  Sun Mar 8 13:04:36 2015 -0700
Adding a watermark (grayed out text to serve as mini-instructions in a text input control) from a jquery library that's better about not submitting the watermark than the older jquery.watermarkinput.gs.

diff --git src/hg/js/jquery.watermark.js src/hg/js/jquery.watermark.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..683a44a
--- /dev/null
+++ src/hg/js/jquery.watermark.js
@@ -0,0 +1,625 @@

+	Watermark plugin for jQuery

+	Version: 3.2.0

+	http://jquery-watermark.googlecode.com/


+	Copyright (c) 2009-2014 Todd Northrop

+	http://www.speednet.biz/


+	August 16, 2014


+	Requires:  jQuery 1.2.3+


+	Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.

+	See mit-license.txt and gpl2-license.txt in the project root for details.



+( function ( $, window, undefined ) {



+	// String constants for data names

+	dataFlag = "watermark",

+	dataClass = "watermarkClass",

+	dataFocus = "watermarkFocus",

+	dataFormSubmit = "watermarkSubmit",

+	dataMaxLen = "watermarkMaxLength",

+	dataPassword = "watermarkPassword",

+	dataText = "watermarkText",


+	// Copy of native jQuery regex use to strip return characters from element value

+	rreturn = /\r/g,


+	// Used to determine if type attribute of input element is a non-text type (invalid)

+	rInvalidType = /^(button|checkbox|hidden|image|radio|range|reset|submit)$/i,


+	// Includes only elements with watermark defined

+	selWatermarkDefined = "input:data(" + dataFlag + "),textarea:data(" + dataFlag + ")",


+	// Includes only elements capable of having watermark

+	selWatermarkAble = ":watermarkable",


+	// triggerFns:

+	// Array of function names to look for in the global namespace.

+	// Any such functions found will be hijacked to trigger a call to

+	// hideAll() any time they are called.  The default value is the

+	// ASP.NET function that validates the controls on the page

+	// prior to a postback.

+	// 

+	// Am I missing other important trigger function(s) to look for?

+	// Please leave me feedback:

+	// http://code.google.com/p/jquery-watermark/issues/list

+	triggerFns = [

+		"Page_ClientValidate"

+	],


+	// Holds a value of true if a watermark was displayed since the last

+	// hideAll() was executed. Avoids repeatedly calling hideAll().

+	pageDirty = false,


+	// Detects if the browser can handle native placeholders

+	hasNativePlaceholder = ( "placeholder" in document.createElement( "input" ) );


+// Best practice: this plugin adds only one method to the jQuery object.

+// Also ensures that the watermark code is only added once.

+$.watermark = $.watermark || {


+	// Current version number of the plugin

+	version: "3.2.0",


+	runOnce: true,


+	// Default options used when watermarks are instantiated.

+	// Can be changed to affect the default behavior for all

+	// new or updated watermarks.

+	options: {


+		// Default class name for all watermarks

+		className: "watermark",


+		// The default functionality is to clear the watermarks only from

+		// the form being submitted.  Changing this option to true will

+		// clear the watermarks from all forms on the page regardless

+		// of which form is submitted.

+		clearAllFormsOnSubmit: false,


+		// If true, all watermarks will be hidden during the window's

+		// beforeunload event. This is done mainly because WebKit

+		// browsers remember the watermark text during navigation

+		// and try to restore the watermark text after the user clicks

+		// the Back button. We can avoid this by hiding the text before

+		// the browser has a chance to save it. The regular unload event

+		// was tried, but it seems the browser saves the text before

+		// that event kicks off, because it didn't work.

+		hideBeforeUnload: true,


+		// Set to the name of an attribute in order to automatically

+		// use the attribute's content as the watermark text.  For

+		// example, set to "placeholder" to automatically use the

+		// placeholder attribute content as the watermark text.

+		// If the attribute specified does not have a value or is empty

+		// no watermark will be set.  If textAttr is set to "placeholder"

+		// and useNative is set to true, it has the effect of simply

+		// adding support for the placeholder attribute to old browsers.

+		textAttr: "",


+		// If true, plugin will detect and use native browser support for

+		// watermarks, if available. (i.e., placeholder attribute.)

+		useNative: true

+	},


+	// Hide one or more watermarks by specifying any selector type

+	// i.e., DOM element, string selector, jQuery matched set, etc.

