  Mon Mar 16 11:22:46 2015 -0700
Renaming hgAi to hgIntegrator by popular demand.

diff --git src/hg/hgAi/hgAi.c src/hg/hgAi/hgAi.c
deleted file mode 100644
index c3a4533..0000000
--- src/hg/hgAi/hgAi.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,330 +0,0 @@
-/* hgAi - bootstrapper / back end for the Annotation Integrator user interface
- * This CGI has three modes of operation:
- *  - HTML output for minimal main page with a <div> container to be filled in by javascript
- *    (default, in the absence of special CGI params)
- *  - JSON responses to ajax requests from javascript (using hg/lib/cartJson.c)
- *    (if CGI param CARTJSON_COMMAND exists)
- *  - text output for annoGrator queries on track data
- *    (if CGI param DO_QUERY exists)
- * The UI view top level is in ../js/react/hgAi/hgAi.jsx
- * The UI model top level is in ../js/model/hgAi/hgAiModel.js
- */
-#include "common.h"
-#include "cart.h"
-#include "cartJson.h"
-#include "cartTrackDb.h"
-#include "cheapcgi.h"
-#include "hAnno.h"
-#include "hCommon.h"
-#include "hdb.h"
-#include "hgColors.h"
-#include "hui.h"
-#include "jsonParse.h"
-#include "textOut.h"
-#include "trackHub.h"
-#include "web.h"
-#include "annoFormatTab.h"
-#include "annoGratorQuery.h"
-/* Global Variables */
-struct cart *cart = NULL;             /* CGI and other variables */
-#define QUERY_SPEC "hgai_querySpec"
-#define DO_QUERY "hgai_doQuery"
-//#*** duplicated from hgVai... put in some anno*.h?
-#define NO_MAXROWS 0
-static void makeTrackLabel(struct trackDb *tdb, char *table, char *label, size_t labelSize)
-/* Write tdb->shortLabel into label if table is the same as tdb->track; otherwise, write shortLabel
- * followed by table name in parens. */
-if (sameString(table, tdb->track))
-    safecpy(label, labelSize, tdb->shortLabel);
-    safef(label, labelSize, "%s (%s)", tdb->shortLabel, table);
-static void getFields(struct cartJson *cj, struct hash *paramHash)
-/* Print out the fields of the tables in comma-sep tables param. */
-char *tableStr = cartJsonRequiredParam(paramHash, "tables", cj->jw, "getFields");
-if (! tableStr)
-    return;
-char *db = cartString(cart, "db");
-struct slName *table, *tables = slNameListFromComma(tableStr);
-jsonWriteObjectStart(cj->jw, "tableFields");
-struct trackDb *fullTrackList = NULL;
-struct grp *fullGroupList = NULL;
-cartTrackDbInit(cj->cart, &fullTrackList, &fullGroupList, /* useAccessControl= */TRUE);
-for (table = tables;  table != NULL;  table = table->next)
-    {
-    char *tableName = table->name;
-    if (startsWith("all_", tableName))
-        tableName += strlen("all_");
-    struct trackDb *tdb = tdbForTrack(NULL, tableName, &fullTrackList);
-    if (tdb)
-        {
-        struct asObject *asObj = hAnnoGetAutoSqlForTdb(db, hDefaultChrom(db), tdb);
-        if (asObj)
-            {
-            jsonWriteObjectStart(cj->jw, table->name);
-            char label[strlen(tdb->shortLabel) + strlen(table->name) + PATH_LEN];
-            makeTrackLabel(tdb, table->name, label, sizeof(label));
-            jsonWriteString(cj->jw, "label", label);
-            jsonWriteListStart(cj->jw, "fields");
-            struct asColumn *col;
-            for (col = asObj->columnList;  col != NULL;  col = col->next)
-                jsonWriteString(cj->jw, NULL, col->name);
-            jsonWriteListEnd(cj->jw);
-            jsonWriteObjectEnd(cj->jw);
-            }
-        }
-    else
-        warn("No tdb for %s", table->name);
-    }
-void doCartJson()
-/* Perform UI commands to update the cart and/or retrieve cart vars & metadata. */
-// When cart is brand new, we need to set db in the cart because several cartJson functions
-// require it to be there.
-if (! cartOptionalString(cart, "db"))
-    cartSetString(cart, "db", hDefaultDb());
-struct cartJson *cj = cartJsonNew(cart);
-cartJsonRegisterHandler(cj, "getFields", getFields);
-static struct pipeline *configTextOut(struct jsonElement *queryObj, int *pSavedStdout)
-// Set up a textOut pipeline according to output file options in queryObj.
