumed to be just a fragment of * the entire sql string. */ void sqlDyStringPrintfFrag(struct dyString *ds, char *format, ...) /* Printf to end of dyString after scanning string parameters for illegal sql chars. * Strings inside quotes are automatically escaped. * NOSLQINJ tag is NOT added to beginning since it is assumed to be just a fragment of * the entire sql string. */ #ifdef __GNUC__ __attribute__((format(printf, 2, 3))) #endif ; void sqlDyStringAppend(struct dyString *ds, char *string); /* Append zero terminated string to end of dyString. * Adds the NOSQLINJ prefix if dy string is empty. */ struct dyString *sqlDyStringCreate(char *format, ...) /* Create a dyString with a printf style initial content * Adds the NOSQLINJ prefix. */ #ifdef __GNUC__ __attribute__((format(printf, 1, 2))) #endif ; void sqlCheckError(char *format, ...) /* A sql injection error has occurred. Check for settings and respond * as appropriate with error, warning, logOnly, ignore, dumpstack. * Then abort if needed. NOTE: unless it aborts, this function will return! */ #ifdef __GNUC__ __attribute__((format(printf, 1, 2))) #endif ; struct sqlConnection *sqlFailoverConn(struct sqlConnection *sc); /* returns the failover connection of a connection or NULL. * (Needed because the sqlConnection is not in the .h file) */ #endif /* JKSQL_H */