+	hide: function ( selector ) {

+		$( selector ).filter( selWatermarkDefined ).each(

+			function () {

+				$.watermark._hide( $( this ) );

+			}

+		);

+	},


+	// Internal use only.

+	_hide: function ( $input, focus ) {

+		var elem = $input[ 0 ],

+			inputVal = ( elem.value || "" ).replace( rreturn, "" ),

+			inputWm = $input.data( dataText ) || "",

+			maxLen = $input.data( dataMaxLen ) || 0,

+			className = $input.data( dataClass );


+		if ( ( inputWm.length ) && ( inputVal == inputWm ) ) {

+			elem.value = "";


+			// Password type?

+			if ( $input.data( dataPassword ) ) {


+				if ( ( $input.attr( "type" ) || "" ) === "text" ) {

+					var $pwd = $input.data( dataPassword ) || [], 

+						$wrap = $input.parent() || [];


+					if ( ( $pwd.length ) && ( $wrap.length ) ) {

+						$wrap[ 0 ].removeChild( $input[ 0 ] ); // Can't use jQuery methods, because they destroy data

+						$wrap[ 0 ].appendChild( $pwd[ 0 ] );

+						$input = $pwd;

+					}

+				}

+			}


+			if ( maxLen ) {

+				$input.attr( "maxLength", maxLen );

+				$input.removeData( dataMaxLen );

+			}


+			if ( focus ) {

+				$input.attr( "autocomplete", "off" );  // Avoid NS_ERROR_XPC_JS_THREW_STRING error in Firefox


+				window.setTimeout(

+					function () {

+						$input.select();  // Fix missing cursor in IE

+					}

+				, 1 );

+			}

+		}


+		className && $input.removeClass( className );

+	},


+	// Display one or more watermarks by specifying any selector type

+	// i.e., DOM element, string selector, jQuery matched set, etc.

+	// If conditions are not right for displaying a watermark, ensures that watermark is not shown.

+	show: function ( selector ) {

+		$( selector ).filter( selWatermarkDefined ).each(

+			function () {

+				$.watermark._show( $( this ) );

+			}

+		);

+	},


+	// Internal use only.

+	_show: function ( $input ) {

+		var elem = $input[ 0 ],

+			val = ( elem.value || "" ).replace( rreturn, "" ),

+			text = $input.data( dataText ) || "",

+			type = $input.attr( "type" ) || "",

+			className = $input.data( dataClass );


+		if ( ( ( val.length == 0 ) || ( val == text ) ) && ( !$input.data( dataFocus ) ) ) {

+			pageDirty = true;


+			// Password type?

+			if ( $input.data( dataPassword ) ) {


+				if ( type === "password" ) {

+					var $pwd = $input.data( dataPassword ) || [],

+						$wrap = $input.parent() || [];


+					if ( ( $pwd.length ) && ( $wrap.length ) ) {

+						$wrap[ 0 ].removeChild( $input[ 0 ] ); // Can't use jQuery methods, because they destroy data

+						$wrap[ 0 ].appendChild( $pwd[ 0 ] );

+						$input = $pwd;

+						$input.attr( "maxLength", text.length );

+						elem = $input[ 0 ];

+					}

+				}

+			}


+			// Ensure maxLength big enough to hold watermark (input of type="text" or type="search" only)

+			if ( ( type === "text" ) || ( type === "search" ) ) {

+				var maxLen = $input.attr( "maxLength" ) || 0;


+				if ( ( maxLen > 0 ) && ( text.length > maxLen ) ) {

+					$input.data( dataMaxLen, maxLen );

+					$input.attr( "maxLength", text.length );

+				}

+			}


+			className && $input.addClass( className );

+			elem.value = text;

+		}

+		else {

+			$.watermark._hide( $input );

+		}

+	},


+	// Hides all watermarks on the current page.

+	// scope argument is optional; used by the submit handler to only

+	// clear watermarks in the submitted form.

+	hideAll: function ( scope ) {

+		if ( pageDirty ) {

+			$.watermark.hide( $( selWatermarkAble, scope ) );

+			pageDirty = false;

+		}

+	},


+	// Displays all watermarks on the current page.

+	showAll: function () {

+		$.watermark.show( selWatermarkAble );

+	}



+$.fn.watermark = $.fn.watermark || function ( text, options ) {

+	///	<summary>

+	///		Set watermark text and class name on all input elements of type="text/password/search" and

+	/// 	textareas within the matched set. If className is not specified in options, the default is

+	/// 	"watermark". Within the matched set, only input elements with type="text/password/search"

+	/// 	and textareas are affected; all other elements are ignored.