-char *fileName = "";
-char *compressType = textOutCompressNone;
-struct jsonElement *outFileOptions = jsonFindNamedField(queryObj, QUERY_SPEC, "outFileOptions");
-if (outFileOptions)
-    {
-    boolean doFile = jsonOptionalBooleanField(outFileOptions, "doFile", FALSE);
-    if (doFile)
-        {
-        fileName = jsonOptionalStringField(outFileOptions, "fileName", "hgAiResults");
-        boolean doGzip = jsonOptionalBooleanField(outFileOptions, "doGzip", FALSE);
-        if (doGzip)
-            compressType = textOutCompressGzip;
-        }
-    }
-return textOutInit(fileName, compressType, pSavedStdout);
-static struct annoFormatter *makeTabFormatter(struct jsonElement *queryObj)
-// Create and configure an annoFormatter subclass as specified by queryObj.
-struct annoFormatter *tabOut = annoFormatTabNew("stdout");
-// Look for fields that have been deselected by the user
-struct jsonElement *outFileOptions = jsonFindNamedField(queryObj, QUERY_SPEC, "outFileOptions");
-if (outFileOptions)
-    {
-    struct jsonElement *tableFieldsObj = jsonFindNamedField(outFileOptions, "outFileOptions",
-                                                            "tableFields");
-    if (tableFieldsObj)
-        {
-        struct hash *tableFields = jsonObjectVal(tableFieldsObj, "tableFields");
-        // Iterate over names which are tables which had better end up being annoStreamer names...
-        //#*** Hmmm, annoStreamer uses complete file path for big and we don't have that info
-        //#*** here.  Better find a way to pass in names to streamers for consistency!
-        struct hashEl *hel;
-        struct hashCookie cookie = hashFirst(tableFields);
-        while ((hel = hashNext(&cookie)) != NULL)
-            {
-            char *sourceName = hel->name;
-            struct jsonElement *tableObj = hel->val;
-            struct hash *fieldVals = jsonObjectVal(tableObj, sourceName);
-            // Now iterate over field/column names to see which ones are explicitly deselected:
-            struct hashEl *innerHel;
-            struct hashCookie innerCookie = hashFirst(fieldVals);
-            while ((innerHel = hashNext(&innerCookie)) != NULL)
-                {
-                char *colName = innerHel->name;
-                struct jsonElement *enabledEl = innerHel->val;
-                boolean enabled = jsonBooleanVal(enabledEl, colName);
-                if (! enabled)
-                    annoFormatTabSetColumnVis(tabOut, sourceName, colName, enabled);
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-return tabOut;
-void doQuery()
-/* Execute a query that has been built up by the UI. */
-// Make sure we have either genome-wide search or a valid position
-char *db = cartString(cart, "db");
-char *chrom = NULL;
-uint start = 0, end = 0;
-char *regionType = cartUsualString(cart, "hgai_range", "position");
-if (sameString(regionType, "position"))
-    {
-    char *position = cartUsualString(cart, "position", hDefaultPos(db));
-    if (! parsePosition(position, &chrom, &start, &end))
-        errAbort("doQuery: Expected position to be chrom:start-end but got '%s'", position);
-    }
-struct annoAssembly *assembly = hAnnoGetAssembly(db);
-// Decode and parse CGI-encoded querySpec.
-char *querySpec = cartString(cart, QUERY_SPEC);
-int len = strlen(querySpec);
-char querySpecDecoded[len+1];
-cgiDecodeFull(querySpec, querySpecDecoded, len);
-struct jsonElement *queryObj = jsonParse(querySpecDecoded);
-// Set up output.
-int savedStdout = -1;
-struct pipeline *textOutPipe = configTextOut(queryObj, &savedStdout);
-// Build annoGrator query.
-struct slRef *dataSources = jsonListVal(jsonFindNamedField(queryObj, "queryObj", "dataSources"),
-                                        "dataSources");
-struct grp *fullGroupList = NULL;
-struct trackDb *fullTrackList = NULL;
-cartTrackDbInit(cart, &fullTrackList, &fullGroupList, TRUE);
-struct annoStreamer *primary = NULL;
-struct annoGrator *gratorList = NULL;
-struct slRef *dsRef;
-int i;
-for (i = 0, dsRef = dataSources;  dsRef != NULL;  i++, dsRef = dsRef->next)
-    {
-    struct jsonElement *dsObj = dsRef->val;
-    struct slRef *trackPath = jsonListVal(jsonMustFindNamedField(dsObj, "dataSource", "trackPath"),
-                                          "trackPath");
-    // The first item in trackPath is group.  The second is track (or composite):
-    struct jsonElement *trackEl = (struct jsonElement *)(trackPath->next->val);
-    // and the last item in trackPath is track or leaf subtrack.
-    struct slRef *leafRef = slLastEl(trackPath);
-    struct jsonElement *leafEl = (struct jsonElement *)(leafRef->val);
-    char *leafTrack = jsonStringVal(leafEl, "leaf");
-    char *track = jsonStringVal(trackEl, "track");
-    struct trackDb *tdb = tdbForTrack(db, leafTrack, &fullTrackList);
-    if (!tdb)
-        tdb = tdbForTrack(db, track, &fullTrackList);
-    if (!tdb)
-        errAbort("doQuery: no tdb for track %s, leaf %s", track, leafTrack);
-    char *table = tdb->table;
-    if (i == 0)
-        {
-        primary = hAnnoStreamerFromTrackDb(assembly, table, tdb, chrom, NO_MAXROWS);
-        annoStreamerSetName(primary, table);
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        struct annoGrator *grator = hAnnoGratorFromTrackDb(assembly, table, tdb, chrom,
-                                                           NO_MAXROWS, NULL, agoNoConstraint);
-        if (grator)
-            {
-            annoStreamerSetName((struct annoStreamer *)grator, table);
-            slAddHead(&gratorList, grator);
-            }
-        else
-            errAbort("doQuery: no grator for track %s, table %s", track, table);
-        }
-    }
-// Make an annoFormatter to print output.
-// For now, tab-separated output is it.
-struct annoFormatter *formatter = makeTabFormatter(queryObj);
-// Set up and execute query.
-struct annoGratorQuery *query = annoGratorQueryNew(assembly, primary, gratorList, formatter);
-if (chrom != NULL)
-    annoGratorQuerySetRegion(query, chrom, start, end);
-textOutClose(&textOutPipe, &savedStdout);
-void doMainPage()
-/* Send HTML with javascript to bootstrap the user interface. */
-char *db = cartUsualString(cart, "db", hDefaultDb());
-webStartWrapperDetailedNoArgs(cart, trackHubSkipHubName(db),
-                              "", "Annotation Integrator",
-                              TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE);
-// Ideally these would go in the <HEAD>
-puts("<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"//code.jquery.com/ui/1.10.3/themes/smoothness/jquery-ui.css\">");
-puts("<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"//netdna.bootstrapcdn.com/font-awesome/4.0.3/css/font-awesome.css\">");
-puts("<div id=\"appContainer\">Loading...</div>");
-// Set a global JS variable hgsid.
-// Plain old "var ..." doesn't work (other scripts can't see it), it has to belong to window.
-printf("<script>window.%s='%s';</script>\n", cartSessionVarName(), cartSessionId(cart));
-// We need a package manager and require-handling system... bower and browserify?
-puts("<script src=\"../js/es5-shim.4.0.3.min.js\"></script>");
-puts("<script src=\"../js/es5-sham.4.0.3.min.js\"></script>");
-puts("<script src=\"../js/lodash.3.3.1.compat.min.js\"></script>");
-puts("<script src=\"//code.jquery.com/jquery-1.9.1.min.js\"></script>");
-puts("<script src=\"//code.jquery.com/ui/1.10.3/jquery-ui.min.js\"></script>");
-puts("<script src=\"//fb.me/react-with-addons-0.12.2.min.js\"></script>");
-puts("<script src=\"../js/immutable.3.2.1.min.js\"></script>");
-puts("<script src=\"../js/BackboneExtend.js\"></script>");
-puts("<script src=\"../js/cart.js\"></script>");
-puts("<script src=\"../js/ImModel.js\"></script>");
-puts("<script src=\"../js/CladeOrgDbMixin.js\"></script>");
-puts("<script src=\"../js/PositionSearchMixin.js\"></script>");
-puts("<script src=\"../js/PathUpdate.js\"></script>");
-puts("<script src=\"../js/PathUpdateOptional.js\"></script>");
-puts("<script src=\"../js/ImmutableUpdate.js\"></script>");
-puts("<script src=\"../js/reactLibBundle.js\"></script>");
-puts("<script src=\"../js/reactHgAi.js\"></script>");
-puts("<script src=\"../js/hgAiModel.js\"></script>");
-// Invisible form for submitting a query
-printf("\n<form action=\"%s\" method=%s id='queryForm'>\n",
-       hgAiName(), cartUsualString(cart, "formMethod", "GET"));
-cgiMakeHiddenVar(QUERY_SPEC, cartUsualString(cart, QUERY_SPEC, ""));
-cgiMakeHiddenVar(DO_QUERY, "go");
-// Invisible form for jumping to another CGI
-printf("\n<form method=%s id='jumpForm'>\n", cartUsualString(cart, "formMethod", "GET"));
-void doMiddle(struct cart *theCart)
-/* Depending on invocation, either perform a query and print out results,
- * serve up JSON for the UI, or display the main page. */
-cart = theCart;
-if (cgiOptionalString(CARTJSON_COMMAND))
-    doCartJson();
-else if (cgiOptionalString(DO_QUERY))
-    doQuery();
-    doMainPage();
-int main(int argc, char *argv[])
-/* Process CGI / command line. */
-/* Null terminated list of CGI Variables we don't want to save
- * permanently. */
-char *excludeVars[] = {DO_QUERY, CARTJSON_COMMAND, NULL,};
-struct hash *oldVars = NULL;
-cgiSpoof(&argc, argv);
-cartEmptyShellNoContent(doMiddle, hUserCookie(), excludeVars, oldVars);
-return 0;