+	///	</summary>

+	///	<returns type="jQuery">

+	///		Returns the original jQuery matched set (not just the input and texarea elements).

+	/// </returns>

+	///	<param name="text" type="String">

+	///		Text to display as a watermark when the input or textarea element has an empty value and does not

+	/// 	have focus. The first time watermark() is called on an element, if this argument is empty (or not

+	/// 	a String type), then the watermark will have the net effect of only changing the class name when

+	/// 	the input or textarea element's value is empty and it does not have focus.

+	///	</param>

+	///	<param name="options" type="Object" optional="true">

+	///		Provides the ability to override the default watermark options ($.watermark.options). For backward

+	/// 	compatibility, if a string value is supplied, it is used as the class name that overrides the class

+	/// 	name in $.watermark.options.className. Properties include:

+	/// 		className: When the watermark is visible, the element will be styled using this class name.

+	/// 		useNative (Boolean or Function): Specifies if native browser support for watermarks will supersede

+	/// 			plugin functionality. If useNative is a function, the return value from the function will

+	/// 			determine if native support is used. The function is passed one argument -- a jQuery object

+	/// 			containing the element being tested as the only element in its matched set -- and the DOM

+	/// 			element being tested is the object on which the function is invoked (the value of "this").

+	///	</param>

+	/// <remarks>

+	///		The effect of changing the text and class name on an input element is called a watermark because

+	///		typically light gray text is used to provide a hint as to what type of input is required. However,

+	///		the appearance of the watermark can be something completely different: simply change the CSS style

+	///		pertaining to the supplied class name.

+	///		

+	///		The first time watermark() is called on an element, the watermark text and class name are initialized,

+	///		and the focus and blur events are hooked in order to control the display of the watermark.  Also, as

+	/// 	of version 3.0, drag and drop events are hooked to guard against dropped text being appended to the

+	/// 	watermark.  If native watermark support is provided by the browser, it is detected and used, unless

+	/// 	the useNative option is set to false.

+	///		

+	///		Subsequently, watermark() can be called again on an element in order to change the watermark text

+	///		and/or class name, and it can also be called without any arguments in order to refresh the display.

+	///		

+	///		For example, after changing the value of the input or textarea element programmatically, watermark()

+	/// 	should be called without any arguments to refresh the display, because the change event is only

+	/// 	triggered by user actions, not by programmatic changes to an input or textarea element's value.

+	/// 	

+	/// 	The one exception to programmatic updates is for password input elements:  you are strongly cautioned

+	/// 	against changing the value of a password input element programmatically (after the page loads).

+	/// 	The reason is that some fairly hairy code is required behind the scenes to make the watermarks bypass

+	/// 	IE security and switch back and forth between clear text (for watermarks) and obscured text (for

+	/// 	passwords).  It is *possible* to make programmatic changes, but it must be done in a certain way, and

+	/// 	overall it is not recommended.

+	/// </remarks>


+	if ( !this.length ) {

+		return this;

+	}


+	var hasClass = false,

+		hasText = ( typeof( text ) === "string" );


+	if ( hasText ) {

+		text = text.replace( rreturn, "" );

+	}


+	if ( typeof( options ) === "object" ) {

+		hasClass = ( typeof( options.className ) === "string" );

+		options = $.extend( {}, $.watermark.options, options );

+	}

+	else if ( typeof( options ) === "string" ) {

+		hasClass = true;

+		options = $.extend( {}, $.watermark.options, { className: options } );

+	}

+	else if ( typeof( text ) === "object" ) {

+		options = $.extend( {}, $.watermark.options, text );

+		text = "";

+	}

+	else {

+		options = $.watermark.options;

+	}


+	if ( typeof( options.useNative ) !== "function" ) {

+		options.useNative = options.useNative? function () { return true; } : function () { return false; };

+	}


+	return this.each(

+		function () {

+			var $input = $( this );


+			if ( !$input.is( selWatermarkAble ) ) {

+				return;

+			}


+			if ( options.textAttr ) {

+				text = ( $input.attr( options.textAttr ) || "" ).replace( rreturn, "" );

+				hasText = !!text;

+			}


+			// Watermark already initialized?

+			if ( $input.data( dataFlag ) ) {


+				// If re-defining text or class, first remove existing watermark, then make changes

+				if ( hasText || hasClass ) {

+					$.watermark._hide( $input );


+					if ( hasText ) {

+						$input.data( dataText, text );

+					}


+					if ( hasClass ) {

+						$input.data( dataClass, options.className );

+					}

+				}

+			}

+			else {


+				// Detect and use native browser support, if enabled in options

+				if (

+					( hasNativePlaceholder )

+					&& ( options.useNative.call( this, $input ) )

+					&& ( ( $input.attr( "tagName" ) || "" ) !== "TEXTAREA" )

+				) {

+					// className is not set because current placeholder standard doesn't

+					// have a separate class name property for placeholders (watermarks).

+					if ( ( hasText ) && ( options.textAttr !== "placeholder" ) ) {

+						$input.attr( "placeholder", text );

+					}


+					// Only set data flag for non-native watermarks

+					// [purposely commented-out] -> $input.data(dataFlag, 1);

+					return;

+				}


+				$input.data( dataText, hasText? text : "" );

+				$input.data( dataClass, options.className );

+				$input.data( dataFlag, 1 ); // Flag indicates watermark was initialized


+				// Special processing for password type

+				if ( ( $input.attr( "type" ) || "" ) === "password" ) {

+					var $wrap = $input.wrap( "<span>" ).parent(),

+						$wm = $( $wrap.html().replace( /type=["']?password["']?/i, 'type="text"' ) );


+					$wm.data( dataText, $input.data( dataText ) );

+					$wm.data( dataClass, $input.data( dataClass ) );

+					$wm.data( dataFlag, 1 );

+					$wm.attr( "maxLength", text.length );


+					$wm.focus(

+						function () {

+							$.watermark._hide( $wm, true );

+						}

+					).bind( "dragenter",

+						function () {

+							$.watermark._hide( $wm );

+						}

+					).bind( "dragend",

+						function () {

+							window.setTimeout( function () { $wm.blur(); }, 1 );

+						}

+					);


+					$input.blur(

+						function () {

+							$.watermark._show( $input );

+						}

+					).bind( "dragleave",

+						function () {

+							$.watermark._show( $input );

+						}

+					);


+					$wm.data( dataPassword, $input );

+					$input.data( dataPassword, $wm );

+				}

+				else {


+					$input.focus(

+						function () {

+							$input.data( dataFocus, 1 );

+							$.watermark._hide( $input, true );

+						}

+					).blur(

+						function () {

+							$input.data( dataFocus, 0 );

+							$.watermark._show( $input );

+						}

+					).bind( "dragenter",

+						function () {

+							$.watermark._hide( $input );

+						}

+					).bind( "dragleave",

+						function () {

+							$.watermark._show( $input );

+						}

+					).bind( "dragend",

+						function () {

+							window.setTimeout( function () { $.watermark._show($input); }, 1 );

+						}

+					).bind( "drop",

+						// Firefox makes this lovely function necessary because the dropped text

+						// is merged with the watermark before the drop event is called.

+						function ( evt ) {

+							var elem = $input[ 0 ],

+								dropText = evt.originalEvent.dataTransfer.getData( "Text" );


+							if ( ( elem.value || "" ).replace( rreturn, "" ).replace( dropText, "" ) === $input.data( dataText ) ) {

+								elem.value = dropText;

+							}


+							$input.focus();

+						}

+					);

+				}


+				// In order to reliably clear all watermarks before form submission,

+				// we need to replace the form's submit function with our own

+				// function.  Otherwise watermarks won't be cleared when the form

+				// is submitted programmatically.

+				if ( this.form ) {

+					var form = this.form,

+						$form = $( form );


+					if ( !$form.data( dataFormSubmit ) ) {

+						$form.submit( function () { return $.watermark.hideAll.apply( this, options.clearAllFormsOnSubmit? [] : [ form ] ); } );


+						// form.submit exists for all browsers except Google Chrome

+						// (see "else" below for explanation)

+						if ( form.submit ) {

+							$form.data( dataFormSubmit, form.submit );


+							form.submit = ( function ( f, $f ) {

+								return function () {

+									var nativeSubmit = $f.data( dataFormSubmit );


+									$.watermark.hideAll( options.clearAllFormsOnSubmit? null : f );


+									if ( nativeSubmit.apply ) {

+										nativeSubmit.apply( f, Array.prototype.slice.call( arguments ) );

+									}

+									else {

+										nativeSubmit();

+									}

+								};

+							})( form, $form );

+						}

+						else {

+							$form.data( dataFormSubmit, 1 );


+							// This strangeness is due to the fact that Google Chrome's

+							// form.submit function is not visible to JavaScript (identifies

+							// as "undefined").  I had to invent a solution here because hours

+							// of Googling (ironically) for an answer did not turn up anything

+							// useful.  Within my own form.submit function I delete the form's

+							// submit function, and then call the non-existent function --

+							// which, in the world of Google Chrome, still exists.

+							form.submit = ( function ( f ) {

+								return function () {

+									$.watermark.hideAll( options.clearAllFormsOnSubmit? null : f );

+									delete f.submit;

+									f.submit();

+								};

+							})( form );

+						}

+					}

+				}

+			}


+			$.watermark._show( $input );

+		}

+	);



+// The code included within the following if structure is guaranteed to only run once,

+// even if the watermark script file is included multiple times in the page.

+if ( $.watermark.runOnce ) {

+	$.watermark.runOnce = false;


+	$.extend( $.expr[ ":" ], {


+		// Extends jQuery with a custom selector - ":data(...)"

+		// :data(<name>)  Includes elements that have a specific name defined in the jQuery data

+		// collection. (Only the existence of the name is checked; the value is ignored.)

+		// A more sophisticated version of the :data() custom selector originally part of this plugin

+		// was removed for compatibility with jQuery UI. The original code can be found in the SVN

+		// source listing in the file, "jquery.data.js".

+		data: $.expr.createPseudo ?

+			$.expr.createPseudo( function( dataName ) {

+				return function( elem ) {

+					return !!$.data( elem, dataName );

+				};

+			}) :

+			// support: jQuery <1.8

+			function( elem, i, match ) {

+				return !!$.data( elem, match[ 3 ] );

+			},


+		// Extends jQuery with a custom selector - ":watermarkable"

+		// Includes elements that can be watermarked, including textareas and most input elements

+		// that accept text input.  It uses a "negative" test (i.e., testing for input types that DON'T

+		// work) because the HTML spec states that you can basically use any type, and if it doesn't

+		// recognize the type it will default to type=text.  So if we only looked for certain type attributes

+		// we would fail to recognize non-standard types, which are still valid and watermarkable.

+		watermarkable: function ( elem ) {

+			var type,

+				name = elem.nodeName;


+			if ( name === "TEXTAREA" ) {

+				return true;

+			}


+			if ( name !== "INPUT" ) {

+				return false;

+			}


+			type = elem.getAttribute( "type" );


+			return ( ( !type ) || ( !rInvalidType.test( type ) ) );

+		}

+	});


+	// Overloads the jQuery .val() function to return the underlying input value on

+	// watermarked input elements.  When .val() is being used to set values, this

+	// function ensures watermarks are properly set/removed after the values are set.

+	// Uses self-executing function to override the default jQuery function.

+	( function ( valOld ) {


+		$.fn.val = function () {

+			var args = Array.prototype.slice.call( arguments );


+			// Best practice: return immediately if empty matched set

+			if ( !this.length ) {

+				return args.length? this : undefined;

+			}


+			// If no args, then we're getting the value of the first element;

+			// else we're setting values for all elements in matched set

+			if ( !args.length ) {


+				// If element is watermarked, get the underlying value;

+				// else use native jQuery .val()

+				if ( this.data( dataFlag ) ) {

+					var v = ( this[ 0 ].value || "" ).replace( rreturn, "" );

+					return ( v === ( this.data( dataText ) || "" ) )? "" : v;

+				}

+				else {

+					return valOld.apply( this );

+				}

+			}

+			else {

+				valOld.apply( this, args );

+				$.watermark.show( this );

+				return this;

+			}

+		};


+	})( $.fn.val );


+	// Hijack any functions found in the triggerFns list

+	if ( triggerFns.length ) {


+		// Wait until DOM is ready before searching

+		$( function () {

+			var i, name, fn;


+			for ( i = triggerFns.length - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) {

+				name = triggerFns[ i ];

+				fn = window[ name ];


+				if ( typeof( fn ) === "function" ) {

+					window[ name ] = ( function ( origFn ) {

+						return function () {

+							$.watermark.hideAll();

+							return origFn.apply( null, Array.prototype.slice.call( arguments ) );

+						};

+					})( fn );

+				}

+			}

+		});

+	}


+	$( window ).bind( "beforeunload", function () {

+		if ( $.watermark.options.hideBeforeUnload ) {

+			$.watermark.hideAll();

+		}

+	});



+})( jQuery, window );